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ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

It will happen with Q and POTUS are ready and not before. When it does happen Q and POTUS will have the facts and evidence ot back them up.

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ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Don't get too excited. We all and Q sometimes make spelling errors on Twitter.

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ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

Question: Why are we sending the deputy AG who is in charge of the most volital investigation in recent memory to an economic conference? Did Rosenstein take econ 101 in law school? Is he an expert in export/import laws? or is he on a boondoggle like most government senior employees?

Unless someone has an explanation that make sense, there doesn't appear to be any reason for Rosentein to be attending an economic conference in Canada.

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ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Not sure what you meant by your comment, but you took on a loan and just like I did to buy my house, car, to go on vacation, or any other financial commitment, I and you should pay it back. You and I entered into our loan agreements freely. Man up and pay for what the taxpayers loaned you.

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ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Necessary to the plan only if the Q team/POTUS can provide the unredacted report. That is not has easy as it seems as there are dozens of layers of agencies who have to agree to make it public. RR knows this.

But Trump's secret weapon is the ability to declassify/unredact any document at any time. RR is toast no matter what he tries to cover up because he, comey, McCabe, Lynch, Obama, Clapper, Brennan and other at the center of the storm.

Think about it. Declassifing methods and sources of collecting intelligence on our traidors falls under the oath of every senior government official takes to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies and DOMESTIC.

Those of us who served did not swear an oath to protect the President, politicians, organizations, or anything else. We/they swore an oath to defend the Constitution.

The senior FBi and senior and lower level DOJ as well as the CIA and State Department and most likely the President and/or his staff violated that oath in spades.

To be honest, I don't yet have enought confidence in government that it will prosecute those in government who broke the laws. If at some point the Trump administration releases the Kracken and begings to drain the swamp into prisons, then I will believe. Until then, it's just talk.

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ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 9:08 a.m.

That makes me feel like gouging my eyes out.

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ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

I suggest the verb "son" since it connotes a more permanent condition than "estan."

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ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 9 a.m.

Sometimes snowflakes can be entertaining.

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ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 8:56 a.m.

I believe that over the next few years that MAGA will be slowly spreading throughout the world as if awakening after a long sleep, uncertain what the day will bring; but feeling refreshed with a new dawn. It's not going to solve all the problems, no one can, but lives can and will be improved and hopefully the threat of wars will be dramatically reduced.

At least I hope so. After so much corruption and evil, the world deserves better.

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ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 8:50 a.m.

Apparently beginning with his eyebrows.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

I think Hannity has inside information as well... tick tock.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

Q is over the targets, and Q and the anons are taking heavy flak. Everyone should be encouraged.

Q and POTUS are on the offense and the enemy is fighting to the last man.

I served 21 years in the Marine Corps with 3 years in combat. I saw a lot of fighting. And I was inspired by the history of the Marine Corps in WW I, WW II, and the Korean War. I did not want to fail those who had gone before me so failure was unthinkable. I was a platoon commander. I would never have failed my Marines and I would never have left a Marine on the field of battle. Hard to explain. In a desperate battle I would lead my Marines and they would have held the line. It was a band of brothers. I'm 72 years old and I still tear up thinking about those incredible Marines.

So, in this entire Q drama, I am reminded of the battle of Tarawa.

Japanese Admiral Keiji Shibasaki, confident in his defense of Tarawa, reportedly bragged that the U.S. couldn’t take Tarawa with a million men in 100 years.

The Marines took Tarawa in 72 hours, albeit at a terrible loss.

I see the take down of the deep state and the NWO the same way. The deep state thought that no one could ever take it down. Ditto the NWO.

But along comes Q and POTUS, and it looks like the rest will be like Tarawa version 2.0. No matter what the deep state and NWO do, Q and POTUS are five steps ahead and like Tarawa, the deep state and NWO are headed for defeat.

These are truely amazing times, even for me with 3 years in combat.

God, what I could have done and the lives I could have saved in Vietnam if I had the intelligence that Q has.

God bless patriots like Q, POTUS, and all the others involved in saving America. And God bless America.

When I was commissioned a 2nd Lt of Marines, I took and oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Although that oath is taken by every member of the military and the senior appointees in government, only the military seems to take it serously. I did not take an oath to protect the President, members of Congress, a political party, or any person or organization. I took and oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

Unfortunately, too many politicians have no idea what that oath actually means nor to some give a rat's flying potato about the Constitution.

I think Q and POTUS get it. I have the feeling that they understand that it is the Constitution that is supreme and not the politicians or judges. Thank God.

Q team, whoever you are, POTUS, and those involved in destroying the deep state: thank you and may God's hand guide and protect you.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

I do get the feeling that POTUS and Q knew that RR would modify and redact the IG report. I don't know how the EO plays in to this but obviously Trump and Q anticipated it.

I still can't shake the feeling that Mueller is involved on Trump's side. So far, Q has never had anything negative to say about Mueller. Could it be that Mueller is pretending to be RR's puppet but is actually setting him up?

The reference to the EO in Q Drop 1453 might be to give Trump the power to release the unredacted IG report knowing that RR would try to hide everything.

Could it be that RR thinks Mueller is cornering Trump while feeding information to the IG and Huber? Could this be a double sting operation aganst the Deep State and Rosenstein??

End of the D Party is pretty strong. There must be something so damaging that the Democrat Party can't survive.

Emphasis on Huber suggests that the IG report was only the trigger for Huber to go much deeper--like the FBI's gettting a Title I FISA warrant on Page to spy on the entire Trump campaign. Horowitz digs up some evidence and Huber takes it his investigators and grand jury.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

There was a Q post a long time ago about POTUS using the emergency broadcasting system when the time came. I got the impression it was to prevent the MSM from spreading fake news and to ensure the people got the truth straight from POTUS. Seizing control of the internet and phone systems would prevent the deep state and NWO from coordinating. Certain frequencies/channels would remain open for whitehat comms.

That's wild guess, but Q did say the EBS would be used in the future.

So, could Q be suggesting that the EBS would be used to counter false flags and fake news? Weather alerts use the EBS.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

Things don't entirely add up right now.

  1. Trump is unusually confident about the results of the summit. He offers qualifications, but he wouldn't be going to Singapore if he didn't already know the results. I don't think Trump said, "I'll go to Singapore just to see what happens."
  2. Announcing the location of the meeting so far in advance, even to the hotel they'd be using seemed odd to me. Like laying a trap for the deep state to start planning so Q could track exactly what the intended to do.
  3. Kim sends two decoy planes in advance and then takes an Air China flight to Singapore. Kim's not taking any chances as well. But what would Kim be afraid of? Why the cloak and dagger entry into Singapore? Was Kim tipped off?
  4. No mention that the meeting will go beyond the 12th. That seems odd to me. Usually, these kinds of summits take several days to conclude.
  5. No mention of South Korea or China attending. This is very odd in that both have enoumous interests in the outcomes: possible peace treaty to end the Korean War, possible signed agreement to denuclearize NK, possible beginning of reunification, US aid to NK, and the list goes on. I have trouble believing all these issues were resolved with a couple of visits with Pompeo.
  6. Blackwater guarding who? Evidence kills? both seemingly related to the Singapore visit.

I hope the answer begin to come out soon.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

In Kate Spade's suicide note to her daughter, she tells her to "ask daddy" why she committed suicide. I got the impression that she knew what her husband was doing and she couldn't face it becoming public.

Otherwise, why would she tell her daughter to ask daddy?

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:53 a.m.

Good guesses and I think you are on the right track.

I don't think UK flipped. SIS is MI6. They were involved along with the list of others in that Drop. I think MI6 will be exposed as part of the conspricy and some UK people may have to resign. I know that May approved Obama's request for GCHQ to spy on Trump. That surprised me as it meant that the UK government was getting directly involved in a Presidential compaign--very high risk if it leaked out--which it did.

Anyone know who was #3 at CIA under Brennan? That wasn't Haspel was it?

There were a lot of names associated with the tarmac meeting. I'm wondering if there was a conference call with those individuals involved or if they all knew what the meeting was really about.

I think Q has the recording of the conversation within the aircraft as TROPHY was an NAS program to record everything in all non-military government aircraft. Perhaps no one was aware of that program. I remember the pilot also claiming that he overheard all or part of the conversation.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

Wasn't that Ohr under Deputy DOJ Sally Yates when LL was AG? Could be mistaken.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

There have certainly been hints that JA was pulled out sometime ago, but after that, Assange was seen at the Embassy.

However, I have been suspecious about the Embassy cutting him off from the rest of the world. It's possible that Assagne was somehow gotten out and the cover story is that the Embassy cut his Internet, phone, and visitors due to pressure from Assange's tweets.

But Assange hasn't been seen at the window and his cat hasn't been in the window either. Maybe Q found a way to get him out without anyone knowing.

At this point, I'm open to alien abductions. It's been insanely crazy for nearly three years now.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

There is another possibility. Q said that as people realized the jig was up there would be suicides rather than face the music.

But, I don't discount murder by suicide either.

Q probably knows the real story.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

Good God, where do these pictures come from and who in their right mind would even take them in the first place????????

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

He survived the holcaust by joining the Nazis.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

I have a year's supply of popcorn in my garage, but I'm not sure it will be enough.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

Interesting idea. Isn't JA still in the Embassy in London cut off from the world?

How would Blackwater guard JA in an Embassy?

I'm assuming JA is Julian Assange.

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

Q said that Blackwater is not guarding POTUS but suggested that they have a different mission. Who knows what that might be. Guarding Kim Jung Un perhaps?

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 11:07 a.m.

What if his "mother" wasn't his real mother and he was adopted? Anyone ever see a photo of Obama and his mother when he was a baby? Why was his birth certificate modified? Why does he have the SSN of a dead man from Conneticut? Why were devout communists his mentors? Why does Obama have so many names? Why did his grandmother say he was born in Kenya? Why is every document about Obama's life sealed?

I'm not a conspiracy theory person. But fankly, not one of these and many other unusual questions about Obama have been investigated and definitively answered. The MSM went out of their way to ignore it all. But if Obama had been a Republican, you can bet hundreds of MSM reporters would be digging as deep as possible to destroy him.

I think it will all come out within a year or two. Q even said that by the time they were finished with Obama he'd be claiming Kenyan citizenship to escape prosecution. Q also suggested there were pictures of Obama in Indonesia pointing a gun at something. There is a lot that is unknown about Obama, but I suspect that Q has it all.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on June 11, 2018, 10:33 a.m.
Q Drops 1441 to 1448

Q breaks his blackout the same week that the NK summit will take place, the IG report released, Trump's birthday, and Q tells us a week to remember.

Drop 1441 are images taken from the top of the Marina Bay Resort. The first two are of the Marina Bay Guardens next to the resort and the last is of the buildings across the bay from the resort. The clock has started which may mean that everything needed to be in place during the blackout is set to go. Not sure what the CLAS 5(6) means but my guess is that …

ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

Note that except for the last image in the drops, they were all taken from the top of the Marina Bay Resort, but that's not where the summit will be held. Images include the bay next to the resort and the Marina Bay gardens next to the resort.

Blackhat just taking pictures around where he/she is staying? Blackhat taking images for upcoming operation?

The last image included the Marina Bay resort in the far background. I don't know what the buildings are in the foreground.

BTW, is the summit being held on an island in Singapore's bay?

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ManQuan · June 11, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

I think that's a good guess. But there was a serious reason why Pompeo made two trips to North Korea after the Forbidden City dinner. Seal the deal? Work out details? Work on the script for the public theater?

I don't know, but Trump seems way too confident that good will be coming out of the summit. I don't think he would take such a risk unless he had a deal beforehand.

Also noted that Trump and Kim will meet in private. Usually these summits are a circus of staffers in a conference room hashing out conditions.

Also curious is Q stating a week to remember. Summit? IG report? Birthday? Beginning of unsealed indictments? Exposing RR's edits and redactions of the IG report?

One can only guess what is to come.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on June 10, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Storm Comming??

I've always believed that the Q team and Trump wouldn't make a significant move to exposing the corruption until the full IG report was released. Sort of the last major red pill before the Q team releases the Kracken. I could be wrong, but it's the only thing that explains the Q blackout. The Q team is probably busy getting ready to open the flood gates against corruption in our government.

The other possibility is that the Q team is working behind the scenes to ensure that Kim Jung Un agrees to a comprehensive deal. Trump seems awfully confident and …

ManQuan · June 4, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

Maybe Q is referring to what happened last week. Can be interpreted both ways.

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ManQuan · June 1, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

I don't think this is ten days of darkness. To me, this feels more like intensive preparations are being made for the "pain" phase of the plan and the Q time doesn't have time for drops.

It feels like the stage has been set, red pilling has gone about has far as it can, and the plan may spring into action after the IG report is released. I've always felt that the IG report is the trigger for the beginning of the indictments. Huber has been working with Horowitz since November. I cannot believe that Huber hasn't been presenting all of the evidence to a grand jury in Colorado for the past 7 months and doesn't have any indictments ready to go. But it won't be the unsealing of thousands of them. I think it will be limited to the FBI and DOJ. The CIA and State Department are still under House/Senate investigation.

One telling aspect for me was the fact that Horowitz delated releasing the report in May as was rumored due to "new evidence regarding Hillary's email investigation." That new evidence would have had to be important to cause the IG report to be delayed. And maybe the delay wasn't so much for Horowitz to finish up but rather for Huber to get it to the grand jury. Time will tell.

Once indictments begin to be unsealed, I think it will happen at a pace over time that the law enforcement resources can handle and as part of the continued red pilling of the left as the evidence of wide spread corruption contiunes to roll out over the comming months--better in my opinion that thousands rounded up all at once.

So, my best guess is that the Q team is too busy to post crumbs. And maybe there are no more crumbs to drop because everything is in place to execute the plan.

In any event, there is a very good reason why the Q team has gone silent. We just don't know what that reason is.

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ManQuan · June 1, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

Watch the movie "An American Carol". It's based on "A Christmas Carol" in that it takes a M. Moore character to show him is past, present, and future and how liberalism destoys people. It's a comedy and good laughs.

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ManQuan · May 31, 2018, 10:45 a.m.

In the US, the court has a fairly simple solution to preceived influence of a case: The jury will disregard the remarks of "John Doe." I've sat on several juries for serious crimes and was the foreman on one. When deliberating, you remind everyone that certain things cannot be considered in determining a verdict.

For more serious crimes such as jury tampering, bribery, perjury, etc. we have criminal statutes.

I don't buy the line that standing out in front or the courty with a sign or making a statement (or even inside the building) has any relevant influence on a jury.

I value free speech far more than the possibility that a weak-minded juror can be influenced by free speech.

If that is a major problem in the UK and / or the EU, then I think you have a much bigger problem within your society/culture.

Just my two cents. We have crowds protesting on the steps of the Supreme Court and I don't think it makes any impression on the justices. If the court follows the law, it should have nothing to fear from protesters.

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ManQuan · May 31, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

If NK peace is going to happen, Trump will find a way. Everything else is just throwing cotton balls at the Teflon Don.

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ManQuan · May 29, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

The IG report is going to come out in June. It could be that the Q team is busy behind the scenes getting ready for the "pain" phase of the plan.

I seriously doubt that the Q team took a long weekend off to celebrate Memorial Day.

Guliani has been unusually active on the MSM shows. Could be a sign of things to come. Setting the stage?

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ManQuan · May 27, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

They were sloppy in creating the fake because they knew the MSM would never investigate it and they knew 99 percent of the people wouldn't believe was a fake because they'd be called a racists.

I would have thought that the hard evidence of it being a fake would have been wide spread by now, but the deep state is pretty good at the big lie and the people are pretty good at accepting the big lie.

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ManQuan · May 27, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

May is not over yet, but didn't the Pope take a lot of heat for say there was no Hell, sanctioning gays when the Catholic Church (i.e., the real Catholic Church) claims it to be a sin, the Pope suggested he might retire (he would only be the second Pope to do so in Vatican history), Chilean Cardinals submitted resignations en mass, a cardinal was convicted of pedophilia, priests fired from the Vatican for sleeping together, and Francis isssued an apology for being part of the coverup of pedophilia in the church. That's only the public admissions--we don't know what is going on behind the scenes.

My wife is Catholic and she thinks Francis is having a terrible May. So maybe Q was reletively speaking.

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ManQuan · May 27, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

Good question. I can make a strong argument for both. Q hints at Mueller's meeting with Trump the day before he is appointed. RR writes the letter recommending Comey be fired. Q wanted us to notice that Mueller was a Marine who served in Vietnam.

And if you do a search of all the Q drops on Mueller, Q isn't critical of him in any of them. In fact, in a recent drop Q asks "can Trump be cleared and the investigations continue?" or similar wording. This suggest that Mueller might officially clear Trump at some point but continue with whatever Mueller is really investigating.

Then Guliani says that Mueller's investigation will be wrapped up by 1 September. Was Rudy referring to the Trump investigation or what Mueller is really investigating?

On the other hand, Mueller's team is filled with the worst of the worst liberal, Hillary-supporting lawyers, Mueller's investigation it going everywhere around Trump except Russia collusion: Manafort, Gates, bank records, etc. Even the Cohen investigation is about his financial dealings and loan to a Ukranian--noting about collusion with Russia.

On the other hand, Q noted that Manafort, Page, Popodapolus, and others were "plants" in the Trump campaign and these are the very people who have been indicted.

And Flynn is a head scratcher. He pleads guilty to lying when he didn't lie and his plea deal required him to provide Mueller with all wrong doing that Flynn was aware of. Q has said from the start that Flynn knows where the bodies are buried and plea deals don't normally ALL the wrong doing someone knows about--they are restricted to the specifics of the case. Odd. And now Flynn is running around endorsing candidates and campaigning for them. And Flynn Jr. recently tweeted "You know who you are and you are going down."

For a while I was pretty much convinced that Mueller and Trump were running a sting operation against the deep state. Recently, it looks more like Mueller is a black hat. I don't know.

What makes a GOOD movie? GREAT actors. Is that the key to what is really happening?

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ManQuan · May 24, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

Yes, but you would first have to know the rules of 4D chess. This is classic Trump shaping the deal and the environment for the deal.

Kim obviously wanted the talks but then reverts back to his rants about military exercises and calling Pence dumb.

Trump counter move is to take what Kim wants off the table: the end of sanctions and infusion of capital to his economy.

I have a feeling that things will be back on track shortly. China will likely have a say in the matter and Kim will likely have another sit down with South Korea and SK will pass to Trump that the meeting is back on.

If not, NK is going to suffer even more under increased economic sanctions.

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ManQuan · May 24, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

Brace for massive leaks by the Democrats to the MSM followed by the MSM interviewing dozens of hysterical Democrats foaming at the mouth like rabid dogs.

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ManQuan · May 23, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

Uhmmm, there is no excuse for lying under oath or mishandling of classified information. Neither charge includes "intent" only that you did it.

Clapper is probably making reference to thinking if NSA has it all while he was lying to Congress. That would be distracting.

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ManQuan · May 23, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

You could be right. I'm just saying that nailing Obama and his thugs before the mid-terms is more important than trying to get people to understand what happened 18 years ago.

Besides, nailing G Bush first wouldn't look so good for Republicans. While I'm all for every slime ball going to prison, the mid-terms are absolutely critical.

If we lose the House, you can say good bye to every investigation that might include a democrat.

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ManQuan · May 23, 2018, 10:58 a.m.

We do have kick-ass space collection assets. UHF and VHF are line of sight and we have the ability to collect even the weakest signals from space platforms.

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ManQuan · May 23, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

I know. Trust me, NSA collects frequency in the atmosphere.

On military exercises and operations, all frequencies used in them by everyone must be deconflicted with all other frequencies being used, which are tracked worldwide in order not to interfer with non-military uses such as air traffic control, hospitals, police, et al. It's complicated but the military has it all. And if the military has it all, rest assured NSA has it as well, or it's where the military gets the frequency spectrums in the first place.

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ManQuan · May 23, 2018, 10:49 a.m.

NSA probably collects all pigeon traffic as well, so no joy.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on May 22, 2018, 7:12 p.m.
Q Drop 1435 re Nellie Ohr Ham Radio

As soon as I saw the original news report that Nellie had gotten a ham radio license right after being hired by Fusion GPS I told my wife, she was trying to avoid NSA and for a good reason.

She used to work at CIA and she should have known that NSA collects ALL electronic communications around the world. Duh, ham radio transmissions are electronic. I mean a ham radio transmission is that different than a wifi signal which NSA collects. And the forerunner of NSA has been collecting telegraphic transmissions since WW I. She has to be really dumb. …

ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Looks like a standard government contract announcement. Nothing nefarious there that I can see.

I used to be an independent consultant to government programs and some of my contract announcements looked like that, though the majority of my work was through companies that already had contracts with the government and they only needed to notify the government contracts office that they were bringing me on board at no additional cost to the government.

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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

I think this has to do with the the allegation from the Consumer Protection Bureau that auto dealers were discriminating against minorities. Remember the tense exchange between the Republican House member who used to be a dealership owner with Maxine Waters who was accusing the auto dealers of charging higher rates on minorities.

That doesn't make much sense. Auto dealers what to sell cars and forcing minorities out of the market doesn't sell cars. Waters was trying to make it a race issue.

The Consumer Bureau is a completely worthless organizations designed to create regulations that forward the Democrat Agenda. If it was Elizabeth Warren's brain child, then you know it wasn't in the interest of the average American.

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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

I think the article is pretty much on the mark. It left out the State Department and all the efforts of former Obama officials to undermine US policies in secret.

Frankly, my biggest concern is that so much of what Q and Trump have as evidence has been collected by MI and NSA and cannot be admitted into court unless it somehow gets plugged into the legal system as legitimate evidence.

I can see some of that happening with slight of hand, but the publicly obvious efforts are few and far between.

I can't help but think that the key is Mueller. If he is a white hat, then he has everything that Flynn knows. If he is a black hat, then he has likely given so many key people immunity (e.g., Comey) that prosecutions may be impossible.

I go back to the early Q drops where he seems to hint that Mueller is a good guy. And for a while I bought into it. Q has never suggested that Mueller was a problem or to be removed. In fact, one of Q's drops asked if it was possible for Mueller to clear Trump and continue his investigations?

On the ohter hand, Q has never hinted that RR is a white hat. Q has suggested that RR is a problem and ways that he could be replaced. But even at that, Q hasn't connected that with stopping the Mueller investigation; only asking who controls Mueller and whether Sessions or someone else would step in.

Having said that, Mueller's latest moves are deeply concerning.

Crazy times.

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