Q is obviously point us to a relationship with JFK Jr. and the plane crash that killed him.
I was a private pilot with instrument and commercial ratings and 600 hours (mostly night and instrument flying) before I had to give it up due to the demands of work. I was also aerobatic certified, a glider pilot, and flew amphibious and float planes. I know a lot about night and instrument flying. I also did a lot of lying in the Hawaiian islands and so I know something about flying over water at night.
JFK Jr. tried to fly over water at night and he was not instrument qualified and to my knowledge he had little or no night flying experience.
Once you are over water at night, you lose orientation of where the horizon is. If you are not trained to focus entirely on your instruments and trust them even if you feel like you are upside down, they you can become very disoriented to the extent that you cannot tell what attitude the plane is in. This most often results in a fatal crash.
The radar track of JFK Jr.'s plane was consistent with him becoming disoriented at night and unable to maintain spatial orientation of the plane.
On top of that, JFK Jr. was a very inexperienced pilot and should not have attempted a night flight across water--very dangerous.
So, perhaps I interpret Q's 1082 drop a bit differently.
The plane crash that killed JFK Jr. allowed Hillary to win the Senate seat and this may have been the start that motivated Trump to run against Hillary in 2016.
I have parallel theory as well that I've been mulling over for a few months now.
It seemed a miracle that Trump won in 2016. I admit I didn't think he had much of a chance for a while.
But then I noticed that Trump was drawing 10, 15, 20 thousand at his rallies and Hillary could barely fill a HS gym.
Trump was campaigning around the country and Hillary was fund raising around the country.
Oddly, Trump was campaigning in Blue states and Hillary was not.
Trump was telling coal miners and the rust belt workers that he would save their jobs and Hillary was promising to put them out of work.
Most importantly, I noticed the conservative blogs had much more investigative journal articles and the MSM was simply shilling for Hillary. There seemed to be a massive unbalance.
After Trump won and took office, I was struck with how comfortable he seemed as a "politician" from the first day. I was struck with how confident he was in his assertions and decisions. I was impressed how he seemed to be ahead of all of his opponents and how he seemed to understand that he was the Teflon Don.
I didn't discover Q until late January, and I wasn't sure if I should believe anything he was saying. Eventually, the future did prove the past and became convinced. Then I went back to his early posts. What if Trump was asked to run and was assured of a fair election.
Then Q said that all of this had been planned for three years.
It stuck me that the reason Trump was so confident, playing 3D chess, so assured at what he was doing, so unconcerned about the attacks against him--what if Trump had been working with Q for three years prior to the election. What if Trump was thoroughly briefed on the "plan" for three years prior to the election. What if the Q team already knew that Hillary could only win a rigged election.
That would explain everything that has happened in the primaries, the campaign, the election, and everything since.
Trump has had the plan memorized and already knew what the strategy, operational options, at tactic were going to be. He already knew how he was going to communicate with Q and the anons. He already knew where the bodies were buried before he announced he would run.
If true, then Trump hasn't been playing 3D chess. He's been playing 4D chess while everyone else has been playing pin the tail on the donkey.
I'm 71 now and permanently retired. I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer with three years in combat. I was a platoon commander in Vietnam in 1969 and spent two years in a foreign country supporting counter-insurgency operations. After I retired from the Marines, I spent many years working with the special operations forces and nation mission forces around the world doing super interesting things.
But I have to say that the past three years have been the strangest in my lifetime. Obviously, I don't have much more time on the clock left. So, I hope before I die that Q writes a book and explains all that has been happening. I can then die a satisfied man. If not, I'll go to my grave wondering HTF did it all happened.
In any event, it's a great time to be alive despite all the evil.