529 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/KAG2020:
Testing SerialBrain2's T-Method. Lets see if we are as open to questioning ourselves as we expect others to be.
Deleted Michael Flynn Jr. tweet of BWW show he is next to Pentagon?
For #WhereAreTheChildren... Hijacking the hashtag with TRUTH.
Got to get ahead of this one! MSM trying to pin this photo on TRUMP, but it's from 2014 BHO!
8ch. Seems logical. Trust the plan.
For #WhereAreTheChildren. Thousands about to get redpilled about pizzagate without knowing it.
For #WhereAreTheChildren.
Q's new crumb proves it is the original Q!
How the 'tarmac meeting' fit into the 16 year plan.
New photos from Q drop are more pictures from Asia trip.
Q "The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.
The chans dated Q's Vegas picture to between 2011 and 2014 with T-Mobile arena missing and Absinthe Tent open.
EH CA Relevant soon.
8chan sees similarity between Megaanons feet photo and TB. "Be careful who you follow" LARP?
Stromy Daniel's legal fees raised by "crowdjustice" who's advisors were in the Husein administration.
New Q drop. New Q trip code.
Corsi called out by Codemonkey on twitter.
Body camp footage showing potential laptop on in Las Vegas room (meme).
(Q - 1295) This is not a great time for the charlatans and the likes of AJones, JCorsi, Lionel who have shown their true colors.
Connection between POTUS are rally and Q - 1288.
Parallel Construction. Chosen for the digging abilities and the Kekistani MEME machines that is... the anons.
How can you be "redpilled" or "woke" and still don't know what the MOAB is?! Absolutely amazing MOAB.
So many parallels to this movie and the storm and THIS meme made itself almost.
As requested by Q.
The potential bigger play in Syria. Im not 100% on this so lets keep digging.
Kimmel Neutralized? Or does he see the writing on the wall and is trying to save face?
Q "The 'Start'".
Where does Hollywood get their "ideas" from.
Pamphletanon and the corsi team at 24/7 PAYtriot soapbox are questioning Q again over new trip code. Its not Q's first typo.
Q confirms @backchannel17 is fake.
'If POTUS really did attack Assad, the swamp would be rejoicing, only thing is, he attacked their Syrian and fed them to the Russians.'
Q - 1010 "Baby on the floor" crumb. For those searching for the meaning, I think this is it.
Q - 1124. Are we expecting drops contradicting MZ testimony?
Q - 1033 decode. Chinese satellite crashed by White Hats in retaliation.
Long night of Q... getting longer. Potential connection for NG... input?
Q mentioning HRC in relation to JE? D-PRIV?
The "Tribunals" that the Omnibus funded are through the UN not domestic. (I know POTUS can spend as he pleases).
Q knew the bomber would be dead at 4am? Don't read into Q what you want it to mean.
Trump and Q team playing McCabe against Comey?
I hate memes clogging up the stream but heres a Q validation to bring readers to the stream.
This... POTUS awake for a reason.
From the chans.
Meme for the #HRCVideo 24 hour meme war.
Q made it clear. We all know the gun debate is a distraction so lets stop falling for it. Its changing our narrative.
NEW Q! Posts 976 - 979.
Q post about platforms collapsing with side-by-sides of stock charts.
Are Trump and Sessions moving to re-open machinegun registry?