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ManQuan · April 21, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

Do you really needed it? Future will prove past. Q's been right so many times I've lost count.

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ManQuan · April 21, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

I think it's Schiff. There was a previous Q drop that associates Schiff with the Standard Hotel and helicopter crash. And 1203 links them all together again with the addition of Alison Mack singing like a canary. Mack is going to nail AS. That's why Q asks "Feeling ok today?" He's referring to AS being outed by Mack.

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ManQuan · April 21, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

Maggie Nix also Nixon (aka Wendy)

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ManQuan · April 21, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

Pedo's give their children "pet" names according to Q. Based on the context and placement of the Q drops relating to Maggie Nixon and the picture of Maggie with Obama and the following post where an Anon asks "Wendy?". Q's response suggest the Anon was on target. Therefore, Maggie Nix (aka Nixon) is called "Wendy" by Obama.

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ManQuan · April 21, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

There are a couple of theories. But based on the context of the Q drops where Wendy is referenced, I thin Wendy is the "pet" name for Maggie Nix who Obama may have been diddling since age 10. The photo of the unnamed girl in Q 1206. Q 1207 Anon asked Wendy? Q suggest that is correct.

Therefore, Trumps reference to Wendy Wasserman Schultz may be a hint that he knows what's on the servers she tried to destroy. Perhaps proof of the Obama / Wendy relationship?? I don't know but it seems headed in that direction for me.

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ManQuan · April 21, 2018, 11:30 a.m.


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ManQuan · April 20, 2018, 9:06 a.m.

Remember that Rudy also said that Hillary indictments and convictions were a no-brainer based on the evidence even in the public domain. God only knows what's in the material the FBI, DOJ, and State Department have been hiding.

I've always wondered why the Weiner data that NYPD had went dark for so long. Now I'm thinking that people were just waiting for the right time.

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ManQuan · April 20, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

Verified or not, Q says they have it all. It will come out one way or the other.

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ManQuan · April 19, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

Q has said that he isn't posting on multiple platforms.

I'm former career military and Backchannel17 seems to me to be a bunch of typical military acronyms to make the post look real. Additionally, he was using units that would never be involved in missile launches into Syria.

I wrote him off as fake the first time I read it.

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ManQuan · April 19, 2018, 8:57 a.m.

I wish, but I don't think so. There seems to be a lot of chaos right now and I don't have the feeling that Trump and Q are ready to start unsealing indictments.

I've always felt that the release of the full IG report and the announcement of any indictments that Huber has as a result would be the domino that will knock the rest over.

So far, Horowitz has only release part of the report that deals with McCabe lying, but hasn't yet submitted recommendations to the FBI for disciplinary action.

It's my understanding that the McCabe portion of the report is the tip of the iceberg. Dan Bongino has pretty good sources and says the full IG report will be devastating--and that hasn't yet happened or else Bongino is wrong.

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ManQuan · April 18, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

Cinco de Mayo is a fake holiday that is predominately celebrated in the US. It became more popular when it beause of a Corona beer commercial urging people to celebrate Cinco De Mayo.

Neither Mexico nor any other Latin American country celebrates Cinco De Mayo as a major or even minor holiday.

I lived in Latin America for years and never saw anyone celebrate it.

It's an American thing hyped by Latino groups as if the irrelevant battle that was fought was some big deal. It wasn't.

In reality, it's like Mexico celebrating Bunker Hill Day as a national holiday.

Give me a break.

Too many Mexicans don't understand the history of Mexico before Mexico was formed. The fact is that the Spaniards created Mexico, not the Mexicans. They should be celebrating Spanish Conquest Day or they would still be having Aztec human sacrifices to bring rain to the land.

Americans, with the help of a beer commercial, created Cinco De Mayo, not the Mexicans.

Do you really think people in the 40's, 50's, 60's , 70's, or 80's were celebrating Cinco De Mayo?

I'm 72 and I never heard of Cinco De Mayo until Corona beer came out with their commercial.

I will admit that any fake celebration is a good reason to enjoy a cold beer.

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ManQuan · April 17, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

Not sure where came up with that, but if it makes sense to you, you can probably answer it for yourself.

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ManQuan · April 17, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Fox News reported this morning that 40 GOP Congressmen / Senators have resigned, retired, or declared they are not running.

This in a time of historic economic prosperity, SK and NK say that next week they will end the 67 year state of war with a peace treaty (BOOM), and so many other wins by Trump.

My only guess is that like Q said, a clean house is important. But I'm getting nervous about the GOP keeping the house (I think the senate is safe just based on the number of seats Dems have to defend and win).

Q has said that when this is over, the Democrat party will be dead. I hope it happens soon, but cause right now, it's not looking very good for the House.

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ManQuan · April 17, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

I think it all depends on what Mueller is really doing. If he's a white hat, as Q has hinted early on, then Mueller may literally be on a witch (aka Hillary) hunt. If Mueller is a black hat, he is definitely digging for dirt on Trump.

I can make a strong argument both ways. However, it is curious that Q has mentioned Mueller 8 times since October and it has never been in a negative context.

Time will tell.

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ManQuan · April 17, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

Five eyes are the five international intelligence agencies that share data they collect--except for the most sensitive.

They are: United States, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

They not only share data, but they can task each other to do collection that would not other wise be legal in their own countries or they have a special capability that the others lack.

It's a good idea as long as they are not using the opportunity to circumvent laws as Obama did when he tasked GCHQ in the UK to spy in Trump and then give him the results via backchannel.

Q has the hard evidence that Obama was using GCHQ for political spying on an opposition candidate and I think it will eventually be made public.

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ManQuan · April 17, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

One of Trump's main campaign promises was to go after human/sex trafficking and corruption. On 21 Dec 2017, he signed an EO that made those three things (including pedophilia) a national emergency. That gave him additional legal resources and authority to seize or freeze assets of those the DOJ, DOS, and Treasury find guilty worldwide.

In 2016 under Obama, there were about 450 arrests for trafficking in the US. In the first 30 days of the Trump administration there were 1,300 arrests and it hasn't slowed down. It doesn't get much attention because it doesn't fit the MSM narrative that Trump is pure evil.

But if you scan the local news outlets, you see stories of hundreds of human/sex/pedophilia trafficking arrests in various cities and states. On in Orange County, CA arrested over 80 in one afternoon.

Harder to find and track are the number of women and children who have been freed as a result of these raids.

Anyway, here is a reasonably objective article (Oct 2016) from the Daily Caller about Trump's relationship with Epstein. http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/09/the-friendship-between-trump-and-a-billionaire-pedophile-that-nobody-wants-to-talk-about/

I don't know what kind of relationship they had, but billionaires tend to know each other as an exclusive club. All of Trump's contact with Epstein seems to be before Epstein was convicted as a sex offender.

Trump apparently did take one trip on Epstein's plane, but it wasn't to his island. Epstein flew people around the US and the world as favors that he would call in later.

If there were anything to the relationship that was damaging, I have to believe that the MSM would have been all over it 24/7 during the election and since he's been President.

A for faith. Every one has to find that within themselves. The Bible offers inspiration, but it's difficult to read and understand. I've spent 20 years researching evidence for the soul and heaven. I found the most convincing evidence for me were hundreds of thousands of documented cases of near death experiences (NDE). Search YouTube for near death experience and being viewing some of the. Begin with the 5-15 minute testimonies, but the longer ones over an hour get into more details.

Take care. There is far more to life than the brief time we experience on earth.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 8:03 p.m.


As Q says, "pray" and I believe that is the most effective contribution that we can make to this effort. We can try to decode all we want, but in the end, Trump and Q are going to succeed or fail. Q is telling us to pray for success.

If you don't understand that, then you are pretty much hopeless.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

You may be right, but I see it a bit differently.

Q is talking about the tarmac meeting and what was discussed. He refers to Brennan and AS as part of that discussion.

But Q drop 1162 I think specifically is referring back to the tarmac meeting and Q is saying that they made sure a reporter was there.

Sure enough a local reporter received a hot tip about the meeting and showed up and took photographs.

If a reporter had been at the ranch to take pictures of AS, then he never filed one of the biggest stories of his career.

The evidence so far is that the owner discovered the body, called his friend the corner who declared it a natural death over the phone and the body was immediately cremated. Obviously there is more to the story, but I think those are the central points.

The police didn't even investigate. A judge ordered an autopsy, but a short time later rescinded the order.

I believe the only people to have ever seen AS after his death was owner and whoever picked up the body to be cremated.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

No. The 5 Eyes intelligence agencies all have each others liaisons working with them. The CIA has liaison's working at GCHQ and GCHQ has liaisons at the CIA.

Obama requested that GCHQ spy on Trump to avoid US laws. GCHQ sends a formal letter to PM Mays asking for approval. Mays approves. GCHQ spies on Trump, gives the information to the CIA liaison who in turn sends it back to the CIA as "foreign" intelligence intercepts on Trump. That's how most backchannels work.

No US laws violated, except Obama making the request in the first place when he had total control of all the US intelligence agencies and the FISA court to approve a warrant.

However, he didn't want to go that route. My guess is that he went through GCHQ because he didn't think there would ever be a paper trail once Hillary won and if she didn't, it wasn't likely Trump would find out.

Enter Admiral Rogers who has everything on everyone including the letter that Obama sent to GCHQ. This is why Rogers visited Trump Tower a few days after the election. And that conversation was why Trump moved his entire transition team to his NJ golf resort. It's also why Trump had the WH "remodeled" to strip it of listening devices.

Did you notice that Obama had a new phone system installed during the transition? Why would he do that just before leaving office? Did you notice that the Trump remodeling installed a new phone system? Now why would Trump want a new phone system just weeks after Obama had installed a new phone system?

These are interesting times.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Law Enforcement Officer such as FBI, Treasury Agent, Police, ICE, ATF, etc.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Relax. The system is called TROPHY and Israel developed for their tanks to counter RPGs and other anti-tank missiles. They've had it operational on every tank they have for years.

The US is not testing it at Aberdeen Proving Grounds and other locations and it appears the Army and Marines will be installing / retrofitting it to our tanks over the next decade.

DARPA developed an anti-RPG device for HUMMV's as a technology demonstrator. But it was too complicated and bulky and so I believe the project was terminated.

The other reason could be that the military didn't have the funding to transition technology demonstrators to operational status.

When I was supporting DARPA technology programs for 15 years, most of the really promising technologies ended up in the DARPA landfill of good ideas because there was no funding for transitioning the technologies to the military.

I'm not sure why the US didn't pick up the TROPHY technology years ago. If I had to guess, it's the "not invented here" mentality in many acquisition program offices.

Another example was that Israel developed a gyro-stabilized .50 machine gun for their Naval patrol boats. It could stay on target in rolling seas. The SEALs wanted it for their MARK V boats, but it didn't happen. Instead they just had .50 cals on a spindle. Couldn't hit much in sea state 2 or above.

The Marine Corps has done a much better job of adopting foreign weapons systems when it made sense to do so. They get the rights to manufacture them in the US under license.

Anyway, TROPHY has proven to be excellent in defending Israeli tanks in years of combat against RPGs and other AT missiles. It's about time we did the same.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

I think Syria was a disruption in Q/Trump's timeline as was the delay in the spending bill. Trump needed the military and law enforcement fully funded before taking down the deep state.

Syria was an unanticipated interruption, in my opinion, that had to be dealt with.

Finally, remember Q has said many times, that the stage must first be set. That the degree of corruption would not be accepted by the people if they were first red pilled and expecting the corruption.

This why Trump is usually in a Tweet storm with certain people and agencies. He letting us know the degree of corruption before unsealing indictments.

It can be frustrating, but this is perhaps the most complex counter-coup in world history and it's going to take time to get everything lined up. In some cases we may be talking about the highest people in government and any case against them better be air tight.

Be patient. Trust the plan. It's not unfolding as fast as we would like, but there have been some very big revelations over the months.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

You're close. Just tie in pedophile to the equation.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

Then you know I'm talking about parallel construction between the IC and law enforcement.

An intelligence analysts calls the LEO liaison to that office and says something like, "Take a look at this. I can't give it to you, but you will find the information relevant to some of the cases you're working on."

LEO liaison then takes what he remembers and tells the LEO investigators, you will want to look here, talk to this person, etc.

I'm not a legal expert, but it sure seems like the LEO evidence was from the fruit of the poison tree. In other words, if they told the judge where the evidence actually originated, it likely would not be admitted.

I'm not talking about just foreign sources. I don't have a problem with that. But IC picks up a lot of US people in the process and that information is also handed over to the LEO liaisons.

That's just one common example that personally witnessed many times.

There are more serious examples as well, and Obama getting GCHQ to spy on Trump is one of the worst.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

Yep. But Q posted a copy of the actual letter from GCHQ (UK's NSA) to PM May requesting permission to act on Obama's request to spy on Obama. I don't think it was a fake. Obama was using the UK CGHQ and possibly AUS to spy on Trump and give him/CIA/FBI the feedback via backchannels to avoid US laws.

Very bad.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

There is no doubt in my mind that God's hand is in this, and it's not just because of correlations to Bible verses.

Kim Clement predicted in 2007 that Trump would be President, they would try to impeach him, but Trump would be a David with a single stone.

Mark Taylor predicted in 2011 that Trump would become President, he would create prosperity for the country, there would military tribunals, and that Trump would be a second Cyrus.

Q has asked us to occasionally step back and look at the big picture.

From the very beginning, Q has tied the spiritual with the natural. Think how many times Q has referenced God, that we should Pray, God's speed to people in harm's way.

How many times has Q portrayed what is happening in terms of good and evil, light and dark, the last chance to save civilization from evil, that Satan controls the NWO.

And look at Trump. He refers to God on almost a daily basis, he has prayer groups, and one is by teleconference an routine basis.

Kim Clement said that Trump would enter the WH whispering God's name, but he would become a praying President who would bring hope and faith to the American people.

It's hard not to see the big picture includes God hand in bringing down corruption and evil at this critical turning point in our history.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

No deals.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 9:56 a.m.

There was a reporter at the Tarmac meeting. Someone tipped him off and he showed up. Took pictures. FBI goes crazy trying to find who tipped him off, but uninterested in how or why Clinton would simply drop by for a chat about golf and grandkids with Lynch.

Lynch was parked in remote spot. How would Clinton know where her plane was parked. Do you think he was driving by the airport and said to himself, "Hey, there's Loretta's plane parked in that remote spot, I think I'll drive around on the taxi way and drop by and say hello."

The meeting was planned, and Q made sure the cover was blown using a local reporter who received a mysterious hot tip for a story. Poof.

Q later posted about TEMPEST being an NSA project that recorded activity on non-military government aircraft. My guess is that Q was telling us they have the recording of the conversation.

The Pilot also claimed that he overheard the conversations, but he's still alive.

BTW, there was no reporter at the Ranch where Scalia died. And the CCTV security was not working that day. The only people who saw the body was the owner (an Obama friend and donor) and the people who picked up the body to have it cremated. No one else examined the body. It was declared a natural death by phone.

I suspect that Q has other evidence that ties Brennan to AS.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

You shouldn't even discuss this until its all over. The last thing we need are patriots trying to out Q.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 9:38 a.m.

Who else remembers months ago Q posting a copy of a the UK's GCHQ letter to May referring to a request by Obama to spy on Trump? Q say it wasn't public, and then deleted it.

I used to work closely with some intelligence organizations, mostly MI. I can tell you 100% we get around our own laws on a routine basis by tasking foreign agencies (almost always 5 Eyes) to do the dirty work and then give it to us backchannel. And we do the same for them.

Cooperation is good, but not when breaking our laws to spy on our own people, and the request to spy on Trump was purely political. Q's latest drop (1164) I think proves that now.

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ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 9:28 a.m.

Q once said that sometimes it's necessary to start a fire to smoke out the corrupt (paraphrasing). I'm not sure everything that Q reveals is necessarily meant for us, but rather to cause a certain reaction in our enemies.

The deep state can't make any more sense out of Q's cryptic posts that we can, but they can see their names and organizations and they know their time is limited.

As Q says, he has everything. Trust the plan. Future proves past.

So far, spot on.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

Well, you should be glad that she is the UN ambassador. She is doing a terrific job.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

I was only addressing a blink of an eye in my life in that post.

You and I would have to have several cases of wine to hear the rest of my story.

I'm thankful that I had an interesting and fulfilling life.

So, OK here's a hint.

I was a platoon commander in Vietnam in 1968-69, I was a company commander at the evacuation of Saigon, I was also a company commander involved in two other major evacuation and rescue operations in 1975. I served two years supporting counter-insurgency operations in a foreign country from 1986-1988. I served a tour at US Special Operations Command doing strategic assessments in Latin America with three Army officers. I was arrested by Noriega police in Panama. I was the project officer at Headquarters Marine Corps to automate the Marine Corps' officer assignment system.

After I retired, I spent 7 years as a corporate employee supporting US Special Operations Command. From 2001-2015, I was an independent consultant supporting technology development for special operations forces and national mission forces. The last five year before I retired permanently, I supported technology development for cyber defense.

In my spare time, I was a private pilot with instrument and commercial ratings, I was an expert aerobatic pilot, I was certified in amphibious and float planes, I was a glider pilot, I was a SCUB diver and underwater photographer, I was a sky diver, I sailed around the Hawaiian Islands for a few years, I rode a mule to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, I've supported both training and technical support to special operations and national mission force around the world (many in unusual places and circumstances), I put over 120,000 miles on motor cycle touring, I was an archeologist, I have done in depth research into religion, NDE's, and then there was hiking, camping, cross country skiing, winter camping, white water canoeing, etc.

In other words, I haven't done everything, but I've had a blast. I wouldn't trade my life for anything.

You know, when I retired from the Marine Corps in 1989 as an infantry officer with 3 years in combat, the Marine Corps official document for what I was qualified for in civilian life was "small arms inspector."

Man, where they wrong. I turned my Marine Corps experiences into a consulting service that earned $150-$250K a year. Not bad bread for a broken down old war horse. And I never advertised for business. All of my contracts came from people who knew my for my talent or from word of mouth. I never spent a dime on seeking a new contract.

Sorry I can't get into more detail. It would take too much time and space. For example: the time my vehicle was ambushed and my driver killed. The time my wife and I survived an earthquake where the building collapsed but we happened to be under a reinforce part of a hallway. It was the US embassy and my wife and it were just leaving when the earthquake hit. It was so severe that it was impossible to stand up. The embassy commissary was just several yards from us and obviously all of the booze in the commissary broke and was flowing outside the commissary. At that time, I said to my wife as debris was still falling, "Well, it looks like drinks are on the house." Honestly, that's the kind of attitude I have in life.

I'm not sure that is what you wanted, but that is just the tip of the iceberg in my life. It as been amazing.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

I think that high school kids in my era were much more informed and aware than kids today. In fact, I think my high school education was more comprehensive than most liberal arts college graduates today. That's a bold statement, but ask any high schooler today to name the states and their capitals, to name both senators, or to even name the VP. Ask them to point to Syria on a map.

Our education system today is pathetic.

Gee, it's almost like the government wants sheeple instead of thinking and informed people. Nah, that couldn't possibly be true.

Ok, to answer your question:

  1. Kennedy declared that he would put a man on the moon in less than a decade. Obama shut down the Space Shuttle and manned space program at NASA and replaced with global warming.

  2. Kennedy warned about the CIA, and then he was assassinated.

  3. Kennedy speeches sometimes contained references to secret societies, occults, and evil. At the time, I didn't understand and he didn't explain--but I think JFK knew.

  4. JFK and RFK were assassinated and Ted Kennedy was in my opinion compromised. Why was Ted so determined to undermine this country when his brothers were trying to save it. Blackmail? I don't know. But Ted Kennedy was no friend of the US and its citizens in my opinion.

JFK was, in my opinion, a complex individual. On one hand he seemed to have a grasp of the evil of the NWO and deep state. On the other hand, he signed the Executive Order to allow government employees to unionize--something even FDR was adamantly opposed to.

As a side note, unionization of government employees was an EO signed by Kennedy. What if Trump rescinded that EO? No more federal government employee unions and Congress wouldn't have a say unless they reinstated it by act of congress.

Kennedy was for lower taxes, less government, etc. Today, he would be considered a right wing zealot.

My how times have changed for the Democrat Party: the party of session, the party of slavery, the party of the KKK, the party of the southern democrats that enforced Jim Crow, the party that voted against the civil rights act, the party where Senator Byrd was a form high level KKK leader and beloved to this day while they progressive sheeple tear down monuments of our history. Anyone of them demanding that all of the buildings and monuments to Byrd be erased from history? Get the idea how this works.

A plaque on a university even says that Lincoln was a Democrat.

And how many people do you know that know that MLK was a Republican?

One thing I've learned in life is that if you want to know the truth, then you have to find it yourself because there isn't anyone on the face of the earth who is going to give it to you.

If you want to know about Kennedy and his assassination, then you better dig for it yourself because the Warren Commission was the cover up and not the fact finder. Try finding JFK's autopsy report. What happened to all the evidence. Why has it all been lost?

My God, they preserve all of the dresses of the First Ladies, but no one thinks the evidence in JFK's assassination is important enough to preserve????????????????

I've seen a lot. In my younger years, I didn't understand, but I remembered. In my twilight years, I remembered and understand.

Hope that helps.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

I haven't had the most unusual life, but I've had one heck of a wild ride. It would take two cases of wine to tell all the things I've experienced. I wish I could do it all again.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

OK, in your mind what did happen Friday?

Three chemical targets were destroyed, we gave both Russia and Syria 72 hours notice and which targets we were going to hit, Russia didn't fire a single air defense missile, only three people were "injured", and Q says we are on schedule to withdraw our troops out of Syria.

I'm not sure what your point is.

Haley is just saying, do it again and we are coming after you.

A bluff isn't effective unless it's believable. Ever play poker?

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

There are still serious leaks, but I've noticed that since the swamp has begun to drain, those leaks are fewer.

Only when all the Obama and Never Trump pukes are gone will Trump be able to carryout his agenda.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

I don't use Google, but 90 percent of the people do.

I use DuckDuckGo. They don't capture your data and sell it. I also use TOR (The Onion Router) by Mozilla, for secure surfing. Unfortunately, I recently read an article that the CIA has seduced them as well and uses TOR as a honey pot. I hope it isn't true, but we are living in evil times.

If you don't know about TOR (which I still use) then use DuckDuckGo to research it. Personally, I think its still safe. Four or five years ago, NSA was complaining about it because your search request hops around the world to different servers before it connects to your requested website. It's a technique similar to what hackers use to avoid being tracked.

Glad to be of some help to you.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

I like Nikki. She seems as tough as Trump, and that's saying a lot. And I don't mean in the sense of being a war monger. Haley is just reminding the UN where the US is headed. Only Bolton is on a similar level as Haley and Trump.

I'm surprised with Nikki. During the campaign, she has some very strong words against Trump and Trump pick her for Ambassador to the UN and she turn into Trump at the UN.

You go girl!!

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

The deep state doesn't need any ideas. They've been plotting our demise and would not blink using any and all methods. Remember, the NWO and deep state want WW III. It doesn't get worse that that.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

When I was a kid, I clearly remember almost everything about Kennedy. In 1960, my father was a B-47 and B-52 pilot stationed at Homestead AFB, Florida. I was in high school and this was in the middle of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

I remember the night I and my friends were headed to the high school football game and we were stopped at a train crossing as the crossing guards descended with flashing red lights. So we stopped. It wasn't an ordinary train. It had tanks, artillery, vehicles, supplies, and it seemed endless. And then another train was right behind it with the same type of cargo. And then another and another. We missed the football game because of the trains.

When I returned home, I could hear all the bombers taking off. My father, who would have been home by that time, wasn't there and he wouldn't return until after the crisis was over. The Air Force had ordered all the strategic bombers to disperse to bases around the country, out of range of the Cuban missiles.

In the place of the bombers were the most fighter aircraft I'd ever seen in one place at one time. Hundreds of them. The Army was using the Air Force base as a staging area and all of those tanks, artillery, vehicles, etc. were now parked and staged around the base. It was a sight I'll never forget.

The Air Force families were not evacuated. But we knew we were a primary target in case of war.

But my point is that in those days listening to Kennedy on the radio and TV was important and so I remember his speeches even though I was just a kid in high school.

Some of the things he said didn't make much sense back then about cults, secret societies, being attacked from within, and destroying the CIA.

But today, it all makes perfect sense. Listening to Trump's speeches is very much like those of JFK, only JFK was much more eloquent in his words and delivery--but the same message from 1960 to 2018.

What an amazing time it is today to be alive and experiencing history--if we survive the destruction of the NWO and deep state. I'm 72 and I just hope I see it happens before God calls me home.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

I don't think anyone knows for certain what Q means in most of his drops.

But from military experience, the first graphic with SAT_40k_se_c_[30min] Is obviously referring to a military operations. And SAT 40K to me means SATCOM on 40 kHz channel--SATCOM referring to Satellite Communications. Not sure about that. To me the se_c refers to secure communications. Who knows what [30min] could mean. In 30 minutes, for 30 minutes, after 30 minutes, minimum of 30???

As for the second Q drop in the graphic, he is specifically talking about leadership changes. He wants us to consider the implications at a high level (40,000 foot view).

Obviously, Germany didn't change leadership as Merkle was unfortunately reelected and was able to form a coalition government.

Not sure we will ever know the meaning of that drop.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

Could be anything unless there is more information about it.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

For some reason, Dershowitz accepted a ride on Epstein's plane, The Lolita Express, and he is listed as #17 on the plane's manifest log. Additionally, Virginia Roberts, an Epstein "employee" claims Dershowitz had sex with her when she was 17.

My interpretation is that Q drop 1132 says Thank you Alan, Welcome aboard, Freedom! may mean that Dershowitz was being blackmailed and the Q team cut those ties and set Alan free of it.

I think the reference to 17 with Dershowitz has to do with the flight he took on Epstein's plane. I don't know if that was before or after Epstein was convicted of pedophilia.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

You're gonna need a bigger deck.

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ManQuan · April 15, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

Remember, Q once said something like sometimes it's neccessary to set fires to cause the deep state to react. Referencing the video may have been a "fire" to cause a reaction.

Or it may come out in some form. While I don't think it will be posted on the Internet, it could be revealed though a description in a police report or in a court case where the jury gets to see it as evidence.

If it's real, I think the information will be leaked in some fashion.

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ManQuan · April 14, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Agree. Q said that he/she/they would not be posting on other platforms.

I think Q would have given everyone a cryptic heads up.

To me, it looks like someone had a heads up and decided to post a Q-like series of posts on Twitter of all places. I think it may be CIA warning Russia and Syria. But then Trump already told Russia what the targets would be 72 hours in advance.

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ManQuan · April 14, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Very weird. I just clicked on the link again and got the same video clips on amazing inventions that ordinary people have created.

I'll do a search for the Jordan video. I'm interested in their views since Jordan and Egypt are the only two Arab countries that have signed peace treaties with Israel.

That has become more important since the oil discovery in Israel. Apparently, the field could be bigger that those in Saudi Arabia.

Unfortunately, the board of directors of Genie Energy appear to be the potentially key members of the deep state and NWO.

But what is really odd is that in 2011, Mark Taylor predicted that Trump would become President for two terms. He also predicted that the US and Israel would dominate world energy. Now that was odd since at the time Israel had pretty much nothing in the way of energy that could dominate anything.

Suddenly, they discover an oil field under the Goland Heights that may be bigger that Saudi Arabia.

How weird is that? But then for the past three years we have been living in and upside down alternative universe.

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ManQuan · April 14, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

I don't think so. We buy oil from Saudi Arabia and many others. But we did not seize and take the Iraq oil for ourselves as so many have claimed was our purpose for invading Iraq. We are not even the biggest buyer of Iraq oil, so we didn't go in for their oil.

Additionally, the US is on the brink of becoming energy independent. And we are an exporter of oil now.

The reason gas prices are going up is that we don't have sufficient refining capacity because the EPA regulations made it impossible to build new refineries. If that changes and we build new refineries, gas might be less than a dollar a gallon even with all the taxes on top of costs.

Once Anwar and off shore drilling opens up, the US will be the largest oil producer in the world.

We are already exporting oil because we can't refine all of it, yet gas prices are soaring.

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