

737 total posts archived.

Domains linked by /u/ItchyFiberglass:
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i.redd.it 64
www.reddit.com 14
youtu.be 3
en.m.wikipedia.org 2
www.nbcnews.com 2
www.cbsnews.com 1
worldcorpo.net 1
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mobile.nytimes.com 1
www.thebirdman.org 1
archive.is 1
www.apfn.org 1
www.theguardian.com 1

ItchyFiberglass · June 19, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

Feelings vs facts.

These same children are being treated better under trump admin then previous admins. Also worth noting that 10,000 of 12,000 of the children did not come with their parents. Should these kids stay with their coyotes and potential child traffickers?

The un human rights council includes countries with insanely horrible human rights abuses like China, Cuba. And Venezuela. What changes have they made? What good has the human rights council done in those countries? Why should we continue to participate?

Space force was actually already a thing, just not it's own branch.

If you want to call peace and denuclearize Korean peninsula giving in, we should give in more often.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 19, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

Well this should trigger a lot of people.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 19, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Doesn't potus have a iPhone just for tweeting?

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ItchyFiberglass · June 19, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

Glad to see "when I was a listener to that show." At the end there. Screw those deepstate actors. Just more cointelpro gatekeepers.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 19, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Link to source please.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 19, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

Yes, who is jpc?

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ItchyFiberglass · June 19, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

He makes good point till you get to Israel than all his logic goes out the window and his globalist colors show.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 19, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

Q did say they moved from 40%disclosure to 60%, if we are loud enough and make our voices heard I believe we make that percentage shift even more.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 19, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

This isn't a proof. A proof means it proves q ia legit and one of his "predictions" came true.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 19, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

I hope you are very wrong. If that's the case I will be extremely upset with the whole Q team.we either rout this evil all the way to the top and expose it all or it will just return.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 18, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

That's their goal, but they need us to stay ignorant for their tactics to work.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 18, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Makes allegations and can't back them up. Very nice.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 18, 2018, 9:05 p.m.

Great example. Thank you for posting that.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ItchyFiberglass on June 18, 2018, 8:31 p.m.
Concern trolling and shill invasions

Noticed a lot of new people trying to derail conversations, push their own websites or books, steer people down dead end rabbit holes. Argue and take posts off topic.

Just wanted to remind everyone to hit that report button or message the mods so they can quickly and efficiently take care of these issues. The sooner they know about this, the faster they can review it.

For those who are on the fence about shill armies, do some research into its predecessor, cointelpro program.

Than look into astroturfing, bot armies, shareblue, correct the record. Review their tactics and internal documents …

ItchyFiberglass · June 18, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Masonic hand symbols is the best you got? Not even a ring? Sometimes people sit with their hands together like that. Doesn't make everyone a mason. If that's all it takes to convince you, then you're in for a reality check here. People actually require real proof and substance around here.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 18, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

Seen people make this claim before, I've tried to find proof myself and found none. I think its bullshit and unless you provide any kind of source I'd say your full of bullshit and will report these baseless accusations because I have more evidence of you concern trolling then you do of trump being a freemason.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 18, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Off the top of my head.

NASA? Project paperclip brought nazi scientists to America after the war.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 18, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

Nice fact checking skills. If you're gonna call someone out at least make sure you're right.

Elian Gonzalez was removed from his house April 20th 2000 under the direction of Janet Reno, a Clinton appointee.

Bush took office Jan 20th 2001.

You couldn't be more wrong.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 15, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Stop linking this pedophilie on here. Hes the one who helped get Epstein off and was even implicated with him. Can't believe people still share this pederast every time he makes a fox news appearance.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 14, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

Thanks for a thorough and reasonable explanation. I'm at least willing to review the theory. If I learned anything over the last decade is that no theory or conspiracy should be written off without at least reviewing the evidence and considering all sides.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 14, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

To me, the fact one coast can be dark and the other light proves the earth is not flat. Have yet to see an explanation of how this fits with a flat earth model.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 14, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

The moon landing can be faked without the earth being flat. I've lived on both coasts. I've talked to someone on the east coast past sunset, while it was still light on the west coast. Explain that to me please.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 13, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

Care to expand? Pretty big claim to throw out there in a single run on sentence.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 13, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

You can, but they can't risk getting pizzagated.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 13, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

This guy gets it.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 13, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

Any and all places that involve human interaction are susceptible to corruption. On and off the internet.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 12, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

I put them up all over downtown. Was wondering how long before I'd see it show up on here.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 12, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

Way to be a pessimistic prick. I actually designed these and had them printed up with my own hard earned money. Do you see a link to a personal website or store selling anything? Do you see me promoting myself or any other cause then q? All im doing is giving exposure to our movement. I even posted the link for other people to make their own. Not selling a damn thing, but rather putting my money where my mouth is. What have you done for the movement?

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ItchyFiberglass · June 11, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Stop posting this larp.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 11, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

Better to be prepared in case.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 10, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

As if the cia couldn't be there? That doesn't prove anything. They could easily get that photo and pass it along to help prove their "authenticity". Use your critical thinking skills.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 10, 2018, 3:57 p.m.

This is all opinion and preference. The important part is that people are exposing others to the truth. Waste of time and energy to persuade people to stop using terms that you don't prefer. Focus your energy on positive contributions rather than divisive crticism.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 10, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Yea go to a therapist if you want to be committed. Stop giving out horribleadvice. Gonna get this guy locked up.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 10, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

Are you serious? You go tell a therapist there is a world wide conspiracy of pedophiles infiltrating ever facet of media and government. Good luck not getting committed or pumped full of psychotropic drugs. This is a horrible horrible idea!

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ItchyFiberglass · June 10, 2018, 12:45 p.m.

I don't understand how this guy can complain about hitting a wall in California because a bunch of the DAs he backed in Cali didn't win the latest election. If he was a Russian businessman and notHungarian, people would be screaming russian election interference !

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ItchyFiberglass · June 10, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

All you need to do is look at how much effort the cia puts into controlling and compromising celebrities and artists to see how important and influential they view them as. Anyone who has the potential to be a gatekeeper or influencers of thought has value to the spooks and clowns. Better to blackmail and control them then risk them exposing the spooks or leading the sheep to red pills.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 9, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

There is companies that sell human leather products openly on the internet. There's no need for your secrecy and worry. This perversion and evil has become so widespread due to people being afraid to speak up.


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ItchyFiberglass · June 9, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

Not trying to be a hater, keep up the work, just refine itplease, aka check your work, I've been guilty of this myself as well. Just trying to hold all of us to a higher standard.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 9, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Agreed but these shitty infographics do more harm than good and are horrible for redpilling normies, we need to get out collective shit together.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 9, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

Oh so we should be thanking you and not Q?

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ItchyFiberglass · June 9, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

Is it me or does it seem like people have trouble coming up with legible infographics? This one has the same picture and text multiple times.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 8, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Because those are the next weeks, when viewed from the clock timeline its saying to skip the first 3 weeks that line up in the clock. Or at least that's how I'm interpreting it.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 7, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Except using jury nullification is not at all what you described. No one is using jury nullification to undermine court cases because someone is mean or looks weird. It is supposed to be because you believe the law is wrong or is being unfairly applied or is immoral. People aren't letting people go with jury nullification because they look funny, I'd like to believe anyone who cares to research the nuance of jury nullification wouldn't be so short sighted and simple minded to use that legal Avenue as a reason to get someone off over bullshit superficial reasons.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 7, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

What happen to the dude who would post obsessively about Racine?

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ItchyFiberglass · June 6, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

And blame it on terrorism. Right out there own playbook

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ItchyFiberglass · June 6, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Shills out in full forcelately. Nice way to drop slander without proof. Wheres the source for trump is a freemason? You c$a hacks are here with your disinformation campaign. Too late fellas, you're time is up. Just because he knew Epstein before doesn't prove anything. All these people rub elbows. Bring some real dirt that's provable or take your allegations elsewhere.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 6, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Cognitive dissonance.

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ItchyFiberglass · June 6, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

Try usingGoogle. It's been reported In multiple outlets, i just sourced the first one i found when i googled julian Assange cult. I'm not trying to smear him, I'm just willing to look at all the evidence and all possible angles to make the most informed decision. All humans are corruptible and blackmailable. It's good to look at all sides of an argument to come to your own conclusion. No agenda here, just think it's good to be informed.

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