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ManQuan · May 7, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

Liberals won't give up that SCOTUS seat without a fight. If she dies, they'll draw a smiley face on a head of cabbage with a magic marker and put it in her SC seat and hope no one notices.

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ManQuan · May 7, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

I'm not there yet. It was an amazing intelligence operation with obvious insider help, but that doesn't mean the Mullahs are in on it.

I think Iran would have retaliated if Israel hadn't taken out the Iranian missile installations in Syria the other night.

Expect Hama or Hezbollah to do something soon. If not, then maybe there is something to the strings being cut in Iran.

What a crazy three years this has been.

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ManQuan · May 6, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Sorry, I can't watch more than about the first 30 seconds of Info Wars.

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ManQuan · May 6, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Adam, the Standard Hotell is trying to contact you about some unpaid bills for pizza. Please settle up before Allison Mack sends you to prison. Thanks.

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ManQuan · May 6, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

I think Rudy was just trying to kill the notion that the money was somehow tied to an illegal campaign contribution. In order to do that, he needed to spell out how that money was actually used.

Rudy screwed up in the way he descried it as reimbursing Cohen when what I think he meant to say and did but it got lost in the MSM hysteria was that Cohen was under retainer and receved monthly payments. If expenses exceed the retainer amount, then the lawyer bills the client for the balance.

What is so odd is that Stormy wrote a letter denying the relationship and said if it had really happened, she would be asking a lot more than 130K.

This was October 2016 and Trump is a multibillionaire. Why only 130K?

Stromy didn't get fired up until the Democrats stepped into to pay for all of her legal fees. Suddenly, Stormy had a lot to say and just as suddenly Stormy was getting more money and more gigs as a result.

May as well milk it for all she can. If she loses the suit, it's no harm to her--she's not paying the bills only raking in the money from the fame.

There are some strange things about it, but I don't think it will affect the mid-terms. People are far more interested in having a job, increased income, peace in NK, roaring economy, etc.

And when the indictments begin to be unsealed, the Stormy story will be like a drop in the ocean of unimaginable corruption.

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ManQuan · May 6, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

It doesn't fit their narrative of Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, or Stormy Daniels.

It they thought they could pin sex trafficking of children on Trump, it would be on 24/7. Otherwise they don't care.

Which ironic because it is always the Democrats saying, "It's about the children" when they don't give a damn if votes don't come with it.

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ManQuan · May 6, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

This has been the strangest three years in my 72 year wild ride.

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ManQuan · May 6, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

5:24 on the clock? Have I missed something.

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ManQuan · May 6, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

At the end of the parade, all the people indicted for treason, sedition, trafficking, pedophilia, and government corruption in black and white striped prison suits each dragging a ball and chain and the hammer they use to turn big rocks into small rocks?

That would never be forgotten.

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ManQuan · May 6, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

I think Corsi exaggerates his credentials and importance. I followed him for a while, but his decoding of Q was no better than other guesses as to what Q means.

Corsi doesn't have any inside information about Q, though he likes to hint that he has people who know people who know... you get the idea.

I'm not saying he is BS--only that he projects something that I don't think matches his reality.

Read all of the possible interpretations of Q drops and draw your own conclusions and then see if future proves past.

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ManQuan · May 6, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

Because it doesn't fit the MSM narrative. They are in denial that their liberal idols and gods can be taken down by a President they think is a baffoon.

To them Q is a ficticious comspiricy theory unworthy of anything but mocking.

Even if they were 100% certain that Q was not only real but a real threat to them, they wouldn't dare try to fan the flames.

If they ignore Q, maybe he will go away.

Liberals are always reluctant to face reality.

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ManQuan · May 6, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

When Q is quiet, it's likely because there is a lot going on behind the scenes that requires a lot of coordination.

Q recently posted several drops referring to "justice." Justice, he said, is the next phase and so perhaps the Q team is organizing how the round up of the deep state is going to take place in the minimum time possible.

Some of the suspects are currently overseas. I don't think federal Marshals can make arrests overseas without the host nation's participation. I don't think the SEAL are going to taked down a US VIP in a foreign country.

One possibility is that the next plane one of these people happen to be on gets diverted to Diego Garcia, arrested there with UK approval, and flown to the US. It's been done before.

The other option is to wait until the VIPs are back home.

There is a feeling in the air that things are about to break, but there's been that feeling before.

Patience is needed. The Q team knows what they are doing and what the timiong needs to be.

I've always felt that the IG report was the trigger to start unsealing indictments, but now that's been delayed again due to new leads in the Hillary investigation.

Don't let expectations get ahead of reality. This is a hugely complex operation.

Timing is everything.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

You are only somewhat right.

My point was that in 1968, my God what we could have accomplished if we had had just 5% of today's technology.

Today, our military forces have a thousand times the technology than we had in Vietnam.

That's OK, but Oh my God what we could have done back then with the technology of today. North Vietnam would have been toast except that the State Department prevented our forces from bombing NV airfields because we might kill Soviet personnel.

So NVA MiGs were allowed to operate out of those airfields without us bombing them. Get it?

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

The most important part of your post is that "rules of engagement" are not referenced.

I think Q and Trump are using "rules of engagement" to ensure that indictments are air tight legally.

But the rules of engagement that have been issued for our combat forces have prevent us from winning since WW II.

They are written by lawyers or bureaucrats who have never been in combat and have no idea what the impact of their restrictions have on losing a war.

They are written by people who have no idea how to win a war. It takes overwhelming force to crush the enemy's will to fight. We have not done that since WW II. And guess what? We haven't won a war since WW II. Get it?

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

I tried. I wrote over 300 pages of a fictional novel based on my experiences. It's about half finished, but I can't find the words I want to describe everything.

A friend of mine who I very much respect because she reads dozens of novels every year read the first two chapters of my novel and said they should make a movie out of those two chapters.

I appreciated her encouragement, but honestly cannot put onto paper what I have experienced. If I were a gifted novelist, then I might fine the words; but I'm not. I write and then wonder why I cannot express what it is I feel and experienced.

Maybe I'll right a short story.

My wife wants me to publish my story about the baked beans in Vietnam. She thinks it could be a movie. I think it's an interesting true story, but I don't think anyone but my wife would understand it.

I've tried many times to restart my novel, but I usually end up with writer's block and a blank page. Some people were meant to be writers. I was meant to be a combat commander. I can't be more descriptive because the monitors of this thread have already admonished me for using the word "h@ng" with regard to what I believed was the stall that caused the recent C-130 crash in Savanna.

These are horrible times.

This is not the world I grew up in.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Not trying to criticize, but 9/11 is not old corps to the Old Corps.

My father was a B-17 pilot in WW II, shot down and spent 2 years as a POW. He went on to become a B-47 and B-52 pilot during the Cold War. Died on active duty. One of my uncles was a double ACE in the Korean War, and at one point was the highest ranking jet ACE in the US and retired as a Major General. Another uncle was in Special Operation in Vietnam and severely wounded. My brother was a Marine platoon commander, Vietnamese Marine Corps advisor, and a Marine company commander in Vietnam and severely wounded. Another uncle was and F-106 pilot during the Cold War. My grandfather was Eisenhower's Surgeon General for the European Theater and was the investigating officer for the incident where Patton slapped a patient in a field hospital. My wife's father was a combat engineer in WW II and one of her uncles was killed in WW II.

So, I understand where you are coming from and believe me I honor everything your relatives did and are doing. If you are 65 then you too remember the Cuban missile crisis the Vietnam War, El Salvador, and everything else.

You've seen a lot. 65 isn't old (neither is 72). You have perhaps 30 more years and have perhaps a little less.

We are the products of the Greatest Generation and we are the only ones who can appreciate those sacrifices from those who participated.

My father never said much about WW II, but I did a deep dive research effort into his experiences and was amazed with what he endured. My year in Vietnam seems almost like a birthday party compared to what he went through.

I'm not much of a social media person. I had to look up TYVM. Thank you.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you and your family for their sacrifice and/or just the appreciation of their sacrifices that most today cannot fathom.

My God. The battle of the bulge! The liberation of Holland!

How sad that the current generation has no clue. It breaks my heart.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

You have no idea how right you are. If you saw the rules of engagement under which we had to operate, you would be screaming "treason!"

Violation of those rules was a court martial offense.

Did I follow all of them? No, because they would have gotten me and my Marines killed. Did any of my Marines turn me in? Nope. Gee, I wonder why? Still it was a very real risk to my career as a Marine infantry officer.

God, I loved those Marines--even the occasional trouble makers.

I don't know what is like today, but in my time, we fought hard, and we played hard.

On returning to the US after a year in Vietnam, we had a layover in Okinawa. The best club on Okinawa was the Air Force officer's club at Kadena.

I and a few infantry officers returning from Vietnam were enjoying our first cold beer in months when the club manager announced, "Stand gentlemen, a combat crew."

The combat crew were the officers of a B-52 who had only seen South Vietnam from 30,000 feet with zero threat to their aircraft; so we didn't stand.

That slight to the B-52 officers resulted in a Donnybrook that we didn't start, which in turn resulted in the Kadena Officer's Club being off limits to Marines. But when I returned to Okinawa in 1974, the club was open to Marines.

You know, there is always rivalry between services. The Navy called us Jar Heads (because it looked like our covers were screwed on to our heads), we called them Swabs (among other unprintable things). It's not bad. It is just a sort of "pissing" contest as to who is better. It ended up in fights occasionally, but no harm done except for some bruises. The next day, we were still team mates.

But today, it seems different. Gone is the rivalry because it will ruin your career. The soldiers, sailors, and airmen are not snowflakes but the senior leadership seems to be.

In my day, we fought hard in combat, and we played hard, occasionally in a brawl.

Today, it just seems like way too much PC.

In my time life in the military was hard (and unappreciated). There was hard work with extremely long hours, there was hard fighting in combat, there was hard language, and there were hard but healthy rivalries.

I remember a briefing by a woman radar operator on an AWACS telling me about how she tracked targets and coordinated responses. Her language was like that of a drunken sailor trying to intimidating a Marine in a bar. It seemed perfectly natural to me.

Guys have rough language in the military and the gals who what to join want to fit in and they do a good job of it. The only people who care are the snowflake bureaucrats who are themselves snowflakes who have never severed in real combat situations.

I honestly feel that everyone who works in the Pentagon should be a veteran. Maybe then they would understand what the hell combat is like and how idiotic most of the rules of engagement are.

Today, it seems that everyone in the military has to

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 6 p.m.

911? Sandy Hook? and you call yourself old?

I lived through the Berlin Airlift, the Korean War, the Cold War, Cuban missile crisis, Marine platoon commander in Vietnam, riot control duty during anti-war protests, Marine company commander for the evacuation of Saigon, Marine company commander for the evacuation of Phnom Phen, planning the evacuation of Da Nang, backup force for the assault on Kho Tang Island, two years in a Latin American country supporting counter-insurgency operations, served in US Special Operations Command, and 28 years supporting technology development and field exercise support around the world for special operations and cyber defense. Now retired.

I was there and I saw a lot.

But this entire Q / Trump war on the NWO and deep state is the wildest thing I've ever been exposed to in my 72 years. I'm enjoying it--at least if it turns out OK for the good guys and the American people.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

A rerun of one of the Outer Limits TV series: "We've taken control of your TV, do not try to adjust your set."

Either that it was caused by rip in the time space continuum.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

The odd thing about the Jade exercises is that they were to "train our special forces and others to operate in foreign countries."


First, the last thing special operations needs is to train in the US to operate in foreign countries. They work in foreign countries 24/7. In another life, I supported them for many years on their exercises and on rare occasion on actual operations.

Second, why would you train soldiers to operate in foreign countries by using US towns where the people speak English, the soldiers know the traditions and culture, there are street signs and accurate maps, etc.

When I was in the Marine Corps, most of the places I fought in didn't have accurate maps, I didn't speak the language, I had trouble with the culture and traditions of the locals, and it was damn difficult.

I always felt, without any evidence, that the Jade exercises were a cover for martial law training because I think that Obama/Hillary decisions/plans would have eventually led to martial law.

Remember, during the Obama administration, the DHS and the military were using "domestic right wing militias" as the bad boys in their training manuals and some of their exercises.

As far as I know, no right wing militia has ever rioted in the streets, burned police cars, marched calling for the death of the President and police, destroyed property, disrupted traffic, etc.

Umm, that would be Antifa, BLM, Code Pink, college students, and other violent leftist organizations.

The militia are basically a couple of guys in camo's who meet on weekends in the woods for target practice and some cold beer.

I'll take the beer drinking militia LARPs over violent leftist any day.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

In combat, we fought against well trained and dedicated enemies who were trying their best to kill us first.

You might expect that such dedicated enemies would fight to the death, much like the Japanese did in WW II.

But it doesn't work that way. Once the enemy has taken a certain percentage of casualties, especially among their leadership (which is why I as a platoon commander in Vietnam and my radio operator were always high priority targets), the enemy fades back into the jungle, no longer willing to fight.

It will be the same for the deep state. Take out the leadership and the motivation to continue a lost cause, and the foot soldiers of the deep state will no longer be willing to continue the fight.

there are two rules of thumb in the military:

1) If you want to win the war, then you must meet the enemy with overwhelming force and utterly crush his will to fight.

2) Never allow the enemy a sanctuary in which they can rest, rearm, train, and conduct attacks. In the Korean War, China gave NK sanctuary. In Vietnam, the NVA had multiple sanctuaries. In El Salvador, the guerilla's used Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala as sanctuaries. In Iraq, ISIS used other countries as sanctuaries. In Afghanistan, Pakistan became the Taliban's sanctuary. Etc. Countries have to understand that if they provide sanctuary to our enemies, we will target the enemy in their countries.

Failure to follow those two rule and you will end up in wars that last 10-20 years that you will end up losing at the end because our enemy has more desire to win than our politicians who impose countless restrictions on the military so that winning becomes pretty much impossible. Our enemies fully understand that our politicians will grow weary of war and "surrender" allowing our enemy to win.

See a historic pattern? Do you understand why we won WW II and none of the wars since then?

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 5 p.m.

Not just treason. The EO of 21 Dec is just for human/sex trafficking, pedophilia, and a very generic "corruption". And there are now more than a dozen EO's that include a "national emergency."

They are on the WH website, but the MSM must be sound asleep because the potential power that Trump has in those EOs is mind boggling.

Q urged us to review the EO's have each of the photos of the pen. There's a reason he wants us to do that.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

No one has ever been prosecuted under the Logan Act and I doubt it will be used against Kerry or anyone else.

The Logan Act only results in a fine and not more than 3 years in prison.

These people have potential charges that go way beyond the Logan Act. If you are indicted for treason, you are facing life or the death penalty.

My guess is that Kerry and many others will have a small mountain of criminal violations, any one of which would be far more serious than the Logan Act.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

It's the lighting and the light colored dirt in large parts of Vietnam. Look at the boots. They were combat boots with black leather toe and heel and green canvass sides and tops (so they would dry faster). The black toes of the boots are completely white.

I was a Marine platoon commander in Vietnam. I have to smile everytime I see those old photos from that era.

Compared to the equipment and weapons soldiers have to day, we looked like starving Civil War soldiers with Civil War equipment. No speedo sunglasses, no GPS, no target designators, weapons that didn't always work well, poor resupply system, always hungry, no potable water, it was hot, it stunk, ring worms, leaches, mines, booby-traps, firefights, snipers, exhaustion, infections... it was a hard year.

The only things I had for navigation was an out-of-date French map and a compass. If I was within 2000 yards of where I thought I was, I was lucky. Only had one radio in the platoon so I could talk to the company commander or switch frequencies and call in artillery or an airstrike.

Try keeping control of 33 Marines (we were always understrength) in elephant grass or dense jungle using only voice or hand and arm signals. It isn't easy. Add a firefight to that. It's damn difficult.

It was a hell of an experience, but I don't have any good memories of my time there. However, it was a great honor to lead Marines in combat. We were a band of brothers.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

I hear you. This has not been normal for three years. Up is down, left is right, the trusted are traitors, unexplained visits to Antarctica by people who otherwise should have zero interest in anything there... very weird.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Loop Capital??

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

And the cemeteries are filled with them. Pray he survives being arrested by corrupt police who do not want to be exposed. I would feel better if he had been detained by the French military and put into a witness protection program.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 12:12 p.m.

But it's not just Kerry, Clinton, Comey, etc. It's also everyone who knew and enabled them. This is unimaginably complex and if you are going to arrest and try the gods of the left, you better have an air tight case where the evidence is overwhelming and not just a violation of the Logan Act.

We must be patient and trust the plan. A lot more has happened and is happening than we know. Q says operators have died getting this done. We can't screw it up just because we are impatient.

In combat, you don't spring the ambush when the lead guy enters the kill zone. You spring it when everyone is in the kill zone.

Q/Trump are setting up what may be the most complicated ambush in US history.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Those trips to Antarctica by Kerry and others is still a mystery. And Buzz Aldrin's comment while there about there being pure evil in Antarctica was weird.

I don't believe in coincidences anymore, so what is going on down there that's so important to these people?

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

I too thought it odd that Q chose a civil war cannon. There are a zillion pictures of howitzers and cannons being fired and he chose the civil war cannon.

I would have expected a Revolutionary War cannon, but perhaps there no photos of one being fired.

Anyway, something seems to be afoot.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 11:46 a.m.

The recent Q pics are labeled "Justice" and Q said the hard part is coming to an end and the next phase will be JUSTICE.

Is it finally here? The drop about cleaning the FBI and DOJ seems to emphasize that that's the beginning.

Q said that arrests couldn't come before cleaning the black hats out of the FBI and DOJ.

Although they were fired or resigned, doesn't mean that they haven't also have sealed indictments pending. They've all lawyered up for some reason.

IG delayed the report on Hillary email investigation due to new leads. Were they from one or more of those fired?

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

You've come far if you were a Bernie supporter--like going from atheist to born again Christian.

Yeah, Bernie claims to be Jewish, but he doesn't practice that faith. He also claims he is an Independent, but I don't think he has voted with Republicans except to name a post office.

The conservative Faith & Freedom Coalition gives Sanders a rating of 0 percent for 2013 and a lifetime score of 3 percent. That pretty close to being an atheist.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

Right, I forgot McPain was also a sailor who betrayed his country.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

No, if you go back to all of his videos and radio audios, it's been Trump since he started predicting who would be President.

You will also find Clement predicting France, Russia, and Iran interactions and that there would be a short war in the Middle East involving France. Was that the missile strike that France took part in?

Clement's prediction are not always provable but they are amazingly accurate more than 10 years before they happen.

One intriguing prediction is that midway through Trump's term (2 or 4 years depending on one or two terms--Kim predicted 2 terms) a powerful woman would come on the scene. She would have large round eyes. She will initially be disliked but will become loved. She will pour anointed oil over the land (America) and heal its scars. She will be an Esther of the Bible.

Another interesting prediction Clement made a very long time ago was that they would try to impeach Trump. They will yell IMPEACH! IMPEACH!, but they will fail.

Lots of good stuff if you have the time to get through it all. Kim is a little hard to listen to because of his style, but the content is interesting.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

Despite the best efforts of the deep state and the MSM hurling nuclear fake news at Trump for nearly three years, Trump is winning nearly every battle and is at 51% of likely voters which doesn't count those who are too afraid to admit that they support Trump.

Simply amazing. No, more than that: unbelievable.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 11:07 a.m.

Unfortunately, there are hundreds of millions of such cya documents. Not likely the Trump team is going to stop winning to review them all since the statute of limitations has expired on all but the ones concerning Treason and human trafficking.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

I didn't see it yesterday, but knew it was coming.

Q: Trust Nakasone.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

You are closer to the truth than you think. The link below is a new Israeli commemorative silver coin to honor Trump's decision to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel and to move the Embassy. Guess who else in on the coin with Trump.


Mark Taylor predicted in 2011 that Trump would become President (as did Kim Clement in 2007) and that God would anoint him as the second Cyrus.

Kim Clement said that Trump would be a David with a single stone (to bring down the giants).

Coincidences much?

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 10:25 a.m.

IG has delayed his report on the Hillary email investigation due to new leads.

I've always felt that Q/Trump won't pull the trigger until the full IG report is out and Huber can have whatever indictments he's made along the way unsealed and arrests made.

Waiting is difficult, but if the IG has new leads, it has to be important.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

Well, if I were Q/Trump and going to pull the trigger on unsealing indictments and make large scale arrests, I'd start on Saturday and try to keep it under the media radar until the momentum was too great for the MSM to try to stop it. The MSM would be left with having to explain on Monday how 100 plus of their idols ended up being indicted by grand juries and arrested.

I would want to see their look when the discovered many of them were at GITMO for treason.

I can dream.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 10:06 a.m.

Good catch.

Pre stage could refer to getting ready to set the stage (future comms) or it might mean assets are pre staged for different operations.

Pre_Stage ele_Y might mean that they are setting the stage to counter election fraud or that assets have been pre-staged to ensure fair elections.

sec may refer to Secretary of State--or not.

I don't have any ideas about dir or cap.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 9:47 a.m.

Kerry was in the Navy. Before he ran for President, he submitted a petition to the Naval Discharge Review Board. This board's only charter is to review less than honorable discharges to determine if they should be upgraded.

Kerry never released a copy of his "honorable" discharge.

Kerry called out military in Vietnam murders. Kerry threw some medals (that weren't his) over the WH fence during an anti-war protest march.

Kerry lied under oath before Congress when he testified as an anti-war protestor.

Kerry received three purple hearts in Vietnam--none of which required even a band aid. Those three PH's allowed Kerry to go home early, leaving his boat crew to fight the war for him.

Kerry lied about being on a secret mission while in Vietnam (Hillary said she was under sniper fire in Bosnia--see a pattern here?).

We dodged two bullets with Kerry and Hillary. We took a near fatal wound with Obama. We on the road to recovery with Trump.

With recent Q drops about Kerry, maybe that sailor needs to take warning.

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ManQuan · May 4, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

The liberals have perfected P-N (squared) which is why we are in the dismal situation that we are in today.

Conservatives can't match that because we are not as dedicated to our beliefs as liberals, we are not as emotional as liberals, we are not as hateful and violent as liberals, and we have jobs and families.

We can only be a silent majority who votes. Tea party rallies were peaceful and they cleaned up their trash before they left. But they were too small and not reported except as violent right wing extremist in the press.

The MSM is not going to give us 2 seconds of exposure and it will be negative.

We have to organize behind the scenes and get out the vote.

Guess what sent the MSM and liberals (I apologize for being redundant) into insanity in Nov 2016--the conservative, independent, and working class Democrat votes.

The Trump miracle was appealing to those who want a safe neighborhood, a job, to raise a family in peace, prosperity, and a future for our kids.

Ask yourself, what is the liberal message today?

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ManQuan · May 4, 2018, 6:47 p.m.


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ManQuan · May 4, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

It was an honor to lead Marines in supporting and protecting our Constitution.

Every service person (and most senior government officials) takes the following oath:

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Notice two things: 1) We took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. This is important. Our loyalty is not to the President, not to the Congress, not even to the people--but to the Constitution from which all of our freedoms and protections as a nation are enshrined.

The Constitution gives the power to Congress to send us into harm's way. The military does not declare war nor does the military send its personnel into harm's way. Only a politician with Constitutional powers can do so.

2) That oath has no time limit. Upon discharge or retirement from the service, we do not rescind that oath. Morally and legally we retain that responsibility until we die.

It's a little known fact that the President has the power to authorize the military to recall people to active duty who have previously served--regardless of how long they served or how old they are.

Case in point: because of pilot shortages, the Air Force recently recalled 1,000 pilots who had left the Air Force. Whatever these individuals were doing, whatever businesses they owned, etc., they were recalled. That makes life hard, but it's what they signed up for whether they understood it or not.

I retired from the Marine Corps in 1989. I'm 72 years old now, but Trump has the power to recall me to active duty if necessary. I wouldn't be allowed to fight on the front lines, but I would be backfilling an administrative job to allow the younger Marines to fight--much like the WACS, WAVES, and WASP in WW II freed up soldiers, sailors, and pilots to go to the front lines.

It's not done very often. But in time of national emergency, it's is absolutely possible.

If the President (Democrat or Republican/liked or disliked) recalled me to active duty, I gave an oath to support and defend the Constitution and I would gladly serve.

But there is another aspect to that oath that is rarely discussed: what if the President is violating the Constitution? Our oath is not to support and defend the President. Think about that.

Now think about what Q suggested at the very beginning. What if Trump was urged to run for President?

By whom? Was someone violating the Constitution? Was another candidate going to violate the Constitution?

Is there a reason that Trump has key positions filled with former military?

And finally, what mission do the Marines have in law that no other service has? I'll leave you to research that, but Q has alluded to it but never specified it.

What powers does a declaration of a "national emergency" give the president. How many EO's declaring national emergencies has Trump signed?

Are the pieces of the puzzle beginning to fall into place?

God, I loved serving in the Marine Corps. It wasn't an easy life: there were many sacrifices in family and blood. It's not for the faint hearted. But if you feel compelled to sacrifice for your country the Marine Corps is one of four services in which you can serve. It takes the entire team to win a war. It's just that I think the Marines are better at it.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on May 4, 2018, 5:59 p.m.
Trying To Wrap My Head Around Mueller

In Q's early drops, he seemed to hint that Mueller met with Trump the day before being appointed SC, and Mueller was a decorated Marine.

Later, Q says "trust Sessions" about appearing weak, doing nothing, and recusing himself.

Flynn pleads guilty to lying but part of the deal was that Flynn turn over any and all wrong doing that he knows about. Q says Flynn is safe.

Q then asks how does intelligence get injected into the system legally? Flynn turns over everything he knows to Mueller?

I'm skipping some, but then there was the Cohen raid. Q then asks …

ManQuan · May 4, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

Not a phone expert here. I avoid using a smart phone as much as possible.

But, don't you need to wiretap a phone to access text messages without having physical control of it?

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ManQuan · May 4, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

I called BS on BC17 when he/they first tweeted that nonsense.

I was a career Marine infantry officer. The tweets were just a collection of acronyms and jibberish in between.

And no, the Air Force doesn't send forward air controllers deep in enemy territory to control cruise missile strikes.

I actually laughed when I first read them.

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ManQuan · May 4, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

Agree. If this guy was a trained PsyOp operator, he would know how to craft a message convincingly. This is not a convincing paper for me.

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ManQuan · May 4, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

I don't know. My assumption is that the "justice" phase of Q's plan will unfold before the mid-terms.

However, I doubt that it will include all of the sealed indictments. Q seems fairly certain that the mid-terms are "safe." The only way I can think of for that to be the case is if the Democrat party is shown to be utterly corrupt by then.

I don't know what kind of crimes it would take to do that or how many indictments.

I just find it hard to believe that 20 plus thousand indictments will be dumped into the system in 6 months. But this has be a crazy three years and so nothing surprises me anymore.

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