
Search Results:

476 matches.

Anonymous ID: ad51ed April 26, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.8929038     >>9196 >>9277 >>9523 >>9562 >>9641 >>9646 >>9662 >>9771 >>9807

Trump tweeting about eating hamberders & Diet Coke:


a thing or person who is on the level below the devil and commits acts that the devil would consider evil

That guy is such a berder!




Obama bought for a lot of money ($65k) hamburgers while in DC.

Diet Coke (D C)

Tump is announcing the topic of Hussein buying hamburgers (from Chicago) for an event at the White House.

$65,000.00 !

Anonymous ID: c7ebd0 April 24, 2020, 2:44 a.m. No.8906315  


Yes of course they are so sick and going to pay for the crimes against God's children. My goal here is to end suffering on this planet in every life form . If that means no more hamburgers and prime rib so be it. I cannot stand to see even one innocent creature suffering. I am thankful everyday for President Trump and Qteam. Plus this work platform is what people like me always wanted. A way to fight the evil ones and really punch them in the fuking face hard. Evil has no where to hide I will chase after it until the end of time.

Anonymous ID: 7110df April 21, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.8874388     >>4404 >>4482

What happened to the anon who used to post the same 10 Jew posts every bread?


He posted the video of the Rabbi telling us Mcdonald's hamburgers had human meat in them.


Was the truth right in front of us the whole time?

Anonymous ID: 3b4000 April 9, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.8737232     >>7271

>>8736822 PB

The story was originated on Huzlers.com a satire site in February of 2014

If you have a brain and you know who is behind Huzlers then you know it is fake.

However, you have no brain, and you know not who is behind Huzlers, so please, continue sharing. I love campfire stories.

I even pick up the National Enquirer because Alien Baby stories are funny.


The Jews made this story up - get it? They make up some bullshit to get people mad at jews. I don't need fucking hamburger stories to not like jews. lying about the holocaust does it for me.


However, this is a clever pysop that makes morons go off the deep end hating jews. IF you are gonna hate jews, do it for a real reason, not some fake ass bullshit. …

Anonymous ID: d44777 A Smooth Sea Never Made a Skilled Sailor March 30, 2020, 10:16 p.m. No.8632124     >>2130 >>2139 >>2140 >>2237

(Part 1/2)


For anons dealing with some shit or helping others deal with their shit, there' s a lot that can be learned on this subject (psychological adjustment) to help ourselves and others as we go through these tests. I hope this can help and give you a path forward.


Godspeed Anons!




Adjustment Reactions: The Teachable Moment in Crisis Communication - by Peter M. Sandman


When someone first learns about a new and potentially serious risk, the natural, healthy, and useful reaction is, in a sense, an over-reaction:


–You pause. While you wait to see what’s going to happen, you may stop doing things that suddenly feel dangerous. After 9/11, some people quit flying for a while or stayed awa…

Anonymous ID: 4b7409 March 26, 2020, 11:15 p.m. No.8582155  


It's a long story, anon, and hard to explain in a linear fashion what is a fundamentally … "Covariant" development.

For example, why is it that English is a Latinized German? To understand this, you have to look back to the conquering of Briton by external forces. The French were the predominant power in Europe for centuries and to be considered "literate", you had to know either Latin or French.

To understand where much of this came from, you have to go back to what I call the hamburgers and brambleberries (hapsburgs and babenburgs) and the warring of the germanic tribes when the catholic church decided to begin backing various nobles or lords as divinely right.

Thus, the sun may never set… But …

Anonymous ID: fa0da0 March 26, 2020, 5:02 a.m. No.8570353     >>0372 >>0417 >>0898


Dead-lifting, hamburgers, and the Good Lord (not in that order).


God didn't put you here to starve yourself, and He didn't put you here to check out for 3 days sleeping/meditating and trying to be a shaman.


He put you here to help others. Hard to do that when you're in a shutdown state.

Anonymous ID: 67a36c March 8, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.8349383  



shaped like food and flavored like food


but it is not food


Remember Len Foley's Bionic Burger video? It was posted in 2007 and eventually racked up a whopping 2 million views on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYyDXH1amic). And this video shows a guy who bought his McDonald's hamburgers in 1989 – burgers that still haven't decomposed in over two decades!


Now, he has an entire museum of non-decomposed burgers in his basement.



Anonymous ID: 989085 Feb. 21, 2020, 6:51 p.m. No.8212904  



They grow in happy patches and love to be eaten

or is that mcCrap hamburgers?

Anonymous ID: 7c86ef Feb. 16, 2020, 8:47 a.m. No.8154928  


Beyond Tim Horton's Coffee and Harvey's Hamburgers, Canada is boring as hell!!

They'll get sick of it in no time.

Anonymous ID: 971f17 Feb. 6, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.8048913  

msm taking pee pee's chewed up cud and cow patties and making hamburgers and lemonade - a big failure to do burger

obongo's success LOLOL

nice hard hittin job and hatred their fella's

why don't you all just declare yourselves ursurpers on air right now as well – point on the bullet bracelet and declare false flags


fucken sickos

Anonymous ID: 3c7e43 Jan. 31, 2020, 8:08 a.m. No.7977716  


>hamburgers - pedo code for little girls

Pizza is code for little girls, not hamburgers.

Anonymous ID: 640ac2 Jan. 23, 2020, 7:01 p.m. No.7895084     >>5129

Richard Burr Distributes Fidget Spinners Before Impeachment Trial


Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) reportedly distributed gadgets like fidget spinners and stress balls to his colleagues ahead of the hours-long Senate impeachment trial on Thursday, Roll Call reported. Burr, who held a “Carolina Cookout” featuring all-American favorites like hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, and ice cream as part of Thursday’s weekly lunch, reportedly distributed “an assortment of fidget spinners and other gizmos to his GOP colleagues,” according to Roll Call.


The move follows two days of well-documented boredom among senators, some of whom have dozed off, crafted paper airplanes, and passed notes. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT…

Anonymous ID: acd2e4 Jan. 17, 2020, 10:43 p.m. No.7844416  



Major international maneuvers have been launched to establish a blockchain for agri-food traceability from a consortium of companies that have been joined by a series of partners like Driscoll, Golden State Foods, Kroger, McCormick, McLane, Tyson Foods and IBM. Therefore, DLT is in support of the food universe.


Suffice it to say that giants like Walmart, Nestlé, Unilever, Dole and Carrefour are conducting experiments to integrate a new food traceability model capable of setting a quantitative and qualitative model of data shared along the entire agrifood chain.


Particularly, Carrefour, which applied for the first time in France and in Europe the model for the chicken from Auvergne Carrefour Quality Chai…

Anonymous ID: bea5d4 Jan. 10, 2020, 6:27 p.m. No.7778896  

The Very Unappetizing Truth About McDonald’s Hamburgers


On January 2, KUTV ran a story about a Utah man who is the proud owner of a 20-year-old McDonald’s hamburger. They posted in a video in which David Whipple — said burger owner — shows off the Big Mac to the world. In the video, he takes the burger out of a tin for the first time since he bought it on July 7, 1999. In what should not be a surprising find, the burger looked almost the same as the day it was purchased, and it emitted a smell similar to that of cardboard.


If this is the first time you’re seeing a years-old McDonalds hamburger, you may be a little out of the loop. Disturbing reports over the years show that Big Mac’s and other hamburgers that hail from the go…

Anonymous ID: ae4705 Dec. 26, 2019, 4:36 a.m. No.7623842  


Best thing about Canada is Tim Hortons coffee and Harvey's hamburgers.

Toronto traffic sucks too. :)

Anonymous ID: 790217 Dec. 24, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.7610004     >>0019

Germany: Hamburg taxpayers have spent €5.4 billion on migrants since 2015


Taxpayers in the city of Hamburg, Germany have been forced to spend close to 5.35 billion euros on asylum seekers from 2015 to the end of 2019, official reports have revealed.


The figures were released by the Hamburg Senate following a request from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) citizens’ group, Junge Freiheit reports.


In 2015, the city spent just under 735 million on expenses for the accommodations and integration of asylum seekers. The following year, the city’s spending on migrants swelled to 1.5 billion euros, while in 2017 and 2018 spending dropped to about one billion per year.


As of June of 2019, the city’s expenditures on migra…

Anonymous ID: 1e8f1c Dec. 21, 2019, 5:48 a.m. No.7580125     >>0138



In school they never taught 'bout hamburgers or steak,

Elijah Muhammad or the welfare state.


Because he's droppin', droppin', droppin' science, droppin history

With a whole leap of style and intelligency


Because we don't want to pay money to hear the same old sounds.

Watch him, he'll take hip-hop to a higher ground.


But I know.

And I know because of KRS-ONE.

Anonymous ID: 736ae7 Dec. 14, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.7510784  



God, if only we could get illegal cheeses on our hamburgers here in the United States!

Anonymous ID: 224d52 Aug. 1, 2019, 2:42 p.m. No.7298900     >>9202 >>9451 >>9600

Brazilian President Bolsonaro Appoints Pro-Trump Son as Ambassador to US — Must Be Approved by Magistrate


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro recently appointed his son Eduardo Bolsonara as ambassador to the United States.


Bolsonaro cited as arguments his good relationship with the children of the president of the United States , Donald Trump, and his command of English.


Eduardo has President Trump’s approval as ambassador.


Last year Bolsonaro’s sons trolled the liberal Brazilian media by wearing pro-Mossad and IDF T-shirts in public.


ABC.es reported (translated):


The magistrate called Bolsonaro and his son Eduardo to demonstrate on the measure requested by the deputy of the Workers Party (PT), trai…

Anonymous ID: f86dd3 July 25, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.7185122     >>5133 >>5171

Castaway Cay - Disney's Private Island

Castaway Cay Overview

Castaway Cay is Disney's private island in the Bahamas and is always a highlight of their Caribbean cruises.


If you're expecting a Mickey shaped island with black, red and gold umbrellas, guess again. While this is the tropics a'la Disney, its serene setting is the perfect accompaniment to your cruise.


The first thing that you'll notice is that Castaway Cay has its very own dock. No tendering to this island- you step off the ship and you're there.


The next thing you notice is a pristine beach lined with colorful umbrellas. Each one is the centerpiece for two adjustable lounge chairs and two beach chairs. There are a few hammocks…

Anonymous ID: 038516 July 18, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.7084647  

Svetlana Griaznova (supermodel) flew on the Lolita Express. Interesting pics of her on Instagram. Stabbing hamburgers, kids in a box, goats, bunny ears, teddy bears, and Masonic symbolism, oh my…

Anonymous ID: fbeab3 July 14, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.7039276     >>9292

>>7038240 PB


Deciphering Trump Tweets during Government Shutdown.


@ RealDonaldTrump

15 Jan 2019: "over 1,000 hamburgers etc."

16 Jan 2019: "Stop the crime at our Southern Border!"


The Blaze

"Why ICE Released - And Didn't Deport - Over 1,000 Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Murder and Sex Crimes"


American Thinker:

"Mueller, Comey, and the Deep State Rescue of Sandy Berger"


Border Security is National Security.

Anonymous ID: 735e1f July 8, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.6957685  


Still, the recent spate of publicity Epstein has inspired does not seem to have fazed him. In November he was spotted in the front row of the Victoria’s Secret fashion show at New York’s Lexington Avenue Armory; around the same time the usual coterie of friends and beautiful women were whisked off to Little St. James (which he tells people has been renamed Little St. Jeff) for a long weekend.


Thanks to Epstein’s introductions, says Martin Nowak, the biologist finds himself moving from Princeton to Harvard, where he is assuming the joint position of professor of mathematics and professor of biology. Epstein has pledged at least $25 million to Harvard to create the Epstein Program for Mathematical Biology and Evolution…

Anonymous ID: 82edb5 July 4, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.6920721  

testimony - I was responsible for 12 Mellenial and GenZ kids today. they played on the lake, went tubing, ate the hamburgers. And they all went inside (many people didn't) and watched POTUS speech. We got a community pass bc we're a military family. To a kid, they watched the entire speech and actually stood at the end for the Battle Hymn of the Republic as the Blue Angels flew overhead. There was a Canadian (married in) who stood and cried. Lads, we are winning!

(no sauce bc the lake pics I took show my kids and their friends, ages 15-24)

Anonymous ID: 8a54ee June 21, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.6813054  


McDonald's hamburgers are the worst

They are worse than Burger King

A Big Mac has twenty-six grams of fat

A Quarter-Pounder has twenty-eight grams of fat

Anonymous ID: ccc486 June 19, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.6790517     >>0526 >>0560 >>0642


I can name a pile of shit "truth" and proclaim it to be the truth from a divine, golden bull to be enshrined and revered, too.


But you one should stop and consider your … Tongue of the slip? Is Q and "this movement" about accepting programming?

And… If they are "programmed," as you say, to follow "the truth" - then … Why is it you're here?


I don't have the meme saved… But something about shill HQ fucking up and sending retards. By the way, I'll be taking that name away from the imposter. The Charter of the Golden Bull is a blaspheme against my name and my land.


Fucking hamburgers….



That went off into the weeds pretty quick.…

Anonymous ID: 2b3519 June 15, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.6757719     >>7762 >>7837 >>7893 >>7965

Listen I've found that you cannot reason w/'liberals'….you can't rationally speak to them about anything….they are irrational, deranged degenerates who cannot be respected therefore they cannot be trusted….


I've a few family members who say they want to understand but really all they want is to suck you into this collective black hole of insanity….


They are saying fuck off, etc big time! Without having the balls to say it…….however, when you actually and factually reciprocate they can't handle it…..some know it while others haven't the capacity for deciding if their hamburgers need pickles…


At first, I gave them the benefit until I experienced time after time their complete & ut…

Anonymous ID: 3865bd June 6, 2019, 2:34 p.m. No.6688147  



Evil Zionist Rabbi Abe Finkelstein Reveals the scary truth about Hamburgers&Sausages Shocking!

Anonymous ID: 268038 June 2, 2019, 6:19 p.m. No.6656772  


Sort of.

The Slavic and Germanic tribes were once the same group. The Slavs - particularly Serbs and Slovenians - have been extremely persistent about the notion that humanity began closer to Southern Europe - more around where the southern edge of Austria is, currently. The slavic tribes were there long before the Roman systems of rule began recognizing the hamburgers and brambleburgers.

Very old blood, there. Very influential outside the world of spreadsheet warriors.


While the various Germanic tribes were busy playing shekelboard with the Romans, the Ottomans were plundering the bejeesus out of the Yugoslavs - and it was the Russian tribes and royalty who went to kill the shit out of the Ottomans and tried to p…

Anonymous ID: dd51f2 May 22, 2019, 5:49 a.m. No.6557370     >>7386

Restaurant Brands Intn'l Exec Chair Sells $70m in shares-May 17


Cap#1 filed last night.


Restaurant Brands International Inc. is a quick service restaurant (QSR) company. The Company had over 23,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries and the United States territories, as of September 30, 2017. It operates through three segments: Tim Hortons (TH), Burger King (BK) and Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen (PLK). TH restaurants are quick service restaurants with a menu that includes blend coffee, tea, espresso-based hot and cold specialty drinks, baked goods, including donuts, Timbits, bagels, muffins, cookies and pastries, grilled paninis, classic sandwiches, wraps and soups, among others. BK restaurants are quick service restaura…

Anonymous ID: d7a174 May 11, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.6475893     >>5895


Fucking Stop Faggot

Preaching to the Choir

Go to FB and wake up the Lefties

You waste 12hrs a day here.

Get your message to New Ears.

Ps. I McDonalds Human Hamburgers.


I love the Fillet Fish too. Is that made with Female Goy Vaginas? Yum

Anonymous ID: f6ff5a May 11, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.6472076     >>2088





Fake news: Human remains were not found in McDonald's hamburgers

Huzlers, a website that specializes in publishing joke articles about topics that are trending on social media, published the original article in March 2014

Anonymous ID: 0c0939 May 3, 2019, 12:37 a.m. No.6400894  

100 YES or NO Q's for Q


  1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

  2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

  3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

  4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

  5. The earth is hollow

  6. Reptilians live among us

  7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

  8. We are all actually AI computers

  9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

  10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

  11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

  12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

  13. Autism and auto-i…

Anonymous ID: 4e7de0 May 1, 2019, 2:55 a.m. No.6379955  

40 YES or NO Q's for Q


  1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

  2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

  3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

  4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

  5. The earth is hollow

  6. Reptilians live among us

  7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

  8. We are all actually AI computers

  9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

  10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

  11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

  12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

  13. Autism and auto-im…

Anonymous ID: 4e7de0 May 1, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6379888     >>9907 >>9937

100 YES or NO Q's for Q


  1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

  2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

  3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

  4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

  5. The earth is hollow

  6. Reptilians live among us

  7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

  8. We are all actually AI computers

  9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

  10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

  11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

  12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

  13. Autism and auto-i…

Anonymous ID: 862704 April 30, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.6375513  



Lab: Rat, human DNA found in burgers

A recently-released survey may change the way that you look at hamburgers.

"The Hamburger Report" by Clear Labs tested burgers from 79 brands and 22 retailers in northern California and made some discoveries that some may find disturbing.

The lab said that of 258 samples it tested, it found:

  • 2 cases of meat in vegetarian products

  • 1 black bean burger with no black beans

  • 4.3 percent of products contained pathogenic DNA

  • 3 cases of rat DNA

  • 1 case of human DNA

Don't you think it's odd HRC is photographed constantly eating pizza? WHY do so many celebs have pizza parlors? The food industry is not all that profitable! Do they get the…

Anonymous ID: 8047de April 30, 2019, 6 a.m. No.6369803     >>9807 >>9819 >>9833 >>9921 >>9938

100 YES or NO Q's for Q


  1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

  2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

  3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

  4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

  5. The earth is hollow

  6. Reptilians live among us

  7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

  8. We are all actually AI computers

  9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

  10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

  11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

  12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

  13. Autism and auto-i…

Anonymous ID: 0a61a7 April 29, 2019, 2:25 a.m. No.6356680     >>6689

100 YES or NO Q's for Q


  1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

  2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

  3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

  4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

  5. The earth is hollow

  6. Reptilians live among us

  7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

  8. We are all actually AI computers

  9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

  10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

  11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

  12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

  13. Autism and auto-i…

Anonymous ID: 0a61a7 April 29, 2019, 1:09 a.m. No.6356476  

100 YES or NO Q's for Q


  1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

  2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

  3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

  4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

  5. The earth is hollow

  6. Reptilians live among us

  7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

  8. We are all actually AI computers

  9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

  10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

  11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

  12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

  13. Autism and auto-i…

Anonymous ID: 84e7da April 26, 2019, 3:59 a.m. No.6320646     >>0732

100 YES or NO Q's for Q


  1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

  2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

  3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

  4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

  5. The earth is hollow

  6. Reptilians live among us

  7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

  8. We are all actually AI computers

  9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

  10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

  11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

  12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

  13. Autism and auto-i…

Anonymous ID: 84e7da April 26, 2019, 12:31 a.m. No.6319999     >>0009 >>0092

100 YES or NO Q's for Q


  1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

  2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

  3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

  4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

  5. The earth is hollow

  6. Reptilians live among us

  7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

  8. We are all actually AI computers

  9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

  10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

  11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

  12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

  13. Autism and auto-i…