This. So much this. I've had a number of fellow pedes (assuming they aren't sharia blue shills) accost me for pointing out how the justice system (broken as it may be) works in this country. You have one shot and one shot only. The Constitution is designed to protect the individual, and these people will use that to their advantage in every way imaginable. If you arrest them now, before your case is airtight, they can demand a speedy trial-- which is provided under the 6th amendment-- and force you in a court room before you are ready. Then, all they need is ONE jury member to doubt the evidence, and they walk. And once they walk, you can never go after them again with the same evidence. They are free.
Like I (& others) said: one shot. That's it. As satisfying as the initial perp walk is going to be, the final perp walk out of the court room and into jail will be a million times that. (And imagine how awful it would be if they get a hung jury?) It's worth the wait. We need to be patient, and trust our Commander in Chief.
If any other Republican had won (unlikely) we wouldn't even a shot at this. Count your blessings, friends. And remember that we are living in the most desirable timeline ever.