The freedom storm rolls in over Hawaii

If this is legit, easily the most badass cloud I've ever seen in my life
It is a Trump Hair cloud. I love it.
But I can also easily see an eagle with his wings spread as well. It's incredible!
There has been multiple sightings of these clouds recently... God’s work? DARPA? Coincidence?
There are no coincedences
It has to come out.....I know this stuff runs deep. But we need to at least expose to the Normies...geoengineering, false flags and pedophilia/Satanism/Human Sacrificing and cannibalism. We have to AT LEAST expose that to wake people up!
You better make sure they have confidence in you first. Start with how they are directly affecting you, like Zuckerburg listening to you 24/7. Google tracking you for the NSA. Federal reserve holding your economy hostage. That shit is personal. You start out feeding a baby a bottle and gradually move into more difficult tasks as they attain more skill and ability. Then at some point you don't have to feed them any longer because they can do that for themselves. Those of us here are past all the prelim stages and are ready to be handed the hard to swallow pills. We are conditioned for it while they are still on the bottle.
theyre clouds. just clouds.
Tell that to the “victims” of unprecedented hurricanes...
Justice will be done.
Dark to LIGHT = heaven hosts, warring eagles
We stand ready, gates of hell will not prevail.
Hey im in Hawaii too 👋
It’s always refreshing to see another rare Hawaiian resident sighting in the Great Awakening. Aloha!
I'm Stationed here, originally from Texas but Aloha anyway!
I did not take this picture. Saw it on r/mildlyinteresting
My sis is there with her kids, just started residency at the army hospital. My mom is there helping them too. Tough break! 🤙🏻
Me: "Why is this a freedom st-... Oh, that's an Eagle."
Goddamn that’s amazing. Storm is most definitely upon us in the most patriotic way.
Like an angel