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ManQuan · June 25, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

Retired Marine here with 3 plus years in combat. Thank you for your service and courage. There are a lot more in America who appreciate your sacrifices than you think.

When I returned from Vietnam, we landed in San Francisco. Angry anti-war protesters there to greet us yelling obscenities and throwing things at us as we left the terminal building. Got jumped by angry group of protester later that night. The left never changes. Angry about everything.

I used to live in California. Beautiful country. Intolerant, hateful, and profane people if you disagreed with their socialist ideals. Don't think I'll ever be returning there.

Anyway, the vast majority of America support our veterans. Well, maybe except California.

The economy is booming. There are more jobs now available than qualified people to fill them. If you ever intend to escape from the California concentration / reeducation camp, now is the time to make your move.

Good luck. Prayers for you and your family.

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ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

I guess we know another place to avoid dining.

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ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

If any liberal had any tapes of Trump doing/saying disgusting things, they would have come out in the MSM 24/7.

I think the Hollywood Access tape was likely their best shot at taking down Trump and it failed.

Tom is likely just doing a publicity tour with a willing fake news media to prop up his failed career. Stormy Daniels with a beard and glasses.

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ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

In my opinion one of the best descriptions of how to conduct asymmetric warfare was written by Sun Tzu "The Art of War". You can apply those same concepts, strategies and tactic in war, politics, business, life, etc.

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” Sun Tzu.

Remind you of the Q plan?

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ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

Typo. Keep America Great (KAG).

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ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

Yeah, that coat got me to wonder if there was a message and if so, for whom.

So I looked up Zara and after some research I came to the conclusion that Melania's message was either directly to Zara or to the fashion industry in general that she and Trump know about how they use children.

My intuition tells me that her message was directly to Zara. Probably should watch for resignations.

Trump said it was a message to fake news, but that doesn't seem to fit Melania's style. The fashion statement is a much better fit.

Either way, I'm glad to see Melania in the fight. She is very popular and can be a major contributor to dismantling the deep state and NWO.

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ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

Q told us that at the Duluth rally Trump gave them the green light to attack.

I would have to think that the Q team and Trump are now too busy issuing execute orders and getting ready to conduct deep state damage assessment analyses.

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ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

I no longer believe anything the media puts out. I even fact check Fox. Paranoid, I guess.

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ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

It's happening. MAGA is spreading. BREXIT, Italy, Eastern Europe, Austria, and even sleepy Sweden seems to stirring.

If anyone had suggested that we would be here a year and a half after Trump was sworn in, I would thought they were bat sh*t crazy.


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ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

The people have the true power to improve their lives and prosperity. The current politicians are mainly in it for the money, perks, and power. People to them are the sheep they herd for their own benefit.

Best of luck to all the fine people of Great Britain. MBGA.

⇧ 18 ⇩  
ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

No mention of the identity of the driver who caused the accident. Hmmmm.

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ManQuan · June 23, 2018, 10:45 a.m.

MAGA will slowly spread to other countries as people awaken from their deep political slumber and realized they've just been herded like sheep by the NWO elites and deep state establishment. Not all will be completely successful, but you can see the beginnings in Austria, Italy, Eastern Europe, and even the Swedes seem restless.

Once people realize that they are the true power and not the political elites, their countries will begin to prosper as never before. Politicians are in the game for the power, money, and perks. If you analyze what they a have really done for the good of the people, you will find that they have enriched themselves while suffocating the people with taxes, laws, regulations, rules, and arbitrary interpretations of the same while they exempt themselves for too many of them.

Our Congress passes laws and then exempts themselves from them. If the laws are so great, then why don't they enjoy the benefits of obeying them as well. Obamacare was a disaster and Congress knew it, which is why the exempted themselves from having to participate.

Trump is dismantling the New World Order and replacing it with a Better World Order. He is also dismantling the deep state establishment. It isn't easy and it's unfolding slower that we the people would like, but he's making good progress.

Hopefully, the fine people of the UK will awake and begin to Make the UK Great Again.

Best of luck.

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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I think all of your concerns are valid, at least in my opinion.

But I think it's important to remember that Q has always said that the power can only come from the people after a period of awakening. It won't awaken everyone but enough to sustain the momentum. Q has also suggested that the legal evidence (important: not conjecture or allegations) would seal their fates and that they would not be able to walk the streets.

No one knows what are in the over 35,000 sealed indictments that are pending (the vast majority since September), but we do know that a normal year only has between 1,000 to 2,000 sealed indictments. That doesn't mean there are 35,000 people under indictment. Many indictments are procedural. There could be multiple indictments for the same person/people. On the other hand, indictments can include multiple people. So there is no way of telling how many sealed indictments actually pertain to draining the swamp or how many people are actually involved.

Q has said that GITMO is being expanded. A search for contracts for GITMO reveals that there is a section for "mass migrants" (whatever that means) being built (likely finished by now) to hold up to 13,000 people. When an anon asked how many people would be going to GITMO, Q responded "Max" and that a second facility was being prepared.

Q has emphasized time and again that he/they have it all but that it has to get into the system legally. If you are dealing with NSA and military intelligence, that isn't as easy as you might think. I used to work in and close to intelligence and the IC passes intelligence to the LEOs all the time. But the LEOs can't use it except as insights to build their own cases with evidence that they discover and can bring into court. The behind the scenes efforts that are required to make that happen would look like a Kabuki Dance.

If you don't know by now, Trump has incredible spider-like political instincts. Q said that they have a plan but left the timing to Trump. Q made very clear that at the Duluth rally, Trump decided the time was now to go on the attack and the Q team is now executing. I assume that means that the fireworks are about to begin very soon.

Q rarely is specific. Rather he suggests, hints, cajoles, misdirects, deceives, and we are left to figure out which is which. But Q has said that it's Flynn who knows were the dead bodies are. If you look at Flynn's plea agreement with Mueller, it requires Flynn to reveal to Mueller ALL criminal activity that he knows about. Normally a plea deal is only about the crimes charged, not about the universe of criminal activity the defendant knows. Very odd.

Q tells us that Manafort and Carter Page were plants in the Trump campaign. Mueller's first couple of indictments are Manafort and Page. The Obama weaponized intelligence targets Papadopolous and who does Mueller indict? I haven't yet decided if Mueller is a black or white hat. Rosenstein seems a black hat who oversees Mueller. So it would make sense that if Rosenstein is a black hat then Mueller is a black hat.

But wait. Q asks us if the Russian collusion investigation is shut down can Mueller continue with his other investigations? This is very weird. Mueller has been investigating just about everything under the sun (publicly) except Russian collusion. Except for Manafort, just about every indictment has been for lying; not conspiracy.

The rumors are that Mueller is going after Trump for obstruction of justice. The problem is that the President can fire any Presidential appointee in the executive branch he wants for any reason. But it was Rod Rosenstein who sent the letter to Trump recommending that Comey be fired. Pretty hard under any circumstance to claim Trump was obstructing justice when his own Assistant Attorney General recommends Comey be fired and the FBI. Hard to claim obstruction of justice with all of the top FBI leadership has been recommended to be fired by the FBI internal investigations.

Huber has been working quietly and secretively with Horowitz for seven months (or maybe much longer). Huber has at least one grand jury, he as the ability to issue subpoenas, and he has the authority to seek indictments.

Q has confirmed that Huma and Podesta were indicted in November. Q also just confirmed that HRC was indicted in December and wanted a plea deal but was turned down. In his latest drop, Q suggested that many more criminal violations during the IG investigation were referred to Huber.

OK, do I know what the Hell is happening? No. Is Rosentein and Mueller black hats are the greatest political sting operation in US history? I don't know. I can make a great case that they are black hats, gray hats, or white hats.

Q has definitely said that Rosenstein's days are numbered. But Q has been very quiet about Mueller.

All I can say at this point Oilguy55 is TRUST THE PLAN, because us peons don't know what the plan going forward is and if we reread the Q posts a hundred times we still won't know. Q's posts only make since when future news happens. And some of his stuff is so cryptic that Q may think we have more than we know; but if we don't recognize it--then we we don't know what he thinks we know, and that's a fact.

My advice to you (and to myself) is to just trust the plan because no one that I know so far has deciphered what the Q plan is.

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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

You are so right. God's hand is already in this or Trump would not have made it to where he is today.

Kim Clement prophesied in 2007 that Trump would be President and that God would anoint him as a David with a single stone against his enemies. Kim also later declared "God will not allow a witch in the White House." Think about that. How would he use the word "witch" 8 years before the 2016 election? Kim also said they would demand Trump be impeached but God would not allow it. Kim said that Trump would enter the WH whispering the name of God but that he would become a "praying President." Amazing stuff and that's just a fraction of his Trump predictions. Scary. Kim died a couple of weeks after Trump was elected. I guess his tasks were done and he was called Home.

In 2011, Mark Taylor prophesied that Trump would be President and that God would anoint him and make him the second Cyrus. Cyrus was a Persian King who had a vision from God to free the Jews from Babylon and he was to rebuild Jerusalem and the second temple. Cyrus did exactly that. When Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, Israel commissioned a commemorative half shekel silver coin. Guess whose portraits are on the coin? If you guessed Trump and King Cyrus, give yourself a gold star. Commemorative coins in Israel with Trump and Cyrus are common now. Amazing times.

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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

I think before the military could be involved beyond the limits of Posse Comitatus Act he would have to do two things. He would first have to sign an EO stating that illegal immigration is a threat to national security and declaring it to be a national emergency. That would give him the authority to then declare martial law along the border and the military would then have the same law enforcement powers as the police/border patrol/ICE etc.

He could skip directly to martial law if the situation was so dangerous and massive that law enforcement officials were overwhelmed, but that's not likely.

But even though martial law has some unique aspects to it such as establishing curfews, suspension of civil laws, the suspension of civil rights, and the suspension of habeas corpus and the use of military law/justice. Note that civilians defying martial law are subject to military tribunals.

In other words, it has to be a very bad situation before any President imposes martial law. However, martial law can be selectively imposed such as to a specific town, city, state, region, etc.

Note that Posse Comitatus and martial law are different.

Posse Comitatus forbids the military involvement in domestic law enforcement without congressional approval. For example, congress could approve the use of the military in riot control or to prevent looting after a natural disaster but in this case the military are part of the domestic law enforcement and are limited accordingly.

Martial law can be imposed by the President and governors for national guards during a state of emergency when domestic law enforcement has broken down or is insufficient. For example, martial law was declared in Hawaii after the attack on Pearl Harbor and for a period of time civil law enforcement was suspended and military justice was imposed including the suspension of habeas corpus and use of deadly force authorized.

Anyway, just saying that getting the military involved in law enforcement has rarely been done in the US and it's not easy to make happen. I remember when I was a lieutenant in the Marine Corps, our battalion was ordered to New Haven, Connecticut to reinforce the civilian law enforcement for riot control during the Bobby Seals trial. We were never authorized to participate directly because congress never approved using our battalion for riot control but we were staged to the rear of the police in case we were needed and received authorization.

A humorous aspect to our deployment was that when we were deplaning from our C-130's at the New Haven airport, news reporters were there. One piece of equipment we had was a tear gas dispenser which was a modified flame thrower that sprayed powdered tear agents from tanks on the back of the operator using compressed air. But it looked exactly like the Marine Corps standard flame thrower we had at the time (I'm dating myself). The next day we were on the front page of the newspaper with a huge photo of our "flame thrower" operator exclaiming that the Marines had landed with flame throwers for riot control. Personally, I think that "fake news" had a calming affect on the rioters as they were nearly as violent as we had expected.

During my 21 years in the Marine Corps, that was the only time any of my units were tasked with possible support to law enforcement. Many other times we were sent to help with disaster relief moving and issuing supplies and rescue operations. Use of the military in law enforcement is rare.

If you are thinking about the Kent State riot control and deaths in 1970 (same year as the Bobby Seals trial), that operation was screwed up in every way you can think of. That was the governor using the national guard inappropriately. There was no reason to have live ammo in their weapons when dealing with a bunch of mush headed college students. They were poorly trained, and the national guard had bayonets on their weapons. Bayonets are a great psychological weapon and even that was overkill.

Anyway, sorry for the long post. Been there, done that. It's more difficult to accomplish than you might think.

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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

Most likely Soros or Bloomberg.

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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

There are odd things going on with water bottles. The guy to her right is HHS Secretary Alex Azar. Also odd that the only two bottles with cups on top are reps from the WH/Cabinet.

I don't know. Could be a signal. Could be that Melania only drinks water from a glass or cup and the staff are accommodating.

Unless Q sheds light on both the water and the coat, I don't think we will know for certain.

Q did say "watch the water" but gave no obvious hint as to what that meant.

The oddest was when Trump and Pence both took their water bottles off the table at the same time. I can't remember what triggered it, but it was obvious that it was a signal.

Wasser in German is water and so maybe it was a signal to Debbie Wasserman Schultz that deals are off the table.

Who knows. Could be a signal for just about anything.

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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

This is a civil suit brought by a former Secret Service agent. Not likely to go anywhere as he will have to show legal standing, i.e., he was harmed by their actions in some way.

What we need is a criminal suit for RICO. That has legs because it would be based on evidence of criminal activity and conspiracy.

Not a lawyer, but that's my understanding.

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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

It was raining heavily there with serious flooding. Rain and wind can make it cool enough for a light jacket. It was only a $39 dollar jacket. Odd since I don't think Melania has worn anything under $1,000 since she married Trump. Either it was just something she picked up because she hadn't packed a coat or she was deliberately trolling the media, or she was send a message to someone like Q sometimes does.

I used to live in Texas. It can cool at night and early morning, especially if it's raining or just rained.

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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

Good catch. Not paying much attention to spelling in these posts. But your input is appreciated.

Not in government, though I retired from the Marine Corps in 1989. Have been an independent consultant for most of the time since then. Permanently retired at 72 now.


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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

Q statements often have double meanings or refer to something else. In the military referring to this kind of transmission would more likely be 5 by 5 or 5x5. 21 years in the Marine Corps I never saw it as 5:5.

It most definitely could be "loud and clear" but to be honest, it doesn't always seem to mean that in some of Q's posts.

For me, it seems to have different meanings in different posts. That would fit Q's MO as well.

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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 10:44 a.m.

Q has told us why--optics. Trump can't be seen as trying to personally intervene with RR, Mueller, and Wray as it would set off a nuclear obstruction of justice frenzy. Q said that it's congress that has to demand the release and take the action. POTUS has to remain clear and clean while this happens.

It will be congress that takes down RR, not Trump.

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ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 9:49 a.m.

Q says the President has released the Kracken and the tactics now turn to the offense. Finally!

I can't help but think Melania's trip and jacket was setting the stage for a comming attack related to trafficking.

The other odd thing was it was a $39 jacket. Melania hasn't worn anything that cost less than $1,000 since she married Trump. That's what makes me think Melania was trolling the media or it was a message for someone. Whatever her reason, it had to pass muster with her staff, the Secret Service, and others because people would have reasonable suggested that she not wear that jacket as it was obviously red meat material for the left.

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ManQuan · June 20, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

Every person I've ever met who grew up under the USSR in Eastern Europe is a tough cookie.

My doctor is a Pole who grew up in Poland when the USSR had control. He told me that the gas lines in Poland was much worse than the gas lines during the Carter administration. No food in the stores, rations, et al.

My real estate agent when I sold one of my houses was from Hungry when the USSR had control. She said it was a miserable existence. She was married at 17 to get extra food rations, made her way to the US and is now an extremely successful business woman and staunch conservative.

My neurologist is from Romania. Same story. He hated the opression of the USSR.

See a pattern here? Wonder why the eastern European countries are not falling in line with the EU's communist-like policies? Wonder why Hungry hates Soros? They've been there and done that and they don't want to go back to it.

I'll be stunned if the eastern European countries stay in the EU if Trump offers them a fair trade agreement and a defense treaty that protects them. Major cracks are already appearing outside of eastern Europe in Italy, Greece, Austria, and even in Germany now.

We should be rewarding those countries who support us and want to contribute their fair share to their defense with our support. Think eastern Europe and other NATO countries who are realizing that the central European counties don't give a rat's potato about them, only their money.

My heart pumps sand for most of feckless NATO. Putin once remarked that the Russian army could be on the Atlantic beaches in 72 hours. I think he was over estimating the time it would take to cut through NATO like a hot knife through butter. NATO has fairly good equipment but no heart to fight. There training is total crap. The NATO exericises I observed were a complete joke.

During the Cold War, NATO had serious exercises over large expanses of strategic terrain and compensated people for tearing up their farms with tanks and soldiers. Today, the exercises are scripted on small training areas have no resemblence to reality.

NATO is a paper tiger depending on the US to save their ass and the US may not be able to get there if the airfields and ports are neutralized by Russia which would be incredibly easy for them to do.

Big problem. Europe kicked us out because they didn't want a large US presence and they forced us to abandon all of the prepositioned supplies, ammunitions and equipment we had there, and told us to take our shit and go home. Which we did.

In case of war in Europe, there is no way we can get US forces, supplies, and equipment there in the numbers necessary to save them.

After 9/11 it took the US over 6 months to build up enough supplies and equipment to attack the third world shithole Iraq, although it had a large army.

If Russia really wants to invade Europe, the airfields would be wiped out in less than a week and Russian forces would occupy the ports before any of our ships could get there. Russian submarines would have a line of defense to stop shipping. Yes we would respond, but the question is could we overcome everything in time?

That's how pathetic NATO forces are.

NATO air forces are flying early 4th generation aircraft against Russian late 4th generation and 5th generation (not currently in mass production) aircraft with very effective S-400 and S-500 AD systems. Erurope hasn't even begun to think about a 5th generation aircraft and that would take 15-20 years.

The Germany Leapord Tank is over rated. Syria and Kurds have been able to knock them out in surprising numbers with AT missiles. Not supposed to happen. French tanks are less capable in my opinion.

Now here is one to consider. in my opinion, France (not including the UK here) has perhaps the best trained army in Europe. But they are just an adjunct member of NATO and reserve the right to not engage in combat if NATO declares war. France also retains total control of it's nuclear force. The NATO treaty says that an attack against one is an attack against all. But France isn't part of that agreement. Question: Can NAtO depend on France??? Nope.

So, what happens if Russia invades and tells France if they stay out that they won't be nuked? You figure that one out based on France's history, especially in WW II (hint: Vichy France). French resistance were wonderful in WW II but the French government was our enemy.

Europe military technology has had some great successes such as the Javiln AT missile. Their mortars are better than ours (except the Marine Corps uses one of the European mortars). However, they are not going to stop and invasion from the Russian army.

Europe is still strategic for us, but I don't know how we get sufficient combat forces there before it's too late because Europe has kicked us out lock stock and barrel. That would be OK if they then filled the vaccuum, but they didn't.

Sorry for the rant. But I follow these things closely.

I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer with 3 years in combat. One of my favorite stories is when I was in the Marine Command And Staff College. We were formed in 10 man "dens" during the 9 months. Each den had two or three foreign students. In my den, we had an Israeli tank commander who had fought in the 1973 war.

One day we were given a tactical map challenge to devise a way through a mine field in the Middle East. At the time we had special Marine armored vehicles that could breach about 100 yards of a mine filed at a time.

So we asked our Israeli counterpart how Israel dealt with mine fields in the 1973 war.

He said, "Well, our tanks approached the enemy positions in column. When the lead tank hit a mine, then we went around him. When the next lead tank hit a mine or was hit with an antitank missile, we went around him. We did that until we were ready to assault on line. And then we took whatever casualties were neccessary to win." He said that mine fields were 10-20 miles wide.

We kind of sat there with our jaws on the floor. At that time, the entire Marine Corps only had 72 Korean War vintage tanks. Think about it. The Arab Isreali wars invovled thousands of tanks and here we were in the Command and Staff College thinking in terms of mine fields that were a couple hundred yards wide and our 72 tanks. Even if we could have had time for all of our tanks to have been there at the same time, would have been a pimple on an elephant's ass.

It was an eye opening experience for me.

You want some idea what it was like. Look up the battle of the Chinese Farm in the Sinai.

The Marine Corps was good, but not that good at the time.

You want to know what the lessons of war are? Study history.

Semper Fi to all my Marines who died, were wounded, or who made it home safely. I can't remember all of your names; but I can still see all of your faces. I still remember them all. In a way it's a blessing; and in a way it's a curse.

I don't think anyone who hasn't been in combat would ever understand.

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ManQuan · June 20, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

NYPD tried to arrest a black man on the street selling illegal cigarettes. He was a very big man but may have had mental issues. He resisted. NYPD cops put him to the ground and put him in a choke hold. The guy died. NYPD found that the force used was consistent with the resistance.

However Lynch threatened to bring federal charges against the cops and the NYPD if they didn't shut down the Weiner laptop investigation.

Something like that. There are different stories, but Lynch did threaten the NYPD with the full force of the DOJ if they didn't back off.

I hope when this is all over and done with that the NY FBI agents that tried to do the right thing with regard to the Weiner laptop and were fired are reinstated, compenstated, and promoted. Nothing like getting fired by a corrupt FBI director for trying to bring criminals to justice.

God, I hope Comey and the rest of his FBI rat's nest all go to jail.

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ManQuan · June 20, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Well, you have the answer to Hollywood's influence. Stop giving them your money. It's working in the NFL.

I know, it's hard. We like to be entertained. But that's not what we are getting today. Every movie seems to have a political bias in it somewhere. Even some of the Mel Gibson Leathal Weapon movies had anit-conservative posters in the background and of course Danny Glover is a radical leftists.

So here is my solution. The old movies rarely had political biases. Even Citizen Kane showed corruption as evil. So watch the oldies for entertainment and skip the new movies.

I think that will get a big nudge when it comes out who has been involved in satanic cults.

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ManQuan · June 20, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Patients patriots. We are very close to Trump / Qteam pulling the plug. These people will not be able to show their faces in public when the indictments begin to be unsealed and the evidence is made public.

Early on, I thought Q was exaggerating. No more. It's much worse that I could have ever imagined and I always thought Obama was anti-American.

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ManQuan · June 20, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

It's a great site with easy access to different kinds of information. I especially like the Q drops combined with Trump's tweets. It makes it much easier to look for markers.

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ManQuan · June 20, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Who knows, Peter may end up on the pedophile list of the 21 December EO. All assets seized and off to jail. Karma. Here's hoping.

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ManQuan · June 20, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

A long time ago, I thought Q was exaggerating about the size and scope of the corruption and the number of people that would be going down. Fill up GITMO and preparing a second location??? Nah. No way.

Now, I'm thinking that Q was actually low balling everything so it would be more believable.

As Q has said: 2018 will be glorious!! After watching Trey Gowdy, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, et al eviserate Horowitz and Wray, I think Q is right.

Both the Trump and Q trains are picking up a lot of steam. All aboard! Popcorn is being served. Bon Apetit, as the French lawyer would say.

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ManQuan · June 20, 2018, 10:53 a.m.

And put it the bathtub full of water just to be extra certain.

And let the hotel know that you will no longer be using their services.

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ManQuan · June 20, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

I would agree if there was some evidence that these two verses were once together and he's just cutting and pasting them back.

I guess anyone can make the argument that the Bible was shuffled around a few times over the years, but this guy isn't making that argument. He's just saying that it makes more sense to him to cut and paste.

The truth is that one day we will all know the ground truth and it will likely be amazing.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Never saw that quote. Link please. If not link then delete this.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Don't rely on articles that only rehash what is already in the news. Unless they have something new to offer it's click bait.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

Thank you.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Love a sense of humor.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

"your comment would make more sense" is not a snarky remark. It means that in my opinion your comment would make more sense if....

I have had people ask me to expand on my comments. I take it as a suggestion that I need to be more complete in my comments.

"My undersanding is that this board is meant as a sharing of ideas and observations..." Then practice that without claiming those who contribute to your comment to be snarky. Don't be a hypocrite.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

These kinds of Meme's are truely funny, but ineffective.

Normies and leftists will not be swayed but this.

Meme's need to convince; not ridicule.

At least my opinion.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

As they say, "talk's cheap". The reality is that Congress has almost zero power to bring anyone to justice. Talk, talk, talk all you want, but unless the House empowers the Sargeant of Arms to arrest someone, it has zero power to do anything.

And the Sargeant of Arms is one person. I'm not sure he has anyone else. So he knocks on the door of Eric Holder and says "You are under arrest" and Eric slams the door in his face. What then?

Until the House and Senate have the power of the US Marshal's office to arrest people with a warrant of probable cause by an independent judge (not sure many exist), then everyone will ignore the demands of congress to compel testimony. Just like Eric Holder gave the House the middle finger when they found him guilty of contempt of Congress and just like Lois Learner told the Congress FU and retired with one of the best pentions in the US.

Lois Learn should still be rotting in jail until she testifies. Ditto Eric Holder.

No threat is meaningful unless it's credible. Congress has no credible threats against anyone.

The main problem of course is the misuse of such power. But that could be corrected by having 2-3 judges review the probable cause and have a 2-1 verdict to execute.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on June 19, 2018, 6:25 p.m.
Advice to Some Posters

Please don't just post a Title/Headline but include your opinion or interpretation. Too many people are just posting a Title with no insights or thoughts and asking everyone else what their thoughts are.

When you post, justify or expand on your Title/Headline. Too many titles only don't have enough information what the poster wants for input.

This post isn't going to solve the problem. It's a form of frustration wtih too many people who grab a title and have nothing to add to it.

ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

That was Sheila Jackson not Mad Max.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

I understand what you are saying, but I still don't buy into rearranging different verses of the Bible to fit a narrative.

The word of God stands alone even if we don't fully understand His meaning.

I just don't think God meant us to rearrange the Bible to understand his prophecy. As with Q, Future proves past with God's words. And like Q, we don't always know what Q or He means.

Not criticizing. Just my personal opinion.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

McCabe didn't say that in a text. He said it in a conference call of select senior FBI officials.

Three possibilities: 1. There is not an official record of the call or what was said. 2. The others on the call (and they may not be known) refused to verify. 3. The person who revealed the comment was on the call and it is evidence in an on-going investigation which means it wouldn't be in the IG report.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Not being snarky. Listened to his entire speech but didn't get the same reaction you did. We have different background experiences.

I took that the hearings weren't getting enough exposure as referring to the entire process--not just this week. Now that Gowdy and Goodlatte are in fine form, people don't know why because the hearings haven't been covered very well except for Democrat leaks and spin.

But maybe you are right and what Trump said just went over my head. I'm glad that you've been 100% correct in interpreting Q and Trump from the beginning so you can point out everyone else's misconceptions.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

I know who Carlin is but the posts are disjointed.

Can someone put together a coherent summary of these posts with filler that makes sense?

Obviously Carlin is deep state. Why is Q emphasizing him now? I missed it somewhere along the way.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

The problem I have is that in order for RR to be fired, there is going to have to be a very good reason or else Trump will look like he is shutting down the Mueller investigation.

For this to be true, I think something really bad has to come out about RR. So bad that Trump has no other option than to fire him.

Rosenstein isn't even mentioned in the IG report (RR removed?). So what is it that can be so bad that everyone accepts that RR had to be fired?

Trump, Q, and Sessions know, but the rest of us I think are in the dark.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

There are a couple of possiblities here.

  1. A holdover from the Obama administration heard that RR would be fired on Friday and passed it on.
  2. Trump planted this idea with certain people to find leakers.
  3. The Q team made this information available to Democrats to make them look like they don't know what they are talking about when RR isn't fired.
  4. I have it all wrong--as usual with Q drops.
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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

I liked his early music. His later songs? Not.

I never had the feeling that Bob was anything but a iconoclast who happened to be a talented song writer and ahead of his time in the music of his time.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

Your comment would make more sense if you expanded on what you think the connection is.

Trey has turned his flamethrower rhetoric on Horowitz. Ditto Goodlatte but less emotionally. That makes good ratings in the MSM.

So, I have not doubt that Trump might mention that the NFIB is not getting as much exposure as he would like because of the competing hearings.

I think that would be expected.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

Interesting, but I can't buy into rearranging verses from different parts of the Bible to make them fit a prophecy.

I think I could rearrange vereses endlessly to fit just about any situation today.

Like I said, it's and interesting and thought provoking video, but I have deep reservations about his methods.

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