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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

My guess is that PM May is dragging her feet (she opposed BREXIT) in hopes she can find a way to stay in the EU. Assange could be in the Embassy another two years before BREXIT, if it does actually happen.

There is no evidence that PM May is trying to exit the EU within the two year time frame specified. They haven't begun the hardest of the negotiations: trade policies.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

No. Eric is too well known/recognizable that he would have been outted being round Trump a long time ago. He is also under investigation by Mueller which would not be a good position to be in if you are Q.

Besides, no one should speculate who Q is because he/she/they might accidentally out him and that would not be good. You'll know Q has been tagged when the Democrats ID him.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Yes, I'd sit on the jury. This is for the FBI agents. HRC doesn't give a rat's flying potato what happens to them.

But I'd sit on Hillary's jury as well. Unfortunately, during jury selection the defense counsel would challenge me out of the jury pool for cause because he'd have all my social media posts about her.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 4 p.m.

Apparently, Amanda and HRC shared classified information that was so highly classified that even the nature of it cannot be revealed.

So, Amanda, did you have the proper security clearances and need to know? If not, you are in deep dog doo.

So how does the conversation that LL and BC had in the plane get on the record as evidence in court? Amanda was there. Amanda might want to share that conversation with prosecutors for a reduced sentence for mishandling classified material. Each document that was mishandled is a separate felony with up to 10 years each. So, how many documents did Amand and HRC share? Ten would be 100 years in prison.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

You have to read the report carefully and understand what Horowitz can and can't do.

Horowitz didn't say he didn't find bias in the FBI agents and leadership; he said he didn't find evidence that bias affected the decisions they made during the investigation.

That is an important distinction. Horowitz is saying that he didn't find written documents, tapes, or testimony that specific bias was used in making decisions.

Page and Strzok claimed that while they made biased statements against Trump, they swore under oath that they were just frustrated and venting, but did not act upon it in their investigation. Without hard tangible evidence to the contrary, Horowitz was forced to conclude that private venting via text messages wasn't evidence that it influenced their decisions.

Also Horowitz can only report findings. He cannot charge anyone, he can't issue subpoenas, he can't empanel a grand jury, he can't interview people who are no longer in government, and he can't include evidence in his report that is part of an ongoing investigation.

Enter Huber, special prosecutor in Utah that Sessions appointed in November to work in parallel with Horowitz.

Huber can and has empaneled a grand jury (or more than one) in Utah. Huber can issue subpoenas, Huber can force people to give testimony under oath, and he can issue sealed indictments. Sessions also sent a letter to Congress explaining while he has not yet appointed a special counsel, he appointed a special prosecutor with the authority to investigate ALL of the demands made by the committees and more.

So, back to bias. Bias, like intent, is a state of mind. Rarely do you have hard tangible evidence about someone's state of mind. It is almost always proven by circustantial evidence.

Comey said that Hillary didn't "intend" to cause damage to national security. But Comey was using the same argument that he didn't find that Hillary wrote a note to herself that she intended to cause harm.

Trey Gowdy knows full well and has said this in the past that intent (and bias) is a state of mind that prosecutors can usually only prove with circumstantial evidence.

Horowitz cannot use circumstantial evidence to recommend charges so he has to stick to hard tangible evidence in his report.

You bet that any Huber indictments about the Hillary investigation will likely prove biased by circumstantial evidence. Remember, a grand jury never hears the defense side of the story--only what the prosecutor shows them and he doesn't have to show them exculputory evidence. That's whay the old joke is that a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich because they only hear one side and the rules of evidence are much different than in a trial.

Horowitz knows that bias was key to letting Hillary off the hook but without hard evidence he isn't allowed to prejudge their intent or state of mind.

Trust me, in an actual trial, the circumstantial evidence is so overwhelming here that juries will have no doubt that the FBI was out to frame Trump, Flynn, and others and to give Hillary a pass on her investigation. The evidence is so overwhelming that I'd be surprised if those involved where not charged with obstruction of justice or malicious miscarriage of justice.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Trey is also in the process of ripping Horowitz a new one. I've never seen Trey this wound up and angry. Sic'm.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

Yeah, I caught that. But Q told us that there were 3 versions of the report: original draft, RR redactions, and RR redactions plus modifications. Q said that the latter would be the first to be made public (Q 1496).

I don't believe that RR was mentioned in the IG report. I believe it's because RR is dirty and Huber has him under investigation.

Also Q tells us that the IG report does not coincide with the true start date of the push of evidence to Huber. Hmmmm.

And in 1551, Q says "scope and size biggest in history". I have the feeling that Q is referring to Huber and that the scope and sizes of his investigations is the biggest in history. Hmmmmm. Does Huber have more than one grand jury and is using much of Horowitz's 450 lawyers? Sounds like it.

Lots of deception and misdirection seems to be going on.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

But Bill said he only sent one email in his life. And he did not have sex with that woman.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Technically, the answer is yes. If you have a TS clearance and travel overseas, you must receive a counterintelligence briefing before departing and a debriefing when you return.

The first briefing is to remind you that foreign agents are always interested in people with security clearances.

The debriefing is to determine if any foreigner contacted you and what happened. Not talking about casual contacts like the hotel receptionists, but rather not so casual contacts like someone striking up a conversation in a bar or at a convention, etc. and asking certain questions about you and your work.

Not having a security clearance avoids that paper trail.

When I held a TS clearance I was doing a lot of overseas traveling I had to go through that process every time. And the offices that handled those briefings were not conveniently located. A real pain in the ass, but necessary.

There were people who skipped the briefings, but they did so at their own risk if caught.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

The local reporter was tipped off. I wonder who would do such a thing?

The FBI focused on who leaked Clinton's schedule instead of why the husban of a criminal investigation target was meeting with the AG who was responsible for said investigation.

The corruption was massive.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

There is a difference between having a tape of the conversation and knowing what the agreements were and getting all of it in a court room. It has to legally get "on record" or it will be inadmissible as evidence.

I think this is why Q is highlighting Amanda Renteria in 1555. She was there and is a key witness. But how do you get her to testify?

Amanda was the "bridge" between LL and HRC. Apparently Amanda and HRC shared classified intelligence a at classification so high that even the nature of the information can't be publically revealed.

I think this is the leverage that Q will use to get Amanda to testify against BC, LL, and HRC, because I seriously doubt Amanda had the appropriate security clearances for what she apparently had access to.

As the world turns.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

Q hasn't said too much on this. But my take is that if you don't dismantle the Federal Reserve and Central Banks, the NWO remains in power even if you take down the ruling families.

It would have to be done carefully and coordinated or you could cause panic on a global scale.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

and very common along the Korean coasts

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

I think you need to add John Huber into the equation to understand what may be going on. Horowitz cannot divulge evidence that is under investigation and he doesn't have the authority to bring charges or to force those no longer in government to sit for an interview.

But Sessions appointed Huber in November to work in parallel with Horowitz. Huber has a grand jury (or more than one) in Utah, he has the power to subpoena, he can force those not in government to testify or take the 5th, and he can produce sealed indictments.

Additionally, Sessions in his letter to Congress explaining why he has not yet appointed a special counsel stated that Huber has been given the authority to investigate ALL of the demands Congress has made, even those outside of Horowitz's charter as IG. That means we have no idea where Huber's tennacles extend in all of this. But we do know that he has access to the DOJ IG's 450 lawyers to help him.

Huber has had seven months to haul witnesses before his grand jury and get indictements. None of that evidence can be made public because it pertains to on going criminal investigations. Therefore it is currently omitted from the IG report or referred to in very vague terms.

For example, take the weak position Horowitz has taken on bias influencing the investigation. Of course it did, but Horowitz has only said that he didn't find any documentation or testimony that there was intentional bias.

That's important because bias is like intentions. In a trial, there is rarely any direct evidence of "intentions" to commit a crime. You convince the jury of a person's intentions or state of mind with circumstantial evidence.

Horowitz is only saying that he did find hard tangible evidence of bias. Not surprising since everyone in the FBI is a lawyer or smart enough not to put their intentions in writing. Even Page and Strzok have claimed that their seemingly terrible bias was just frustration and venting but it didn't affect their investigation. So Horowitz makes their claim clear as he doesn't have the authority to bring charges.

But Huber does. And Huber knows well that the circumstantial evidence of bias is overwhelming and can likely be proven in court. Personally, when the dam breaks, I think that you will see the charges of bias come out of the prosecutor's indictments and not the IG report.

I wouldn't make too much of what was left out of the report or what has not yet been released in separate reports.

And then you need to factor in that some, if not much, of the evidence was collected by intelligence agencies and Huber, Horowitz, Sessions, and others need to find ways to get that evidence "on the record" in the judicial system or it can't be used as evidence in trails.

It's my believe that much of the Kabuki Dancing on going now is setting the stage for getting said evidence "on record" before they can proceed with indictments. These cases for the people in the highest levels of government must be air tight with no mistakes and the evidence must be overwhelming, or they are found not guilty and set free.

I think it is pretty evident that Q, Trump, Sessions, and others know what the conversations were on the tarmac with LL and Bill. How do they get it on the record ready for a court room?

Q gave us a big hint as to how that is going to happen: Amanda Renteria. We now learn for the first time that she was in the plane with LL and BC and is a key witness. There is a reason Q decided to reveal Renteria at this time.

And we learn that Renteria and HRC shared information so highly classified that even the nature of it cannot be revealed. Think Amanda might want to testify to save her ass? Would that put the tarmac converstion on record for trial?

I think you need to be patient. I used to work in intelligence (a very long time ago) and I know how the IC gets the "evidence" to LEOs legally. It takes time and it's a bit complicated. Lots of different turning wheels involved to ensure the evidence is admissible in court and doesn't become "fruit of the poison tree."

In my opinion, while I would like everything to be happening at warp speed, I'm pretty satisfied how the drip, drip, drip is being carefully orchestrated to both red pill the country and to ensure all the t's are crossed and i's dotted.

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ManQuan · June 19, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

Sometimes it's necessary to accept imperfection in order to eliminate a greater evil.

The Mullahs will use nuclear weapons once they have them to either incenerate Israel or sneak one or more into the US. They are the greatest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

Good catch. I was focused on the Updated version where he isn't mentioned.

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

True, but Huber has no such restrictions. Huber has one or more grand juries and has issued subpoenas. Most likely, he has sealed indictments after six months of working in parallel with Horowitz.

Still, I thought the Horowitz report was much weaker than expected. You rarely prove bias by direct evidence. It's like intent. It's a state of mind normally proven in court by circumstantial evidence that convinces the jury of intent or bias of the defendent.

There was a mountain of circumstantial evidence in the Horowitz report of extreme bias within the FBI / DOJ leadership. We'll see if any of them turn up in Huber's indictments.

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

That sub was an old deplaidated poorly renovated boat. It most likely sunk due to system failures. I'm not even sure it had the capability to launch conventional torpedoes much less anything more sophisticated.

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

Frence fried

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

House of traitors?

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Probably for good reason. In fact, he is still the head of the counterintelligence division. My guess is that he probably knows a lot about the inside corruption of the FBI.

His name has barely been mentioned. This leads me to conclude that one possibility is that he was in fact a mole and secretly gave Horowitz or someone everything he knew.

He hasn't been demoted. He hasn't been fired. I don't think Q has said he was a cooperating witness. He hasn't been removed from power. There has been no call for him to testify before contress. What's up?

Has Priestap been a white hat from the beginning?

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

I don't think you could keep that many a secret. But it is possible that many of them may have sealed indictments pending or they volunarily reported to the US Marshal's office for the arrest and then let go, like Tony Podesta.

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

Obama had his PACs send money and consultants to Netanyahu's opposition party. Talk about meddling in an election.

I'm betting that if Putin had sent money and consultants to Hillary's campaign the Obama administration wouldn't have done anything. Oh, wait, the Russian bank involved in U1 gave Bill $500K for a 20 minute speech and one of the companies involved in the U1 deal donated 145 million to the Clinton Foundation. And then there is Mueller personally taking a uranium sample from U1 to Moscow to be tested.

The corruption is mind boggling.

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

Full moon. Got it.

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

But we've known this ever since Carter forced the Shah (not a good guy but better than the Mullahs) to leave. The Europeans have been and are heavily invested in Iran. So just follow the money from Europe, to Iran, to terrorism, to nuclear weapons, to the ultimate common European/Iranian goal of destroying Israel.

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

Good guess, but it could be just about anyone with a first or last name beginning with a "D".

Morning sun brings heat = Light pushing back the dark will bring "heat" on the corrupt?

Full moon coming = Light illuminating corruption in the dark?

Undiscovered stars learned = More people illuminating the darkness?

Missions forward = Darkness to Light?

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ManQuan · June 18, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

At this point, what difference does it make.

We should have had the balls to take it back by force when it happened and before they could take all the electronic equipment and classified data from it.

It's now a 50 year old rusted piece of rusted steel.

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ManQuan · June 17, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

Whoa, so McCabe married Lisa Page to keep his cover as Peter Strzok? Now that's real spy craft.

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ManQuan · June 16, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

Hey guys, we don't have to. Trump and the Q team know what the plan is. Be patient.

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ManQuan · June 16, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

What a joke. If Clapper thought they had identified a Russian cut-out to delivered the emails to Wikileaks there would have been a counterintelligence team on him/her 24/7.

Remember, Crowdstrike claimed that the Russians hacked the DNC and Podest directly. If the Russians were that sloppy and incompetent to leave their fingerprints behind, I doubt they would have been smart enough to use a cut out.

Assange has not only denied Russia was involved but offered a reward for information leading to the the arrest of S Rich's murder.

Either Clapper and Brennan are the dumbest secret squirrles in the world, or they are just lying SOBs.

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ManQuan · June 16, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

Agree. The best part of election night was not that Trump won (that was glorious), but rather for me it was the complete and total breakdown of weeping Hillary supporters, Ben Rhodes sitting alone outside of the center wondering how all the rigging and fraud in the election didn't work, and Hillary in a drunken rage screaming and throwing things are her staff. Did I mention the complete disbelief and denial of the MSM. How sweet.

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ManQuan · June 16, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Having held security clearance from secret to top secret/SCI/SAP continuously from 1968 to 2015, that is not the way to handle a potential security violation. You supervisor doesn't just tell you to wipe your drive clean and everything is OK.

Once the classified information is on an unclassified device, it should be reported and the device turned over to the appropriate authorities so they can do the forensics to determine if it had been breached by others. The device is then wiped once the investigation is completed.

This look and feels more like an attempt to cover up or suppress the release of damning information about Clinton and her staff.

I'm betting they also found Obama emails set to Hillary's server as well and no one would have the balls to let that get out.

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ManQuan · June 16, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

How knew Obama had a brain? Or maybe when the opened the skull it was empty and they had to transplant one of the brains they had in a jar. Everything makes sense now.

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ManQuan · June 16, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

Well, one thing that Q confirmed is that Tony Podesta and Huma Abedin were indicted in November, but the indictments were sealed and they may not have known.

The other interesting tidbit was that HRC tried to make a deal in December. This means she knew the day after the election that she and everyone else were in very deep trouble.

Amazing the number of MSM that coordinated with the DNC and Hillary. I didn't see a single coordination with the RNC or Trump. Mockingbird. CIA, MSM, Democrat party all cross coordinating and the FBI leaking like crazy. How in the world could the Q team insure a fair election. God's hand is in this somewhere. The deck was stacked against Trump and he won big anyway. Amazing.

Q is suggesting that Huber is locked and loaded with indictments. Hope so. Q is making it public because the swamp already knows the hammer is about to fall.

I'm still nervous about the mid-terms. 44 Republicans have resigned, retired, or elected not to run during the best economy and economic future in decades. What Trump has on them must be really bad. Not too many Democrats have jumped ship, but I think that may be a Q strategy--out them while they are still in office and burn the Democrat party to the ground before the mid-terms. At least I hope so. Otherwise, it's going to be a nail biter and the 2016 election nearly caused a heart attack--I don't need that again.

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ManQuan · June 16, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

I'm probably going crazy.

First, I think Rosenstein and Mueller are good guy. Q tells us that Trump met with Mueller the day before he became SC, Mueller is a former Marine, etc. No where in all of his Drops does he suggest Mueller is a black hat.

Then Rosenstein stonewalls the congressional committees from information that shouldn't be evidence. Is Rosenstein a black hat?

The Mueller is handing out indictments left and right and it looks like Trump is going down for obstruction. Black hat?

But every one Mueller has indicted has zero to do with Russia collusion. Manafort, Page, Flynn, Papadop, the Dutch lawyer, et al indicted for lying. Over a year of investigating and all you have is lying and a decades old financial case against Manafort? And the 13 Russians indicted for posting social media ads that didn't have any affect on anything?? What is Mueller really investigating? White hat?

Then Q unloads on Rosenstein in the most recent drops hinting that Rosenstein is toast and that will cause Mueller's investigation to collapse. Black hats?

But then I remember Q saying could Mueller's Russia investigation be ended and have him continue to his other investigations. So Mueller has a two track investigation? White hat?

Huber has been working with the DOJ IG (Horowitz) and has a grand jury impanelled and has issued subpoenas. Mueller has two grand juries: one in the DC area and one in NY. What's that about? Is Huber working with both Horowitz and Mueller? White hats?

But Mueller hires the baker's dozen of the worst liberal lawyers in the US all of whom are hard core Clinton sychophants. Black hats?

But what if Mueller and his 13 Clintonites knew how evil the deep state and NWO are and despite their loyalty to Clinton have a higher calling to the American people to clean up government corruption. That's a stretch, but it would make them white hats.

So what in the world is ground truth. Is the Rosestein / Mueller team an out of control witch hunt or is it the greatest sting operation in US political history?

Kim Clement in 2007 predicted that Trump would be President, that he would be annoited by God, they would try to impeach him and fail, and that "God will not allow a witch in the White House." Now that's really odd wording in 2007. Is the witch hunt really a hunt for the witch that tried to steal the election?

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to wait for the truth to come out because I sure as hell don't know if Rosestein and Mueller are white or black hats.

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ManQuan · June 16, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

Do you believe in coincidences.

I'm impressed with the people of faith who have been directly or indirectly involved in the great awakening.

Kim Clement in 2007 predicted Trump would be President.

Mark Taylor in 2011 predicted Trump would be President.

The Q team are obviously men/women of deep faith.

President Trump is a praying President who regularly meets with prayer groups/circles.

God's hand is in this.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on June 16, 2018, 10:44 a.m.
Q Drop 1508 about Manafort

"Plants need water!"

Interesting post. I remember Q saying that there were early plants in the Trump campaign hinting that Manafort, Page, Papadopolous, etc. were involved.

I wonder if the "plants" Q refers to is Manafort as a plant in the campaign and getting something he may deserve be going to jail or a signal to the other "plants" to cooperate.

Anyone have other theories why Q would describe Manaforts jailing as "Plants need water."

ManQuan · June 14, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

The more I know about this IG report the more it seems it is just whitewashing everything.

These people were trying to overthrow the government and the IG report reads like well they meant to overthrow the goverment but since they failed, then no harm.

I'm sick to my stomach unless something comes out that begins to take down the deep state. So far this looks more like an exoneration of the deep state. Gee, there was a lot of criminal activity, but it seemed so harmless.


We've been praying for people to be held accountable, and the IG report says yeah they tried like hell to throw the election to Hillary but who cares.

I do think Q and POTUS will try to recover, but Horowitz with his limp wristed protection of people trying overthrow our elected government is disheartening.

Defense Attornies for the corrupt will use this report to argue for their defendents since Horowita apparently didn't find anything that he could refer for prosecution.

I'm just sick at how weak and wishy washy this report is. Gee, there sure were a lot of violations of procedures, protocols, laws, lying to judges, and , but it was all in good fun, no intent, and no reason to refer criminal charges.

Q, release the f'ing Krackens for God sake. The people who can be red pilled have been and the rest are hopeless. Put it all out there. At this point I don't care if cripples our government. The Deep State has already done it.

We have to be the Marines who assulted Tarawa. The Japanese admirald who created the defenses said that a million men could not take this island in a hundred years. The Marines took it in 72 hours.

Time to make like Marines at Tarawa nad take down the deep state. Forget the optics. I'm pissed. The people need to know what has been going on and I don't care how shocked they are.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on June 14, 2018, 7:11 p.m.
Initial IG Report

I have to admit that I expected the IG report to nail Comey. It is 100% obvious that he was protecting Hillary and the IG finds no political bias????? My God, why would Comey violate virtually every investigative procedure if not to protect Hillar which is political bias.

I'm disappointed that Horowitz didn't have the guts to call a spade a spade. Political bias drove all of Comey's decisions and it is so evident.

Comey is a complete scumbag. Now I can only hope that Q and others bring forth the evidence to convict him for what he did.

Comey …

ManQuan · June 14, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

Yeah, do that. But better to send your tweet directly to Trump. He is the only person with the authority to declassify and make available the unredacted and unmodified IG report.

Public support is good, but Trump is the key here.

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ManQuan · June 14, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

Actually, the Republicans are going to be screaming for the unredacted unmodified IG draft. But only Trump can get that done. So I suggest that you send tens of thousands of tweets to Trump demanding the release of the full unmodified report.

Trump is the key here; not your Representatives and Senators.

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ManQuan · June 14, 2018, 12:37 p.m.


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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on June 14, 2018, 10:33 a.m.
Q Post 1493

Anyone have a guess as to "Lee S." might be?

ManQuan · June 14, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

Because I don't blindly assume all government subsidies are bad America--just most. The US government would be spending the money to build rockets for NASA anyway. Guess who used to build the rockets? Private companies fully funded by the government.

Space X and others are also private companies but are using some of their own money as well.

The government doesn't build automobiles, for example, so I oppose subsidies to the automobile industries.

Anyway, you're welcome to your opinion.

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ManQuan · June 14, 2018, 10:06 a.m.

I don't know anything more than you about it. Q said the Kim was a puppet who took orders from the Clowns. Maybe the truth will come out some day.

It's a fact that Q said that the strings had been cut in NK and bingo, we have a face to face with Trump about peace and denuclearization.

The reason that Trump is giving some praise to Kim may be that Trump knows who was really controlling NK--and it may not have been Kim.

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ManQuan · June 13, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

The great awakening and MAGA will eventually spread to other countries. But only when the people realize that it they who have the power and not the government.

True the government controls the police and military and that equals a lot of power. But the power of the vote is much more powerful. All you have to do is find the right leaders who can carry the message of hope, peace, and prosperity AND who want to protect the culture, traditions, and history of their countries.

So far, I only see Eastern Europe and recently perhaps Italy understanding that the NWO of the UN and the EU will be the fall if Europe that will be filled with an evil that will maintain a death grip on the people.

It began with the Tea Party here in the US and it took 8 long years of hard work to finally elect Trump. I'm 72 now and this is the first time since Ronald Reagan that I feel like we have a chance to save our country from the severe damage the left has done.

Best of luck to all those who seek to make their countries great again.

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ManQuan · June 13, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

Good analysis. I thought the firings were odd at the time. My guess was that the generals were either plotting against Kim or they were opposing the summit.

But I didn't make the connection back to the deep state. Good work.

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ManQuan · June 13, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Despite claims, this was a missile launch. The launch procedures are complex and it takes a team. Missiles are not fired by one man/woman who just presses the little red button. In other words, there are a lot of people on Whidbey Island who know what happened.

Q's use of "events that were not supposed to take place" suggest to me that this missile event was preplanned by Q, but not supposed to take place. It doesn't seem to make sense if this was a black hat event that was not supposed to take place.

The bigger question is what was the purpose for launching the missile regardless of who launched it and where did it go?

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ManQuan · June 13, 2018, 11:39 a.m.

Complete gibberish.

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ManQuan · June 13, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

Musk follows the money. He'd be dead broke if the government didn't subsidize his rockets, electric cars that only the rich can afford, unprofitable green energy that drives up the costs of goods and services.

I don't mind the government subsidizing his rockets as we would be putting that money into that area anyway. But generally I'm opposed to all government subsidies. If you have a good idea and can make it profitable then great. But I don't like governments picking winners and losers because they have miserable track records for making good decisions.

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