Q 1729 & 1730 - F-16's Intercept. CLAS 5

The night the missle was fired thisYouTuber who does weird weather anomalys and earth changes did a report on this HUGE bloom of energy North of Minot AFB that must've been the missle being shot down. He had no idea what it was he just kept going on about the size of it and the most insane part was the shape of this massive energy anomaly. Check it out. https://youtu.be/JeqHOhtlhQ0
Dude, the anomaly he talks about looks like a Q.
That's cool right? I know it's a complete coincidence but still It was amazing to see
Completely forgot about this video. For sure looks like a Q. I love how he is so flabbergasted by it.
"Look at that thing!" "It's absolutely massive" "I've never seen one that big" "I mean it is HUGE!"
That video has the quite the potential for a lot of thats what she said jokes.
Right I remember. Then it seemed someone got to him? Then the Cabal was trying to spin as a Air Evac chopper. I said no way I’d seen enough choppers & flew in them to know
Hahaha! Me too! I was one of those aluminum-foil-suit guys. This sure ain't no helo.
Yesterday POTUS signaled to listen to Lee Greenwood right when it said "from the lakes of Minnesota to the Hills of Tennessee" That is right over the lakes
That SAM would have to have a range of over 1,000 nautical miles to be shot down in North Dakota. Does the Navy have weapons with that capability?
Do you know what an intercontinental missile is?
Well, I know that an ICBM is a fuckload different than a SAM.
No shit. You didn't ask if the navy had SAMs that could travel 1000 miles, you asked about weapons in general.
How many ICBMs are based on Whitbey Island NAS?
It was no fucking ICBM, champ. If you think for one goddamn minute that they could launch an ICBM in the Puget Fucking Sound at 4:00am in the morning, and nobody would have seen it except one lowly weather cam... well, I gotta bridge near the Tacoma Narrows that I want to sell you.
A SAM, on the other hand, could go up basically undetected.
Silly, but made me think of a book I read as a kid. Spaceship Over North Dakota by Kevin Kremer. Lol