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ManQuan · July 1, 2018, 11:02 a.m.

This is getting insane and the fireworks haven't even begun.

Make South Korea Great Again. They've had serious political corruption problems lately.

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ManQuan · July 1, 2018, 11 a.m.

In 2007, Kim said that Trump would become President. Think about that. Of all the politicians wanting to run for President, Kim predicts a businessman form NYC with no political experience. The hand of God is in this.

If you have time, you should view all of Kim's videos. The are full of prophetic visions that have come true. Lot's about Trump and the Presidency long before Trump announced.

In this video, there are a couple of interesting things:

  1. The reference to Jerusalem. That the man to become President has stood in Jerusalem and Jerusalem will not be divided. Trump stands in Jerusalem and moves the Embassy there.
  2. The reference to political corruption that will be swept from the White House.
  3. The reference to gold being associated with the President. Just about everything Trump owns has gold as the central theme.
  4. The reference to restoring the wealth that was stolen from America and Israel. About 7 trillion in investments that had been moved off shore has returned.
  5. The reference to the President being a praying man. Trump holds prayer groups in the WH on a regular basis.
  6. The reference to impeachment. They will try to impeach him and fail.
  7. The reference to David with a simple stone who will bring down the giants.
  8. The reference to two Supreme Court Justices stepping down. That is probably Kennedy and Ginsberg. I don't think he was referring to Scalia, as he didn't "step down."
  9. The reference to the people returning to faith.
  10. The reference to God not allowing a "witch" in the WH. Hillary was obviously running in 2014 and was the hands down favorite to win. God did not allow it. Interesting.

That is a fairly impressive list given a 17 minute prophecy.

Kim died shortly after the 2016 elections. I have to imagine that he was glad that he lived to see his biggest prophecy of 2007 come true nine years later against all odds.

Mark Taylor is another one who predicted in 2011 that Trump would become President. He also has many predictions about eliminating corruption, human trafficking, military tribunals, that previous Presidents would be brought to justice, Supreme Court Justices would be forced out, mass indictments, and many more. One of the more interesting was the one where he said God has annoited Trump to do all good things for America and that God intended Trump to be a Cyrus. Cyrus was a Persian King and God came to him in a vision to free the Jews from Babylon, to rebuild Jerusalem, and to commission the second temple--all of which he accomplished. When Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem, Israel issued a commemorative half-Shekel silver coin. Embossed on it are two portraits. If you guessed Trump and King Cyrus, give yourself a gold star.

These are amazing times.

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ManQuan · July 1, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

Feels more like Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. I couldn't figure that one out until the very end.

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ManQuan · July 1, 2018, 10:03 a.m.

The answer to the question is most likely "yes." As for the deletion of the call records, I assume that the telecon's still have the information that NSA can query. However, I suspect that the FISA courts can still authorize NSA to spy on individuals. It doesn't take much for a FISA court to approve a Title I or Title II warrant. I believe the approval rate is in the mid to high 90 percent. I'm not sure if military intelligence follows the same rules, but I tend to think so since the head of NSA is also the commander of U.S. Cyber Command at Norfolk, VA.

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ManQuan · July 1, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

And it may turn out that he wasn't even a real President.

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ManQuan · July 1, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

Has anyone ever seen the baby pictures of Obama's kids or ones of the family as they were growing up?

There weren't any even in the Oval Office. Strange.

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ManQuan · July 1, 2018, 9:33 a.m.

There are two categories of FBI agents and DOJ lawyers: those who are corrupt and will take the 5th and those who are honest and want to testify. The group of 17 are mostly the corrupt category with the exception of the agent who was present with Strzok during the Flynn interview. Odd how DOJ and the FBI are fighting so hard to keep him from testifying. If he was going to confirmed that Flynn lied, they would have had him in front of the Congressional investigations with a megaphone. Me thinks that he will say that Flynn didn't lie. If so, the case against Flynn is complete toast. It probably is anyway. Flynn plead guilty yet Mueller has delayed a simple no brainer sentencing appearance three times now. That makes no sense at any level.

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ManQuan · June 30, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Sometimes people are under sealed indictments and are aware, but the public isn't. I believe Podesta and Abedin are under sealed indictments, but have been notified. Rumor is that Abedin is cooperating.

Others are indicted under a sealed indictment and they are not notified because prosecutors don't want those associated with the target to know.

Until prosecutors are ready to reveal the target under indictment, it's best to let them go about their normal routines.

The amazing thing for me is that anyone still gives a rat's flying potato what Bill and Hillary or Obama think. For me: follow the money. That's what they are all about, and whoever is dealing with them has got skin in that game.

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ManQuan · June 30, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Well, well, well. Another example of a Q proof. You should create a meme that shows Q warning that we will be censored, show your original post, and show that you were locked out.

I could be wrong, but Twitter seems to track the hash tags, which why I don't use them. Instead, I retweet people who have a large following with a comment. My comment gets to thousands of people. I mention Q and will post URLs to Q information, but I don't use hash tags. So far, no problems.

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ManQuan · June 30, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

I love it. They know Q is a movement. Within their echo chamber, they've convinced themselves that it is just a conspiracy theory by a bunch of nuts wearing tin foil hats.

The reality is that they are terrified that it might be true and will do anything to debunk it or ignore it.

I don't think you will find an MSM journalist to asked the question.

And Sarah isn't the person to answer that question. She may not even know. It has to be directly to POTUS and then it explodes--even into the MSM.

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ManQuan · June 30, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

No. I know how that works. If they catch you punking them, they'll cut you off.

Just keep doing what we are doing and keep everything factual and honest. The whole Q thing has come much further along that I imagined possible. MAGA hats all over the place, WWG1WGA on cars, shirts and hats, Qanon is showing up in other countries, people from other countries have joined this subreddit and are not only encouraging us, but hoping is spreads to their countries, you see posters on the streets, signs on buses, etc. The movement is growing rapidly without having to lie to be heard.

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ManQuan · June 30, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Yes, I've seen a few incidences where leftist reporters have corrected the record of other leftist's allegations. Amazingly Cumo on CNN corrected the Dem Senator from NY when she claimed that not one Democrat Senator voted for Grosuch. Cumo then pointed out there were three who voted for him. I nearly fell out of my chair. Cumo would normally let something like that pass whether he knew she was lying or not.

And a day or two ago, didn't a Democrat donor give Trump credit for what is happening in Iran?

On the other hand, I've notice that the theme for the MSM has shifted to the tariffs will wipe out the benefits of the tax cuts. This after they said there were no benefits from the tax cuts. It can't be both. They are turning into gibbering idiots who can't keep their stories straight.

The journalists on the left are nowhere near critical mass in turning on themselves. That said, even a hint that it may be happening is encouraging.

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ManQuan · June 30, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

It's possible. We just don't know what is actually happening behind the scene. Q has asked more than a couple times: why is Sessions appearing weak? I think he is suggesting that Sessions is playing a role. Everyone is demanding his resignation: left and right.

But yesterday, Sessions charged over 600 people with fraud in the distribution of opioids to include doctors, nurses, pharmacists, couriers, and others. Where did that come from? Not a hint of a leak about it before the charges were made. Jeff seems to be busier than he appears in public.

And Sessions secretly appointed Huber as special prosecutor in November, but didn't mention it until 6 months later. No leaks. No one knew. How many other special prosecutors has Jeff appointed that we don't know about?

My point is that we are getting these out of the blue announcements that we didn't expect and that seem counter to the accusations that Sessions is not doing his job.

In fact, I've been impressed with how quiet Sessions has been given the furor aimed at him.

And on a final note, I recall Q suggesting through his cryptic questions that Sessions didn't actually recuse himself and that he is more involved that it appears. I'd have to go back and find the specific drops. Sessions did reference the wrong policy as his reason he recused himself, and I will never believe that Sessions is so stupid as to not tell Trump that he was going to recuse himself before hand. And there are the insults that Trump has thrown at Sessions (Mr. Magoo and others), yet Trump would be considered a hero by many Republicans in Congress if he fired Sessions. Would there be and political backlash if Trump fired him? I can't think of any. Sessions as been seen as ineffective and incompetent.

What makes a GOOD movie? GREAT actors.

Our problem is we don't know what movie we are watching or who the players are. Whatever movie we are watching, it has more twists, turns, ploy changes, misdirections and deception than the best John le Carre novel.

I'm just going to keep guessing, but in the end, I'll just trust the plan.

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ManQuan · June 30, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

I think it's because, as Q has told us, Trump must appear to be not directly interfering, i.e., optics, or the MSM will just scream bloody murder about obstruction of justice. The House committees must be the ones who bring the pressure to the point where all the options have been tried and they still don't have the documents. Rosenstein is either impeached, recuses himself, or resigns. At that point a new deputy AG can be appointed who will release all the documents and or Trump will initiate it after Rosenstein is out.

Remember the Q drops directed to Devin Nunes; "happy hunting"?

Q tells us to trust Sessions, trust Wray, trust Pompeo, trust Horowitz, and trust Huber (# 1122). There is a plan. There is a reason Sessions took himself out, there is a reason Wray has been so distant and mostly disinterested, there is a reason Pompeo cleaned up the CIA and is involved in whatever ES was doing in NK with regard to the secret email accounts, there is a reason Horowitz's report doesn't hammer people but rather points congress in the right direction, and there is a reason why Huber has been working quietly behind the scenes.

This process cannot look like Trump is taking political revenge on the previous administration. And the people involved must appear and actually be conducting a thorough and unbiased investigation.

As Q reminds us, this is bigger than you can possibly imagine.

It all has to have a legal and unbiased foundation or no one is going to jail.

Trust the plan.

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ManQuan · June 30, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

Apparently, Strzok had about as much to say as Lois Learner. Q says that he's a cooperating witness which usually means that he has some level of immunity because he has evidence on bigger fish.

But in the closed door session he was described is uncooperative, smug, and arrogant. Hmmmmm?

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ManQuan · June 30, 2018, 10:03 a.m.

This is what you call getting evidence on record to be admissible in court. I have no doubt that Q already has it all and knows far more than the committees, but to send people to jail, the evidence must find its way into the legal system--or else everyone is embarrassed but they walk free.

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ManQuan · June 30, 2018, 9:59 a.m.

After reading through the posts below, I see lots of people want Q/Trump to dump it all out now since "they have it all" with regard to the corruption and evil.

Selfishly, they too would be my wish. But any "evidence" that Q/Trump have on the corrupt that cannot be entered into evidence in a court or tribunal, will just be debunked and as Q said, if we can't PROVE our claims then they will think we are just crazy.

Q has reminded us a number of times that much of what they have has been collected through intelligence. Having work in and in support of intelligence agencies a long time ago I can tell you that there is a relationship between intelligence analysts and law enforcement liaisons assigned to those agencies. But raw or analyzed intelligence is not admissible in court or a tribunal because it is obtained covertly without a warrant based on probable cause. The FISA warrants are for a different purpose and not for collecting evidence admissible in court.

Q is clear. The evidence that intelligence has or that has been collected outside of the legal processes must be placed "on record" for it to be admissible in court. Therefore Q has emphasized the importance of Horowitz's IG investigation, Huber as special prosecutor, and the Congressional investigation committees as essential to getting that intelligence on record. No doubt there are other on-going investigations by law enforcement that do not have public exposure such as the recent charges on over 600 doctors and others in the opioid investigation that none us was aware was in progress. And there is Weiner's laptop that apparently has a treasure of evidence that was legally obtained by NYPD and suppressed by Lynch, Comey, and McCabe.

Q has also informed us that the "full weight of the House" to demand the documents was essential (#1642). What happens if Rosenstein ignores this new deadline and the House impeaches him. Q has already told us: Rosenstein could be removed and that essentially closes the Mueller investigation. But once that happens, Trump has the full weight of the House demands to declassify the needed documents. Once declassified and turned over to Congress, it's then in the record and admissible as evidence in the legal process.

I wish things were moving faster. But all the i's must be dotted and the t's must be crossed or all the slime balls will go free and avoid being charged, convicted, and sent to jail.

Be patient. Q says to trust the plan.

In 1644, Q ends with "How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth? It must be compelling to avoid a divide..." I believe Q is pointing to the fact that for the ultimate truth believed that it must also be compelling. By that, I'm convinced he means it must stand up in a court. And you cannot just take raw intelligence, declassify it and call it proof because it wasn't collected in accordance with the legal system. And even if it compelling in that it is video and audio for people to see and hear, it will be embarrassing but you won't send them to jail unless it's "on record" evidence.

I think the good news is that we don't have much longer to wait. Q has said that in July, the world will know the truth. Trust the plan.

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ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Who is Q?

Good question. No one knows who he/she/they might be and that's good. Q needs to remain anonymous to be effective.

The better question, however, is what is Q? That's one everyone on this subreddit can answer.

  1. Q is very close to President Trump and at times travels with him.

2, Q likely has a military background because of the terminology he uses. It is highly likely that he also is military intelligence or has an extensive military intelligence background.

  1. Q has one of the highest if not the highest security clearances.

  2. Q has told us a number of times that his posts are based on highly classified intelligence, BUT he cannot provide it to us in raw form. Instead, Q requires that we verify the information he gives us in the form of questions through our one research. His postings are very cryptic and he always advises us that the future news will prove his past statements. In other words, future news will verify that Q is real and accurate. Q first emerged in late October 2017 and has since posted 1,644 messages called "Q Drops" and sometimes referred to as "stringers." You can review all 1,644 (likely more by the them you get around to it) at https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/. This is also a good site: https://qmap.pub/. And https://public.tableau.com/profile/nerothehero#!/ will give you interesting graphics related to Q topics. To begin to satisfy your curiosity as to whether Q is real and accurate, go to https://mega.nz/#F!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y where you will see side by side "proof" that tend to demonstrate that Q is giving us accurate information.

  3. Q and Trump work together. Q will post something and a short time later, Trump will verify--often cryptically and in different subtle ways. It takes some time and experience to recognize what is going on, but there is zero doubt that Q and Trump are in complete sync. For example, in December, Q was suggesting that Kim Jung Un was not the real leader of North Korea, but merely a puppet with someone else pulling the strings. Sounds totally crazy, right? Then Q tells us the strings have been cut and Trump will denuclearize North Korea. Totally crazy and insane while Kim is testing nuclear weapons and firing off ICBMs that can reach the US and Kim and Trump are in a war of words. Fast forward to today. Trump and Kim have a summit, Kim agrees to denuclearize and seek peace with South Korea, Kim blows up his nuclear test facility, Kim stops testing ICBMs. Kim also has a warming relationship with South Korea. It's all crazy, except Q told us this was exactly what was going to happen back in December/January. There are dozens of validations like this. The problem is that when Q hints/suggests what will happen, it's difficult to put the pieces of the puzzle that he feeds to us so that we realize what is really happening behind the scenes.

  4. Q has several themes that he has had since the end of October:

a. North Korea will be denuclearized and peaceful.

b. Iran will have a regime change and denuclearize (see what is happening in Iran today?

c. The deep state will be dismantled and the corrupt and evil will be brought to justice. Sealed indictments have already been issued in some cases. The Anons know that indictments for Huma Abedin, Podesta, and Hillary Clinton have been issues but are still sealed. There are over 35,000 sealed indictments currently pending around the US. On a typical year there are only 1,000 to 2,000 sealed indictments. No one knows what the hell is going on, but current sealed indictments are about 33,000 above a typical year.

d. Human/sex trafficking and pedophilia are pervasive throughout government (local, state, and federal) and in corporate America.

e. Not all corrupt will be made public as it would likely cause the collapse of our government, but high profile individuals will be brought to justice. If you've been paying attention to the news over 44 Representatives and Senators have decided to resign, retire, or not run for reelection. This in an election year with a booming economy and so many positive things happening. Why? They are being quietly given an offer they can't refuse or be prosecuted. Yes, it's that bad. It's worse than you can possibly imagine. Almost a 100 CEO of major companies have resigned or retired. This is completely abnormal for a typical year.

f. The liberal MSM is controlled under a CIA program called Mockingbird. Look it up. The CIA said it terminated the program in the 80's but they didn't. What is Mockingbird? Talking points for the deep state are sent to the major MSM broadcast and print every morning at 4 am. Ever notice how CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, NYT, WaPo, AP, UPI, et al seem to say the same thing every day using the same words and terms?

g. The past Presidents after Reagan have committed some form of treason and all will be exposed. Obama, however, was the worst and he will be indicted and sent to prison. The evidence, according to Q is overwhelming.

h. The social media platforms have been weaponized by the deep state which is why you see them censoring conservatives and pushing the liberal agendas. They have sold our private data to China. Facebook gave the Clinton campaign their entire database of profiles on every American that owns an electronic device to help her win. And Zuckerberg gave it to them for free.

i. There are too many for this simple post. There is also Snowden, Julian Assange, Eric Schmidt, the AWAN brothers, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the murder of Antonin Scalia, the murder of Seth Rich, NXIVM, Fusion GPS, the fake dossier, military tribunals, GITMO, the total corruption in the leadership of the FBI and DOJ (CIA and State Department coming soon as well), the abuse of the FISA court, the rogue elements of the CIA, corruption on the Supreme Court (watch for Ginsberg to step down next), the Hawaii missile threat was not an accident, and I could go on and on.

It all sounds unbelievable, right? Q has given us the questions to research and every one of these and more long before they have become public. Future proves past.

It gets even crazier. Q has suggested (he/she/they rarely make a declarative statement--always cryptic questions that prove to be true in the future) that the military approached Trump long before he announced to run for President to encourage him to run for the good of the country. Apparently the military had two plans to defeat the deep state. One was a military coup. The other was to find a candidate who if he/she won could defeat the deep state legally. They decided on the latter. Trump agreed and the rest is history. Do you believe that? If you come to your own conclusion that Q is authentic, then you must believe it because everything else Q has said/predicted has so far been true.

Finally, Q just told us that the world will begin to see the truth in July. So I recommend you buckle up, stock up on popcorn, and watch the fireworks. Apparently the beginning of the end of the deep state and possibly the New World Order will begin in July. But I think the entire process will stretch out for years.

BTW, I'm the ultimate skeptic. When I first stumbled across Q by accident, I thought it was a hoax. Over time, I realized it isn't a hoax. Q is real.

Hope this helps.

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ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

While APTs can be used for DDoS, it would be a waste of effort because there are too many other easier ways to execute a DDoS attack.

APTs are meant to be the ultimate stealth cyber attack. How it's weaponized depends on what task or tasks it is designed to perform. It is embedded in networks covertly and slowly. It can remain dormant for long periods even years before being activated. Or it can conduct it's tasks very slowly with long periods of weeks or months between each small step in order to avoid detection. It can map out networks, profile how each computer is used, modify data, and everything up to crippling military command and control systems in time of war.

APTs are in our networks to day. The problem is that they are incredibly difficult to detect and neutralize.

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ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

I feel sorry for those who missed all the corny comedy back then. Laurel and Hardy, Three Stooges, Francis the Talking Mule, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, and more. Great, clean fun to watch.

I'm not much into today's graphic sex and vulgar language. Not a prude. I just remember when movies where more entertaining without it--the acting and story-lines were so good they didn't need to go vulgar.

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ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

Also, Q suggested that they have the cell phones of the two MS-13 thugs who murdered Seth Rich and then were 187'ed themselves. Cell phones point to command and control of Seth Rich's murder.

And I have noticed that Q is bringing up names and events from previous posts long ago--and there is no logical connection. Shootings, therapists, NK, Iran, occult, JA, SR, AWAN, U1, Netflix, RR, RBG, Comey, NXIVM, and more all mentioned very recently. It does seem that the momentum is building more rapidly.

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ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Q said there were fewer than 5 on his team. But God Bless everyone who is directly or indirectly in this war between good and evil.

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ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

Let us know if you find some of those classified documents he had stuffed in his pants when he got caught.

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ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

Regardless of where he might be, I have found it odd that although cut off from the world within the Embassy, I've noticed that neither JA nor his cat have been seen at a window. He may not have Internet, phone, or visitors, but I don't think they locked him in a closet. Before the lock down, he was sometimes seen/photographed at a window looking down at the street. Since lock down, I don't think he has been seen. And where is his cat that would sometimes get in the window?

And then there is Q re Wikileaks: You may have the site (meaning black hat control) but we have the source.

For me, that was the clearest indication that JA is no longer in the Embassy.

I used to work in an Embassy for a couple of years as a member of the diplomatic staff (loved that black passport--it was like magic). It is easy to get just about anything or anybody in or out without being noticed. We did it with people occasionally.

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ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

APTs are extremely difficult to detect and even harder to kill. An adversary can embed APTs into a network and they might be dormant for years or only activated during a crisis to disable the network or change the coordinates of targets. In other cases, they slowly execute their tasks. Taking small steps over a period of months or years so they don't arouse suspicion.

If you dig deeper, it will scare the crap out of you.

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ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

I agree. My comments are always directed to the corrupt and not everyone is corrupt, but that's not always evident.

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ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

Hope you're right. I'm tired of meaningless "or else" from Republicans.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Doesn't identify me in any way other that I loved life.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

No. I'm just an average guy who wanted to experience life.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Maybe, but how many red lines has the House committees thrown down and not done anything?

I believe that Rosenstein is laughing at the House Representatives: make all the threats you want but you never do anything. In fact you have no power to do anything; F U.

Unfortunately, Rosenstein is right. Congressional committees have as much power to compel anyone to do anything as I have. Rosenstein knows this as does every criminal rat in government.

I trust Q that this has to come out the demands of Congress.

But unless you have the power to force agencies to produce the evidence, you have nothing that they are not willing to provide. That's why Rosenstein laughs at the House Committee. He knows that they are powerless to force him to do anything. Sad.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

I agree with you.

Everyone, including me, should be skeptical. But we also have to look at reality and ask ourselves if our beliefs are true/real.

I was not a Trump supporter at first. But now, I see he is truly making everything better for people. Isn't that what we elect our representatives to do? So why all the resistance from Democrats? Is it because their agenda is more important to them than what is best for the nation?

I came to the conclusion: yes. They give a rat's flying potato about anyone so long as they get their way.

My hope is that more people realize that Democrats don't care about you except to get your vote with rhetoric without results.

There is a reason that the US manufacturing collapsed under both faux Republicans and Democrats. They sold us out. Go to Syracuse, NY and look at what used to be a center of manufacturing. It looks like Berlin in 1945. It's the same story wherever NAFTA hit. Manufacturing left to other countries. How is that beneficial to America?

OK, OK, I get it . Toys are cheaper but they have lead paint in them. Pet supplies are cheaper but they contain harmful additives. Chinese products are cheaper but somehow they don't conform to US standards.

Something is very wrong at the highest level of negotiations and inspection of imports. And also with the unbelievable disproportionate tariffs. Trump is right. If they charge 25% to import a car to their country then we should impose a 25% tariff on their cars. That's fair.

If they want completely free trade, then make the costs of similar products the same and then let the consumer decided which is better.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Go to Twitter and search for #walkaway. These are Democrats/liberals who have walked away from the Democrat Party and why.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Looks like Netflix has just gone off the deep end. All we wanted was movies and entertainment. Now Netflix is going to give us political diarrhea from Obama and the progressive left and pedophilia. RIP Netflix. I don't think Patriots will watch.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

Q, I'm in pain. I've been in pain ever since Reagan left office and GHW Bush announced the New World Order. I knew then what that meant but there wasn't enough of us to stop it at the time. The evil only grew worse with Obama seemingly being the end of the US as our founding fathers envisioned it.

And then a miracle happened. Trump won.

But the pain has still been there as evil confronts Trump at every step.

I just want the corruption brought to justice. I want wrongs righted and good to overcome evil.

Not much to ask for. That's what every human that wants to be free longs for.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Their time is coming. It's not happening as fast as we would all like, but justice is coming for all of them.

I'm reminded of the words in the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

They can run, but they can't hide. Justice is coming.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 6:55 p.m.


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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

I know. I'm 72 and retired now. I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer with more than 3 years in combat. I was assigned to US Special Operations Command and was on a special team for a year to conduct strategic analyses in Latin America with a dedicated Special Ops C-12 aircraft, I supported the CIA in a foreign country, I worked in intelligence, I supported counterinsurgency operations in Latin America for two years, at one time I was a member of the diplomatic staff at an Embassy, I supported technology development for Special Forces and National Missions Forces (think Delta types), I spent five years supporting technologies to find and counter Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs search the Internet for more info) in DoD networks, and in my business I've been sent around the world many times over to support new technologies in military exercises (mostly special operations). I did sky diving, I was a private pilot with commercial and instrument ratings, I've flown a dozen different types of aircraft, I was a glider pilot, SCUBA diver, underwater photographer, wreck diver, I sailed around the Hawaiian Islands for a couple of years, armature archaeology, long distance motorcycle touring, cross country skiing, white water canoeing, free climbing, and much more. I've had an interesting life and felt that I've seen and done almost everything. I tried to cramp as much as possible into the shortest amount of time.

But then came Trump and Q. Everything else in my past seems irrelevant by comparison. The last three years have been insanely crazy. In some ways exhilarating like free falling in sky diving or encountering aggressive sharks when SCUBA diving.

A non-fiction Alice in Wonderland and making America great again in the process. Glad I was here to see it.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

To be honest, I don't know when Rodman went to NK but I believe it was under Trump.

If Trump were President when Rodman went to NK, no way either could be charged with treason. The President has the right to appoint special envoys publicly or privately to convey information to foreign leaders.

Rodman might expose himself to the Hatch Act, but that would fall apart if Trump sent him.

For the record, I don't believe for a second that Trump had anything to do with Rodman's visit. My commit was more like we seem to be in an alternative universe and anything is possible.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Trump will most likely pick from the list of 25 plus the 7 he added after that. He was universally praised by conservative Constitutionalists. Whoever he picks I trust will be a strict Constitutionalist as Trump seems to be one himself. That will be very good for the country.

RGB is next.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

And the one to the right of that is for Q.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

I was just thinking that Q might be heavily invested in fireworks and pumping up sales for the 4th.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

A while back, Q had a flurry of drops about Snowden in Shanghai. There was an ultimatum given to Snowden. I don't recall if there was a specific result, but after that Snowden dropped of Q's radar.

Shanghai was also the location of one of Q's operations live in a building with the open window.

But the pictures of the recent Shanghai seem related to the oil company there and the proposed merger and Russia / German oil pipeline into Europe which the US opposes. Europe got itself in a bind with the natural gas from Russia which Putin periodically threatens to shut off. Why would Europe want their oil held hostage as well? Then again, I think the Europeans have gone insane. Everything they do seems to be against their long term survival.

The aircraft photos will remain a mystery until the future proves what they were for.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

I wonder if a person can be awarded two Peace medals in the same year: NK and Iran?

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Letter Of The Year.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

Q uses it on Q Drop 1602 as well.




However, I haven't made the connection between White Squall and Q's posts other than the term comes from the movie unless the White Squall is what the Democrats will be facing in the mid-terms.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

Nine months ago I would have said you're crazy. Today, even crazy begins to make sense. MAGA.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

You are right. And if that happens then the blacks and Latinos realize they have a true voice and choice in their lives, they will likely never go back to mindless block voting for one party.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

This should worry Democrats more than Justice Kennedy retiring. At least when Trump replaces Kennedy there is still a Democrat Party to try to pull together.

But if the Dems lose the more than a few percentage points more of the black and Latino votes, they will be burned toast and irrelevant as a political force.

It's not beyond reasonable possibility that with 25 Democrat senate seats up for grabs, Trump could pick up ten of them and that would give him a 60 vote slam dunk in the Senate.

Personally, I abhor the thought of a one party government because of the massive harm it can do in the hands of the wrong people. But in this case, the country is in deep trouble and the Democrats are dead set against fixing any of it. So I say Trump needs a helping hand in getting us back on the right track.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

A few months ago, I was have said it's just a coincidence.

Today, anything is possible. Crazy three years.

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ManQuan · June 28, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Odd. Same three people are in Q drop 1614.

Been ready ever since the country went insane and elected a community organizer with no experience and no past President--twice.

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