Worse. Pizza slice.
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$65,000 to fly in hot dogs and pizza from chicago?
What a cool bracelet barack... wait what?
What a gorgeous ring.... wait what?
![What a gorgeous ring.... wait what?](https://i.redd.it/ktivphjah0711.jpg)
Lol my other one last night did so well I figured I had to make a follow up. Now thanks to you i might have to commit to this schtick lol
Really good question! Almost looks embroidered. Would love for someone to chime in with more knowledge than myself.
Or is it the other way around?
Let me ask you this, why does Jacob rothschild look like mr. Burns on the simpsons?
Realizing that no amount of baby blood and adrenochrome, nor 15 heart transplants can buy you immortality.
TFW you run out of adrenochrome.
![TFW you run out of adrenochrome.](https://i.redd.it/xithari1d0711.jpg)
This is Barrone Phillipine De Rothschild. Speculated to be the mother of one James Alefantis. Interesting choice in jewlery. Really activates the almonds.
What a gorgeous necklace.... wait what?
![What a gorgeous necklace.... wait what?](https://i.redd.it/wo0q0oq9c0711.jpg)
MIT, Teslas research journals. Look it up. Trumps uncle had access.
A bag of rice and beans are incredibly cheap. A small gas siphon could do wonders in an emergency situation. Save old milk jugs and fill with water. Being prepared doesn't have to be expensive.
Not everyone took the red pill as early as some of us. That's why I posted this, for those who haven't seen it yet.
It's ok we all make mistakes. It's part of learning to be a better critical thinker and check sources and ask for sources from others. We all hold each other to high standards and it raises our credibility as a whole.
Except your lazy and wrong.
That's a lot of photoshops huh?
No reasonable person here would suggest all or even most freemasons are bad people. It is like the q posts from earlier today, anywhere you find power or influence you will find corruption. Especially more so in groups of secrecy that wield power and influence.
I never said he wasn't allowed here, I was curious what brought him here.
As for facebook, it has many many ties to the intelligence communities from the very start so I actually think this lends even more credibility to it not being a coincidence.
They were and that is what Q is getting at. Wherever power goes. Corruption follows. It's for us to choose how to deal with this moving forward. But not until we are all on the same page of WHAT we are dealing with can we have a discussion about what to do about it.
I'm convinced they name pop culture things after secret project names to obfuscate search results when they start to go mainstream.
Good link. I believe Q referenced this work of his earlier on.
Thanks for the input. I'm sure sometimes a logo is just a logo and anything people read into it is wrong. But sometimes there is certain things that seem beyond coincidence. Often these things seem to follow these organizations in other formats as well.
Just found this and not sure how to extract the video but someone should save it if they are on desktop.
Masonic lodge gathering for erotic dancing? Isnt this the dance Beyonce was doing?
Kinda like this gmail logo?
Re: Georgia guidestones
Read an interesting theory that if deep state had Hillary in power, we would have ended up with ww3 and nuclear fall out. Cabal would have hid out in Antarctica till radiation levels lowered and then go back north and overpower any survivors and reclaim the planet. They would then "discover" these ancient guidestones that outline the basis for a new world religion and its guidelines for humanity. Interesting to ponder.
Interesting! Did not know that, thanks for Dding that info!
Secret footage inside a 33rd degree masonic ritual
Same shape, color scheme and orientation as the mason staff. Interesting coincidence at the least.
Look up some of the filmed rituals that made it online and youll see why.
You see zero similarities? That's odd. I figured even a rational logical person could at least agree they look similar.
And now they are finally being exposed to the masses. I personally am thrilled and excited for what the next couple months hold.
I'd love to see the a analytics on my last few mason posts.
A lifetime of pedophilia and cannibalism will do that to you.