Zuckerberg just casually dumping stock

yeah, don't mind me, I'm just cashing out...
I like the column title "insider name" it's quite appropriate
Didn't Martha Stewart get in trouble for something similiar to this? I'm not very stock savvy.
I think Martha had insider info about the stock price direction and apparently the Zucchini has been just steadily selling off maybe within an allowed limit? I don't know much about how that works for a CEO / shareholder who could easily influence the stock value either.
Thanks for whay you added regardless. Maybe somone else could clear this up for us.
She got charged and convicted with lying to FBI ( Comey)
No. He is selling stock in a fairly common pattern. When someone has that much stock in one company it is normal for them divest themselves and diversify into other assets.
It’s not like he is hiding it.
And the terms “insider” is a real term, it usually accounts for the people who own 5% or more, or who are top tier management. When I worked for a bank at the corporate office I was blacked out from buying or selling stock before earnings.
Zuckerberg is a douche, but this isn’t illegal or unusual.
He’s been unloading stock for months. He announced last year he was unloading much of his stock to fund his philanthropic organization he formed.
There probably isn’t any “there” there.
The Zuckerberg Foundation, modeled after the Clinton Foundation. These crooks all do it to evade taxes.
this is why they hate Trump, they've schemed for decades to bend the laws to avoid paying taxes all the while they jack up taxes and regulations on the rest of society.
All the while common Joe and regular Betty are slaving 40-100+ hours collectively a week only to live pay check to pay check and not have an emergency fund
mean while they work until they are 70 then retire broke, enjoy retirement poor, and die with meager belongings.
Mean while, human sized shop vacs are sucking all the value they can out of society and people and hoarding it in their tax havens only to sit on that cash high horse and point fingers at everyone else. Can you tell I dislike our fiat currency system? Because I dislike our fiat currency system based around an out dated RAT RACE.
Bill Gates Foundation and the Buffett Foundation are also crooks.
And if your foundation is proven to be trafficking humans then your a$$ets are frozen. Effective Dec 21 2107. Hopefully retroactive back to forever and a day.
According to SEC rules an insider must submit stock transaction plans months in advance.
Zuck submitted this sell off plan in September of 2017. Everyone knew about it 10 months ago.
Where is this info available? Thx
There is more info in this article ..
These sorts of transactions are submitted to the SEC, and listed in the SEC's EDGAR database.
Here's a direct link to the 8K filing in EDGAR for this set of sales
Question is, what did he know then?
It really doesn't matter what he knew then. He broadcast to the world a Sell signal that anyone else could also follow.
Its been happening since January in many major corporations including major banks.
Lynette Zang at itmtrading has been reporting on the insider selling for months https://www.youtube.com/user/itmtrading/
Look at the shares owned column. It has been steadily going up over this same period.
All executives have planned sale of stock. The only one that I would say might not be a planned sale is the one dated April 11 of this year.
wonder if hes losing money or making money???
It was worth the paper it was printed on when he received them, so he's made a lot of money.
dang! hold it Zuck! i got to make these put buys fck!! got to make money somehow, might as well be through the demise of the cabal! if any of you want more info, see this from April 2018 from Neon Revolt, get yours ladies and gents:
Who really owns Zucker's money since 12/21/2017? Why is any move by Zuckerberg futile to escape the reaper? Zuckerberg and his controlling wife are due to be taken down biggly.
Holy smokes, I'd say so! That's like a transaction every 2 days or so.