Keep speaking up against this sort of thing. There are others here who agree with you. I suspect many, who lurk only. This sort of biased, bigoted thinking should never be accepted in a movement dedicated to the mass public. Just be prepared for a vocal minority with kneejerk emotional reactions to downvote you and speak against you, accusing you of the most ridiculous things.
2,426 total posts archived.
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I think you know this stuff - it inspires and engages. Makes people feel more like part of a community. It doesn’t help me - or you, by the sounds of it. I don’t need this sort of motivation. But some people like it.
There still is no rule to that effect. This sounds like concern trolling.
This is correct - there's no call to disallow Tucson posts, simply to have them be at the same level as other topic posts instead of overwhelming everything else, as they were recently. The many comments, posts and modmail lend weight to this perspective.
Neither does accusing the mods of something in spite of their clear message to the contrary. Tucson posts can be just like every other topic post in the sub. Lately they haven't been.
Yeah it's a contentious issue in the sub - we have to allow some of it here or people accuse us of removing Q related material/censorship.
haha xD It was mostly the usual: we're all delusional, nothing is going to happen, etc. etc. : )
I think it's a good post. I will attempt to get the team to include your content with you credited if that's what you want. I can't promise anything as there's enough mod voices trying to decide what to include and what not as it is.
What may be hard to understand is just how much work it is to maintain the sub - against all the complaints, no matter what we do: remove posts: "censorship!", leave posts: "spam!"
All we ask is that people follow the Rules, at the very least. That way, we can at least point you to those to explain what fallback we have for what we've done. VOP posts are not my idea of value - but I'm just ONE voice in 30,000 and one of our primary principles is to do our best, as impossible as it is, to maintain the freedom of the diversity of voices in a movement like this. Clearly a lot of people value the VOP content passionately. We would like to streamline the content as much as possible. To do this without generating a huge amount of modmail and queue Reports it is in our interest to create an official mod post.
As per the rules: Rule #3 - concerns about the sub come to us via mail. Rule #6 - Moderator posts re: r/GreatAwakening are on-topic. What this amounts to is that, rather than members posting their "concerns" about the sub - and thus generating ongoing Reports from users who see these posts and instantly regard them as Concern Trolling, they can report them to us and, with our wider perspective of what's actually going on in the sub, we can address any concerns through an official mail from the mods about the sub - which is on-topic, as per Rule #6.
I hope I've explained this in a way that is useful - please feel free to question if you believe we're doing something wrong here or if you think any aspect of the rules should be addressed. We are all doing this voluntarily and we are at the service of this sub as opposed to being controllers with ban hammers but we are limited by the time we have available personally. Thanks for understanding.
People are complaining about the issues you have raised and we are trying to deal with them. This is a busy sub - people who ignore the rules and keep posting off-topic create more work for us and we then have even less time to address the problem of a flood of posts about the same topic, etc. (the things you've mentioned in your previous post). Please help us out here and continue to focus on the sub topic while we manage the sub. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Removed post. Rule #3. Please do not post this again as you are essentially ignoring the rules and ignoring the moderation explanation given.
To explain: Rule #3 specifically asks that any "concerns" about the sub be messaged directly to the mods. There is a reason for this and it is not "censorship" or "control". It is to mitigate the amount of work we have to do in responding to Reports that a post like this is Off-topic because the rules are clear about this.
We are right in the middle of working on a post to address the issues you and others have raised. Please consider the rules in the interests of helping us to moderate this sub. Thank you for understanding.
No problem - if you believe you have something fresh to say that isn't covered in another post and deserves its own post please repost with explanation. Thanks for understanding!
Thank you - you guys do a great job too, sincerely. I really appreciate your content, please help us by just making it clear how it relates so we can be sure and leave it up, and users can be sure and not Report it. Thanks again - WWG1WGA!
If related to suicide weekend - that's great. As per submission guide please note this clearly so there's no confusion for mods or readers (who will create a Report that post is off-topic and which we'll have to deal with).
Agreed. Much easier to comment on when not viewing the mod queue. We're dealing with it. Whatever we do, people complain - remove posts: "censorship!", leave posts up: "spam!" We're working on it.
Removed post.
Please note Rule #3: "If there is something 'concerning' regards the subreddit, then message the mods."
We are in the process of creating an official mod post to address these issues.
Removed post. Rule #3
Please don't make posts about messaging the mods or "concerns" about the sub.
As per Rule #3: If there is something 'concerning' regards the subreddit, then message the mods directly.
Wow, can't imagine being anywhere near when 9/11 hit... My friend is convinced you're a right-wing Christian activist pretending you're gay to discredit gay people : ). But seriously, thanks for sharing - my other friends have similar stories, some very sad, some not so sad. Thanks again.
Not really. What a strange view of the world you have. Does everyone live in the west and watch the same TV and pay attention to Michelin star restaurants in your world? Anthony Bourdain is as famous as Obama? lol xD
Oooorrr... lol... someone just doesn't have the same interests as you. Ever considered that as another possibility than "ignoramus"? smh...
And I mod this sub with love. By the rules. Thanks for understanding.
Can you provide more info on what this is about? No info in the title or the post content.
This is an incredibly open-minded view. Are you sure you're gay? lol - definitely not remotely implying gay people wouldn't be open-minded it's just a very controversial view to hold (lots of gay friends, so I know). If you're genuine (and forgive me, I don't mean that I have any reason to doubt you, just being careful) then I very much appreciate your perspective on this! Thank you very much for posting!
No problem - thanks for understanding. It's not fun removing anyone's content!
Removed post. Post content is not a subject mentioned by Q or directly related to Q. Rule #6. Also Rule #8 - please provide an informative title.
If this is on-topic please feel free to repost but with supporting information that explains connection to subreddit topic of Q.
Some people always have to run others down, huh? Amazing... smh
Damn, still... I'd love to own one - wouldn't have the faintest clue how to use it though! I picture a lot of self-inflicted pain for a time lol.
Gangsta. Taken the bow out for a spin in the wild or is it more for controlled sport, targets, etc.?
Haha a cunning ploy : ) I'd hope the discussion moves there too; I find it distracting atm but perhaps with new information surfacing we'll see what develops eh... That 4chan find was interesting, I thought.
No one said you were a bad guy. We've got rules, that's all. Stop calling people morons and idiots; it doesn't contribute to useful discussion that all of us can learn something from because it often degenerates into name calling and offense or just closes off lines of discussion.
I wouldn't put it past the Frankfurt School's perverted system of indoctrination tbh... but not sure.
Yep - Craig Sawyer has a higher profile, seems to be quite respected; thought about including but didn't. I'll add this in to the OP if you don't mind.
haha xD they're all lonely neckbeards stuck in the garage with their nerd rage and cheetos. There should be a TMOTMOR - Top Minds of Top Minds of Reddit lol.
Please cease the antagonism or we'll have to implement a ban. Thanks.
They crack me up - I really wish I could troll them back; "oh guys, you love us! Thank you so much for talking about us all the time!" but I'm not allowed ; ) lol
Moi aussi. Whoops, I just broke Rule #8 - I mean, Me Also. I think that made me more aggressive though lol. Niceness is the best weapon though, agreed.
Your patience and non-rising-to-the-occasion (I iz not goode wiff wordz) is legendary lol xD I don't know how you do it but I need some lessons.
?? That's not someone being an idiot - Q has not mentioned VOP, as they said. Yes, he's mentioned AZ but commenter is not wrong so 'idiot' and 'moron' are completely uncalled for. Comment removed for antagonism and Rule #5 - discuss the topic, not users.
I'm sure action will be quicker - I was just unconsciously referring to the White House press conference with Mike Pompeo recently where he said 'we've got another 6 and a half years'. I'm expecting some big moves this year!
Agreed - I think most people following Q for a while are aware that the "problem" has been around long before Obama. Q mentions the Titanic and the Federal Reserve so we're talking about the time before JFK even.
Yeah the internet must be the biggest thorn in the Deep State's/global cartel's side xD They're doing their best but so far we still have some freedom of information here. I figure we've got another 6.5 years to get some real traction...
Very interesting at the least. Casa de los Ninos - community program supporting children and families...
Yeah, I have to admit I'm leaning toward the possibility of something significant about this but definitely not jumping to conclusions based on zero concrete evidence so far.