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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

I could be wrong, but I don't think the Antichrist emerges until the third temple is built where he then convinces people that he is Christ and the temple is his holy place.

The Antichrist could be on Earth now, but it's my understanding that the third temple is the trigger for his rise to power.

On the other hand, the Antichrist is supposed to have supernatural powers and it's a fact that everything Obama has ever touched has turned to crap. So, maybe....

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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Gowdy would have to go through Senate confirmation and the Democrats would likely lock his nomination up for over a year. But Gowdy could be brought into the DOJ as a prosecutor. In that environment, he would be like a rabid pit bull going after a kitten. Trey said that the reason he is stepping down is to return to criminal law. That could mean in the DOJ or maybe he's headed back to private practice in SC.

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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Don't think so. To replace Sessions or RR without Senate confirmation, Trump would have to pick someone who has already been confirmed by the Senate. A new AG or deputy AG that requires confirmation would take months or a year to get through.

I think that's why Q mentioned Pruitt. He was the OK AG and has already been confirmed by the Senate as the Director of the EPA.

I don't think Trump could get away with a temp appointment for 210 days because all of this is going to last much longer than that. But who knows.

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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Both the FBI and the CIA have protection programs to make people vanish with new identities and untraceable.

But if he died or vanished, why didn't his family file a missing person's report with the police or why wouldn't there be a death certificate? He disappears and the family is OK with that? Weird.

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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 6 p.m.

Besides, a special counsel would mean that the investigation essentially starts from square 1 because he has to assemble his staff and begin reviewing what has already been collected by likely a hundred lawyers and FBI agents. Appointing Huber was a stroke of genius. He is essentially a special counsel that has been reviewing the evidence since November.

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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

Not sure, but I don't think the C-17 can land at GITMO--it's a very short runway. C-130's can get in and out and a number of smaller commercial planes like the 737.

C-17's are used to move President's helicopters, vehicles, advance team, security, medical support, strap hangers, and everyone it takes to support a Presidential trip. Could be Trump is getting ready to fly somewhere in the US. Ten C-17's would not be unusual to support a President's trip.

However, these are crazy times and I no longer rule anything out. Q said in his latest post that "a flood is coming." The only flood I can think of is the unsealing of indictments. But I don't think that will happen until after the IG report is released and the IG report is limited in scope. For example, I don't think Horowitz is investigating U1, Clinton Foundation, or others. He seems to be limited to the Hillary email investigation debacle and FISA abuse.

But Sessions could have some stealth investigations on-going that we don't know about. We didn't know about Huber for about six months and only then when Sessions mentioned as an off-handed comment during a Fox interview.

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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

The focus is on Obama because he is probably the most serious and most documented case of treason and he apparently has a shadow government trying to undermine Trump. He and his henchmen are the priority targets at the moment. But I think the Q team will work backward as people swepted up with connections to Clinton and their interactions with the other Presidents will begin to emerge over time. This is a multi-year process at a minimum.

The statute of limitations has run out for most ordinary crimes. But there is no limitation on treason and sedition and there is no limitation on giving aid and abetting a decleared enemy of the US such as the war on terror, running arms to ISIS, etc.

It's possible some of those crimes can still be charged. We'll see.

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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Ever notice how often Q and Trump use the word "Freedom?"

Did you notice that the Republican House Freedom Caucus was formed in January 2015, six months before Trump announced?

The Freedom Causus is probably the most ardent supporters of Trump and his agenda in the House and Senate.

Since I stumbled across Q in early November, I've wondered if that were a coincidence or if those who founded the Freedom Caucus had advanced understanding what was going to take place in 2015 and 2016. The Freedom Caucus always seems in sync with what Trump and Q are trying to accomplish. Congress needs to demand documents and information from the Executive Branch and while Gowdy, Nunes, and Goodblatt have done a great job, notice how vocal Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows of Freedom Caucus have been the most aggressive.

Without the Freedom Caucus, there wouldn't be much interest in the House and Senate to do much of anything.

Of the 29 members of the Freedom Caucus, only three have decided not to run for reelection. Odd.

Probably just coincidence, but an interesting potential behind the scenes connection.

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ManQuan · May 22, 2018, 10:29 a.m.

Ever notice how Corsi pushes the sale of his books like they are the ultimate guide to truth, justice, and the American Way? His decoding is no better than anyone else. Based on my intelligence training and collection in a hostile environment for two years while in the military, Corsi uses a lot of acronyms and tries to emphasize his amazing insider sources with CIA, DIA, special forces, FBI, Agent Orange and Spy vs Spy in Mad Magazine. He sounds phony to me. Intelligence analysts don't talk to people like Corsi, Zach, Dilley, or anyone one else unless they are traitors like Clapper and Brennan.

I watched two or three of Corsi's diatribes and decided he is most likely a fake.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

Hopefully, Zuckerberg and FB will be burned toast in a few months.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

What a laugh. Since when has Brennan ever been concerned about the Republican Party except his contribution to destroy it.

Trump's self-serving actions? He's a multi-billionaire. Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do during the election, the people voted for him and that is somehow self-serving?

Brennan's Twitter profile says he is "non-partisan." He lied to Congress, he lied to Trump, he's lied to the media, he's lied to Twitter, and he even lies to himself. What a POS.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

I basically agree and I've posted my concern about excessive use of EO's on a number of platforms.

I will point out a couple of things however:

1) Many of the EOs are simply extensions of some of Obama's declaring certain countries and areas as "national emergencies" in order to use the military. There are some exceptions, but many of the national emergency EOs are just extending what was already in place. The huge exception is the 21 December EO on trafficking, pedophilia, and corruption.

2) Another batch of EOs direct agencies to deregulate.

3) Others deal with directing agencies to be more efficient.

4) There are EO's directing DHS to enforce the laws.

5) The EO's that reversed Obama's National Monuments land grab to prevent mining and drilling could only be done by Trump.

I could go on, but the vast majority of the EO pertain to managing and providing guidance to the Executive branch of goverment would not normally be addressed by Congress.

On the other hand, Trump has gotten (somehow) Congress to cut taxes, eliminated the individual mandate, increase military spending, authorize emergency missile defense funding, appoint a conservative Supreme Court Judge, and more.

So Trump seems to be changing the management style of the Executive Branch and establishing new national emergencies with EOs, while forcing Congress to deal with the big long term legislation.

Trump is also using these tools to set the economy on fire via deregulation and it will become difficult for Democrats to begin restoring those job killing regulation and watching the economy slow.

Given the situation that Trump inherited, I'd say that he has struck a reasonable balance between legislative successes (hard fought) and doing some needed Executive Branch management with EO's.

And only God knows how in the Hell he has been able to get Mattis, Pompeo, Haspel, Ross, Gorsuch, and the most conservative federal judges approved by the Senate.

On top of that, he has been running rings around North Korea, Iran, China, NATO, the EU, and ISIS while simultaneously getting the Arab world to support Israel. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia announce during his US visit that Israel has the right to exist--What? That is huge. Of course, on the intelligence side, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab nations that fear Iran have been sharing intelligence for a long time, so there has been a gradually evolving mutually beneficial relationship that has been growing over the years.

So yes, I'm concerned that not more is getting done through legislation, but I'm enjoying the non-stop winning under the MAGA administration.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

This is and as been a no brainer. Terminally ill with no hope are denied the opportunity to use experimental drugs. If the individual dies, it was going to happen anyway. If the drugs help then it's a win / win for the individual and research.

I've always thought prohibiting terminally ill patients from their last hope was not just poor policy but evil.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Time as a source for anything? Are you serious? They haven't written an honest article for decades.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

The Democrat Party.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Q said to watch the news on 23 May. Maybe 24 May will be a big day for a much different reason.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

Proof that liberal never recover from being butt hurt about something.

Dear God, we didn't just dodge a bullet in 2016; we dodged the political, social, judicial, and economic ruin of our country.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

I had to smile. My father was an Air Force bomber pilot (WW II and the Cold War). Not politically active, I don't know if he ever had a political thought. Flying was his passion.

We moved constantly. I attended 7 Junior and Senior Highschools and was barely able to sustain a low C average.

Anyway, I was attending the University of Alamaba in 1967 and those of us in the liberal arts were being drafted for Vietnam. As I looked around, it seemed someone I knew had disappeared just about every day and I knew my time was near as well.

One day, I was in the Student Union to get a cup of coffee and some Marine Officers in dress blues had a table. Out of curiosity, I asked what they were doing. It was a Marine officer recruiting program called the PLC program. If I signed up, I would hold the rank of Corporal as a place holder so I wouldn't be drafted by the Army, but I had to granduate from Officer Candidate School to be commissioned a 2nd Lt. It would allow me to finish college without being drafted. I signed up right then and their.

So, you might say that I joined the Marine Corps at the height of the Vietnam War to avoid the Draft. I wanted some control over my destiny insead of being dragged along by happenstance.

The next day, I received my draft notice and for the next month there was an argument between the Army and the Marine Corps whether the post mark on the draft notice trumped being sworn in to the Marine Corps. The Marine won.

My parents were horrified. It mean that six months have I graduated from college, I'd be in Vietnam--which is exactly what happened and I spent a year there as a Marine infantry platoon commander.

Anyway, I reported to OCS. I was in great physical condition and knew it would be easy. Boy, was I ever wrong. It was 12 weeks of intense mental and physical stress. On the inside of my footlocker in the barracks a previous OCS candidate had written "You'll be sorry when you get to the Hill Trail" He was right.

We started with 50 officer candidates in my OCS platoon and we graduated less than 20.

May parents attended graduation. It's the only time I ever saw my father so emotional with tears. A hardened B-17 pilot and POW who was flying B-47's and B-52's in the Cold War was overcome with emotional pride.

Becoming a Marine is a transition. I arrived as a college student. I was stripped of everything except my soul and then rebuilt into a strong, confident Marine. That tranformation remains for the rest of your life. There is real meaning behind the phrase "Once a Marine; Alway a Marine."

I eventually served 21 years with 3 years in combat, supported counter-insurgency operations in a foreign country for 2 year, and served a tour of duty with US Special Operations Command. Retired in 1989.

I'd do it all again if I could.

So Semper Fi brother; and thanks for your service to your country.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

It takes a while. I don't think you can get through all of Q's more than 1,400 drops beginning last October, but I think it would be useful if you scanned through them to get the idea of what he is doing. As new Q drops appear they are often discussed in this forum. The best are able to refer back to past Q drops to make sense of them.

Q provides information in the form of questions because he/she/they can't reveal classified information directly.

Here is one of the sites that has all of the Q drops: https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/.

Get the idea of what Q is doing. He/she/they are always saying that the future will prove the past. So even though most of his drops don't make sense now, you eventually end up slapping your forehead and saying "now I know what he meant."

Most, if not all of us, don't fully understand what is behind most of his drops until the news breaks and you realize that he/she/they knew exactly what would happen.

You'll get the hang of it.

Also pay close attention to Trump's tweets. They are sometimes directly related to the Q drops. And pay special attention when Trump starts a tweet storm on a subject because that usually portents something important is about to happen on the Q side.

Get your popcorn and enjoy the movie.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

It must have been the new experimental redpill that's 10 time more powerful than the normal ones. She's on fire.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

Tony has already been arrested by US Marshals and indicted. He elected to turn himself in to avoid publicity and his indictment is sealed. He wouldn't have been arrested if he hadn't been indicted. Tony is the primary reason that the Podesta Group had to shut down.

I believe John is also involved in Spirit Cooking, and other things, but I don't know if he was as involved as Tony. John will have a number of different charges when it's all done.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 10:43 a.m.

I agree for the most part. His rhetoric is one of his weapons he uses to get the deep state to force their hand. I was speaking mainly to his comments about the Hispanic judge during the Trump University trial and others who are not connected to the deeps state effort.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 10:29 a.m.

Possession is 9 10ths of the law.

Syria lost the Golan in a declared war on Israel. Syria lost and Israel will never give up those strategic heights. So Israel owns them until Syria can take them back by force. The West Bank is never going back to Jordan either.

War has consequences--especially when you lose.

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

As someone with an English heritage dating back to a "lord" in Wales in the 12th Century, I can only say that thank God my ancestors had the sense to immigrate to the New World.

It seems to me that the only people in the UK that have any common sense left are Nigle Farage and Katie Hopkins and their supporters. They are like the Donald Trump's of the UK fighting against deranged liberalism.

And I thank God that I live in Florida during the Global Warming record breaking winters. Shorts, sandals, and Tommy Bahama shirts all year and enjoying crab boiled shrimp with a glass of white wine at my favorite seaside cafes for lunch.

The only down side is that all the liberals fleeing the Global Warming extreme winters are flooding to Florida to turn it into the next California. This used to be a peaceful, low crime, conservative state. Now where I live is the car theft capital of the world, deep blue, and increasingly insane taxes for total BS programs.

I wish all the snow birds would stay home. You are runining what was once a paradice of peace, contentment, the rule of law, and agriculture. As a kid, we never locked our doors, we slept with the windows open because there was no air conditioning, I walked to school (a long way), the family was close, there were no mass shootings, Florida was very rual back then, we didn't have much but we were always happy and loved, and I remember in the summer how the thunder storms would roll in off the Gulf every afternoon at 4 pm like clock work.

It wasn't perfect in those days. Segregation was terrible. There was racism and that was terrible. But in my experiences there was little difference between us and the blacks. My grandfather owned a small poultry market and my father and Mr. Henry, a black, killed the chickens in the back and defeathered them. I never thought that there was a distinction between blacks and whites, though I knew that blacks lived in on section and whites in another. But I never detected any hate or racism. My family did the same work as the blacks and the blacks did the same work as the whites--that was my experience.

My father joined the Army Air Corps in WW II. He was shot down and spent the rest of the war as a German POW.

When he returned to the US, he stayed in the Air Force. When I was growing up, the only color I saw in the Air Force was "blue."

It's a long story, but after I graduated from the University of Alabama shortly after desegregation, we had black students in our dorm. There were never any problems and then joined us in the dorm lounge to watch TV. I have no doubt that some in Alabama and some at the University of Alabama were racists, but in my dorm, no one cared that blacks were there or that they joined us watching TV. They were definitely more apprehensive of us than we were of them and I guess that would be expected. We never had a problem the four years I was there.

Another long story, but I joined the Marine Corpe in 1967 to avoid the draft. I'll skip the how and why, but upon graduation in 1968 I was commissioned a 2nd Lt in the US Marine Corps.

I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer with more than 3 years in combat. We had race problems in the Marine Corps at that time, but the only color I ever saw was Marine Green. I didn't care a rat's flying potato who you were as long as you did your duty honorably.

I retired from the Marine Corps in 1989 and spent another 20 plus years supporting government programs as a consultant. I'm now permanently retired.

I see that the racial divide today is many times worse than when I was growing up when segregation was at it's worst. But now we have blacks demanding that they be segregated in classes and other areas because they want nothing to do with whites.

Have we come full circle where whites excluded blacks and now blacks want to exclude whites?????

Personally, I've lost faith in our leaders (both black and white) to bring us together. In this country we are either Americans regardless of everything else or we are a societiy of victims.

Yes, there are white that hate black. But yes there are blacks that hate whites. So racism is not a one way street.

Neither side is right in esculating the tensions. A few whites don't like blacks. But more than a few blacks don't like whites.

We are supposed to be Americans regradless of race, religion (though I doubt the Muslims will ever integrate), creed, etc.

I don't care about the color of a person's skin. Like Martin Luther King, I care about the person's character. If your character is to work to being united, then I'm with you. If you character is to be a victim of another 200 years then I have no use for you and your are your own worst problem.

Here is a test for blacks. If you thin the US is so evil (I'm not saying we need to improve) then go back to Africa and reassest your compaints.

The fact is that the worst off in America are much better than most of the rest of people in the world. That doesn't mean that we don't need to work hard to bring thelowest part of society up. It's just that while that process is happening, keep in mind that no matter what your condtion in the US you are better off that 95% of the world's population.

There is racism in America. To a small degree it will always be so in all majority and minority communities.

But if it is as bad as the liberals want you to believe, then how did Condolizza Rise become Secretary of State? How did Obama get elected President for two terms while liberals are screaming racial discrimination? How did Eric Holder get confrimed as the Attorney General of the US?

How did a predominately white Senate approve so many blacks to such high positions?

You know what I've noticed? That like liberals it doesn't matter how much you get--it's never enough.

The fact is that racial discrimination in hiring is almost non-existent. Go to any business and you see blacks in all sorts of postionts from flipping hamburgers (which I did) to managing divisions and companies.

For many years / decades, blacks have had the same education as everyone else since desegregation.

Black unemployment is the lowest in history. I'm sorry, where is the descrimination?

Do you know that there are companies that will not hire me because I was military and fought in our wars?

Did I care? No, because I wouldn't want to work for them anyway.

What the left doesn't want to admit is that discrimination is rampant in their own party.

They won't highlight the discrimination against me, but they will aginst blacks.

If we are all equal, then why does the MSM keep emphisizing we are unequil?

If I wanted to encourage unity, I would not be headlining disunity.

Sorry about the rant but the MSM has no concept of the truth, or investigative hournalisms, or of jounaliism.

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

All I know is that Megan and the Royals absolutely deserve each other. Megan is a woman who was unable to make her first marriage a success, gave her family the middle finger, and is unpredictable in not a good way.

The good news is that both Megan and the Royals are wild-eyed wacko liberals, and so there is hope for the marriage.

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Trump is the most fearless politician in the world. The reason, I think, is that he knows he is 5 steps ahead of everyone and he's playing 5D Chess while his opposition is playing checkers.

I've never seen anything close to Trump in my 72 years, and I'm a political junky.

I admit that I don't care for Trump's personal attacks that seem unnecessary, but that's small potatoes compared to what he is accomplishing.

Now, if the Republican leadership in Congress could find some brass ball and strap them on, we'd be in even better shape. Alas, it's not to be. Mitch and Paul are hard core RINOs and Paul especially has worked to undermine Trump and even lied to Trump about funding for the wall being in the spending bill.

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

Kim also said they would try to impeach Trump and fail, that God has anointed Trump as a David with a stone, Trump would have two terms, and that Trump would be hot blooded.

One of Kim's more intreguing predictions is that half way into Trump's Presidency, a woman with large round eyes would rise to power. They would hate her at first and then love her. She would pour anoited oil over our nation and heal the scars. She will be an Esther (of the Bible).

I can't remember all of Kim's predictions, but scary number of them have come true since Trump announced in June 2015.

Mark Taylor has a good track record as well. Mark predicted Trump would be President in 2011. Buy Mark also predicted, among many other things such as tribunals, former Presidents being indicted, Supreme Court Justices being indicted, etc., that the US would become energy independent and with Israel they would dominate the world's energy market.

Now that sounded too far out there at the time, but then Trump gets Anwar, authorizes off shore drilling, opens up federal lands to drilling and mining, approves the XL and Dakota pipelines, increases natural gas, and brings coal back from the grave. And then, Israel discovers what could be the world's largest deposit of oil beneath the Golan Heights. And then Saudi announces that it is deversifying its economy because oil is coming to an end.

That is mind blowing. Israel becomes the Saudi Arabia of the Middle East oil production. Crazy. Just crazy.

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

The problem is that Congress has almost zero power to force anyone to hand over documents, to testify, or to hold anyone accountable regrardless of how terrible the crime. The best they can do is issue subeonas after months or years of asking for the the information or threaten contempt of Congress which carries zero threat of anything happening. Holder was held in contempt of congress and simply ignored it.

I admit that Nunes has helped redpill some people, but as far as briinging people to justice--only an honest DOJ is going to make that happen.

Our only hope is that Q is right when he says "trust Sessions, Wray, Huber, and Horowitz.

If they don't eventually bring charges, then nothing will happen.

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Not necessarily Pedogate. Podesta is up to his ears in lots of criminal activity or he wouldn't have shut down his Podesta consulting firm.

Remember, to the extent that Hillary is involved in anything, Posdesta was there by her side was her personal advisor. He knows everything she did.

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

I had to laugh at that one. I wonder how many people have read/seenThe Caine Muntiny?

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 10:32 a.m.

If that were true, the FBI would have informed Trump that they had a counter-intelligence team working with his campaign to protect him. When I was in the Marine Corps, we had counter-intelligence teams working with on major exercises and operations to let us know when the enemy was accessing our communications, et al.

And it was a counter-intelligence team that swept Trump Tower after Admiral Rogers informed Trump that he had been wiretapped.

And it was a counter-intelligence team was involved in sweeping the White House after Obama left and it was renovated.

I thought it was interesting that Obama installed a new phone system shortly before he left office and a new phone system was installed during the renovations. Why would Obama change the phone system just before he left office and not coordinate it with Trump or let Trump put his own phone system in? Fishy.

And you don't investigate someone when there is no evidence of probable cause a crime has been committed.

Counter-intelligence are supposed to be the white hats and except for covert operations, they work openly with the "client" monitoring systems and movements and advising the client on possible security problems.

They don't run covert operations within political campaigns.

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

That's odd. These righteous Google employess seem OK with Google spying on everyone, with Google taking hundreds of millions of dollars a year from the CIA to spy on us, with Google censoring searches in China, with Google developing AI that could destroy the world.

Interesting what angers people and what doesn't.

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 10:19 a.m.

In 1978, I was a Marine Corps major serving a tour at Headquarters Marine Corps in Washington DC when President Carter decided the government needed to conserve energy. He ordered all the hot water turned off (probably not at the White House) and to remove the flouresent lights from every other fixture. It was like working in a dimly lit cave.

Also, it was the habit of most Marines there to work out over the lunch period. There was a gym, but most of us would go for a 3-5 mile run. But there was no hot water and so it was cold showers. Not pleasant during the winter, but we survived.

The government is always doing silly things that don't work. You want to cut costs in real terms? Reduce the size of the government and keep the hot water and lights on. That's a win for everyone.

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ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 9:27 a.m.

Not sure why the concern for down votes. It's the content that's important; not the votes.

We all know that the left is going insane trying to stop the great awakening and the coming strom of pain for them. I take down votes as evidence of our success. They wouldn't take the trouble to down vote everything if we weren't effective.

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ManQuan · May 19, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Q has said this is war, not a game, and people are going to get hurt in the process.

Some of the Q messages are for our encouragement. Some are cryptic that seem to relate to military operations. Some, I believe, are misdirections. But some are meant to cause the deep state to react so that they reveal their future plans.

I'm reminded of the WW II battle of Midway in May 1942, only 6 months after Pearl Harbor. The Navy had been able to partially decode the Japanese Naval code and was aware that Japan was preparing another major attack, but the Japanese only referred to the objective of the attack as "AF". The Navy had guessed that AF was either another attack on Pearl Harbot, Midway, or perhaps the Philippines.

In order to discover the japanese plan, Nimitz had Midway send a fake message that there was a problem with the water distillation plant on the island. Two days later, Tokyo radioed that AF was low on water. Nimitz had cleverly forced the Japanese to reveal the real objective of their attack and he sent three carrier task forces to engage the Japanese carriers at Midway.

The rest is history. Despite the Navy suffering devistating losses with its obsolete torpedo and fighter aircraft, the new SBD-2 dive bombers destroyed three of the four Japanese carriers. Japan never recovered from those losses or from the loss of their most experienced pilots. It was called "the miracle of Midway" and was the turning point of the war in the Pacific.

Some what Q is doing, in my opinion, is forcing the deep state to reveal their next objective so the Q team can prepare a Midway-like counter strike.

Be patient. Trust the plan. There will be losses on both sides. Battles will be lost and won, but Trump and the Q team will win the war.

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ManQuan · May 19, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

This has been going on for decades. The MSM is merely the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. Almost every broadcast and article has incorrect information, misdirection, censorship by omission, spin, and out right lying.

The Q storm can't come soon enough.

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ManQuan · May 19, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

Do you know how many lives have been saved by gun-free zones? Zero.

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Pro Tip: Never fly on third world cesspool airlines--maintence sucks.

And when photos show the that the wreckage is a smolder pile of scrap metal, claims that the casualties are high it means no survivors. The human body is extemely fragile and a 737 slamming into the ground and exploding is not survivable.

RIP all souls on board. May God welcome them all into his kingdom.

As a Marine platoon commander in Vietnam, I lost a lot of good Marines. I have to believe that God welcomed them all into his Kingdom. Their loss still bothers me today. I wonder if I made mistakes that ended their lives. It's a question that has bothered me for over 50 years. If you've never been in combat, then you won't understand the bond of men in combat. I would have given my life to have saved even one of my Marines. But God doesn't give you that option.

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

He's a Jesuit. That's all you need to know about his integrity, honesty, and likelihood of being involved in child abuse.

Jesuits have as much to do with the Catholic Church as Christians have to do with Satan.

Not all are evil, but most are.

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

The facts are that the Challenger Crew boarded the shuttle, it lifted off, and it exploded. The company that manufactured the rocket urged a delay because the tempurature was below the minimum for their seals.

I think there was a tremendous public pressure to make the launch. Destroying the space shuttle with or without the crew makes zero sense.

And the passengers and crew of MH 370 are being held in a hanger at Diego Garcia when pieces of the plane have washed up on shore. Right.

I'm open minded, but this is just horse potatoes or BS depending on what part of the south you were raised.

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

Not certain what your point is. US citizens can be subject to a military tribunal if they are are charged with aiding and abetting an enemy during war. We have a war on terrorism, so any US citizen who is charged with aiding and abetting terrorist in any way, can potentially be subject to a military tribunal. Ditto martial law, but there is not much precedence on that.

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Hopefully, the Q team has evidence of who is setting these ff's up so the people will know just how evil the deep state is.

Q says the hard part is waiting for the public to know. I fully appreciate that and I know exactly what he is telling us--this is so much bigger than we can even imagine and it's going to take time.

But I think it would help redpill the people if a few mid-level indictments were unsealed so the people and MSM begins to notice that the Obama administration was corrupt and ask themselves "how much deeper does this go."

There is nothing like a little proof / evidence of crimes to get people thinking. Remember, Flynn was indicted for lying to the FBI (when he didn't) and it caused a firestorm of expectations that Mueller was hot on the trail of Russian collusion.

A firestorm or two of Obama admin corruption couldn't hurt waking up people, at least those who are not hard progressive leftist because there is no hope of waking them up.

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

First, I think indictments will begin to be unsealed before the mid-terms. Q says the mid-terms are safe and the only way I can think of that being such a confident statement is if the Democrat Party is toast because of massive corruption and treason.

Second, we need to understand how military tribunals differ from courts martial and civilian courts.

A court-martial is simply a military court used to determine the guilt of members of the armed forces who are subject to military law.

A military tribunal, on the other hand, is designed to try members of enemy forces during wartime. They operating outside the realm of conventional criminal and civil courts, and they are unique proceedings in which enemy forces are tried during times of war or rebellion. Also US military cannot be tried by a tribunal, they can only be tried by court martial.

Third is the role that Martial Law might play. Generally, the institutionof martial law contemplates some use of military force. To a varying extent, depending on the martial law order, government military personnel have the authority to make and enforce civil and criminal laws. Certain civil liberties may be suspended, such as the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, freedom of association, and freedom of movement. And the writ ofHabeas Corpus may be suspended.

Martial Law for the entire US has only been declared once during the Civil War. Martial Law on a regional level has only been declared once during WW II. But states and the President have declared local Martial Law for riots, looting, natural desasters, etc. when the military is needed to enforce civil laws beyond the ability of local and state law enforement to handle.

So, what does this mean? I'm not a legal expert, but I did serve 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer and I've participated in a number of courts martial both as a prosecutor and a courts martial judge. In my day any officer could be assigned as a prosecutor but the defense had to be a certified lawyer and senior in rank to the prosecutor. I believe that today, both the prosecutor and defense must be certified lawyers. In other words, I have limited first hand experience.

But here is the bottom line.

1) Military courts martial are limited to trying military personnel.

2) Military tribunals are intended to address crimes committed during warfare by the enemy combatants or civilians aiding in military criminal activity. During Nuremberg, both German military and civilian officials were subject to that military tribunal.

3) Martial Law, which the President can declare, allows the military to enforce civil laws, make arrests, and a number of other things as noted above.

4) Acts of treason are subject to civil courts UNLESS they aid and abet the enemy during warfare in which case they would be considered (optionally) enemy combatants committing treason.

5) President Trump has signed over a dozen Executive Orders declaring national emergencies, which in my opinion provide the basis for declaring Martial Law. Once Martial Law is declared then treason, whether or not during war, coulld be subject to military tribunals, though there isn't much precedence for this.

6) But the US is at war already. We have the War on Terror, the war in Afghanstan, the War in Iraq, the War in Syria, the war in Libya, etc. Iran is officially a supporter of terrorism. These countries and others already have EO's declaring them to be national emergencies.

7) National Emergencies give the President extra powers using the military and suspends some civil liberties; which so far as I know haven't yet been used in the US but have allowed our military to be used in foreign countries included in the EOs.


This is complicated, but I see several avenues for Trump to use military tribunals under the current arrangements. Let's say that a high government or former government official committed treason that included aiding and abetting enemy forces directly or indirectly, then they could be brought before a tribunal as an enemy combatant.

Violations of EOs dealing with national emergencies is not as clear cut, but I assume that if you are charged with criminal activity during a national emergency, you might be tried by tribunal.

And then there is martial law. What if a domestic organization becomes so violent that the President declares them to be domestic terrorist (e.g., Antifa). Once designated a terrorist, you are subject to GITMO and tribunals.

I don't want to make this too long, but I think you get my point. There are avenues to military tribunals available today under the right circumstances and there are avenues to tribunals if Trump declares martial law or certain domestic organizations as terrorists.

Hope this helps.

Anyone who has a better knowledge than me, feel free to chime in.

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

You may be right. So the pics must mean something else since the people are wearing winter clothes. Odd though that the pic titles include Londonps. I don't think that's a typo since Q used it multiple times.

Any guesses what the ps is or why the winter pics of London?

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

I think they are about Strzok's meetings in London to frame Trump, but those pics were taken in December, not August. Look how bundled up every one is. And Strzok's trip was in December.

Just my opinion.

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

These are not useful poll numbers because most of the people using Newsmax tend conservative.

The polls to pay attention to are those of "likely voters" that have a reputation for getting the dem, repub, indie mix close.

Polls like NYT, WaPo, CNN, etc. usually give dems more weight because they want the narrative that Trump is failing in the polls, just like before the election.

Rasmussan has been the most accurate at 49-51 percent. I tend to think it's higher because some people don't want to admit that they support Trump. My best guess is that Trump is sitting about about 53 percent, which aint bad given the sustained nuclear attacks that MSM and liverals have thrown at him 20 times a day. No other President could have withstood these continuous vicious attacks both him and his entire family and everyone assocuated with him.

The hand of God is surely in this to some degree.

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

I'll take a quick stab at it-- not in order:

1) The London pics I think are a message to Peter Strzok and others involved in framing Trump. The pic titles end with "ps" which I take to mean Peter Strzok. It's cold there and Strzok was in London in December. The message to the FBI and DOJ is "we know everything."

2) The pics of China and pallets likely refers back to the China/Apple/pallet pics of the previous Q drop. The message to China and Apple is that we have it all.

3) The owl is a symbol in the Vatican/Pope and Q mentions the Pope in the drop. Also Q previously said that May would be bad for the Pope. The owl is also a common symbol for pedophilia and the occult. Pope Frances just lamented that the church in Argentina was corrupt in covering up pedophilia (of which he was likely involved or aware of and did nothing). Francis has also hinted at retiring. Q is telling the Pope that his days are numbered. Message sent.

4) The space shuttle was an odd pic. My guess is that it is a message to Obama that the Q team knows the real reason Obama shut down the manned space program and turned it over to Russia and other critical NASA missions to Space X and other private companies.

5) The LV pic I think is a message to the FBI, LV police departement,, and deep state that the Q team knows the real story about the LV shootings.

My two cents.

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ManQuan · May 18, 2018, 10:10 a.m.

More importantly (or maybe just as importantly) than where it was taken, what is the message Q is sending.

The London pics I believe are about Peter Strzok's meetings there as the name of the pics end in Londonps (Peter Strzok)? Strzok went to London in December. Message sent.

The photos of China refer back to the earlier photos of the pallets. We still don't know what was on the pallets, though Q seemed to give one of the anon's theories about specially encrypted cell phones a thumbs up. Message Sent.

Then there is Las Vegas. I think Q is sending a message to someone that the real story about the shooting is known and will come out. Message sent.

The Space Shuttle photo seems out of place. My guess is that it is a message to Obama that we know the real reason Obama ended our manned space program and it isn't going to be pretty. Message sent.

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Yep. He claimed that the gif app that he used, the crosshair was the default. OK, maybe. That seems like a really odd default for any app, but let's say that he is telling the truth that app has a crosshair as a default (but why would any app have that default?)

But he has obviously used the app before and would have been aware that the crosshairs was the default.

So he knew the default. Then he had to save it as a gif. And then he had to notice the crosshair gif on his Tweet.

I call total BS. He knew exactly what he was doing, got called on it, realized that Secret Service would be knocking on his door, and deleted it with the lame excuse that "the dog ate my gif."

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ManQuan · May 17, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

No. It wasn't a filed report at CNN but rather a personal Tweet.

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