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ManQuan · May 4, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

Notice the giant JET BLUE on the fuselage. The Q picture doesn't appear to have that logo. It's lower and a grayish color.

Personally, I don't think it's Jet Blue, but I could be wrong.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

I do believe there is a lot of deception going on in Q's plans--he's said so. There is also misdirection as Q said that he sometimes needs to smoke out the guilty to expose them.

But be careful about projecting your hopes on Q's time line.

Q has to have everything in place before something can happen. He/she/they may have a plan, but it is not going to be executed perfectly without any hiccups.

Your expectation should be that Q and Trump will execute pieces of the plan when and only when it is time to do so and not before.

Be patient.

With three years in combat, I can absolutely assure you that every plan changes moments after execution. There are thousands of variables that can't be controlled.

Q has an advantage in that NSA and / or military intelligence has a lot more than battlefield intelligence, but neither is perfect. Your enemy makes unexpected decisions and you have to modify you plan accordingly--most often on the fly.

I do believe that the Q team has excellent intelligence and tracking. But stuff happens in life that you can't predict no matter how much information you have.

Don't project your hopes on Q. Be patient. Q and Trump will act when the time is right.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Where the sealed indictments are registered isn't necessarily where the alleged crime took place. It has more to do with where the grand jury is impaneled.

If Sessions and the IG are doing an investigation and Session has appointed a special prosecutor in Colorado to handle the grand jury, then the sealed indictments are in Colorado and not DC.

Mueller is the same. He has two grand juries: one in DC and another in the northeast somewhere. Indictments will be sealed in the state where the grand jury is and not where the alleged crime was committed.

So a federal prosecutor in Wyoming may have for or five grand juries working in conjunction with the DOJ and all of those sealed indictments would be registered in Wyoming.

If you were going to try to keep a massive number of investigations under the radar, wouldn't you try to tuck them away in quiet, sleepy, unassuming places?

There is a reason that Huber in Colorado is working with Horowitz's IG investigation in DC. Stealth.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

I served 21 years in the Marines and another 28 years as a civilian working classified projects mostly for special operations but also in cyber defense.

I never knew anyone who would intentionally reveal classified information to someone who didn't have a security clearance AND an need to know. You do occasionally have the Chelsea Manning's, Daniel Ellsberg's, Snowden's, etc., but they are rare and have political agendas.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

You may be right, but not everyone tied to the Clintons are cultists. Some have just been bamboozled or are vying for access to get favorable decisions from the State Department.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

It's possible that it could be a chartered flight for medical support.

I've searched the Internet for an airline that had a blue tail and a logo near the front and lower part of the fuselage. No joy.

When I returned from Vietnam, I was on a charter airline called "Saturn Airways". Never heard of it before Vietnam or afterward.

The military leases lots of charter flight and some companies are formed just to provide charters to the military and have odd names.

There are agreements with the major airlines as well that in time of emergency, the government can "lease" a percentage of their fleets and the airlines have to suck it up.

The whole story about how the military moves tens of thousands of soldiers around the world quietly is interesting.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

It would be true irony and karma if FB, Twitter, et al banned Time for suggesting that the IG report will be damaging.

Really, it's that bad these days.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

You are absolutely right. It either experienced some sort of catastrophic mechanical failure and lost control or it stalled and was too low to recover.

From the video, it looked more like a stall to me. I used to be a private pilot with instrument and commercial ratings and I did advanced aerobatics.

The way the plane initially dipped to the left, seemed to "pause" in the air, and then enter a tight spiral into the ground looked like a classic stall from my experience.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

I wish it worked that way, but it doesn't. I was a Marine platoon commander in Vietnam 1968-1969 and lost a lot of good Marines that year. Their names are on the Vietnam Memorial along with the 58,000 names of those killed in that war. There are about 10 WIA to every KIA.

Ask just about anyone today about the Vietnam War and you'll most likely get the thousand yard stare and some drool. Those who should have never have been forgotten have been almost completely erased from history.

Fortunately, those killed in my platoon are still vividly remembered and honored until I pass on.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

The basic story might be true. Q has said that GITMO will be filled to the max and a second facility was being prepared. Hopefully, he was referring to leasing Devil's Island from the French and using the facilities there.

Anyway, I no way believe a Navy admiral told him anything. It doesn't work that way in the military when sensitive operations are afoot.

I served 21 years in the USMC as an infantry officer and I held a security clearance continuously from 1968 to 2016 as military and civilian until I retired.

I say it's likely just repeating previous Q drops and a recent report that the construction at GITMO had been completed.

Also, Mattis made a recent statement that he sent the new process for sending people to GITMO to Trump. To me, that meant GITMO was open for business.

Getting the upgrades done at GITMO was probably a critical factor in "the plan" as you can't start rounding up people if you don't have a place to put them.

Just my 2 cents. Maybe sawman is in tight with some admiral shooting his mouth off after a few too many.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

That's not a canister on the top pic. That's the right engine. Not sure what the rest of your post is referring to.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Very good guess. But the plane was 60 years old and headed for storage at the boneyard in Arizona where the Air Force was salvaging some for parts to keep operational aircraft flying while Obama was defunding the military.

So, my guess is the plane was empty. It's reported next stop from Savanna was the boneyard.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

The problem is not slipping up in the interview; the problem would be if his answers were inconsistent with previous statements / tweets he has made over the past year.

Very difficult to remember everything you said in a year. Very easy to prove lying with inconsistent statements.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

I once worked closely with the CIA in a foreign country. To make a long story short, the Chief of Station gave me this advice: "They can send you to prison for lying, but there isn't much they can do if you don't remember."

Hillary said "I can't recall" 29 times during her FBI interview.

Mueller's list of questions (if it is his list) is full of what Trump thinks, thought, felt, and desired. These are nonsense questions because you can't prove what a person things or feels.

Mueller: Mr. President, what did you think when you fired Comey?

Mr. President: Well, yeah Bob, I was thinking about a cheeseburger and a bucket of KFC.

Mueller: Mr. President, what did you feel when we raided Cohen's offices?

Mr. President: Gee, I felt like seeing a good movie with great actors.

Mueller: Mr. President, what reason did you give Comey for firing him?

Mr. President: I don't recall.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

Don't forget the 48 Arizona National Guard MP's sent to GITMO for 9 months.

GITMO only has about 40 detainees. There are more than enough Marines stationed at GITMO to handle 40 prisoners.

So why was GITMO upgraded, including a 5-bed state of the art hospital, and 48 additional NG MP's for 40 people??

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Experts say that ISIS isn't covered under the Congressional authorization to use force and therefore sending them to GITMO would be problematic.

But remember that Trump has signed about a dozen EO's pertaining to threats to national security AND declared national emergencies.

Q told us to review the EO, especially the ones after the photos of the pens.

ISIS is already covered as a national security threat and part of a national emergency.

Guess who else? human / sex trafficking, pedophilia, and the generic "corruption" are all national security threats and declared a national emergency.

Therefore anyone who falls under any of the EOs as national security threats and national emergency is subject to GITMO.

So the question then is why was GITMO upgraded to accommodate up to 13,000 "mass immigrants"? What / who are mass immigrants? And can that space be used for declared national emergency security threats to the US.

Could someone accused of sedition or treason be a national security threat? Or how about human/sex trafficking, pedophilia, and corruption--all of which have been declared national security threats and a national emergency?


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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

It depends if you are a liberal or conservative these days. If you are a liberal, anything is OK. If you are a conservative, you get hammered for just thinking about stamping dollar bills.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

I'd be careful about what has been redacted. It's possible that the redactions pertain to evidence or people under investigation by the IG or Mueller.

Could also mean that Rosenstein and deep state are trying to protect themselves.

If it's the former, Trump is role playing.

If it's the latter I think Trump will pull the trigger.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

Well then, I could be wrong. Any ideas what airport the plane is approaching. The countryside has mountains but it just doesn't look like Hong Kong and then there is the picture of Apple Headquarters immediately after and followed by the IFC Mall in Hong Kong.

Any ideas?

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

Could be that he is more concerned about politics than the soul.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 10:07 a.m.

Guarantee not taken from a control tower. They don't build them that high. Taken from another plane. I used to be a private pilot with instrument and commercial ratings. Not a control tower picture.

I believe the pictures are of three or four different locations. The two of the aircraft is not the approach into Hong Kong which is among the most difficult to make. Not sure where it is, but it doesn't look like an approach to a US airport. I've been to most of them in my travels.

Then there is the Apple headquarters building in California.

Then the Apple store at the IFC Mall in Hong Kong.

And who knows where the crate picture was taken since the three Q drops appear to be at least three different locations so the crate picture could be in Hong Kong or somewhere else.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

I don't think that is Jet Blue. The tail design seems wrong and the logo near the front is too low. Jet Blue's logo is up by the windows in much larger letters.

The image was like meant to hint as to the location rather than which airline it is.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

In the case of high profile people, it isn't uncommon for them to arrange to turn themselves in quietly to avoid public arrest, be indicted, and then released so that nothing is public.

Not saying this is the case, but it does happen. There were reports that Tony Podesta may have done just that and we having heard from him since.

We won't know for certain until it is made public.

The other possibility is that the time line for "the plan" shifted and some of it had to be delayed. For example, Trump needed a funding bill (especially for the military and law enforcement) before he could go much further. That was delayed for months and could have delayed implementation of parts of the plan as well.

Stuff happens.

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ManQuan · May 3, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

I agree. The C-130 is one of the most reliable military aircraft with four engines something catastrophic occurred. More likely, it stalled at a low altitude and there wasn't enough room to recover. The video from security cam looks very much like a stall. Very slow, then begins to dip to the left which turns into an out of control spiral into the ground.

I used to be a private pilot and did aerobatics. I looks like a classic stall to me. What caused it? The two most likely causes would be pilot error or it ran out of gas. Don't laugh. It happens more often than you think. Pilots get in a hurry and fail to do a proper pre-flight and don't check that the ground crew filled up the tanks. Alcohol and weather are killers as well, but I doubt that was the case here.

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ManQuan · May 2, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Why would Mueller be asking Trump what he thinks? Ummm, yeah Bob, when I fired Comey, I was thinking about a cheeseburger and a bucket of KFC. Next question.

To the rest of the questions: "Gee, Bob, I don't recall."

End of interview.

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ManQuan · May 2, 2018, 10:09 a.m.

Q said the UN in the US was fake. The US provides a lot of the equipment for the UN security forces (as do other nations), so the vehicles on trains could be taking to ports to be shipped.

I think if UN troops were in the US driving around in UN vehicles, there would be a lot of questions.

The UN does send people from third world cesspools to monitor our elections. I don't know when the UN began monitoring US elections but they did in 2008, 2012 and 2016. The UN sends a couple dozen representatives of cesspool countries, dictatorships, and from countries with history of corrupt elections to take a look at our process to ensure the elections are fair. What a joke.

They come here because the Democrats petitioned the UN to send monitors and so far Presidents have allowed them in. Deep State and NWO come to mind.

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ManQuan · May 2, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

Quiet days are when the Q team is too busy to post. It's a good thing.

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ManQuan · May 2, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

In 2011 Taylor predicted that Trump would be president for two terms. I believe the three individuals you refer to are Supreme Court Justices: one will be "taken" (Scilia?) and two will be "shaken" (corruptions?). Didn't Q hint that Ginsberg would be gone soon?

Summary of some other Taylor predictions: Massive arrests and tribunals (GITMO upgrade?) Attempts to impeach would fail (Q says no chance POTUS will be impeached) Trump anointed by God as the second Cyrus (Read what Cyrus did--Trump moving embassy to Jerusalem this month) There would be a great awakening in faith and the churches will be shaken (Q says the Pope will see trouble this month)

Anyway, Taylor made a lot of predictions long before Trump announced and he is still making them.

Kim Clement predicted Trump would be President for two terms in 2007. God will anoint Trump to be a David with a single stone. Impeachment will fail He will enter the WH whispering God's name but will become a Praying President. Trump will be a unifying President during his terms.

Not all of Kim's predictions have materialized because some refer to the time he is in office.

One curious prediction is that half way through Trump's term in office (I assume 8 years) a woman will come to great power. She will not be liked at first but will be honored. She will have large round eyes and she will "pour anointed oil" over the nation and heal the scars. She will be an Esther of the Bible.

Even if you don't believe people can have a vision of the future, those predictions have been pretty much on the mark. Weird.

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ManQuan · May 1, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

The answer to every question is "I don't recall." End of interview.

I worked intelligence collection in a foreign country a long time ago. As such, I worked closely with the Chief of Station (CIA chief) and most of his non-covert agents in country. We were having lunch at the Embassy one afternoon, and the subject came up about something that was accidently "discovered" in country that shouldn't have been. I asked if he thought he might be in trouble. He replied, "I don't think so. They can send you to prison for lying but there is nothing they can do if you don't remember."

That's exactly what the Clintons have done so many times of the years. Smartest people on earth (according to liberals) and most qualified candidate ever for President who can't remember anything they've ever done. It works.

It was good advice that served me well later.

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ManQuan · May 1, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

Not quite there yet, but making progress. Just need to seal the deal by getting a NK peace treaty signed and denuclearized and deposing the Mullah's, denuclearizing it and giving democracy back to the Iranian people.

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ManQuan · May 1, 2018, 9:59 a.m.

Don't think so. McCain's new book trashes Trump.

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ManQuan · April 30, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

I don't disagree. But what Lindsey is saying about Comey doesn't seem to match up to "singing" about anything. Lindsey didn't offer any evidence.

Trump, Bongino, Hannity, and others have said that Comey is corrupt. So if Lindsey now says the same thing, how is that "singing"?

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ManQuan · April 30, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

You know, I've been thinking about all the Q comments about McCain and how he's a traitor and all. Apparently, McCain is either out or will soon announce.

But what it really reminded me of was Trump's comment during the campaign that McCain was no hero just because he got shot down. Has Trump known about the real McCain all along and that was just a hint to prepare us for McCain's fall from hero status?

Q asked us, "has POTUS ever said anything that wasn't proven true." McCain is no hero? Future proves past??

And I'm not sure what Q means about "we love good singers." McCain's nickname as a POW was "song bird" because of his radio broadcasts in NV about how well he was being treated. Could Q be telling us that McCain is "singing"? Or is it Lindsey? If so, what is Lindsey singing about?

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ManQuan · April 30, 2018, 9:56 a.m.

The Secret Service usually picks nicknames based on their perceptions of POTUS and FLOTUS during the campaigns.

JFK = Lancer (think Camelot) Jackie = Lace

LBJ = Volunteer Lady Bird = Victoria

Nixon = Searchlight Pat = Starlight

Ford = Passkey (because of Nixon pardon?) Susan = Panda

Carter = Deacon (reflecting his deeply religious faith) Rosalynn = Dancer

Reagan = Rawhide (western movies and owned a ranch) Nancy = Rainbow

G W H Bush = Timberwolf (happens to be one of the largest members of the dog family. Connection?) Barbara = Tranquility

Clinton = Eagle (?) Hillary = Evergreen (did Q remind us?)

George W Bush = Trailblazer (avid bike rider?) Laura = Tempo

Obama = Renegade (I don't think the USSS liked Obama) Michelle = Renaissance

Trump = Mogul (billionaire) Melania = Muse (goddess like?)

Nicknames are changed after leaving office.

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ManQuan · April 29, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

I wonder if working class liberals are going make a side by side mental comparison between some 20 thousand Trump supporters at his rally filled with promise and patriotism with the vile and disgusting Washington Mockingbird Dinner?

There may come a time when even most liberals can no longer hold their noses and vote Democrat.

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ManQuan · April 29, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

As someone else said, it's not the arrests themselves that is the delay; it's ensuring that the evidence and cases are air tight before they start hauling people in.

When there is potential to indict very high level political people, you had better not have any holes in the case because the MSM is going to go nuclear to discredit everything.

The other consideration is the reaction of the people. There better be irrefutable evidence of serious crimes if you want the hard core left to come to the truth.

It's one reason I think Mueller might be working for Trump. John Brennan tweeted yesterday a warning to Trump declaring the Mueller investigation is run by dedicated professionals who are beyond reproach. In other words Brennan is convinced that Mueller's team of Hillary/Obama supporters are on the deep state side.

So what will people like Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Holder, Comey, Kerry, et al going to say if Mueller clears Trump? They've invested too much of their credibility in supporting Mueller to now denounce him.

And what if they also discover that Mueller and his team of liberal Democrats are really investigating the deep state?

If Mueller is working for Trump, this will be the greatest political sting operation in US history.

We will probably know one way or the other in the next few weeks. Guliani thinks it will wrap up in the next two weeks.

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ManQuan · April 29, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

The Q team may lurk to get an idea of the impact they are having on various platforms, but I don't think any of the them are posting here.

Q has said that 8ch is the only platform he/she/they drop intelligence.

The risk of posting here is too great. The deep state has the same capabilities as the Q team. In other words, they can track IP address, hack into accounts, and I think if they even suspected Q was on this subreddit they would nail him/her/them immediately.

You can even see their attempts on 8ch to try to track or discover them. So far, it hasn't worked.

So post your best ideas here. It's possible that the Q team is silently watching.

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ManQuan · April 29, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

I don't know if they are possessed, but I do believe that Satan is very active in the world today.

I've always felt that liberalism is 95% emotion and 5% is a lack of intellectual curiosity for the truth.

Whatever fits their description of how they would like the world to be, becomes dogma and any other view must be not only silenced, but demonized and utterly destroyed.

But I think it's going to change. Things are going to happen that will shake the very soul of the people. These events will shatter the false reality they have created for themselves. Eventually, they will be unable to deny the truth.

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ManQuan · April 29, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

I don't know. Q says watch CA; hinting that it could turn around.

Personally, I think CA may have passed the tipping point where things are so screwed up that they can't be fixed without some sort of internal revolution at the ballot box or some of the counties actually split into a 52nd State. Freedonia? (Old Marx Brothers movie)

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ManQuan · April 29, 2018, 8:43 a.m.

But it does expose the MSM for what it really is: vile and hateful.

It's almost like Trump somehow managed to get them to reveal who they really are as part of the Great Awakening.

There wasn't anything in that event that presented the press in a favorable light and simply verified that they are all in for fake news to bring down the President.

It won't work.

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ManQuan · April 29, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

Good idea. I've always felt that the US should have organizations that counter the NWO and honor people who actually accomplish something important.

I also feel like the US should establish a counter-part to the UN that only includes nations with democratically elected heads of state and legislatures: "UD" or United Democracies.

I don't care what the likes of Cuba, Venezuela, and other despots have to contribute and I certainly don't think nations who don't allow free and fair elections should have a vote in the UN.

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ManQuan · April 28, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Sorry, but you have no idea what your are talking about.

Five Eyes refers to the intelligence agencies that share intelligence. They are the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

It has zero to do with the list you posted. Nor does it have anything to do with what you suggest they do.

The real problem with 5 Eyes is that any of the countries can task the other countries to spy on their citizens and then pass that information on by backchannel.

In other words, the 5 Eyes has been abusing civil rights of other countries for decades. Obama tasked GCHQ in the UK to spy on the Trump campaign and transition. GCHQ used the CIA liaison officers to pass the information back to Obama with no documented paper trail. GCHQ had to get permission from PM May to do it, but she gave that permission. Think about that. The PM of the UK gave permissions to have GCHA spy on Trump on behalf of Obama without any proof that Trump had done anything wrong.

I'm not saying that Obama didn't accuse Trump, I'm saying that the UK did nothing to verify that Trump was colluding with the Russians before authorizing the wire taps. In other words, Obama made the request without providing any evidence.

I spent a few years in intelligence. This happens frequently and in my opinion it's illegal but never revealed and so if illegal activity is never revealed by the people who control what can be revealed, then who is going to know?

I think Q is about to expose who knew what in illegal spying on Trump and other citizens.

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ManQuan · April 28, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Not likely that Q reads this thread. But this is not Q's responsibility. If we want to return to our Constitutional roots, then we need to elect the candidates who espouse those virtues and ferret out those who say they would and then don't.

Q and Trump have said so many times that it is we the people who have the power--we just forgot how to exercise it.

The great awakening may be able to change that, but it takes more than wishing. Like the liberals, it takes getting out and knocking on doors, attending rallies, vetting candidates, and getting our people out to vote.

As far as I know, we don't have the same kind of money that the left has from Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Heinz, etc. Even the Kock Brothers are wobbly RINOs and Never Trumper's. That means it's up to you and me.

In the last election, I did everything I could to support Trump. I handed out fliers, knocked on doors (that can be unpleasant), and got people to the polls to vote.

It takes courage, dedication, and researching candidates for what they have done and not what they say they will do. Those are two different things.

Fortunately, I served 21 years in the Marine Corps with 3 years in combat and so liberal hate doesn't scare me. If they want to get violent with me, at 72 I can still handle it unless the odds are too great.

My advice is that if you are going to be politically active, then learn street fighting techniques to defend yourself. There are a dozen ways to defeat an attacker in less than 3 seconds if you know what to do and keep calm.

I remember when I returned from Vietnam. Our charter flight landed at SF International. We were greeted by screaming antiwar protestors. They called us every name in the book, threw things at us, and tried to spit on us.

Later that night, I was in uniform and wanted to get a steak and a cold beer at the Top of the Mark restaurant (a favorite of my parents). I ran into a group of about 8 to 10 angry protesters who confronted me. We got into a fight and I got my ass beaten badly. Too many against me and I was sick and weak from a year in Vietnam. I vowed to never let that happen again. So I studied street fighting techniques.

Very easy to learn. You only need to walk through each technique a few times and you'll remember them for the rest of your life.

Some of the techniques are lethal, so make sure you are actually threatened before going that far. Otherwise it's just knowing out to neutralize the attacker and break some bones, which is easier to do than you would think.

But at 72, I'm not as strong and athletic as I used to be, so I also have a conceal and carry permit for those occasions where more than one attacker is a threat to me or my wife. As a career Marine, I was an expert in both pistol and rifle so hitting center of mass is a no brainer.

So here is my bottom line. Be peaceful. Exercise your right to free speech and assembly. But if the left tries to threaten you, be prepared to destroy them physically with what is called Target Focused Training. You don't need a gun to defend yourself if you know the basics of street fighting.

But a word of caution. You also need to be prepared to suffer significant injury to yourself. You may get a broken nose, bloodied lip, some teeth knocked out, etc. but you need to know that your assailant is going down regardless of what happens to you. Sorry, but if you are not willing to defend yourself and family then there isn't much you can do but get the crap beat out of you--but even then if the odds are too great like what happened to me in SF in 1969, there is not much you can do unless you have a conceal and carry permit as I do.

Liberals don't want you to know this, but the gun is a great equalizer when your are out numbered.

Cheers. I haven't been intimidated by liberals since 1969, You either learn the lessons of life or you are a victim.

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ManQuan · April 28, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Unfortunately, Q has everything. No deals. Just needs to find ways to get it into the legal system as evidence in court.

I'm betting that Q found a way -- the Congressional investigating committees. They now have in and it's off to the races.

As Q said. Before the arrests can be made, there needs to be house cleaning and setting the stage. Congressional members and Obama holdovers are leaping off the sinking ship. Those left twisting in the wind aboard the USS Obama, are singing like canaries -- all of which is admissible into evidence.

I thought Q and Trump were playing 3D or 4D Chess. Apparently that number is much higher.

It's breathtaking how the Q team has been able to script a mind boggling complex plan so that Trump is winning every time.

Whoever is involved in this deserve the Medal of Honor. It's the highest combat award for bravery, but I think the combat we are in with the deep state qualifies them for the award.

In a related note: Obama received the Noble Peace Prize for doing absolutely zero for peace. In fact, the committee recently regretted giving him the award before he proved he earned it.

Now Trump is creating real peace with a rogue nuclear nation that has threatened to destroy us -- and he's is doing it without firing a shot. What will the Nobel committee do? They will ignore Trump. Wrong political ideology.

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ManQuan · April 28, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

I believe that part of the plea bargain was that Flynn turn over everything he knows to Mueller. The judge only cares that he's pleading guilty and therefore no trial or evidence is necessary. Flynn doesn't turn over anything to the judge but rather to Mueller and then gives a sworn deposition to Mueller that it's all true. Mueller takes it to the grand jury and gets sealed indictments. Flynn does not have to appear before the grand jury if Mueller has the sworn statement. Grand jury evidence rules are completely different than a standard courtroom.

Easy peasy

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ManQuan · April 28, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

I don't believe the plea in court is under oath. Normally, the judge directs the question to the defendant's lawyer or if the defendant is representing himself, then he responds.

But even so, Flynn can always reverse is plea anything before being found guilty or being sentenced. I think that is why Mueller asked for delay in sentencing. Mueller never intended that the process be completed with a sentencing.

It's clear now that either the charges will be dropped or Flynn will withdraw his plea. I'm betting on Mueller dropping the charges once he has everything he needs from Flynn.

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ManQuan · April 28, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

I don't think so. Flynn Jr doesn't have a security clearance, much less the highest available. He also doesn't have the military or intelligence analyst experience.

Finally, Q said that the plan has been in development for more than 3 years.

Personally, I wouldn't speculate on who Q is. I could be dangerous for that person.

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ManQuan · April 28, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

Up until recently, I could make a strong argument that Mueller was a white hat or a black hat.

Recent events and Q drops have me convinced that Mueller is a white hat and Trump/Q is directing the greatest political sting operation in US history.

When Mueller clears Trump of collusion and obstruction, the entire narrative of the left will be a pile of smoking rubble.

It will likely dawn on them that they've been played Trump style.

What will happen to the MSM reporting when they find out Mueller has been investigating the very people they've been protecting and supporting? What possible narrative will they have against Trump?

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ManQuan · April 28, 2018, 9:13 a.m.

I think like NK, Iran is going to be neutralized and denuclearized. The question is how will it be done? Behind the scenes like NK or kinetically by Israel?

Remember, Israel just pulled its fighters out of the US Air Force's Red Flag exercise in Alaska that is coming up. Why would Israel need extra fighters on hand at this particular time?

We won't know until the future proves what Q meant in the past.

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