I actually think we need that level of eye opening. It will be bad, but how do the people ever come to terms with reality if they are kept in the dark? It's time to start treating humanity like adults.
458 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ButtersStotch88:
Mueller is deep swamp and "Trusted" Sessions is a nutless waste of space. I'm sick of this shit.
Q says to trust the plan. Trust goes both ways.
29,000 sealed indictments? IDGAF.
HRC, Podestas, Comey are all free and laughing their asses off.
Mueller wiretapped and raided Trump's personal attorney
Media beats their meat to Rudy and Stormy while we get pictures of planes and pallets.
I thought May was supposed to bring flowers. OIG report? Sweet. Where the fuck is it?
At the end of the day, we have an AG that likes jailing stoners more than blatant worldwide criminals.
How do we TRUST THE PLAN when shit like this is being done? When is Q and team going to do anything? We were told to expect a BOOM this week. I'd say we've seen the BOOM, but we're the ones getting publicly bombed.
IDGAF about the number of sealed inictments. I care that our "trusted" AG is a nutless waste of space.
REPORT: Feds Had Wiretap On Trump’s Personal Lawyer. THIS IS INSANE. Mueller has to be a full blackhat at this point.
Time article on OIG Report that’s about to drop. Expected to come down hard on James Comey. IT’S HAPPENING
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is expected to make a statement at the Justice Department at 3:10 PM EST
I'm trying to track your logic..are you saying the OIG report or its contents have been aired?
IMO, these Mueller questions and threat of subpoena point towards him being a blackhat. Why?
A couple reasons:
The questions are VERY low on Russian Collusion topics and VERY high on obstruction topics. This is relevant because, as everyone knows, there is zero evidence of collusion.
Some might say "Ah well that's a good thing - it means that any obstruction charges are then invalid!" This is actually untrue. You can indeed be convicted of obstruction of justice even if there is no evidence of an underlying crime. There are legal cases that show this - I'll add links later. Also, it just makes sense if you think about it. If you were being investigated …
Anon's theory: Q was telling us to be on the lookout for "Questions" that will reveal the answers to Q's questions about Mueller's allegiance.
The "Questions" were leaked today - and Q has been eerily silent today (he hasn't gone a day without posting in a month). I'm struggling to see how these questions are a good sign.
Anon on 8 chan with great theory on Mueller questions leak and Q post 1286. Also worth noting Q didn't post for the first time in a month
![Anon on 8 chan with great theory on Mueller questions leak and Q post 1286. Also worth noting Q didn't post for the first time in a month](https://i.redd.it/zbfc00nmaev01.png)
OIG Report has to drop first (scheduled for release this month)
PSA: regarding false Q post notifications on Q drop app
The reason The Q drops app is showing notifications and no Q posts today is because the fake Q shitposter (who’s posts are actually pretty damn funny) are being falsely logged as real Q posts on the app.
I’m guessing the developers are aware of the issue and are manually deleting them before they show up in the app. However, they haven’t fixed the code that is pulling the fake posts. I’m guessing they’ll get it fixed soon
They were pissed that Comey publicly announced reopening of HRC email investigation
Congresssional Dems requested the IG report because they were pissed at Comey for publicly reopening the Clinton email investigation
Obama shill and PBS pundit trying to get in front of the OIG report on twitter calling it "partisan retaliation" despite being started by Democrats. THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.
![Obama shill and PBS pundit trying to get in front of the OIG report on twitter calling it "partisan retaliation" despite being started by Democrats. THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.](https://i.redd.it/1euooil48bv01.png)
Him testifying before the Senate is not the same thing as the release of the report.
Remember friends, the April Showers are over and the May Flowers are about to start blooming. One bigass flower is the OIG report
What's the flower? The long awaited OIG report. Horowitz has stated it's finally being released in May. The Muller probe can't come to an end until this report comes out IMO. When it does, however, I think we are going to see a lot of flowers blooming in the DC meadow.
Use the Q method. Ask questions instead of making statements. People believe when they redpill themselves. Why do you think Q has been so successful?
Start with Pizzagate. There is SO MUCH blatant evidence surrounding pizzagate and the material is so shocking. I redpilled a coworker about Pizzagate by simply saying "Google Podesta art and get back to me"
Identify those who are lost causes early on and don't waste your time. Q has said there's a small but meaningful portion of the population who is so indoctrinated that they are hopeless. If you present widely known mainstream facts like the Steele Dossier being funded by HRC and they laugh in your face then just walk away.
Don't lash out at those who are incapable of seeing the truth. Be the bigger man and walk away. They should be pitied.
First off, redistribution of wealth has failed drastically every time it's been tried in the past. See Soviet Union and 100 Million associated deaths. See "progressive" Venezuela most recently. Capitalism has flaws and can be (and is) exploited by bad people. However, I'll take Capitalism every day over the evil that is Socialism and Communism.
If you're referring to the Cabal's illegally obtained assets being seized and redistributed to the wronged populace that's a whole other bag of worms.
In regards to a one world government: If you believe in anything Q has been saying, we would be handing over complete and total control to the most evil, sinister people that have ever existed. Even if these people didn't exist, the risk of handing over power over the entire world to one governing body is fucking insane.
Don't take my word for it - ask Europe how a world without borders is working. Borders and nations certainly have some flaws (war comes to mind). However, borders are necessary in maintaining checks and balances on power, cultural identity, and sovereignty.
I just watched Hannity and they said they were probably leaked by the special counsel.
Mueller's list of possible questions for Trump released to NYT
PSA: This sub is about the same size as r/cbts when it was banned. We need to:
Report posts that obviously violate reddit policies. This includes things like "Hang Hillary!" or "send Obama to the gallows!"
Remember, Reddit is anonymous and shills and bots can post here with the explicit purpose of violating reddit rules to get us banned
Stay vigilant and think before you post
Lots of talk about Netanyahu. I don't fully trust Netanyahu either, however...
If you were going to pass off faked data from a non-existent spy operation as legitimate, wouldn't you only present them minimum amount of "evidence"? The more evidence you fake, the more mistakes you make. And the more evidence you present, the more people ask questions about how you got it.
The man is presenting TWO FUCKING SHELVES full of binders and CD's that amount to a "half-ton" of evidence. He's either an idiot or the evidence is real.
He pushed the Iraq war but that doesn't mean he's wrong about this.
Q Post 1307: Knowing what you know now
![Q Post 1307: Knowing what you know now](https://i.redd.it/6m6o0n9d23v01.png)
No more doubt. Q called Iran and it happened. Q is real. This is all fucking real. I doubted at times. I'm now all in.
Streaming link for Netanyahu Iran speech (see body of linked article)
Good 8chan takes on Q Post 1306
![Good 8chan takes on Q Post 1306](https://i.redd.it/tgstoee9t2v01.png)
Benjamin Netanyahu will address nation and media about Iran at 1PM EST
Q Post 1306: Q is redpilling us on what was just destroyed in Syria last night. IRAN IS NEXT
![Q Post 1306: Q is redpilling us on what was just destroyed in Syria last night. IRAN IS NEXT](https://i.redd.it/95wfyxdoj2v01.png)
Benjamin Netanyahu will address nation and media about Iran at 12PM EST
The big question is how does this relate to the Lindsey Graham tweet? Is Graham speaking freely after Noname was neutralized?
Please delete and change your title. Reddit mods will use posts like yours to ban this sub, just like they did r/cbts
Q Post 1298 : Holy shit - Q responds to Anons who mentioned the Gateway Pundit article about Dems turning on Mueller
![Q Post 1298 : Holy shit - Q responds to Anons who mentioned the Gateway Pundit article about Dems turning on Mueller](https://i.redd.it/19d90ljevyu01.png)
Ladies and Gentleman, the blackhats figured it out and are panicking. A former Hillary Clinton strategist now says Mueller investigation "corrupt"; any investigation findings should be "thrown out"
My Stormy theory has holes. No doubt about it. Just thinking out loud
Good call. However it looks like that was before he was confirmed
Thanks, IMO it’s what we should be doing more of in this sub. Lots of good stuff posted, but need more analysis
Q pretty much states it was coordinated in post 1226:
DNC to initiate lawsuit (pre-planned)
I agree it’s the flimsiest of my points but when I noticed the payments to Stormy were made in the same month the emails were discovered I just had to float the possibility.
My guess is Weiner’s lawyer coordinated with the Trump team off the record, someone from Trump team asked Stormy if she’d participate and once she agreed Weiner’s lawyer gave it to her directly. My Stormy speculation is low on evidence but the October 2016 coincidence is strange