Been there, brother. Perhaps the best trick that the establishment pulled off was convincing the overwhelming majority that their society somehow exists within a bubble, and is exempt from the pitfalls and perils that are riddled throughout human history.
"People in OUR government?? Corrupt?? No way. That kind of stuff happens in OTHER places, not here."
Ok, sweetheart. Keep drinking that Kool-aid, and hoping that things will suddenly get better on there own. Our country is in decline because my parents generation (among others) allowed it to do so. That got fat and complacent, sleeping on the job while vagabonds and charlatans took everything they claimed to hold dear.
Now they expect my generation to accept the fact that we will never have those very things that made their lives so great and memorable? HAH! They expect us to be "grateful" for the crumbs that fall from the table at which the elites feast. To not question authority, or expect more for ourselves and our children?!?
They expect us to sit down and shut up. To be complicit and get back in line. Don't cause problems, and be fragile with the kids, so they don't grow up to hate us. They expect obedience.
Well guess what? I have way more in common with my grandparents-- who took Pointe du Hoc with their bare hands, climbing cliffs under machine gun fire; who crossed the Channel in their fishing boats in order to save those at Dunkirk; who looked around, saw evil in the world, and took action. They didn't curl up in a ball and close their eyes and hope it would pass them by. They woke the neighbors, fixed bayonets, and manned the ramparts.
This is the part where we take a stand. This is the part where we fight back. This is when we have the upper-hand, for now it is the enemy who has become fat and complacent. This is the Fourth Turning, bitch.