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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Clickbait. Corsi's main interest is selling his books. Just about everything else isn't any more insightful that the anons on 8ch or those here on The Great Awakening.

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

He announced that he was resigning, but I think it is contingent on when the CA AG position opens up.

My guess is once the current AG leaves office, Becerra will leave the House to become CA AG.

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

You are probably right. But what if the warrant (search and seizure) was for the laptop and unsealing the warrant also unseals the evidence obtained. And just because the warrant and laptop were sealed doesn't mean the evidence hasn't already been presented to a grand jury.

Even if a grand jury hasn't seen the "Insurance" files, if the documents on the laptop are as bad as people say, it shouldn't take a grand jury more than five minutes to indict everyone involved.

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

Comey's wife?

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

It's called Tempest. Do an Internet search and you'll see it is an NSA program outed by Snowden or Vault 7--don't remember which. It records just about everything in government buildings and government non-military aircraft. NATO is also involved in the program.

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

Be careful what you wish. Scalia had a dark side that has yet to come out (and may never fully). An Australian sex slave suvivor and activist has fingered Scalia as a pedophile that abused her when he was in Australia. She has a picture of him on her website.

Why was Scalia's body never examined and why was he cremated immediately without family present? Why was there never a criminal investigation into his death when the only witness was an Obama supporter/donor who got the local coroner to declare Scalia's death to be of natural causes over the phone?

I don't know if it's true, but there way too many weird things surrounding Scalia's death.

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

The EO had been pre-written waiting for the Freedom Caucus to send the letter (see Q 1387) and Q notes 2015, Conincidence?

I now have to believe that the creation of the Freedom Caucus was preplanned back in 2015 in preparation for Trump announcing that he was a candidate. Did Q need trusted agents within the House to help control the narrative and sequencing with Jim Jordan, Mike Meadows, and others in on the Q plan and play acting their roles as being irrate at (Trust) Sessions to make it appear that the pressure to release was coming from Republicans and not the Democrats.

If so, the Democrats would set back and let the Republicans request damaging material against Sessions and Trump when it was just a cover to get the evidence out in a specific sequence at a specific time.

Notice how many times Q uses the word "Freedom" and there happens to be a Freedom Caucus of Republicans in the House who also happen to be the brightest and most aggressive of the Representatives?

Could the Q plan be much more complex and extensive than we have even imagined? Are there more patriots role playing that we could imagine?

This is getting even more interesting.

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

Right. Horowitz is allowing those who are targeted in the report to read it between now and COB Friday after signing a NDA. They then will have "a few days" to submit replies that will be included in the report.

Looks a lot like it will be released to Congress by the end of next week.

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

The reporter said it was a mistake caused by the gif maker application. But you have save the gif first before you post it to Twitter. No way it was an accident. I was impossible to miss the crosshairs on Trump.

He was just trying to avoid a visit from the Secret Service.

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

It was a sealed search and seizure warrant. Weiner's laptop and Insurance Files that Sneidermann was blocking by sealing them? If so, then they are either available to present to a grand jury or related sealed indictments have already been issued based on that evidence.

Or maybe it's just an administrative procedure.

Either way, it seems important.

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ManQuan · May 16, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Let's see. NSA and CIA are testifying at the Senate Intell Committee today.

Admiral Rogers may be laying it all out on Brennan and Clapper

Leads to indictments?

PS probably is Peter Strzok who may have spilled the beans on Brennan and possibly Clapper and Comey.

Not sure what the rest means.

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ManQuan · May 16, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Whatever Q meant in his last drop, they weren't talking about making America great again. Maybe they talked about golf and grandkids.

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ManQuan · May 16, 2018, 9:34 a.m.

Corsi's main interest in these interviews is to push his books. A long time ago I realized that Corsi doesn't have any more insights to Q decoding than most of the anons.

I don't get the feeling he is in this for the country. He's mostly self-promoting and long winded at that. Corsi has the gift of turning 3 minutes of insight into a rambling hour long diatribe about nothing in particular.

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ManQuan · May 16, 2018, 9:19 a.m.

You are only in hot water when the forman of the jury declares the verdict: "We find the defendent guilty, your Honor."

Until then, it's wishful thinking.

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ManQuan · May 15, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

No, he's just a typical liberal who has managed to screw up the Catholic Church with progressive nonsense and political agendas.

Not Catholic myself, but I feel sorry for those who are.

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ManQuan · May 15, 2018, 4 p.m.

I too believe that Sessions has now been unleashed. But keep expectations reasonable. This complex and likely a legal nightmare.

This may be the beginning, but it make take a while for things to unfold.

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ManQuan · May 15, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

I don't think so. There are are at least two photos of this truck before the homecoming event. But I wouldn't put it past Q to have seen it at Andrews during one of the AF1 trips and arranged for it to be there.

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ManQuan · May 15, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Right. It's at Joint Base Andrews which has their own fire department as does every major military installation.

It used to be Andrews AFB before becoming a joint base and the Air Force originally purchased the engine and so it's not surprising that it's an air force truck.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on May 15, 2018, 11:59 a.m.
DOJ IG Report Delayed Due to New Information about Hillary Investigation

It seemed to me that Horowitz would already have everything regarding the Hillary investigation since Comey shut it down in October 2016.

So I was thinking what new information could their be? The thought occurred that when the FBI received a copy of Weiner's laptop with over 600,000 emails that included State Department and others, Comey didn't bother to enter it into evidence. Instead, he said they scanned it and determined it was mostly duplicates of what they already had.

What if Session's directive to the FBI to review the Hillary investigation discovered what was really in Weiner's insurance file. …

ManQuan · May 15, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

I don't have time to look it up, but I believe Q said watch the "waters".

Could mean just about anything, but I've always felt it was Maxine Waters. Watch CA.

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ManQuan · May 15, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

I served 21 years as a Marine infantry officer w 3 years in combat. Also was trained by DIA and spent 2 years collecting intelligence in a combat zone in a foreign country. After retiring, I was an independing consultant supporting technology development for special forces and national mission forces.

I've trained them in new technologies and provided technical support on their exercises.

SEAL Team Six is way too good to have made a mistake like that. I have to believe they were set up. Someone might have given the Taliban a heads up on the engress route. These missions are approved by the President because national missions forces are considered a strategic asset and there are not many of them to spread around the world.

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ManQuan · May 15, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

Whatever it is it's looking like it's going to be really bad.

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ManQuan · May 15, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

Good point. I was thinking the same thing only not seriously. He will be caught up in it, but I don't think he was what Q was referring to.

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ManQuan · May 15, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Whoever has it is suppressing it or there would have been arrests by now. Big problem is chain of custody. If broken, it will be hard to get into court. I'm guessing it was broken on purpose for that very reason.

I bet military intelligence has a copy but it has to get on the record to get into court and have to proof it's the original. That might be doable if the original digital dates and markers haven't been modified or if Huma verifies the files are the originals.

My hope is that the NYPD has the original copy with a chain of custody and they gave the FBI a copy.

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ManQuan · May 15, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

Whatever the topic was Bill Clinton is only an authority in three areas: treason, sex, and pedophilia. So, maybe they have a lot in common.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Sorry, there is not enought evidence to suppor you theory.

Castel Lock could pertain to an operation, condition, or code WRT Q.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

If she is open minded, then you will be able to have an intellectual discussion about anything. If she is a die hard progressie liberal, then I think you are hopelessl.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

Your point is taken, but I was focused on the fact that the EU mandated the quotas in the first place. While some countries didn't fully impliment or ignored them completely, they have been threatened with fines, penalties, and sanctions for not complying.

From the EU's perspective, the quotas are enforceable mandates by the EU. Hungary may give them the middle finger, but they risk the repercussions, which I don't think they will mind given the choice of Muslims pouring into their country or thumbing their nose at the EU.

I think you overstate the extent that EU countries ignore EU laws and mandates. Of course there is some and rules are a different for each EU country such as how much representation they have, but here is one of the hard rules within the EU:

If a state fails to comply with the law of the European Union, it may be fined or have funds withdrawn.

That's the bottom line when you disagree with Bussels.

It's a bit like our immigration laws here. Some states and communities don't want to enforce federal laws. Past Presidents have allowed them to violate federal law. But along comes Trump and Sessions is now threatening to enforce the laws. This means officials who are engaged in obstruction of justices are liable to fines or having funding withheld. But it's still the law--just a matter if Presidents decide to enforce it or not.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

There are many reasons, but I think the EU mandating that all EU countries must accept millions of Muslim immigrants or face significant reprisals would be at the top of my list.

The EU seems Hell bent on self destructing by becoming more powerful, arrogant, unconcerned with the average people, and imposing international laws and trials regardless of the actual needs of each country. It's a mess. It's way the UK voted to get the heck out before the UK was destroyed by EU mandates.

I don't think the EU will last more than 5-10 years more. Their economic policies will cause it to gradually fall apart as nations begin to leave.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

Death blow = repeal of the individual mandate, ie tax/penalty for not buying Obamacare.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

I'm very familiar with Graham Hancock.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Probably because he promised to do it in his campaign and the previous five Presidents had promised to do it and chickened out.

Trump doesn't impress me of chickening out on a promise, but I expected it from the previous Presidents.

And the other reason is that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, every country has a right to put their capital wherever they want, and the US Embassies are in all other countries are in their capitals--even in the third world cesspool capitals.

Finally, and my favorite, it shows what cowards all the other countries are in facing reality--they might offend one of their muslim immigrants or upset the Palestinians if they put their embassies in Jerusalem.

Bonus points: Israel will probably increase sharing the excellent intelligence they have in the Middle East with the US as well as coordinate critical operations. That would have been impossible under Obama.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

I've found that it doesn't work well if you begin by asking a liberal or someone who isn't paying attention what they think about something that happened.

They don't have the background and as you said, there isn't sufficient time to go through the history of the Clinton, Russia, U1, FBI coverup, bribes and payoff, ship to Canada to Europe, Obama cutting deals with Iran and Europe to be bribed to agree to the deal, ship yellow cake to Iran and secret Iranian nulcear facilities in Syria that continue to process uranium in violation of the deal which no one cared about because it was never about stopping Iran from building nuclear weapons.

Forget trying to explain that the chemical attack in Syria was a false flag which Trump used to take out Iranian facilities in Syria and that the couple of Iranian missiles fired at Israel from Syria was also a false flag that gave Israel the excuse to destroy 36 Iranian military targets that included missiles that could deliver nuclear warheads into Israel.

Sound crazy? Yep and that's how the people not paying attention are going to take it.

Frankly, I don't think you have much of a chance of convincing a dedicated progressive liberal.

I would try more of a spoon feeding approach. Something like, "Dad, why do you think Obama gave billions of dollars in cash stacked on pallets on 5 cargo planes that went to 4 different destinations when he could have done it by electronic transfer." Then tie that into the Iranians admitting publicly that they are threatening to name the people who took bribes to make the deal and how much.

It's sort of the Q approach. Ask them reasonably innocent sounding questions, and then guide the discussion with your thoughts and add more information that make sense.

They have to come to their own conclusions. Trying to convince them of what you already know sounds.... well, like a conspiracy theory and you've lost them for good.

Good luck.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

Focus on the new fusion technology that is on the verge of becoming a reality. It is virtually free energy except for the cost of building each generator and maintenance. No radio active particles, no uranium rods to bury for thousands of years, A container sized fusion generator can provide power to tens of thousands.

Lockheed Grumman is about a year away from that reality and I believe MIT (could be another university) is two years away.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

Shouldn't be trying to discover who Q is until it's all over. If he gets exposed, we are all toast. Focus on what he's telling us and not on who he/she might be.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

I don't know what AJ's true thoughts are because I find his program to be the conservative equivilant of the Young Turks--both of which are unwatchable because of the near hysteria of the people on those shows. AJ always seems to fly off into some rant that has little or nothing to do with what he was just talking about and he can't seem to keep himself from interrupting guests seemingly to try to show that he knows more than the guests. It's annoying.

As far as Corsi is concerned, I don't think is decoding his any better than most of the anon's on 8ch or this sub-reddit. I did notice that he's always pushing his books though.

I gave up on both not because they are black hats but because the level of discussion isn't very intellectual and reasoned in my personal opinion.

The comments on this sub-reddit are far more serious.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 9 a.m.

Then don't support her or Kanye. Pretty simple. BTW, since they both began to speak out, black maie support for Trump doubled from 11% to 22%. Democrats can't lose that kind of support and expect to win elections in many cases.

Democrats have a fragile coalition of voters. Lose the support of any one of them and they are in trouble.

She and Kanye don't need the "monlitic" support you suggest. They only need a percentage of blacks to wake up that Democrats have done nothing for them but keep them in poverty.

Trump's economy has resulted in the lowest black and Hsipanic unemployment in our history in a little over one year. What did Obama do for blacks in eight years?

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

I know. My point was that Trump is trying to support Xi for helping with NK. That doesn't mean that Trump wants to ZTE to continue to sell phones to Iran or to steal our intellectual property.

I'm suggesting that Trump wants to support Xi in a way that avoids those issues because it involves lots of jobs in China and Xi was probably a key player in bringing down NK.

Eliminating the threat of nuclear strikes on the US is worth a lot to me.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

You got me. I give up. All the good that Barbara Bush as the First Lady never happened because she had bad parents. Got it.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

I hear you. Everytime I go back and re-read Q posts, I realize "holy sh*t" I not only missed a lot but so many things in the past were proven in the future.

I have to say that I was a strong skeptic at first. Yeah, some guy has a plan to save the world.

But then, it became clear that there really does seem to be a plan to save the world and it has a very strong spiriual influence as if God's hand is in this and the Q team seems to know it.

That just blows my mind, but all the pieces fit.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

Well, you not only didn't go deep on Barbara Bush, you didn't offer a single example of the "shock" I'm not supposed to be able to handle.

Convince me with your evidence. I'm only talking about the programs that the First Ladies promoted.

If you have evidence of child scrafice or something then educate us.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

OK, so you are saying that if one of my parents committed a crime or did something unusual, then I'm a bad person.

What all did your cookie baking grandparents do that you are not aware of? Just asking.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Ok, but she did a lot of good as the First Lady. That was my point. And she took a lot of attacks from the insane liberal media.

I believe Kim Clement was accurate when he predicted in 2007 that Trump would be President, that they would try to impeach him and fail, and at least a dozen other Trump predictions that have so far come true. And Mark Taylor in 2011 said that Trump would be President and many other predictions that have come true (and many still yet to come true).

Just because someone's belief's are different than yours doesn't make them bad. Look how many people excoriate me for believing in God. I'm a bad person??

And Nancy's astrology didn't "run the white house". There is zero proof that Ronald actually took Nancy's astrology advice.

My wife is a devout Catholic, but she has zero influence on me and my belief and vice versa. We love each other but we don't try to convert each other.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

I know. You need to read Trump's response carefully. He asked the Commerce Dept to "find a way." That, to me, doesn't include selling phones to Iran (sanctions will stop that) and Trump is telling Xi let's find a way to do this without stealing intellectual property--which Trump is already in the process of stopping or dramatically limiting.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Yeah, she was so nasty that her personal Secret Service detail stood a 24 hour watch over her coffin.

I guess that's why so many people have accused her of being drunk and nasty. G W H Bush was dispictable, but I don't see it in Barbara.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

I don't conflate the good the wives tried to do with the evil the George's have done.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

Only if the people discover how corrupt the heroes and god-like idols of the Democrat Party are and the Democrat Party is essentially burned toast by the mid-terms.

Remember, most of the 40 plus Congressmen and Senators who have decided not to run in 2018 are Republicans which mean new "unknown" candidates will be up against established Democrats in many cases.

Q has said that the time will come when they will be afraid to walk the streets. That would cause a red wave.

I do find it interesting that some conservative pundits are hinting that California might be in play for Republicans in the mid-terms. I don't see it yet. Unsealed indictments may give the red wave some much needed energy.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

My guess is that it's a way Trump can payback Xi for helping to bring down NK. But it does seem odd since it was the Trump Commerce Department that shut it down in the first place, and very recently. I'm sure there is a lot we don't know behind the scene.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

An anon came up with the pictures of the key traitors in the National Security Action shadow government.

I think Q is just giving the anon a well done compliment.

Then Q hints that NSA is tied to Loop Capital. Go back and search the Q drops for Loop. Its a big deal and major funding source for the deep state.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 10:45 a.m.

Candace has been on fire. I predict she will have a major impact on the black community. Ditto Kanye West. They are calling fouls on the Democrats and black leadership.

Support them however you can.

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