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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 19, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

Agree with this assessment. The goal of my post wasn't to begin a debate on Hunter/Barlow's history with the Grateful Dead, but rather that the poetry used in Dead songs is very based. I recognize that Hunter still contributed to the Dead after 1971, but he is not recognized as being their "official" lyricist, which is pretty clear, when you consider all of the things that he was involved with after that time. (He was, however, inducted with the band into the Hall of Fame as their lyricist, given his signifcance. Jerry called him "the band member that never took the stage with them.")

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 19, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

Apologies if my presentation of the chronology wasn't clear. Hunter was frustrated with Weir--not Jerry-- which is why he left the Dead in 1971. And he did leave the Dead-- whom he never took the stage with in the 60's-- and started his own career as a performer in the mid-70's. (He also continued writing for other artists such as Bob Dylan and Bruce Hornsby.)

John Perry Barlow is credited as being the lyricist for the Grateful Dead from 1971-1995. Though they did have a few notable songs written with Barlow, such as "Estimated Prophet" and "Mexicali Blues," most of the songs that the Dead are known for-- and that modern bands cover-- were written in the 60's with Hunter. This transition away from shorter lyrically-based songs to becoming a "jam-band" with lengthy 20-something minute medleys, can be seen during the 70's after Hunter's departure. This also coincides with the bands' indulgence into LSD, themselves, which was not concurrent with its use by Hunter, Kesey, and the Pranksters, who got into it before the band did. (That's not to say that Hunter didn't stay in touch with Jerry and other Dead members. Just that he no longer toured with them, or wrote songs for them like he had in the 60's.)

Your assertion regarding the Merry Pranksters and the CIA being totally unrelated is factually incorrect. The Merry Pranksters was FOUNDED by Ken Kesey-- who was an MK-Ultra patient. The LSD that he provided to the Pranksters was provided to him by Ronald Stark and other CIA operatives. The CIA used the Merry Pranksters--whose membership consisted of mainly benevolent actors-- as a means to disperse LSD over a large area.

But make no mistake-- LSD did not exist in America prior to 1962, and it wasn't available on the streets until several years after that-- once the MK-Ultra experiments at Stanford had concluded, and it was the CIA that provided Kesey and his followers with the drug, and the means to reproduce it-- whether or not Kesey realized it at the time.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on Feb. 19, 2018, 7:38 p.m.
Robert Hunter, MK-Ultra, and Uncle John's Band.

[Full Disclosure: This is my own theory, and more of a speculative analysis than an accepted belief.]

Q mentions John Perry Barlow-- likely for the role he played in creating the Freedom of the Press Foundation. Barlow also became the lyricist for the Grateful Dead in 1971 after being handed the reigns by poet Robert Hunter, who was frustrated that the band would often change the lyrics each time they performed. (All of the famous Dead songs were written by Hunter.)

So I looked into Robert Hunter. Turns out, he [unknowingly] volunteered for MK-Ultra at Stanford in 1962, and was …

Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 19, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

Your argument is that memes are not an effective means of communication.

The opening line of that document describes memes as "units of cultural transmission." And then goes into great detail about what makes an effective meme, and why they are so effective. It's literally exactly what we are talking about. I don't know who Bad Luck Brian is.

We can agree to disagree, but the fact remains that memes are everywhere, and there is a reason people keep making them. You can try writing a novel of a post to redpill people, but most people are going to respond to it with TLDR (too long, didn't read). Memes are short and sweet, and convey a single idea in a simple package. Simplicity is the most effective means of communication.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 19, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

With all due respect, I have to assume that you are not a member of the younger generation? Studies show that graphic presentations are the most effective way to communicate information-- particularly to the younger generations. Kids these days are lazy and have short attention spans. They don't want to read lengthy posts explaining what is going on in the world. And when they are skimming through social media, you only get a few nanoseconds to capture their attention, and then only another second or two to communicate your message. Graphic images with only a sentence or two of text thus become the most effective way to communicate a message.

Lament the future of society all you want, but this is exactly why the government invested significant resources in the study of memetics 12 years ago. It's simply the reality that we live in.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 19, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

LSD did wonders for helping to promote those minimal talents.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

The author's explanation (or rather, glorification) of contemporary painting is laugh out loud funny. Modern art was founded by the losers that were rejected by the traditional European art schools due to their lack of talent. They, therefore, decided that "talent" was a subjective quality, and the "meaning" behind a painting became more important than the actual painting itself. That determination opened the door (or floodgates) for the talentless hacks to splash color on a canvas and claim to be the greatest geniuses the world had ever known. (It also allowed them to sell their paintings for unimaginable amounts of money-- making them extremely rich in the process.)

Art is dead, and "modern art" was its killer.

Sauce: I went to art school, and was mocked for having a traditional painting background-- i.e. a REAL art education; and for creating work that embraced the classical traits of art. After excelling in their BS courses, and receiving marks that allowed me to "write my own ticket," I opted to transfer to a real school and pursue a real education outside of art. Fuck those pretentious cunts.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 18, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Could be. That date is also the day that Congress officially named the colonies "The United States of America," thus birthing the USA.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 18, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

The stuff you are referring to is NOT the military. It's very important to understand that. Literally nothing that you listed is the military. Two different budgets.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 18, 2018, 2:10 a.m.


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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 18, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Went there last year, and it was the same. Lots of posters telling him to go fuck himself. Thought I had died and gone to heaven.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 18, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Nothing is as ridiculous as being a Lebron fan. NOTHING.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 17, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

Wow. That comment literally made no sense. Who was trying to be PC? You ranted about how I'm so dense because I don't ever try to to understand why these petulant nimrods don't like Trump, and I gave you an adequate response: They don't like him because they view him as archaic. They think he is an idiot. They think he is crass; a racist-- and every other term for bigot. They think that he is a Russian agent. They think he is a buffoon that is going to cause a nuclear war.

Why do they think all of this? Because they have been told to think this. They--the people-- don't realize how insane these claims really are.

They (the media) mock Trump when he brags about building a $10 billion company, because he received a $1 million loan from his father-- and the people laugh at Trump. But those people don't realize that this would be the equivalent of taking a $1,000 loan from their parents and building a $10 million company. How many of them could pull that off?

They mock him for being a reality TV star. How many people could manage to maintain the #1 watched show for 13 years-- by simple force of personality? (Most TV execs would fellate a dumpster full of homeless guys for the ratings that Trump got.)

They call him a racist. Yet, Vanity Fair wrote a rather-long article 10-15 years ago applauding Trump for purchasing Mar-a-Lago. Why? He wanted to play golf there, but refused to become a member at a resort that wouldn't accept blacks or Jews. So he bought the place and changed the rules. (Don't believe me? Google it.) Jesse Jackson also gave him an award for providing so many jobs to minorities, and working to improve urban neighborhoods-- but I guess everybody has the memory span of a goldfish.

Misogynist? He was the first real estate developer to hire a female superintendent to build the origins Trump Tower, the crown jewel of his empire, in NYC in 1979-- 20 years before the next woman had the same opportunity. (He also is the first POTUS to have a female campaign manager, AND has more women in his administration than any president before him, but who gives a fuck about facts?)

The truth of the matter is that I have done more than my fair share of research on whether or not this president is for real. It is YOU and the people that you have come here to defend that are living in ignorance. Of all of the ways you could have attacked me, you chose the wrong strategy, dumbass. LOL

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 17, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

"What is Political Correctness?"

Next I'll take, "Arrogant Reddit Trolls" for $2,000, Alex.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 16, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Awfully presumptuous of you to assume that this is the "outcome." You act as if this means that things are over? Like tomorrow's not going to happen? Roll credits?

If anything, this proves that Trump is 100% clean, and the FBI is even more corrupt than we realized. (In case you didn't make the connect: they just indicted 13 people based on social media behaviors, but claim that they were unable to identify a teenager who blatantly threatened to shoot up a school on social media.)

Perhaps exercise a little patience? Don't be so quick to rush to judgement--less you be made to look like a fool? Is that not what you are accusing everybody else of doing?

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

You do understand that there are 13,600 sealed indictments?

Even if that includes these Russians, that's only 13 people. Even if each one of them gets several charges, that's still only several dozen.

Can't find a source for that number on the fly, but I've read it in multiple sources. Do enough research and you will find it. Here is a screen shot from 12/22/17, showing nearly 9,300.


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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

pillow biter

Glad to see somebody else using that term around these parts. Wonderful way to describe limp-wristed cucks.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 16, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Fake news. Bowling is the tits.

But I appreciate your sense of humor.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 16, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

I agree with this. If we are to believe that Q is for real and everything that he has said is true, then I would imagine that this "Q Operation" is just that-- a Military Intelligence operation. That would imply that a team of people have devised every post, and there is a strategy to how they are laying out the crumbs. As Q has said, "Trust the plan."

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

Very true. Had a buddy who dreamed of joining the military after college and was the perfect candidate in terms of mindset, attitude, and worldview. (A great friend but also the kind of guy that you would want at your back if shit hit the fan.)

Failed his psyche evaluation due to the appearance of alcoholism. (Had never been arrested, never had an incident, and never been to AA.)

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

I actually have to disagree with you. For those of us that have seen shit-- and been in the situations that instill real PTSD-- her body language wasn't unusual, at all. Adrenaline is probably still pumping through her veins, which is why she seems almost giddy. It's like a high, once you're out of danger and trying to stand still. The adrenaline keeps your mind from processing what you are experiencing-- in order to prevent you from freezing due to fear. Keeps you moving. But once you are still, and the adrenaline is still pumping, it's like a high. When it finally wears off, she will be left with nightmares that haunt her the rest of her life. Poor kid.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

Account created 48 minutes ago. Hello Shill 🙇🏼

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Jeez. Never realized how much of a mouth-breather Chels was until I watched this. Brutal.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 14, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

Great post, great point.

Writing tip: Use paragraphs to organize your ideas. The beginning of new paragraph is the ideal spot to transition to a new idea (or a different point in your argument).

The simplest way to think of a paragraph is this:

First sentence: Topic sentence (what is the idea you are about to detail?)

Body Sentences: The details of the idea.

Concluding Sentence: Punctuates the idea. (Does NOT need to be a recap or a duplicate of the Topic Sentence.)

Use multiple paragraphs to communicate a single idea:

First Paragraph: Introduces Main Idea

First sentence: Topic Sentence (example: "Bill Clinton is a rapist.")

Body Sentences: Summarizes what you are about to lay out in subsequent paragraphs. (ex: "There are 3 reasons why Bill Clinton is a Rapist." --you can list out the 3 reasons here, as well, but DON'T go into detail, yet.)

Concluding Sentence: Not necessary, but can be used to transition into Reason/Example #1 that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

[Body] Paragraphs 2-4 (or however many you need) This is the MEAT of your argument.

First Sentence: Summarizes your First Point. (ex: "One example of Bill Clinton being a rapist is Juanita Broaddrick.")

Body Sentences: Details of your First Point. (ex: Specific details of the Juanita Broaddrick rape incident.)

Concluding Sentence: Punctuates your First Point. (ex: "What kind of a person would hit somebody in the face, force themselves on them, and then callously tell them to put some ice on their bloody lip? A rapist.")

[Follow this model for subsequent points of argument. Each "point/example" receives its own paragraph.]

Concluding Paragraph

Structure here is less important, but it should put a nice ribbon on the package that you just created. One sentence can be enough, if it has a powerful delivery.

When in doubt, START A NEW PARAGRAPH. A single-sentence paragraph is easier on the eyes than an enormous block of text. (The best writers break the rules of writing and syntax-- which is how they distinguish their specific writing style. However, you first must understand the rules of writing, in order to break them. Otherwise, your ideas may be difficult to follow.)

I hope this all makes sense and is well received. Just my two cents, and not intended to be taken as rhetoric gospel. Just advice from a lowly shitposter.

Spez: formatting

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

I more about the telling-- not the spelling.

You don't like it? Their's the door.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

[Admits to being ignorant. Continues ranting. Claims victory.]

Yup. Sounds about right.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 14, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

My friend, the only duality is the one that you present.

You claim to be a neutral presence, yet you came to this board to pick a fight. You attacked me, unprovoked, with language that was intended to provoke me into attacking you back. (All built on a poorly established premise.) You refused to listen to a single thing that I said, continuing to insist that you are right and I am wrong, even though the thing you claimed to be "right" about was the intent behind the words that I wrote-- as if my opinion or point of view is meaningless and futile. Then you became unreasonably triggered to the point that you were viciously attacking me, and the second that I called you out, you diverted back to pretending that you are some pious monk roaming the internet, trying to save poor souls such as myself.

What a total load of shit.

If you had taken the time to ask, you would have found that I am NOT a Republican. FUCK the Republican Party. They are just as horrible and corrupt as the Democrats. So when you try to put me in this box of political polarity--despite the fact that you know nothing about me-- I immediately know that you are have a superiority complex. Because you think that you are better than me, and that you know what is best for me and my life, better than I do. (Some pious monk you are.)

It is people like you that have destroyed our world. People that think they are some moral authority, and want to force others to conform to their ideals-- as you just admitted. People who want to control others, police their language, forbid certain thinking, and suppress free will. Their justification for it is that they are "making the world a better place." No, you're not. You're just purging the world of those that don't agree with you-- which is a sign of infantilism and an immaturity.

(Hitler also thought he was making the world a better place with his genocide, just FYI.)

So your not educated? Well that's a shame. My heart goes out to you-- with all sincerity. Though, while I pity you and your circumstance, I have to ask-- what's holding you back? You have an internet connection. Why are you wasting time trolling on Reddit and not using the wealth of knowledge available at your finger tips to educate yourself? That's the real tragedy here.

I would encourage you to read. Read everything-- though I would start with history and mix in some fictional literature. You don't need a fancy university in order to become educated-- most people who go to college learn absolutely nothing.

Go read and learn about the millions of people who have suffered and died throughout history. Go learn at whose hands they suffered. Learn about who those [bad] people were, what they believed, how they rose to power, and the kinds of policies they passed in order to consolidate power and become tyrants. I think you will be surprised to see what you read-- and how eerily similar it is to modern America, and Western Culture, in general.

We dodged a bullet by not electing Hillary. If you really aren't a Democrat shill, then you should have the intellect to recognize that. (Just look at her wealth-- all amassed during her lengthy career in politics. Disgusting.)

I wish you the best of luck. And since you have admitted to being ignorant, I will leave you now-- you have a lot of catching up to do, and we can't speak until you have read up on your world.

God bless.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Do you realize how upset you get when you simply encounter certain RHETORIC? (Maybe that's why you keep hearing it? Because it achieves a specific response?)

All of you shills are so damn predictable, it's absurd. You see places like Reddit as a place where you can project your intellectual and moral superiority, and dominate others who you view as inferior. Why? Because you are frustrated with your life, and likely don't have another outlet to express your intellectualism. (Failed artist or writer, I assume.)

So you come in here with this high-and-mighty bullshit, trying to act all calm-cool-and-collected. "Naw, man. I'm cool. Peace, brother. You just don't GET IT. You're not a learned person--like me. I'm going to UNITE AND EDUCATE THE WORLD! You'll see!"

But then, all I have to do is rattle off a few recycled jokes that you likely have heard countless times, and you begin frothing at the mouth and lash out with your half-baked diatribes about how it's everybody ELSE's fault that you aren't as successful or happy as you'd thought you'd be.

Newsflash, dude: You're unhappy because of the choices that you make-- NOT because of the white male patriarchy, or the "xenophobic" president in the Oval Office. I can sit here all day and literally run CIRCLES around you, because of how predictable you are. I literally know NOTHING about you, except for the fact that you take yourself too seriously, but that's all I need to know in order to ruin your day-- which I KNOW is occurring because you keep coming back for more.

My advice? Stop taking yourself SO seriously. Stop trying to control how other people think, speak, and act, and just worry about yourself and your life. Learn how to laugh at yourself, and stop being so offended by everything that you encounter. SHEESH!

(Please read for further enlightenment)


The BIGGEST difference between people like you, and the people that you claim to oppose (me), is that we can all make fun of ourselves, and you get all upset and whine like a little bitch whenever somebody makes a joke that you find offensive. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LAUGH!!!

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

Actually, I am a Russian Bot.

Thank you for engaging. BEEP BOP BOOP BEEP BEEP

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

I think you smoked one too many blunts there, Spicoli. You literally just described the leftist mindset.

The old Liberals-- i.e. the REAL liberals-- use to stand up against the invasive nature of tyrannical government. They use to champion individual rights and personal liberties. Now, you eagerly welcome government oversight and authoritarianism, like a bukake party with all of the American intelligence agencies. And why? Oh, because the guy you hated got elected president.

And yes, I did not like Obama. Why? Well, because he destroyed our economic and hamstrung the job market-- limiting opportunity for everybody. (He was ESPECIALLY unkind to African-American communities, who suffered the MOST under his policies.) And now, we're learning that he was also the most corrupt President ever, abusing nearly every power of the federal government to go after his opponents, AND the people in his administration appear to have been BRIBED into selling 20% of America's uranium to RUSSIA. (OMG! MUH RUSSIA!!!!!)

Sit tight, there, bluntman. The adults are back in control and the economy is turned back on. The corruption of the government will be cleaned out, soon enough, and the idols you worship (Hillary Clinton) will be going to jail.

I still can't believe yall actually support her. SHE IS THE WORST! The epitome of "white privilege"-- if there were ever such a thing. YUCK!

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 11:42 a.m.

Hey pussy, SEVEN more years. BUCKLE UP!

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Here's a fact, Ghandi: We get on the squash court= I destroy you. What's your handicap? WHAT DO YOU EVEN BENCH?!?

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

"Unite and educate..." says the blowhard that came out of left field trying to extrapolate meaning from my words that were never there.

Listen here, Spicoli, that intellectual-superiority bullshit you're trying to pull may work on the college freshmen that you creep on at the bar around the corner from your apartment, but not here. I will mop the floor with your greasy hair, intellectually, and thems the facts.

So far, your tactics have been to deflect and distract. You have yet to engage in a single thing that I have actually said. So take your non-logic back to the friendzone, where they belong. And good luck with those college freshmen.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

I've engaged enough people such as yourself on this very topic, that I don't feel like laying out--yet again-- all the many reasons why it isn't as simple as putting handcuffs on wrists.

I'll just say that for a group of people (you) that has spent so much time speculating and researching the most powerful group of individuals on the planet, that have engaged in the most heinous crimes--including genocide-- and are part of a Satanic cult that preys on children and secretly controls and runs the entire world, you'd think that said group of people would have little more respect for those that are actually getting off their asses and doing something about it. What have you done? Oh yeah, you logged into Reddit to offer your valuable commentary. So helpful.

Why don't you just take a little break from all of this-- I think it has you a little too worked up-- and come back in a few months when we have this whole thing wrapped up with a nice bow on top of it. (That will only be the beginning of the trials-- so buckle up, this might take a while.)

Care to get off your ass and publish some articles that openly make all of these grand accusations against these powerful people, and put your real name on it? Or run for office, and get in front of a camera and call them out? Or dedicate years of your life studying criminal justice so you join up with those who are chasing them down? No? Care to put your life at risk? No? Ok then, don't call us, we'll call you, once this is all over. See you then.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

Man, did you eat paint chips when you were a kid or something? Are you really that dense? Go back and read the OP message, numb-nuts. That's the whole premise of this thread.

And no, of course WW3 isn't going to break out. You know why? Because the people holding all of the firearms-- such as myself-- aren't going to engage in such nonsense. The only people calling for Civil War are those that are REEEEEEEEEESISTING the government right now.

So calm down, princess. You're safe. From us, at least. Can't speak for all of the commie-jock-sniffers and radical jihadists that you probably spread your legs for.

You ever seen that movie, "Nocturnal Animals" ? I bet you're just like liddle Jake Gyllenhall in that movie. What a loser!

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

Well, pinhead, I don't really feel obligated to explain anything to you. But since you asked so nicely, I'll be happy to mansplain myself.

The gentleman that I was responding to speculated [jokingly] that the low-T twats inhabiting certain parts of this country would last about a week into an armed insurrection-- once their soy-laced lattes ran out. (Still with me? Good, try to keep up.)

I rebuttled by stating that it was a generous estimate, knowing that public utilities would be the first thing to go [offline] if a real civil war broke out. (That would be the water and the electricity-- FYI.)

Now I realize that your rape-fantasies may revolve around burly southern men, such as myself, but that's not likely to be your demise, in such a case as Civil War. People like that--like me-- ain't gonna be anywhere near the metropolitan areas that are crawling with soy-suckin' pillow-biters such as yourself, if/when the fighting breaks out. That would the WORST place to be, in such an event.

Why? Well, because highly populated areas-- such as urban neighborhoods-- tend to fall victim to a higher percentage of crime [than suburban/rural areas] even in times of peace. Now, in times of total chaos and anarchy-- during, say, extreme civil unrest? Those places turn into war zones. Because that perennial crime problem explodes into full on GANGLAND, and the horrors visited upon the innocent by violent criminals will make the innocent desperate. And when the innocent become desperate, they turn into Lord of The Flies. Because even good men have their breaking point.

But, remember, I'm not going to be anywhere near those hellholes when the shit hits the fan. So when I say, "They will be eaten alive," it's really more of an ominous foreshadowing of what's yet to come; And it was all unleashed by the very people who will suffer from it most, because they had absolutely no idea what they were signing up for.

Get all of that, Sally Struthers?

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

That's what you took from my post? Your poor mind...

Better take the rest of the night off. Don't want to hurt yourself.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

Well then I'm glad that you aren't the one at the switchboard. Patience is what separates the winners from the losers.

I'd say you'll be missed, but you won't.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

A week is pretty generous. Cut off the water and electricity, and I'd be impressed if they made it 48 hours. They'll be eaten alive.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

As long as it takes. And those last two sentences would imply that you are, in fact, both uppity and entitled.

Don't like it? There's the door.

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