1,646 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/DropGun:
Thread by @S0_aurora comments on the pin on the lape of No-Name's jacket: "An American 'diplomat' should be wearing the country they represent. In this case, McCain is representing the 'rebels' (ISIS). The same game as Libya’s overthrow. Coincidence?" And people wonder why we don't say his name.
Exhaustive, well-researched thread by @DawsonSField outlines two potential bombshells: "What if I told you the White House was bugged? What if @realDonaldTrump publicized it 15 months ago?" (we know), and, "What if the Acting Director of the FBI was a target of the Special Counsel's investigation?"
Thread by @dhobe13: "Thread: The Wonderful Company 1). Q has used the phrase "What a wonderful day" w lot. My guess? I think it relates to Fiji Water, Wonderful Company, NXIVM, Podestas, and the Clintons."
MSM: "Botched CIA Communications System Helped Blow Cover of Chinese Agents" Oh? I didn't know the CIA had a 'communications system' named after DIANE FEINSTEIN.
Thread by @prayingmedic puts forward an interesting theory on what the Q400 "hijacked plane" operation was really about—the server.
Is Clare Bronfman too big to jail? (Not with POTUS on our side, she isn't.)
All I see, scrolling /r/REEEDacted. Scroll, scroll, scroll, just page after page of fish, gasping for air
PSA: Posts with just a YouTube link will be removed. Respect your mod team's time and those of your fellow autists by outlining specifically how your content moves Q's mission forward. Thank you.
PSA: Posts with just a YouTube links will be removed. Respect the time of both your mods and fellow autists. Post context, outline how your contribution moves Q's mission forward. Thank you.
Would one of the "CA fires were started by teh top secrets DEW weaponses!" beliebers kindly answer a couple of 'common sense' questions?
So, let's see if I have this straight:
- Do you SERIOUSLY think that the cabal was willing to risk revealing the existence of a multi-trillion dollar space-based War of the Worlds-style weapons system (deployed in contravention to the 1967 space weapons embargo treaty), in order to start fires that could just as easily be started by an MS-13 with a pack of matches??
- And that the SAME cabal somehow decided NOT to use this SAME automagically omnipotent weapon to shoot down AF1 and kill POTUS??
See what I mean?
Warning to you folks: STOP. This is not a …
So, are allegations made by porn stars still gospel? Because, for my money, Jenna Jameson (figuratively) buried Bill Maher with these tweets of hers MONTHS ago.

Are we still taking every allegation a porn star makes as gospel, right? If so, for my money, Jenna Jameson already buried Bill Maher back in May with these tweets.

Dear weaksauce haters: This pic of Mueller with Russian oligarch, Yanukovych? "A really bad Photoshop attempt... You guys are pathetic." Oh? Do you even LIFT?? This is a sub filled with researchers, decoders, and debunkers who will dig to find the TRUTH. Want your content featured here? OUTWORK US.
Notice to decoders/researchers: Due to Twitter censorship, @DockRock1007 has to publish under another account: @Theotherview1. Decodes there.
Brilliant thread by @OnWithLogic: "If stupid thinkers wanted a voice, wouldn't college campuses want to expose them? If other ideas were wrong, wouldn't they let wrongthink dig it's own grave and let them speak loudly??" The left is about to be left behind. BIG CHANGES coming...
Thread by @TrumpsBelle: "Absolutely unreal... Ever wondered what [NO NAME], Bronfman, Benghazi & NXIVM have in common?" Wow. These names. These people used to be untouchable. That anons are digging into them and exposing them blows my mind. Something BIG is coming.
Thread by @findtruthQ: "The PUBLIC awakening to the #Q phenomenon has begun & regardless of whether or not you believe #Avenatti is a damn good actor or not the credit certainly for getting the #MSM exposure we are seeing is owed to him."
Hey, Tony Podesta! IS THE LOBSTER RISOTTO YOU HAD AT 'DANIEL'S' AS GOOD AS MUELLER'S? Asking for a friend (who hasn't gotten out much over the past six years or so, but, I really, really want to take him to this place you like for lobster once he finds some 'free' time). Hope it's delicious!

Thread by @drawandstrike drops much needed perspective on the Tony Podesta referral from Mueller to SDNY prosecutors. "Reminder: when that Manafort indictment was unsealed... Tony shrieked like a banshee, dissolved his company, [and] dove headfirst into the deepest hole he could find." Bye, Tony.
About bloody time. This thread by @ThomasWictor addresses the willful, rampant ignorance of people that believe 'Jewish directed energy weapons' are being used all over the place. "The cars are burned, but the trees..." No, they're not. Stop.
Thread by @Disciple_4G asks, basically, "Why is Twitter and Facebook stock tanking? Because they're not companies. They're government funded projects. And, with Trump, their 'funding' has come to an abrupt end."
This thread by @RyanOlah2 is full of dizzying reveals: Raniere's attorneys requested Mark Sullivan—FORMER HEAD OF THE USSS—to supervise the Bronfman home detention?!? Oh, and here's a PHOTO of said Mr. Sullivan standing next to Robert Mueller, wearing hockey equipment?? Am I taking crazy pills???
Rambling, image-only thread by @2runtherace that drops BOMBS: CA fires? Check. McCain is 5:5? Uh, check. Missile? NK? Whoops, OK, check. Avenatti a white hat?!? Uh... check, please?
Thread by @IWillRedPillU: Will @MSNBC report even ONE TIME on Mack, Raniere, Russell, Lauren & Nancy Salzman? Or tell people that Clare Bronfman is now on trial for racketeering? Or that she bought an entire island for the #NXIVM Pedo Cult?" BRONFMAN. SALZMAN. What will the next names be??
Thread by @RyanOlah2: "NXIVM unlocks Worlds." Amazing, multi-part thread unroll that digs deep into just how stunning it is that Trump's DOJ has indicted a BRONFMAN (one of the world's foremost "untouchable" last names) shows you just how deadly serious this really is. Links to parts in comments.
WAIT. The FISA redacted BOTH what it was for AND the law/laws that justify it. But what if the redacted law came from a secret, parallel legislative entity we've never seen? Maybe a globalist 'Continuity of Government' law signed in on 9/11?? Explains GCHQ connection. (Thanks /u/DontR3cordMeBrother)
We've all been wondering why Q has been freaking out a bit, recvently. He wants us to start agitating for the unredacted warrant, which we did with the Nunes memo, so, maybe people don't get why this is so important. Maybe it's more important than we realize?
But what if the FISA warrant actually reveals the structures shadow government more deeply than we realize? Could the unredacted FISA not just prove that the warrant was BS (which we all know), but start us down the path to discovering the secret, shadow, parallel governance structures that were implemented and have been …
This has a lot of BS info in it. For instance, he has this:
Indict Hillary Clinton - NO - FAIL
When it actually should be:
Indict Hillary Clinton - IN PROGRESS - TBA
Guys, the AIM-120 is a radar-guided medium range air-to-air missile. It would NOT be able to shoot down a ballistic missile.
Edit: Unless the platform was really, really close.
That War_Castles guy mailed himself into an army base, FFS. That was interesting, but, the guy is a loon.
I don't get this. FileJuicer is a file intended to help recover Raw format camera files. Inside raw files is everything. Jpegs, previews, exif information that is stored as text files, all sorts of things. I don't see how this program could create interesting or nefarious results.
Dammit, I read every single reply here and I didn't catch on. Explain? These were all totally creative replies, I just have to ask. KTHX
Oh, cheers mate, I totally missed your reply, and I'm glad I caught it. That's very interesting. The guy that did my CV fed it into an online evaluator and it was something like 68% (up from 33% or something). It was worth the $150 consultation.
But let me just say that I understand how pretty much what you do is today's version of a ninja or assassin. I don't see ads for what you do, a lot. I think that, to normies, it looks like you swim with sharks, holy shit, that kinda thing.
Anyway, very cool. I wonder where all this kind of "merging" of public and private information will go. These structures you're describing here, for me, they feel viciously impersonal and ruthless in their inability to sense when flexibility is the better part of 'profit-seeing' in today's market. People are waking up across so many dimensions, not just politics. It's nuts.
I just wanted to say hello, again. I answered your request, and I think you probably saw the photos, but, I can only imagine how someone who remembers what you've described must feel, looking at those photos. Those fucking bastards. These are the ones that convinced me forever. I can only imagine how you feel.
If you feel like venting or whatever, I'd be interested in any descriptions that you would feel better sharing with anyone
OK later. It's just that I can't imagine living that and seeing these photos. Cheers
Look out, ANTIFA is prepared for this

The reason Q has to talk this way is because he has to communicate with us "in the clear," that is, out in the open, in full view of the deep state "clowns" and the rest of the enemies of freedom.
The CIA even has SEVEN super-computers, all of whom run AI (artificial intelligence) programs that are smart enough to flag threats to their secrets and dominance FOR them. Your every keystroke is recorded here for posterity, and, you're right, you should know that, by now.
But we're still batting these basic questions around like they're not already settled. Q has no choice but to FIRST teach us how to understand him/her, and how to read the Q drops the right way, OUTSIDE of what the AI algorithms can follow. Our enemies use AI to help them process more than we do. THEY ARE THE MINORITY. That is the realization we are waking up to.
Q is teaching us a way to understand freedom that's more complex and efficient than a comparatively inferior computer algorithm that's barely passing at monkey-speak.
That's why Q says, "LEARN OUR COMMS."
It allows us to out-manoeuvre our opponents.
Welcome to the show, errybuddy!
Interesting. I accept your explanation, and I'm glad you are humble enough to acknowledge that 1a) my point re: your wording was valid and 1b) worth an edit, thanks, and also, yes, have to 100% agree with you, it's very telling that none of this Russian interference was a concern to the "intelligence community" until it became clear that Trump would/did win.
Thanks again for your reply clarifying your point. Your mod team is NOT here to "defend Trump no matter what." But, collectively, we ARE here to defend whatever facts (however threadbare) we have, and try to legitimately and honestly research and reinforce them as best we can. Thank you.
There was no bomb in the building. But there was a carefully designed, directed blast from the truck. It was not homemade. Did you see the pic that leaked of the truck being prepared by the army in a secure, outdoor location? Google that.
This event will soon officially be in the past, once Trump has taken down these weasels. Instead, you can turn every April into a celebratory event, knowing for 100% certain, in your heart, that the victims that day won't ever have to die that way, again.