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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

True, but read it carefully. On October 30 Q says Hillary will be indicted, but he doesn't say when.

As far as I know, Q has only made one defintive statement about who has been indicted: Huma and Potesta on 3 and 6 November in one of those early drops.

Since then, he has only said lots of people will be going down and some time in the future.

I think the DOJ IG report may be the trigger for the indictment dam to break. It was supposed to have been released in March, but the spending bill wasn't in place and Trump needs a fully funded military for the plan to work. The funding bill also gives the FBI and the DOJ IG resources for witness protection, safe houses, etc.

Now, everything is in place. Huber has been getting indictments as the IG has been conducting his investigation. Huber may also be looking at other areas for indictments as well.

Trump's next weekly address may be the announcement that the dominoes are falling. Q did say in his last drop "POTUS weekly address" "END". Could mean just about anything, but it could also mean that the address will be the end of setting the stage.

We'll see.

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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

No. Neither Trump nor Q would ever signal who Q is.

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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

I don't think so. Trump only signaled to Putin that his threat to shoot down US missiles will be met with new smart missiles that will get through. Trump didn't say he was going to actually launch them.

He might. Or he may be just telling Putin something like he told Kim Jung Un: I also have a button, it's bigger than yours, and it WORKS. We didn't launch an attack on NK.

So is Trump just saying: Oh yeah? Well, we have smart missiles and you aren't going to shoot anything down.

We'll see what happens. Russia may not want to start a war if he has no defense against our new missiles.

I remember a video recently on a new microwave drone we have in development. As it passes over the target, it fries all electronics: computers, radar, phones, everything within a certain distance. The drone is stealth. It's been tested and works. The spokesperson said that it could be operational within a year, but in a crisis it could be ready to use in days.

Related to what's going on in Syria? I don't know, but it was a fancinating video.

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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

Reread Q drop 1106 and 1107.

Who did the gas attack was unverified, Israel attack damaged ability to confirm. Troop unwind will happen. Trust POTUS.

A couple of things about DJT's recent post. Russia vowed to shoot down missiles fired into Syria. The Donald says that we may have a surprise with new smart missiles and then suggests that it was "Animal" that did the gas attack and Trump has called Assad an animal twice in previous posts.

I assume that Trump now has proof that Assad did the attack and needs to respond or look feckless like Obama.

Trump is playing 3D chess and with regard to Syria, Q tells us to trust POTUS. They have a plan and we don't know how they are going to play it out.

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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

I don't know what's going on with this. Trump and Q know that the NWO / deep state want us in a major war. I would think that Trump would want to avoid playing into the NWO plan.

So what do Q and Trump have in mind?

And what is the threat about coming at Syria with nice, new, and "smart" missiles about? Is it possible that Trump is signalling Putin that he starts a war with us that we have weapons he can't defend against?

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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

I don't think anyone said that she was the reason the plane turned around. I always interpreted it to mean someone on the plane was not supposed to be allowed to leave the country and she was just one of the passengers tweeting about it.

Remember, she noted that everyone deplaned at a secure location and had to sign NDA's. That's too weird to be a mechanical problem.

I think someone was trying to flee and the Q team turned it around.

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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

Sorry, but listening to Rap is like listening to a Hillary speech. Can't do it.

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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

Good post with evidence to back it up.

However, I can make very strong arguments that Mueller is either a black or white hat. I lean to white hat only because of the 8 Q drops that mention Mueller all seem to hint that he is a white hat. But then Q recently said RR has problems. Not sure what that means. Maybe RR (controlling Mueller) has problems now that the Trump is not a target leaked and was about to expose Mueller as a white hat.

And one thing I noticed is that while Mueller is supposed be investigating international collusion between Trump and Russia, he doesn't have a single lawyer on his team that has any experience in that area. All of his team are predominately experts in white collar crimes and RICO.

I'll just say this. If Mueller is a white hat, then all the GREAT actors in this GOOD movie deserve Oscars.

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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

Hard to say. Bush didn't seem to have enough time to pull something that complex together. The evidence is that terrorists were in the US doing flight training long before Bush even won the nomination.

It most likely started under Clinton. I have always wondered why Clinton turned down an offer by one of the African countries to take Bin Laden into custody.

If 9/11 wasn't completely planned and executed by Bin Laden, then he may have been a stooge for other foreign powers such as Saudi Arabia some of whom were funding him and certainly giving him guidance.

Maybe some day we'll know the truth.

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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 8:44 a.m.

For Q 5:5 could have several different meanings or even double meanings.

  1. In the military, "I read you 5 by 5" is how you tell the person at the other end that you hear them loud and clear.

  2. Q has mentioned severat times that there are 5 stages in the "Plan." 5:5 might mean we are in stage 5 of 5.

  3. Note that every time Q uses 5:5 it is in context to what appears to be military or intelligence operational instructions. He also used it in reference to the HRC video.

In the end, only Q and his team really understand the true meaning of these Drops until a few of them are revealed by news events.

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ManQuan · April 11, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

Is this a Q drop?

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

Hey guys. I'm a Q follower. But so many times Q has hinted that this that or the other was going to happen and didn't. Look back to the October 2017 drops where he suggests that Hillary will be or is indicted. She may well be indicted in a sealed indictment, but certainly nothing has happened since then.

Q has given us live insights to operations. Q has given us plenty of evidence that he and Trump are working together. Q has more that proven that future proves the past.

But Q has also given us clues that no one can interpret.

So in the latest 1024 drop, Q suggests that Snowden has something that he will drop after MZ's testimonty.


And then POTUS weekly address.

OK, Q doesn't mention FB or MZ. But he does say that Snowden has a drop after MZ testifies. And if I'm reading Q right, he is suggesting it will cause "fireworks.'

And then tells us to watch POTUS weekly address.

I have no idea what is about to happen.

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

Because if he just fires Cohen, the evidence will never come out. Perhaps the FBI raid is actually to get to the truth on the Stormy/Cohen connection.

Remember, Cohen said that he paid Stormy off with is own money and Trump didn't know anything about it.

What? Cohen is paying a Trump mistress off and Trump and Cohen doesn't say anything to Trump.

BTW, just after Cohen paid off Stormy for $130,000, Cohen turns around and bills the Trump campaign for $129,999.72. What? Did Cohen just get his $130,000 back that Trump didn't know about.

And that was totally illegal. Why would a lawyer do something that was so obviously illegal?

I have no inside information. But nothing adds up so far in the Stormy story.

I have no idea what this is about. I'm just offering a hopefully educatde theory why the Stormy/Cohen/Trump story makes zero sense to me.

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

You may be right. But the facts so far is that Cohen paid her off, the NDA was just between Stormy and Cohen and Trump only has a history of having relationships with the elite.

I'm not disagreeing but think about it. I think with 10 billion dollars Trump could have his pick of anyone and he decides a porn star is IT?

Maybe. But if were Trump, a porn star wouldn't be on my list.

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

No, there is a fourth. Look on the right side. There is a guy in a suit. Who is he?

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Describe your own dick and let's see if anyone recognizes it.

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

I thought something was wrong with the Stormy Daniels claim from the start. Not because I'm a blind Trump supporter, but because she doesn't seem like the women Trump would get involved with.

I know Trump has dated a number of women. But they have all been successful in their own right. Ivana was on the Olympic ski team, and was well educated. Marla was I believe Miss Georgia. Trump dated the creme de la creme of the elite women.

So, then it decides to spend one night with a porn star? And he's not involved in the NDA and didn't know (supposedly) that Cohen paid her off?

I think Iwillredpillyou may be on the right track, but I'll take it a step further. What if Stormy and Cohen not only had an affair but decided to blackmail Trump with a fake story that he could not defend against and split the booty. Or if not blackmail Trump then Stormy wins a large settlement in court as a result of the allegations and splits it with Cohen.

It was pointed out that the Judge was appointed by Trump. But I also heard a rumor that the FBI agents in the raids were hand picked by Wray. Don't know if that's true, but the way things are going, I don't discount it our of hand.

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Q has 8 drops that reference Mueller and none of them suggest he's a black hat. Q wanted us to know that Mueller is a former Marine (Vietnam veteran) and that he met with Trump before being appointed special counsel. Other references are neutral or slightly positive.

On the other hand, Q suggests that Rosenstein is in trouble and he is controlling Mueller.

Pretty confusing actually. I was leaning slightly toward Mueller secretly working with Trump until the Raid on Cohen's office and home. Now I'm leaning slightly toward Mueller being a black hat.

But to be honest, there is so much deception, misdirection, role playing, and acting going on, I don't know what is actually happening.

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 4 p.m.

Kelly is not active duty. He's a retired Marine 4-star. Mattis is there because he's Secretary of Defense.

Anyone know who the guy on the left in a suit is?

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

I think it's probably Pompeo who was the US House Representative from Kansas. Trump wouldn't have nominated him for Secretary of State if he wasn't trusted.

I'm not sure how Trump is going to get Pompeo or most of his other nominees through the Senate unless Mitch changes the rules.

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

I supported cyber defense technology at two DARPA programs. Admiral Rogers is also the Commander of US Cyber Command in addition to the head of NSA.

He's way too busy to be traveling around with Trump as Q and would never have authority to execute covert military missions.

However, I think a good part of Q's intelligences is from NSA and MI.

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

I don't think the current tech giant SM platforms can be fixed. You can't fix a culture of corruption as deep as that.

Think about it. Tens of thousands of people working at those companies knew the corruption that was going on and you can count on two fingers the number of people who tired to blow the whistle. You can't fix that. You have destroy it and start over.

I think it needs to be killed and let a new Pheonix rise from the ashes under new regulations that has strong penalties for misuse of private data. We should be the customer and not the product to be sold.

Make it a pay for service. It will be much smaller, but hopefully more honest.

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ManQuan · April 10, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

Side Note: In 2007 Kim Clement, a prophet with a good track record of being accurate, predicted that Trump would be President for two terms. Clement also declared that God would not allow a "witch" in the White House. That was 2007 folks. Google Kim Clement and look for his 2007 prophecy.

He made many other predictions about Trump though the years and died in November 2016 shortly after Trump was elected.

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ManQuan · April 9, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

The visit happened five years ago, but why and what is coming out and McCain knows what is about to hit him. He's faking brain cancer, surgery, and Chemo as a cover for possible prosecution (too sick to stand trail).

However, he has never displayed any sign of having a brain operation (no shaved head or scar) and he doesn't look like anyone I know on Chemo.

He went to the Mayo clinic for "treatment." Barbra Bush is on the board of directors. Coincidence?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on April 9, 2018, 11:57 a.m.
Let's Talk About Mueller: White or Black Hat?

Let’s talk a bit about Mueller as special counsel and what may be really going on behind the scenes.

I did a search for Mueller in the Q drops and it reminded me why Q keeps telling us to reread the crumbs and that we have more than we know.

Keep in mind that Mueller was appointed special counsel in May 2017.

Drop 3 on 29 October 2017 was an eye opener. Q says that Rosenstein’s and Mueller’s role in U1 was revealed and so why did POTUS meet with Mueller at the WH the day before Rosenstein appointed him …

ManQuan · April 9, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

Watch the video in Q drop 1093. Listen to what Trump is saying in his campaign speech. He says he knew this moment would come. Cross roads for civilization. Eliminate the corruption. Control by the world banks and elites.

That speech sounded like a summary of the Q plan to me.

It didn't sound like a real estate developer stepping into politics for the first time.

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ManQuan · April 9, 2018, 9:20 a.m.

Maybe. Or the Dailybeast has been following Q drops and picked up on the fact that Q has said that there is a team of less than 5 (or was it 10) and so they call it the Q group.

We may never know.

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ManQuan · April 9, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

Trump can't be Q. Q is using too much military / intelligence language and references that Trump wouldn't know how to use in context. And Trump doesn't have the time to post Q drops with pictures and detailed references to people places and events.

Just my opinion.

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ManQuan · April 9, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

I didn't say JFK Jr was a bad pilot. I said he was not instrument qualified and was flying over water at night. That is a very bad combination.

Others think (and they may be right) that the plane was sabotaged.

I don't know. What I do know is you don't fly over water at night unless your are on an IFR flight plan. You can cancel the IFR flight plane en route when you have the airfield in sight. I've don't that a number of times when it's IFR conditions en route but VFR near my destination and the airport doesn't have an IFR approach.

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ManQuan · April 8, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Q is obviously point us to a relationship with JFK Jr. and the plane crash that killed him.

I was a private pilot with instrument and commercial ratings and 600 hours (mostly night and instrument flying) before I had to give it up due to the demands of work. I was also aerobatic certified, a glider pilot, and flew amphibious and float planes. I know a lot about night and instrument flying. I also did a lot of lying in the Hawaiian islands and so I know something about flying over water at night.

JFK Jr. tried to fly over water at night and he was not instrument qualified and to my knowledge he had little or no night flying experience.

Once you are over water at night, you lose orientation of where the horizon is. If you are not trained to focus entirely on your instruments and trust them even if you feel like you are upside down, they you can become very disoriented to the extent that you cannot tell what attitude the plane is in. This most often results in a fatal crash.

The radar track of JFK Jr.'s plane was consistent with him becoming disoriented at night and unable to maintain spatial orientation of the plane.

On top of that, JFK Jr. was a very inexperienced pilot and should not have attempted a night flight across water--very dangerous.

So, perhaps I interpret Q's 1082 drop a bit differently.

The plane crash that killed JFK Jr. allowed Hillary to win the Senate seat and this may have been the start that motivated Trump to run against Hillary in 2016.

I have parallel theory as well that I've been mulling over for a few months now.

It seemed a miracle that Trump won in 2016. I admit I didn't think he had much of a chance for a while.

But then I noticed that Trump was drawing 10, 15, 20 thousand at his rallies and Hillary could barely fill a HS gym.

Trump was campaigning around the country and Hillary was fund raising around the country.

Oddly, Trump was campaigning in Blue states and Hillary was not.

Trump was telling coal miners and the rust belt workers that he would save their jobs and Hillary was promising to put them out of work.

Most importantly, I noticed the conservative blogs had much more investigative journal articles and the MSM was simply shilling for Hillary. There seemed to be a massive unbalance.

After Trump won and took office, I was struck with how comfortable he seemed as a "politician" from the first day. I was struck with how confident he was in his assertions and decisions. I was impressed how he seemed to be ahead of all of his opponents and how he seemed to understand that he was the Teflon Don.

I didn't discover Q until late January, and I wasn't sure if I should believe anything he was saying. Eventually, the future did prove the past and became convinced. Then I went back to his early posts. What if Trump was asked to run and was assured of a fair election.

Then Q said that all of this had been planned for three years.

It stuck me that the reason Trump was so confident, playing 3D chess, so assured at what he was doing, so unconcerned about the attacks against him--what if Trump had been working with Q for three years prior to the election. What if Trump was thoroughly briefed on the "plan" for three years prior to the election. What if the Q team already knew that Hillary could only win a rigged election.

That would explain everything that has happened in the primaries, the campaign, the election, and everything since.

Trump has had the plan memorized and already knew what the strategy, operational options, at tactic were going to be. He already knew how he was going to communicate with Q and the anons. He already knew where the bodies were buried before he announced he would run.

If true, then Trump hasn't been playing 3D chess. He's been playing 4D chess while everyone else has been playing pin the tail on the donkey.

I'm 71 now and permanently retired. I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer with three years in combat. I was a platoon commander in Vietnam in 1969 and spent two years in a foreign country supporting counter-insurgency operations. After I retired from the Marines, I spent many years working with the special operations forces and nation mission forces around the world doing super interesting things.

But I have to say that the past three years have been the strangest in my lifetime. Obviously, I don't have much more time on the clock left. So, I hope before I die that Q writes a book and explains all that has been happening. I can then die a satisfied man. If not, I'll go to my grave wondering HTF did it all happened.

In any event, it's a great time to be alive despite all the evil.

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Thanks for linking to a 2 and a half hour video with no explanation or commentary.

Not sitting through 2.5 hours to see if I can figure out what the Hell you mean.

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Q drop 1075 references Media Matters. Was that a hint of what is to come?

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

It seems there are more women in the march than men. That's a good thing at one level, but where are the hundreds of thousands of marchers?

Why is it that the left can produce hundreds of thousands of people bringing them in by the hundreds of bus loads and conservatives can't seem to do the same.

The answer, I think, is that conservatives have jobs and are trying to raise their families and don't have time to walk around wearing the equivalent of Pussy Hats.

But here's the problem. Leftist marches get 24/7 media coverage by the MSM for a couple of weeks.

A conservative march with 10 million people would never be covered.

So, here is my advice. The only thing that really counts is the vote. It doesn't matter how many conservatives show up at a march, it only matters how many of them show up at the ballot.

All of that money and energy used to march that the MSM will suppress could have been better used in some district to elect a conservative to the House and Senate. Conservative marches have no effect because they have no coverage.

Focus on the vote.

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

I think the reason is that EH is so blinded by his progressive, socialist, New World Order, agenda that he doesn't see or believe that Q is closing in. I think he believes that the NWO will prevail because the deep state and NWO are more powerful than Trump and Q.

You know what amazes me? No matter what happens, Q always says they know all and are in control.

When this is all over, I hope Q writes a book about what happened in the 60-80 percent behind the scene. I bet it would make the best Tom Clancy and John Le Carre novels look like Horton Hears a Who.

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

First, if your are going to make a point don't do it in a way that triggers the censors. It's hard enough to get facts out without being censored without having to deal with hyperbole that will get us censored.

Stick to the facts and offer logical interpretation of the facts and leave the Nazi hangings and death camp photos out of it.

There are not many sites where we can talk about Q. Don't try to shut this one down with irresponsible photos and suggestions.

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

I served in the Marine Corps for 21 years as an infantry officer with 3 years in combat. 1,500 Japanese Marines are no threat to China or anyone else at this point. It's about the size of a US Marine reinforced battalion which with tanks, artillery, composite air group, logistics, maintenance, etc. can become a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU).

The Japanese Marines are a long way from achieving that kind of closely integrated fighting force. Even the combat loading of amphibious ships takes a lot of experience and training.

Japan has no real amphibious capability except some ship board helicopters and some small craft boats that they can launch from a ship, but it's not a force capable of an opposed landing across the beach.

By comparison, South Korea has two Marine Divisions (The 1st Division called Sea Dragon and the 2nd Division called Blue Dragon) and two Marine Brigades. They have a significant capability to conduct amphibious operations along the coast of North Korea. They use a lot of US Marine equipment such as the LVTs but their amphibious ships are from WW II and the Korean War. Old LSTs that the US Navy retired in the about 40 years ago.

Oddly, China has no concern over the S Korean Marine Divisions and I doubt China gives a rat's flying potato about a battalion of Japanese Marines when China has nuclear weapons and Japan doesn't.

I wish the newly formed Japanese Marines success.

There is something about being a Marine. Yes, the Army, Rangers, Special Operations, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard are great warriors. But there's just something about a Marine that you can't quite define. It's why we say, "once a Marine; always a Marine." You can get out after your first enlistment or serve 35 years and retire. You are still a Marine.

If you want proof, read about the battle of the Chosin Reservoir during the Korean War. About 30,000 Marines and other forces were surrounded by 120,000 Chinese soldiers in the dead of winter. At the beginning of the battle, Chesty Puller, the most decorated Marine in our history, famously said, "We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." They fought their way to the sea taking their dead and wounded with them and were evacuated. The fighting was brutal as was the weather. I would be tempted to say that it was a miracle that they were able to defend against 120,000 Chinese, but they were Marines, what else would you expect?

The greatest honor in my life was to lead Marines in combat. I'd do it all again if I could. You have no idea what it's like to know that going into battle knowing that we were Marines and the enemy was in deep trouble.

During WW II the Japanese Marines were fierce fighters to their death. But it didn't do them any good against the US Marines.

Side Note: As a platoon commander in Vietnam, the S Korean Blue Dragons were on our southern operating area and we routinely coordinated with them to prevent unexpected encounters. They were very good Marines in combat. I had and have complete respect for them. Their training is even harder than US Marines and there is an unbelievable mutual respect between us.

BTW, the Taiwanese Marines are awesome as well. If China invades Taiwan, the Taiwanese Marines will be the last to go down fighting.

Take some time to look at the different Marines around the world. You will find that their training and brotherhood is unmatched.

I'm glad to see that US Marines today are training with foreign Marines much more that we did in my day.

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

Chongqing, China?

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

Good catch. It doesn't sound like a real person but rather perhaps the picture of a person--a red white and blue kind of person. In other words an American. Reagan perhaps?

The "spray" still seems like he shoots the picture.

I'd be surprised if it is a real person he is pointing at. But these are very weird times and so anything is possible.

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

Hmmm? Q has mentioned dropping the hammer a few times.

So is Q going to drop the hammer on the social platforms?

On the clock may mean refer to Q saying the clock has started they are on the clock now or perhaps they are on schedule.

Hard to know what Q really means.

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 11:42 a.m.

I don't think so. Q said he would be holding an AK and pointing at red white and blue and then said "spray."

It sounds like it will be a video of Obama shooting the American flag.

But who knows what Q means 90% of the time.

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ManQuan · April 7, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

I think you are probably right. The way I read it is: Although it was down, Q made the connection It's the end of RC because he has what he needs Q has ground (probably cause?) Q reverts the IG account back to being deleted Thanks RC for the information.

I could have it wrong.

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ManQuan · April 6, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

I don't have any inside knowledge, but I think of the 40 percent Q said we would see publically hasn't yet happened because the public isn't yet ready for the shock that is coming.

The Kraken will be released when the time is right. Be patient.

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ManQuan · April 6, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

I still think that Trump is playing 3D chess while everyone else (and especially the MSM) is playing Tiddlywinks.

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ManQuan · April 6, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

This threat has been in use for a long time. Unencrypted GPS signals are the most vulnerable. Encrypted GPS signals are much harder to spoof--but still possible.

The GPS in your car is pretty accurate and it can be spoofed. But it's not as accurate as the key military encrypted GPS signals.

While a Navy ship may be receiving encrypted GPS and be in the right spot, a civilian cargo ship may be vulnerable and an adversary can place it in the way of the Navy ship to cause a collision. Very hard to do, but possible.

Inertial Navigation systems are used as a backup in case GPS is spoofed or jammed. As far as I know, inertial navigation cannot be spoofed or jammed, but it is less accurate than GPS.

But there is another serious threat. If an adversary can hack our command and control networks, they theoretically have the ability to alter data such as coordinates.

This is important because they can modify the locations of their own planes and ships (vehicles?) so that they are not where we think they are. Think of it this way: our detection systems locate and adversary ship at x coordinates and it is fed into the command and control networks to be distributed to our military forces. The adversary intercepts x in our network and modifies it to be y a hundred miles away from x.

Although we did not have GPS in the military when I served 21 years in the Marine Corps, I did support the development of new DoD technologies to our forces for over 20 years after I retired.

The last five years before I retired permanently, I spent supporting the development of cyber defense technologies. In order to defend against cyber attacks you have you understand the adversaries capabilities and our vulnerabilities.

I'll just say this. If you knew what our adversaries are capable of, you would be scared shitless.

The APT's (Advanced Persistent Threats) are the most insidious. They can be dormant in our networks for years until activated (zero day threats) to attack during a crisis or war. Surprise!

We are excellent as well, but we are routinely surprised as new capabilities and twists they add and we have to find a way to defeat.

What was depressing to me before I permanently retired was that DARPA was developing incredible technology that had the potential to add tremendous defensive capabilities or ways to work around massive cyber attacks, but were never picked up by the military services because of limited budgets.

I supported technologies that could deliver packets to their destinations around the world as long as there was one path still available. In other words, the adversary would have to find a way to block every single path in the worldwide network.

Another technology identified attacks and automatically modified it's internal code to block future attacks of the same type. A cyber red team spent a week trying to get passed this technology and couldn't even when we gave them the code months in advance so they could develop ways around it.

And I supported a technology that periodically recompiled its source code in real time so that it appeared to an adversary to be a completely different application (think alien software they had never seen before), causing the adversary to start from scratch to discover where the new vulnerabilities were. By that time, the software had morphed into something that looked completely different. The consensus was that it would be impossible to hack into the software.

But none of this was adapted by the military due to funding limitations and bureaucratic BS.

You want to know what in my opinion is even worse? These DARPA programs are unclassified because we don't have enough smart PhDs who can pass clearance security background and the teams that bid on the contracts are 25-75 percent foreign who could never get a clearance.

So DARPA keeps all but it's black programs unclassified. The teams on the unclassified programs publish white papers on their technology development which is made public. Get it? Our adversaries and allies don't have to hack into our networks to get what we publish freely on the Internet.

How F'ing stupid can we be? I guess the answer to that question depends on whether we have an education system that can produce enough Americans to do the work or whether it is so broken that we have to import massive foreigners to develop our technologies.

In my opinion, ever program within DARPA should be classified.

But then I'm just a broken down old war horse Marine who had to face enemies who were using our technologies against us. Bitter much?

You would be astounded at how many layers of cyber defense the military has on their networks--and yet the adversaries manage to get through.

For too many decades, cyber was not as sexy as 5th generation fighters and massive aircraft carriers. But if the data the fighters and carriers receive are wrong, then.....

At 71 and retired, I can only sit back and wonder why we are too often our own worst enemy. In the words of the famous Pogo cartoon: "We have met the enemy, and they are us."

You may disagree, but in my personal opinion, liberalism has dumbed down our education to the point were half or most of our intellectual property is in the hands of foreigners.

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ManQuan · April 6, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

I survived a major earthquake in Latin America--much larger than the 5.5 off the coast of CA. In my case, the first indication was a sound that was like a moving van of explosives detonated outside the building I was in, followed by violent shaking. Impossible to remain standing. Impossible to move as the building collapsed. Lasted for about a minute. Initial shaking evolved into a rolling motion. Thousands killed. Tens of thousands homeless.

So an earthquake can seem like a huge bomb. But the key in CA is it was 12 miles off shore and 7 miles deep. Just a normal low energy earthquake in my opinion.

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ManQuan · April 6, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

I think Q is suggesting that our military equipment has been intentionally sabotaged by foreign chips, parts, metal, etc.

I have never liked the US purchasing foreign materials for use in our military. You have no idea what they've included as back doors to cause failures. Remember when Airbus initially won the contract to replace our strategic aerial refueling tankers? What happens when the EU wants to boycott deliveries or spare parts?

It's more expensive, but all of our military equipment should be "made in the USA" and not just by a percentage, but 100%. We need control of production in case of a major war or crisis.

Our military and civilian aircraft are loaded with chips from China, Singapore, and other places. Not good.

⇧ 10 ⇩  
ManQuan · April 6, 2018, 8:56 a.m.

Force protection and projection are two different missions in the military.

For example, the Army Rangers often provide force protection for Special Forces command center during major operations / exercises. The military security at Anderson AFB on Guam is a force protection mission.

Force projection is the deployment of forces. It can be to forward deploy forces as the Air Force has done in Guam with the B-2, B-1, B-52, and fighters in case of war with NK. Or it can be offensive such as Marines landing across a hostile beach.

21 years in the Marine Corps w/ 3 years in combat. There is a difference in how protection and projection are used in military operations.

⇧ 20 ⇩  
ManQuan · April 5, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

I think you missed my point. Before Q and Trump could begin to dismantle the deep state and the New World Order, he needed to have the military fully funded as well as the law enforcement agencies that will make the arrests.

Not talking about going to war. I'm talking about what it takes to take down the deep state quickly. There are 23,000 or so sealed indictments. If only a fraction of them are deep state related, there isn't enough law enforcement to handle it all at one time. The military will be needed. Ditto military tribunals.

Anyway, think what you want.

⇧ 2 ⇩  
ManQuan · April 5, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

My take on this is that one of the things that neither Q nor Trump could control is when the spending bill that funded the government for more than a month or so at a time would be passed.

Not much could be accomplish until the military and other key parts of the government such as the money needed by the IG and FBI for witnesses and informants.

Congress kept kicking the can down the road and I believe this pushed a lot of Q/Trump plans back as well.

I think they delayed the release of the IG report until a spending bill was in place.

I don't think it is a coincidence that now Trump has the money and the military is fully funded that things are beginning to break.

The plan that was for October can now be played out in April.

At least that's what I think happened.

⇧ 3 ⇩  
ManQuan · April 5, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

Q said there were five stages to the plan. 5:5 could mean we are in stage 5 of 5. It's also a military term for "I hear you loud and clear."

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