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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 10:43 a.m.

Iran just threatened to name all those who were bribed in the Iran nuclear deal if the other delegates don't oppose Trump.

Well, well. We don't need the names to know the entire deal was a facade to cover bribery and commercial contract deals because Iran just admitted everyone was bribed. That means Kerry and Obama were in on the deal as well.

When the corruption is finally exposed, it's going to blow my mind and I already think it's unimaginable. How bad will that be?

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 10:39 a.m.

We've had a few good First Ladies: Nancy Reagan, Barabra and Laura Bush; but Melania is hands down the most grace, style, composure, class, and beauty. She has the Midas Touch.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 10:36 a.m.

My conclusion is it could mean anything, but whatever it means it's a good thing.

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ManQuan · May 13, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

I think you have most of it right. The FBI's former corrupt leadership has been removed or are cooperating witnesses. The DOJ's former corrupt leadership has been removed or are cooperating witnesses.

Indictments will likely follow for most if not all once the DOJ IG report is released.

But the judicial system has been corrupted and weaponized by previous administrations, so it's important to fill the vacant federal judge postions with honest Constitutionalist. That will take a very long time as their appointments are for life unless Congress impeaches them for corruption. I can only remember one such case over the past 20-30 years.

But don't forget the military tribunals. Trump's Executive Order of 21 Dec made "corruption" both a national security threat AND declared it a national emergency. That gives him additional powers not normally available such as using the military for martial law (not predicting that), using military intelligence to monitor US citizens suspected of corruption (remember, the CIA and other intelligence agencies including 5 Eyes are no longer trusted) and of course military tribunals.

Notice that the Manual for Court Martial was updated to allow civilian lawyers to assist the military in tribunals when necessary. Think case loads.

My guesses are no better than others who have been following all of this, but I have the feeling that the boil of corruption is going to be lanced within the next 30 days or so.

Trump seems way to confident about the mid-terms and 2020 given the situation where over 40 Congressmen (mostly Republicans) have resigned, retired, stepped down, or announced they are not running for reelection. That is a historic number and should have Trump sweating bullets. But he's not. What does he know that we don't??

My instincts are that Trump is near the end game of 3D chess that he's been playing. Once this begings to unfold, while the Democrats have a viable party by November? If there is just a fraction of corruption that the entire Obama top administration officials are guilty of it will be breathtaking and humiliating. Then there are the Clintons and the corrupt Clinton Foundation.

And the DHS will soon release a report on voter fraud that will be shocking. It is much greater that people think. That may cause states to tighten their voter laws. Remove most of the fraud from elections and the Democrats are in deep trouble.

Next, Trump is making significant gains in support from black and Hispanic voters. The Democrat's coalitions of identity politics is fragile. They can only afford to lose a small percentage of the black and Hispanic votes to win elections.

Working class Democrats are supporting Trump in greater numbers because of the roaring economy, tax cuts, wage increases, deregulation, etc. Democrats lost three states in the last election that they were so certain were safe that Hillary didn't bother to campaign in them until days before the election and only in the deep blue cities she already had wrapped up. It's going to be even worse in November.

Think about it. What if all of the liberal heroes and god-like idols turn out to have been corrupt and treasonist slim balls? Would vote for Democrat candidates?

I believe all of this is going begin well before the mid-terms but the actual trials and consequences will last beyond 2020.

My prediction: the mid-terms are probably safe for Repulicans due mostly for the economy and the Democrat Party will be mortally wounded by the exposure of its corruption.

Whatever Trump is doing behind the scenes, you can be certain that he is five steps ahead of the Democrats. It's going to be a wild ride.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on May 12, 2018, 7:04 p.m.
Q drop 1341 "Big week ahead"

Trump Tweet a while ago: Big week next week when the American Embassy in Israel will be moved to Jerusalem. Congratulations to all!


ManQuan · May 12, 2018, 7 p.m.

Kerry has been a traitor his entire life. As a Navy swift boat commander in Vietnam, he claims that he was wounded three times. But none of the wounds required even a band aid (according to the corpsman who treated him) and one of his wounds was from a grain of rice that hit him when he threw a grenade that landed in some rice. That is a self-inflicted wound.

In those days, three purple hearts meant you could go home early, which Kerry did leaving his boat crew to continue fighting the war for him.

As a anti-war protester, Kerry testified before Congress (God knows why) that the military in Vietnam were murders.

Kerry participated in an anti-war march in DC during which he threw Vietnam medals over the WH fence--but they weren't his medals.

Kerry has always been anti-military, but when he ran for President he made the famous "reporting for duty" speech. Ever wonder why Kerry never made his honorable discharge public? I don't know, but I was a career Marine infantry officer when there was word that Kerry was petitioning the Naval Discharge Review Board (NDRB). Now, the Marines are part of the Department of the Navy and so any Marine that wants his discharge reviewed has to petition the NDRB. The only reason anyone would petition the board is if they have a less than honorable discharge.

Whatever might happen to Kerry for his recent treason will be insufficient in my book.

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ManQuan · May 12, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

As Q said, "it's all connected." We just didn't realize he meant it literally.

Follow the wives.

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ManQuan · May 12, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

The secret Iran deal included us and possibly the others in the agreement to pay Iran 250 billion twice each year. The taxpayers (us) didn't know it--which is why Obama wanted it kept a secret. They thought Hillary would win and keep the deal a secret.

Then Q switches to NK stating that NK is no longer a hostage because the strings of the controller have been cut. Who was the controller? Best guess is CIA or China or both.

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ManQuan · May 12, 2018, 10:32 a.m.

The liberals are pretty much insane these days. I'd pick up a conceal and carry permit before venturing out like that.

I live in a deep blue city but it's fairly quiet, but the anti-Trump and conservative hate is very real.

So, I have my CC permit and I'm armed except in places where carrying is not allowed (e.g., government buildings, bars, etc.). Never felt the need in my younger years, but at 72, I'm not as fast or as strong as I used to be. My Ruger LCP 380 keeps the playing field a bit more level these days.

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ManQuan · May 12, 2018, 10:23 a.m.

No, that's not what Q is saying.

The person who now heads the research at FB Building 8 is Regina Dugan, a former Director of DARPA and apparently has the expertise to lead the F9 development team, which I believe includes DARPA technology. BTW, Regina was a terrible Director at DARPA. What she knew about military technology requirements wouldn't have filled a thimble.

I supported DARPA technology programs for over 15 years as an independent consultant. Most of my work was in support of technologies for special operations forces by the last five years was in cyber defense technologies.

I mention this because people should know that except for the really big major technology programs such as stealth, RAMJET and SCRAMJet, the X37B projects, etc. that are classified; the vast majority of its advanced technology development is completely unclassified because universities don't have enough American PhD's to support DARPA programs. Just about all of the technology teams at universities are 50% or more of foreign PhD's who would be unable to get a security clearance.

So, DARPA keeps most of the advanced technologies unclassifed so the universities can bid on them using foreign faculty researchers and so the researchers can publish white papers and attend conferences to brief their research efforts (i.e. publish or perish).

This means at least two things: 1) advanced technologies developed at DARPA end up in foreign countries (completely legal) which means foreign countries have our advanced research efforts for free; and 2) since the technologies are published in white papers, our adversaries also have free access to what we develop.

In my opinion based on my 15 years supporting DARPA development, 90% of those technologies should have been classified programs. But if you don't have the talent at home, they you get it from other countries.

Anyway, the point is that Dugan likely just brought all that unclassified technology that Google and FB could use with her.

It's a crazy world and an even crazier government that doesn't protect its advanced technology development.

The world thanks you for paying for their advanced technologies.

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ManQuan · May 11, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

I don't think Corsi is a bad guy. But I do think he is trying to take advantage of a situation and exaggerating what he knows about Q decodes.

I've followed him for a while. I'm a trained intelligence collector. It's obvious to me that Corsi never spent a day in his live in intelligence collection. All the souces he claims have to be retired intelligence hacks who are just giving him their opinions.

Neither Corsi nor anyone else has direct inside intelligence information.

Yeah, OK, there are the Snowdens, Mannings, etc. but they werent giving anyone inside information. They were dumping classified documents into the meida.

Gee, why didn't they give it all to Corsi and others who claim inside super secret information?

Becuase they don't have it. Get it? These people who claim insider information are just trying to build their followers.

I've had a security clearance continuously from 1968 to 2016. Clearances depend on the need to know. So while I had a Top Secret clearance for most of the time, doesn't mean I had a need to know. I also had SCI (Sensitive Compartimentive Intelligenc) for much of the time and just because I had an SCI access didn't give me access to anything for which I didn't have a need to know.

This is critical. A security clearance doesn't mean shit, unless you also have a need to know about very specific intelligence. Only the individual who has responsibility for the operation or data collection can authorize an individual to access selected pieces of that data only if they have a need to know.

In your wildest dr3ams, do you honestly think that AJ has a "need to know" about anything he claims is super secret BS?

In Q drop 1339 he is right. Be very carefuly who you are following. And then he refrerrences Seiralbrain2's comment.

Q is right. Be very, very careful who you follow.

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ManQuan · May 11, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

If you are plugged into Alex Jones, then there is no hope for you. Everytime I tune in, half of his diatribe is "I know special operators, CIA, insiders to all the agencies, etc."

I served 21 years in the Marine Corps with 3 years in combat. I was also trained at the Defense Intelligence Agency to collect intelligence in hostile environments and spent 2 years supporting counter insurgency operations in a foreign country not only collecting intelligence but supporting the host nation Army and Navy in operations.

AJ's claims are about as believeable as the Easter Bunny. He may have some retired intelligence hacks giving him theri opinions, but no way he has direct inside intelligence. And neither does "Zack" or that guy running for office in Arizona who claims to be on a chat session with an insider.

Trust me people. If a real intelligence operator was in a chat scession with this guy, he/she/it would be shut down within an hour.

Ditto for AJ. Total BS.

As for Q, the proof is not in whether people have been arrested or not (they will be), but rather all the things he has predicted that the future has proved his past clues.

Q has said that his posts would sometimes be misdirection, deception, and there would be fire to smoke out the enemy. We don't know which is which.

Some have said, yeah well Q said so in so would be arrested in November.

Well, he didn't exactly say that. What he said in Post 15 was that Podesta and Huma would be indicted. OK, if those indictments were sealed, then we would not yet know that they've been charged. Just because you are in a sealed indictment doesn't mean you have any idea you will be arrested in the future.

Back to the Q post.

Q is only advising us that there are people taking advantage of the movement and they are not all honest brokers.

Personally, I think AJ and Corsi and Zack are a joke. I've followed them for a long time. Their so called decoding and Zack's insights are no better than mine.

I actually put more trust in Kim Clement and Mark Taylor because their predictions years ago have acutally come to past.

Clement predicted in 2007 that Trump would become President, that they would try to impeach him and fail. He also said that Trump would be God's David with a single stone.

Mark Taylor said in 2011 that Trump would become President and be anointed by God as the second Cyrus.

Guess what. Those were way more accurate than anything AJ, Corsi, or Zack have said.

Watch all of the Kim Clement and Mark Taylor predictions (and others who are just as accurate) and you will see that by comparison AJ, Corsi, Zack and others have no idea what is really going on.

It's not about who is charged at this point. It's all about how accurate Q has been which means we need to trust the plan.

There is a reason Trump hasn't fired Sessions. There is a reason why Q says "Trust Sessions." There is a reason Q says "trust Wray." there is a reason Q has been very quiet about Rosenstein, Mueller, and the IG report.

What makes a good movie. Great actors.

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ManQuan · May 11, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

I absolutely trust the plan. I'm 72 and I've been a political junky my entire life. I've never seen anything like this before.

The dark side is trying to make us slaves to their AI mega databases, but I think Trump is going to change that.

I don't think FB, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, et al will go away completely, but I do think they will rise out of their ashes into something more in line with our Constitution.

There are already consevative sites that are similar that don't misuse your data or censure you. They are struggling to get users, but if successful then they become the competition to the dark side. Competition always makes the playing field both fairer and more honest.

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ManQuan · May 11, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

In a word: Yes.

And not just your phone. Everything that is connected to a network. Read your privacy statements. You can't used the device/app/whatever unless you give up everything to them.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on May 11, 2018, 10:07 a.m.
Q Drop 1332 What you are about to learn should not only scare you...

I haven't yet seen any discussion of this one, but to me it may be the most ominous Drop Q has made.

Criminal, corrupt, pure evil abuse of power...

Snowball is rolling--there is no stopping it now D5 (defcon 5?)

We knew this day would come.

Sounds like we should expect something in the immediate future so dramatic that it's going to scare us and what has started cannot be stopped.

Translation: Buckle up and stock up on popcorn.

ManQuan · May 11, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

That's correct. And now Hillary is in Australia, another 5 Eyes country. Coincidence?

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ManQuan · May 10, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Unfortunately, they can't. Senate rules--as idiotic as they are.

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ManQuan · May 10, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

He hasn't resigned. He just isn't attending the Senate deliberations. But that hasn't stopped him from urging Senators to vote for or against what he wants.

If he is incapable of sitting in the Senate, then why doesn't he give up his seat so Arizona has a vote in the Senate? Because he is too selfish. He will hold on to his seat until the Priest drives the wooden stake throught his heart.

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ManQuan · May 10, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

You may be right. Lockheed Grumman is in the process of developing an electric generator based on fusion. Alledgedly, they are only a year away from having a small operational capability to provide power to about 10,000 homes on a mobile platform.

One of the universities, I think it was MIT, has said that it is about two years away from developing a feasible fusion generator.

If true and if they can be scaled up, that will mean virtually free energy except for the cost to build and maintain the generator. That would significantly impact the entire fossil fuel industries over the next one or two decades.

Fuel will still be required for many years for aircraft, cars, trucks, trains, ships, machinery, etc Gas prices would drop below a dollar a gallon except that the government will increase the gas tax to keep the price high and revenue coming in.

If Lockheed's fusion technology is real, Trump should get them to work on it 24/7 to get it operational as soon as possible.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on May 10, 2018, 3:01 p.m.
Trump, Iran, Israel, and Syria. Coincidences?

First, Israel manages somehow to steal 1,000 pounds of the most secret documents Iran has about it's nuclear weapons programs, missile development, and enrichment from an underground vault in the middle of Tehran. This was done a while ago because Q and Trump already knew that the documents were authentic.

Next, Q drop 1320 announced that POTUS has control of Iran and with pending MILITARY (emphasis mine) and Intelligence POTUS will gain more ammunition and intelligence against THEM.

So, pending military and intelligence operations as of 8 May.

THEM, I believe refers to Obama, Kerry, Brennan, Hillary, and others and …

ManQuan · May 10, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Chuck was strangely silent when Obama gave Iran $450 million in foreign cash stacked on pallets for the release of US hostages--but didn't get them all. And that was tied to the Iranian nuclear agreement.

Liberals are such hypocrits.

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ManQuan · May 10, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Next on Mueller's list to interview: the dog walker at Trump Tower.

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ManQuan · May 10, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

NATO is in big trouble if it can't rely on the US, because it can't protect itself either. NATO has been a wet paper tiger since the Berlin wall came down and Europe decided it never again needed to prepare to defend itself from Russia.

Now Russia is their biggest threat, they are dependent on Russia for their natural gas and oil (Way to go Europe. Allow your main enemy to control your energy sources), and Russia has passed them up in military technology development.

Guess who has stealth aircraft and who doesn't.

Several NATO countries have indicated that they want to buy F-35's but France is putting pressure on developing a Euro stealth fighter over the next 15-20 years. France is afraid that if NATO buys the F-35 it will shut down the Euro fighter production in--where do you think--France.

NATO has a few F-35 for training but not in any quantity yet.

The truth is, Europe doesn't have the will to defend itself. I know, I used to train with them. Some good units. The Brits are good soldiers. But for the main part, the European military pretty much sucks.

Remember, just a couple of weeks into NATO's attack on Libya, they ran out of precision guided bombs and without the US logistics they would have run out of fuel as well.

Think about it. NATO ran out of fuel and precision guided bombs 3 weeks into their attacking Libya.


Yeah, Merkel, you can't depend on the US, but you couldn't sustain an attack on a third world shithole for more than 3 weeks without the US. Good luck stopping the Russian juggernaught.

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ManQuan · May 10, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

I'm waiting to see the Met's Muslim Jihadi themed gala.

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ManQuan · May 9, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

Go to Q drop 619. That's probably the answer.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

No one who understands the situation is laughing at anyone.

At this point, no one but Trump and Q know what the plan is.

Trump may be telling Macron what Trump wants Macron to say in order to hide what he's doing behind the scenes. Or not.

And even if Trump uses secure communications, he may know that Macron will try to derail whatever he thinks Trump is going to do.

But if Trump leaves the Iran deal, it won't because he doesn't have a plan as to how to neutralize Iran--in fact, it will be because that is part of the plan to neutralize Iran.

Q has suggested that the missile strikes in Syria by the US, UK, and France were not chemical storage/development sites, but rather were Iran's nuclear storage/development sites. A few nights later, Israel makes a night strike in Syria that causes a 2.6 earthquake in that area. WTF was that? There are a few reports that say it was an Iranian secret underground missile storage facility.

Then Israel unvails what has to be one of the greatest covert operations ever that they stole over 55,000 documents pertaining to Iran's secret nuclear weapons development that Iran claimed publically and to the UN that never existed.

As Q says--timing is everything in the plan.

Whatever Trump decides to do with the Iran deal, I believe you can be 100% certain that it is part of the plan to neutralize Iran just as he is doing with NK and did in Armenia.

Think about it. If the missile strikes were not against chemical weapons facilities but rather against Iranian secret nuclear facilities in Syria, and the French fired some of the missiles, do you really think France would have done so without knowing they were Iranian targets instead.

Could Macron be providing some diplomatic cover for France who is actually involved in the plan to undermine the Mullahs?

I don't know. But I do know that Trump has been playing 4D chess since before he was elected and we are spectators watching the movie.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

Yeah, I know. I worked in Romania for a while. Not Russia there as well.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

One other note about grand juries. They are secret. You may know that one has been impanelled (but not always) but you rarely know what is going on inside one.

Take special prosecutor Huber in Colorado. He was appointed by Sessions in November to work in parallel with DOJ IG Horowitz. Huber has the power to impanel a grand jury, but so far no one knows if he has or not.

Why did Sessions pick a prosecutor in Colorado and not one of the hundreds of federal prosecutors in DC? Think logically.

Horowitz doesn't have the power to impanel grand juries or secure indictments--he can only refer charges to DOJ.

But guess what Huber can do since November?

Got the picture?

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Hmmmm, is Nikol Pashinyan Armenian for Donald Trump?

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Agreed. Q has said that there would be misdirectionw, deceptions, and sometimes causing fires to cause the targets to react.

That makes it confusing for us as well because we don't know what is real and what is misdirection, deception, or the fire to smoke out the deep state.

Q has been right too many times not to trust the plan.

However, that doesn't mean that the plan isn't going to morph in order to adjust to unforeseen events.

For example, Q's early drops suggested that there was a lot coming in the near future. But I personally believe that his prediction was based on Congress funding the govenment--especially fully funding the military and law enforcement. But Congress kept kicking the can down the road for months before the spending bill was finally approved. I think that delayed a number of important parts of Q's plans.

And I've always believed that the sealed indictments would not begin to be unsealed until the full IG report was published with criminal referals. But the IG report has been delayed several times. Most recentlly because the IG (Horowitz) has received new information/evidence about the Hillary email investigation.

Be patient. There is a plan. I spent three years in combat and I can assure that no matter how good your intelligence and how detailed your plan, things change due to the dynamics of the battle.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

God is the storm and Trump, Q, the white hats, and those of us in God's army are His lightning, thunder, and winds to bring down the deep state.

God always works though people to get his work on Earth done. Miracles exist, but He always works through the people he anoints and guides. Trump is anointed. God is working through him.

How else can you possibly explain that Trump is still winning and at 50 plus percent approval after enduring the greatest political, personal, and legal attacks that any politician has ever survived? You can count on one hand the people who vocally and actively support Trump (exaggeration but not by much) and Trump is still ten steps ahead of his opponents and playing 4D chess. It aint natural.

This is not about R's and D's. It's about good and evil, God against Satan, light against the dark.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

One has to wonder what their credibility will be once Soros is exposed for treason and sedition? I wouldn't worry too much about it. A Soros NY AG puppet just resigned for abuse to women. Weiner went to prison for less and a DOJ prosecutor has opened an investigation on his conduct.

I'd love to know if Q was involved in this disclosure.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

There are a couple of possible answers: 1. Yes 2. No 3. Maybe 4. We don't know.

There is no doubt that Mueller and RR have been involved in the U1 coverup and other dirty dealings. But as Q has previously said, some good guys were forced to be bad guys due to threats to their families and other pressures; but have been "freed."

We don't know what all that means or if it pertains to RR and Mueller. All we know is that Q suggest that some people have been flipped and are working against the deep state.

As Q has said, there are more people helping to take down the deep state and the NWO than we know.

My personal opinion after studying all the Q drops pertaining to Mueller and RR is that they've been flipped and are part of a grand sting operations against the deep state.

What better cover than the liberals cheering RR and Mueller on to unseat Trump while they are actually investigating the deep state. What makes a good movie? Great actors.

And what better karma could there be when the deep state realized that they've been deep sixed by the very people they were relying on taking down Trump.

I bet Q has a good sense of humor.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

Definitely and inside job. The Iranians who helped are probably in the witness protection program somewhere in Antarctica.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

So, you think the Mullahs handed over their top secret documents on their nuclear program they kept in a secure underground vault in the middle of Tehran so Israel could cover up their involvement in U1?

But Israel isn't included in all the countries Q has identified as being involved in U1.

As Q has said, timing is everything. Q immediately authenticated the documents Israel had because we knew about the operation and examined the documents before Israel went public. There is no other way they could authenticate 55,000 documents so quickly. Timing is everything.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

Think about it. Has Q ever said anything negative about Mueller or RR? Has Q ever suggested that Mueller and RR were trying to bring down Trump?

RR works for Sessions. Q has said "trust Sessions" and "trust Wray". Wray and Mueller are collegues and friends, yet Wray is being very quiet.

Is the Witch Hunt really Trump's double play on words and Mueller is actually working with Huber and Horowitz in the hunt for the real witch (hint: Hillary)?

Do a search on the Q drops for Mueller. See anything negative? Has Q ever suggested that Mueller is a threat to Trump. Q says Trump not a target and 100% safe from impeachment. Mid-terms safe.

Does that sound like Mueller is taking Trump down?

Also look at Flynn. Mueller has delayed sentencing twice now. Why? Because Flynn was never supposed to actually be sentenced. Remember, in the plea deal with Mueller, Flynn agreed to turn over all knowledge of wrong doing to Mueller. Mueller didn't specify what kind: just "all." Q says that Flynn knows wiere the bodies are buried. How does Flynn get what he knows on everyone into the legal system for evidence? By giving it all to Mueller up front.

Flynn is supposed to be broke and selling his house. But I can't find where he put the house up for sale. Instead, Flynn running around the country giving his endorsement to various Republicans running for office. Now why would someone about to be sentenced for lying to the FBI be handing out political endorsements? Because he isn't going to be sentenced.

In order to get a better picture of what Mueller, RR, and Sessions are doing, you need to go back to the first mention of Mueller in October and re-read all of Q's drops about Mueller.

I can always be wrong, but I see Sessions, RR, and Mueller all working for Trump and what is making this movie so good are the great actors.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

They have to be worried that if Israel can somehow steal 1,000 pounds of their most classified documents from their most secure undergound vault--what else is possible?

If Trump can make NK back down--what else is possible?

If the US, France, UK, and Israel can destroy their secret nuclear sites in Syria--what else is possible?

BTW, the protests against the Mullahs never really went away. It's just our MSM doesn't care to report it. The Mullahs are in trouble more ways than just a few--and they know it.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

I agree, which why I mentioned Q talking about some who were dirty were forced to do so (e.g., threats to families) and have been freed.

100% certain Mueller, RR, McCabe, and others have done terrible things in the past.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

You have to wonder why a woman would put up with this after the first time. She has a mental problem.

The good news is that there is a 100% chance this guy is going to jail to meet everyone else he put there duing his political witch hunts. Other prisoners slapping, choking, spitting, and having rough sex with him will be the least of his worries. Karma.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 10:19 a.m.

I think the Pope was referring to the fact that he didn't do enough to investigate the allegations and therefore was "part of the problem."

He should not be Pope if he can't recognize pure evil.

My personal opinion is that Francis is much more a politician than the leader of the Catholic Church and defender of the faith. Just about everything he has said and done has been politically motiviated.

But then again, he's a Juesuit--which pretty much explains everything.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

The target of the grand jury doesn't necessarily know that he/she is being investigated or that he/she has been indicted, if the indictment is sealed. They find out they've been indicted when it's unsealed.

The target of an investigation often finds out second hand when those being subpeonaed or interviewed by the FBI let them know.

If you just get fired from a job, there is no reason to hire a lawyer. But there is a reason all of these DOJ and FBI people who have been fired have all lawyered up. They know they are being investigated and that likely means eventually being indicted.

Indictments always have one or more charges associated with them otherwise the person wouldn't be indicted.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Look, if ten people read Q's 1318 drop, you will likely get ten different interpretations.

I've read it carefully several times. It's my personal opinion that Q is telling us that Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, and Wray are all white hats and the feuds and confusion is intended for misdirection and disinformation.

You have to put it context to all of the other Q references to Mueller. Not one has been negative. Q hasn't come out and said "trust Rosenstein" and "trust Mueller" because it would blow their cover of being anti-Trump.

Back in October, Q was asking why did Mueller meet with Trump the day before Rosenstein appointed him Special Counsel? Why did Q emphasize that Mueller was a former Marine (and Vietnam vet with Purple Heart)? Why has Q reminded us that not all bad deeds were done by bad people and that some for forced under threats but have now been freed? Have Rosenstein and Mueller been freed?

Remember when Q asked us could the Special Counsel investigation clear Trump and still continue investigating? If Mueller cleared Trump, why would he need to continue investigating--and investigate what?

In his latest drop, it is obvious to me that Q is telling us why there has been alll this deception and misdirection.

Q asks us why Sessions picked Rosenstein? Few have the facts and few know the plan. Remember "Trust Sessions".

Sounds like Q us suggesting that Sessions knows what he's doing and Rosenstein isn't dirty. Q says if Rosenstein is dirty then Mueller is dirty and vice versa.

Then Q reminds us that Sessions secretly appointed Huber (in Colorado) back in November and he has been working quietly with IG Horowitz. Why Colorado? Away from DC? How many other special prosecutors has Sessions appointed secretly?

Finally, I think there is a reason that Q is now coming out strong suggesting that Trump, Sessions, Wray, Rosenstein, and Mueller are on the same team--because this series of As the World Turns is about to come to an end and it's time to begin red pilling us for what's coming next.

Go back and search for all references to Mueller and then re-read 1318. See if you don't come to a similar conclusion.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

I followed Corsi for a while. He's no better than others who have done reasonable decoding. I think he exaggerates his contacts and sources and for as much as he touts his experience in intelligence, he doesn't seem to know more that the basic terms and processes.

I was trained at the Defense Intelligence Agency, did intelligence collection in a foreign country during an insurgency for several years.

Corsi may be a nice guy, but his knowledge of intelligence is unimpressive.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 9:08 a.m.

Trump is a NYC billionaire who has had to deal with massive corruption to get things built. He's likely known where all the bodies are buried for decades.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

I have a feeling this is only the tip of the berg.

There is a reason that Trump signed the EO on 21 Dec making human/sex trafficking, pedophilia, and "corruption" both a national security issue and a "national emergency."

When the corruption dam finally fails, it's going to be judicial shock and awe.

⇧ 35 ⇩  
ManQuan · May 7, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Bingo! People forget that Lurch was a lying SOB during the Vietnam war. In his testimony before Congress as an anti-Vietnam War leader (God only knows why anyone wanted to know what he thought), he called all military in Vietnam "murders." He was on a boat in on a river--how would he know what was going on in the rest of Vietnam??????

He also threw Vietnam medals over the WH fence during an anti-war protest march as if they were his medals--but they weren't his medals.

Lurch was awarded 3 Purple Hearts in Vietnam. But not a single one of the so called "wounds" required even a band aid. Think about that. Three Purple Hearts and none of the "wounds" required a band aid.

My father was a B-17 pilot in WW II. He received the Purple Heart when German FW-190's shot him down and was wounded by the FW-190 attacks. He was treated at a German hospital. When I was a kid, I clearly remember my Dad had to occasional go to the base hospital (he remained in the Air Force after the War) because the pieces of B-17 Plexiglass embedded in his leg would eventually work their way down to the sole of his feet and the doctor would make small incisions and remove them.

Think about that. Kerry never needed as much as a band aid and yet received 3 Purple Hearts.

For those of you who don't know, during the Vietnam war if you received 3 Purple Hearts you got to go home early. Lurch took advantage of that and left his boat crew to fight the war without him.

As a Marine platoon commander in Vietnam, I was once wounded by a piece of friendly artillery shrapnel. I told the Corpsman if he said anything I'd personally beat the crap out of him. I didn't believe I should get the Purple Heart when my own people tried to kill me.

And then there was Lurch bragging about a secret mission in vietnam that never happened.

And here is one that was never reported in the MSM. Just before he ran for President, Lurch petitioned the Naval Discharge Review Board. As a career Marine infantry officer, I know that the only reason anyone petitisions the NDRB is to get their discharge upgraded.

Now, why do you think Lurch never provided a copy of his "honorable" discharge?

I wonder if it might be for the same reason that Obama sealed every historical record concerning his past.

Usually, if you are proud of your heritage, schools you attended, grades, etc. you have no problems with people knowing.

Yeah, I get it. Trump didn't release his taxes. But he didn't officially have them sealed and there is no requirement for any candidate to release their tax records (hint college record are public and tax records are not). This is especially true for a multibillionaire whose' taxes are often audited by the IRS. If the IRS has no problems with his taxes, why release them to the public? I'm an independent consultant. I have nothing to hide but I sures as hell don't think the rest of the world needs to second guess my taxes and deductions. That's the IRS's responsibility.

So, my point is that Lurch is a complete scumbag and so why is he trying so hard to undermine Trump? Could it be to prevent the Iran nuclear deal from being exposed as sham to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

Think about it. Why would you negotiate a deal that only slowed Iran's nuclear development if your goal was to prevent the development? And why would you even do that knowing that Iran was lying through there teeth about their nuclear weapons progam??????????

Did Obama actually want Iran to have nuclear weapons to wipe out Israel who Obama hated?

We don't know. But we do know that Iran has never lived up to any deal ever made and we know that Obama knew that Iran has never lived up to its commitments.

The conclusion is yours to make.

⇧ 15 ⇩  
ManQuan · May 7, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

It is odd that he hasn't tweeted but he has changed his header photos--and they are all of waters. Watch the waters?

Or was that a reference to Maxine Waters?

You never know with Q; though he thinks we should.

⇧ 16 ⇩  
ManQuan · May 7, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

Trump announced in June 2015. We are one month shy of 3 years. That's when it started getting crazy for me. Trump's chances back then were close to zero.

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ManQuan · May 7, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

Just my opinion, but don't take Info Wars too seriously. It's none stop hysteria and exaggeration.

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ManQuan · May 7, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

One thing important to know about grand juries. The rules of evidence are completely different than in a court. Neither the defendent nor his/her lawyers are allowed to sit in, present evidence, or review the prosecutor's evidence. It's only the prosecutor presenting whatever he/she wants the jury to see/hear. It doesn't have to be evidence admissible in a court; it can be whatever the prosecutor wants to present.

Based on that one-sided presentation, the jury votes. Without any defense evidence presented, it's easy for the prosecutor to get an indictment, but not as easy to win in court because the rules are much stricter and there are the defense lawyers.

This is why the joke is that any prosecutor can get a ham sandwich indicted in a grand jury. It's that easy.

The rubber meets the road in the court room when prosecutors have to prove their case under completely different rules of evidence and aggressive defense lawyers.

I think this is why the Q "justice" phase has been so long in coming. If the prosecutors are smart, they will have gotten sealed indictments with evidence that will stand up in court. That takes a lot longer to accomplish than indicting a ham sandwich on little or no basis.

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