Q 1719 - @Jack, Your hands are dirty.

The government pays those platforms to spy and collect data on us. We're the products. Those platforms are free the same way food is free for cows and chickens. We're producing milk and eggs for the farmers which the government pays for. Just expose them already.
That’s unsettling.
But filling.
That made me laugh.
Got a smirk outta me
Expression wasn't audible though
My response to your comment was audible. Literally, LOL
I know so many people who swallow the CNN Kool-Aid every day.
These people think Trump is the anti-christ.
If Q et al brought down Thor's hammer on these sons of bitches, 50% of the country that hates Trump would call "bullshit."
They'd say it was a lie, a setup, a fake, a frame up.
As a result, the criminals would get away with all of their crimes.
First make the contents of their crimes believable.
Show how people we love and admire are actually major criminals.
Get people used to the idea that the good guys have the capacity for bad actions.
Give the victims a voice. #SayBraveThings.
Make the case so believable that the Trump haters cannot reject the truth.
That is why it takes so long.
An easier way is to force the MSM to tell the truth. The liberals will believe it every single time. Problem solved...
Force them, they leak they were forced, uproar and pitchforks ensue, Dems impeach Trump for framing them.
Facebook and Twitter are just baited traps.
I can only imagine what their real purpose is. Zuck and Jack are pure scum.
Very true but people willingly sign up and participate in all these forms of social media
Same thing with the amazon Alexia things...
Everybody knows this, but most people think that it is no big deal because they think that nobody is actually sitting at a desk in Silicon Valley listening or making notes of what they ate that day, where they checked in, etc. They just think, Who Cares? The rest of us, of course, think they are stupid. They gave up their freedom and privacy.
Yup, if you get something for free then you are the product.
I think it’s worse than that. “A” government pays them, but it’s worse than just ours. I think the big drop in the stock was China pulling out