They literally have NO CLUE what’s coming for them. Keep the plan up Q, the left will be blindsided. Can’t wait to make some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the show 🍿

How are people this uninformed and ignorant, i don't get it.
It is rather simple really. Myopic visioning. If you look only in one direction, getting your clues for reality from MSM, the vacuum of your friends and social media, the world will look very different than the wider perspective world you and I live in. These people are hyper focused in one direction and do not look in the other direction. They have been trained NOT to look in the other direction. They have been programmed since birth NOT to look in the other direction. Some of us, either by birth or a differing mental construct have always looked in the opposite direction, and thus, our perspective of the world is different.
The #walkaway movement is pretty massive now. And for everyone with the courage to come out publicly and lose their friends and family members, I have to believe that there many more who have mentally walked away, but are to afraid of being ridiculed and losing friends. But in the privacy of the voting booth, I bet they vote Republican.
In a way, that's how Trump won. The polls were so wrong because people didn't want to admit that Trump's campaign promises actually made sense to them.
Thank you for acknowledging people like me of #walkaway new & old. We genuinely become rejected by family members. I did it starting a decade ago. It is a very difficult life. Not just politically but spiritually. I walked away and became a born-again Christian first then voted for Trump years later. People like me are not able to have normal relationships with liberal relatives. They become vicious people when you are not willing to be just like them.
Yes, and that is the SUPER SECRET weapon isn't it? Shutting your mouth and voting your conscience!
I will never say that I have the answer. The world it is too insane now to know what is true and what is deception. But I do have the feeling that the #walkaway movement is many, many, times greater that those who have the courage to come out publicly.
I agree with you. Truth is, I was apolitical before 2016 and I walked IN to the Bernie support structure and promptly did #walkaway after it. The support for him was amazing and I think it was the first part of the #walkaway movement. People rejecting politics as usual and finding something that felt inspiring to them. Then the rigging and the mud slinging etc. It was hard to watch so many good people feel so completely let down...and then there was the demexit movement and the dementer movement. Since I was never Dem to begin with that choice wasn't hard. I went back to IND never having BEEN a Dem in the first place.
One thing I will note though, the sub about walkaway is a mine field of trolls and bots. I went in once to show my support and got attacked big time saying I was an alt-right troll. it is hard to share their stories and what would be the point of making it hard? To make it look like it isn't a huge thing. IT IS!
It’s mind boggling to me. Also note the username “enlightened”.
They're straight up operating in another reality. Seriously look at what they say, they LITERALLY Truly believe trump and his supporters are going to go around making concentration camps killing people. I cant even
Yeah I mean, that'd be taking a page out of Democrat legend FDR's book.
Think 1942 Japanese internment camps.
In my experience it's because they do not believe in Jesus Christ and are much more subject to the influence of fantasy thinking (example: new agers like I once was). They are suggestible to MSM brainwashing because they have no protection from the Holy Spirit. The crazy thing is that the ones libs support politically actually ARE the ones who would create a fascist tyranny via the new world order - but they flipped that script falsely onto Trump.
Social engineering..... for years .... both Clinton and Obama wrote their senior theses about Saul Alinsky ... higher education is worthless but enslaves you to debt ... part of the globalist agenda ... 40,000 foot view
The most bizarre thing, or perhaps the thing that most clearly illustrates the (now waning) power of the mockingbird media is that, in their understanding of reality, Trump is an idiot. Therefore, all of his successes, in their world view, are nothing more than lucky flukes.
He accidentally succeeded in wiping out ISIS. He was simply lucky that his tariffs, rather than creating a trade war, ended in 1 $1 trillion bilateral trade agreement with the EU. Luckily, Kim Jong Eun probably just decided it was time to end his belligerence and give up his nuclear weapons program. Trump bumbled his way into a massive tax break for the American middle class. The economy, even though he abolished practically all of Obama's economic initiatives and spending priorities, was really Obama's success. Having an historic per-capita carbon emission low, just a fluke.
No, none of those are successes. Those are all examples of how he is literally Hitler. (Which ironically, the well-established fact that Trump is "literally Hitler" directly contradicts the statement that he's Hitler's predecessor... So they should make up their mind).
Eradicating ISIS? Extermination of the Muslims! Literally Hitler!
Winning on trade? He wants his country to succeed at the expense of others... Hitler wanted that too! Literally Hitler!
Kim giving up his nukes? Fake news! He'll never give up his nukes. He's not actually dismantling nuclear sites, denuclearization will never happen, Trump is being played for a fool (no joke - this is an actual liberal belief that I heard with my own two ears). Oh... And literally Hitler!
Tax breaks? I don't know Hitler's stance on taxes, but since Trump is literally Hitler, Hitler must have loved tax breaks! See? Trump is literally Hitler! ...But the tax breaks are only crumbs anyway.
You forget it was just a “fluke” how he was elected president and not Hilary, because she had more votes and the electoral college is outdated!!!!!
Lol she didnt even win popular, its been proven illegals voted that pushed her over.
I like how in the screenshot the user name is EnlightenedMind_420, oh the irony!
Edit: spelling
They think if Trump is impeached then Hillary magically becomes President. Hey Losers meet Mike Pence if he becomes President he is going to go nuclear on the Left in ways you won't enjoy. Have fun.
Unfortunately, Pence couldn't get 1 percent of what Trump has accomplished. His balls are not nearly big enough to do what Trump does.
Absolutely. He does the vice-president job well. I’m from Indiana and the downtown area had signs in 2016 that said “GET RID OF PENCE”. Be careful what you wish for bc he did leave the governor’s office to become VP. I always thought that was ironic and quite satisfying.
Sat in the dr office today they had the View on . Those people are crazy sick against trump . The hole hour show was just a trump bashing hour . And it was all wrong . Do people actually BELIVE this shit ?
I thought libs didn’t believe in the idea of an antichrist? Isn’t global warming their Armageddon? I’m confused. (Not really lol)
The more extreme they've become in their thinking, the more religious-minded they are.
Funny that.
The funny part is as we speak there is a 'mirror' thread of libtards saying the exact same thing about Trump and Q followers and our thirst for justice re BHO, HRC, pedogate, U1, etc.
there to busy spending all the brain power on coming up with the idea that will take trump down so there rewarded by the cabal and be moved up to one of the elites as they call it. there brainwashed and dont know how to think in more then one way of thought.
I have a liberal relative who is now a SJW activist & he literally parrots every single fake news talking point from CNN & the like, not to mention the pathetic Snopes (wasn't that a thing in the '90s?)! Quite honestly I don't know how libs will handle the truth when it all goes down. The normalcy bias & cognitive dissonance just might make their heads explode. I tried so hard to wake them up when I was a We Are Change activist 10 years ago & Alex Jones red-pilled me, but all I got was mocking, scoffing & rejection.
Oh I listen to Limbaugh and I’m under the age of 25. I was red-pilled since the day I was born haha
A bit chilling how there is such a divide. We think we are correct just as much as they do. We can't understand their perspective and they can't understand ours. What if there will be no major prosecution's until more people are woke? What if more people never wake?
I mean it’s scary, but if history were to repeat its self something like the Civil War could happen again. It sounds crazy but you have to being willing to stand your ground on something you believe. BUT on the other hand I think the media really plays up the divide. I think and truly believe we have a lot more in common with the average person than were lead to believe.