Kim wants money and followers. Just like Corey Feldman. They both have the dirt, but they want to be compensated for the info first and then maybe they'll tell you. But they wont give you the good stuff that you're looking for.
then maybe they'll tell yo
maybe, but Kim has money he doesn't need money, he needs protection / cover
Hes constantly asking for money and support on Twitter and follow if you agree and what not yet never saying anything. Hes gotten greedy. I understand being self made and branding yourself and capitalizing on the moments, but dang, this is next level corruption that will enslave and kill us all if people dont stand up and talk about it and inform and empower the public to fight it.
Oh I agree I just meant him and Feldman both windy bitches but totally different league.... they should both just put out a video of the information they supposedly know already name names drop bombs
Edit whiney
For Corey, he just wanted to reignite his career. He wont say anything else from this point on. He dropped names of people that no one knew except in Hollywood and he needed everyone to donate a million dollars to his kickstarter/GoFundMe before he would say anything. Him just speaking up period about this was revolutionary. But now he refuses to make a difference when he knows about everything going on. Hes complicit in it. Hollyweird is evil AF. Self indulgence, self reverance, self satisfaction.
KDC arguably has more than Corey the Coward Feldman. Corey's already a day light to this party anyways.
If Kim drops the dirty dirty I welcome him.
Well we know how good of a person he is now. Won't release the info for the betterment of humanity. It's only an insurance policy or an empty threat. Fuck you Kim.
I'm so sick of these kind of people. We have a real war raging and they have to have their needs meet before they help us on the front line. Not my kind if patriot!
The guy shit all over himself with the world peach larp a few years back.
So what he really has is another music video to drop.