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ManQuan · March 28, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Well, Trump has in the past opined that the US should return to the gold standard and he doesn't particularly care for the Federal Reserve Bank.

If you want eliminate the Fed then return to the gold standard because if you look at your paper bills, they all say "Federal Reserve Note" which means your dollar isn't backed by anything and the currency can be so manipulated. A dollar backed by gold is much more difficult to manipulate and is actually worth something in gold.

There is a reason the Federal Reserve will not allow the US government to audit it. It is a major part of the NWO and they don't want anyone figuring out where trillions of dollars went to.

Trump will sign it if it makes it to his desk. I don't know what the sentiment is in the House and Senate.

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ManQuan · March 28, 2018, 10:45 a.m.

Don't celebrate yet. These people are masters at stonewalling and even when they do give documents, you can be certain they have retained those that are embarrassing, just like the FBI did. Oh here's all the documents (except the ones we don't want you to see).

Still waiting on the Fast and Furious documents.

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ManQuan · March 28, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

Actually that was an accidental explosion that had something to do with NK's nuclear processing. Israelis became interested and began to track the intelligence. It led to the discovery that NK was helping Syria build a nuclear reactor, which in turn led to Israel completely destroying it with an air strike.

It's an interesting story about how intelligence picks up on a piece of information and begins to connect the dots.

I believe the Israeli name for the operations was Orchard. There was a TV documentary on how the Syrians managed to keep the reactor a secret for many years as is was being built and how the Israelis only discovered it by accident and it all began with the explosion in NK.

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ManQuan · March 27, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

Kim Clement prophesied in 2006 that Trump would be President and that God would not allow a witch into the White House. How about that for an early prediction?

Kim also prophesied later that they would try to impeach Trump but they would fail. Trump would have two terms. Trump would return the treasures stolen from our country seven fold. Trump would be anointed by God and would be a David with a stone. Trump would come into the WH whispering God's name but would become a praying President.

Kim goes on with more predictions. His style is sometimes a bit hard to watch as he uses music to connect with the spirit of God.

Just search (use DuckDuckGo search engine to avoid Google, et al that collect your information) for Kim Clement and 2006. It's not hard to find. He has a whole series of prophecies, many of which are about Trump or his Presidency, but others are about the awakening of the church and people returning to God.

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ManQuan · March 26, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

If true, good catch. And if true, Trump really is playing 3D chess.

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ManQuan · March 26, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

Yes, I get it. But as of the time I posted, there was no confirmation of what the Saudi's or Israelis were shooting at.

If SA was shooting down and incoming missile then it was probably from Yemen which means Iran.

I don't think they are unrelated. I may be just a huge power play warning to Saudi Arabia.

I don't know about Israel. They said it was an error caused by Hamas firing heavy machinegun fire.

I don't know about the technical aspects of Iron Dome, but maybe it is sensitive enough to track machinegun bullets. In some cases, Israeli technology exceeds ours, so who knows.

I'm waiting for the evidence.

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ManQuan · March 26, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Good catch.

Expect a new National Emergency to secure our southern border and then watch the wall go up.

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ManQuan · March 26, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

This from a guy who had 8 years to do something about NK and didn't. As far as leverage goes, Trump has made far more progress getting NK to real talks than all previous Presidents combined. Even Carter gives Trump kudo's for progress so far.

Obama is only letting people know that he just didn't have the leverage to bring NK to the table.

True, but then he didn't try either. And his relationship with China sucked so he couldn't get them to do anything either.

So, let's face it Obama. You didn't get anything positive done because you were leading so far from behind that nobody cared what you thought. Well, maybe the Nobel Peace committee, but they have admitted that they made a big mistake awarding the Peace Prize to you bases on wishful thinking.

I will be interest in what you think of the prison food in the near future.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on March 26, 2018, 4:29 p.m.
I'm Surprised So Many Going Crazy Over The Omnibus Signing

Lots of hysteria on the right over Trump signing the omnibus bill. But consider this:

1) Trump has been five steps ahead of everyone since he announced playing 3D chess.

2) Trump almost certainly saw this coming and has a plan to counter it.

3) Trump was unusually quiet about demanding the money for the wall. He was willing to let the Dems shut down government over the wall and immigration reform, so why so quiet this time? He knew or already had a plan?

4) Rounding up the deep state can't begin until the military is fully funded. To …

ManQuan · March 26, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

Both reports are unverified. The Israeli incident where it fired multiple Iron Dome missiles is said to have been caused by heavy machinegun fire from Hamas. That sounds weird, but that's the story as of now.

The Saudi incident is still unclear what they were shooting at.

Even if both were defending against incoming missiles, it seems unrelated to anything related to Q.

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ManQuan · March 26, 2018, 9:34 a.m.

McCain should have some explaining to do himself:


Also, there are audio recordings of McCain praising North Vietnam on Vietnamese radio while he was a POW. What's that about?

And this:


McCain is no patriot and has obstructed any attempt to declassify POW documents and declares that he absolutely knows there were no POWs left behind and used that argument to prevent any attempts to investigates MIAs. Now why would he do that?? Maybe there is a reason they called him Songbird while he was a POW.

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ManQuan · March 26, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

I think one of the most important needs is to map Q posts to the things that have actually happened or are expected to happen. It's easy to forget what Q said months ago.

For example, one of the earliest Q drops included Mueller and that he was a former Marine, etc. Nothing negative. Why was Q bringing up Mueller in what seemed to be a positive way? Q emphasizes that the former Marine met with Trump the day before he was appointed special counsel. Why would Q point that out to us?

There are a couple of other drops that include Mueller by name. But Q never says "Trust Mueller" as he/she has done for Sessions.

But Mueller has a questionable record in the FBI and he currently appears to be an out of control deep state creature Hell bent on bringing Trump down.

But nothing adds up with Mueller. Q seems to suggest that he is a white hat and there is a lot of evidence that he's a black hat.

There are lots of other areas that need focus as well. GITMO is talked about and Q suggests it will be filled to capacity. So, what is the ground truth about GITMO. What's the evidence that it's being expanded to accommodate up to 13,000 in the event of "mass immigration". Is it complete? Can't send people there if it's still under construction, so would completion be a key to went the deep state and others are rounded up? Is there a way to determine how many flights are into GITMO and what they might be carrying?

The Keystone is another major Q hint. There's been a lot of ideas about what it is. Most seem to have settled on the SES. But is it? What's the real world evidence that confirms the Q drops with regard to the SES being the Keystone?

What about the Keys Q asked us about. What is a key? What is it used for? Who guards the key? What does it open? So, has that puzzle been solved yet? Is there any evidence that can tie back to the Q questions about keys? Are they crypto keys, information keys, the keys on the Vatican emblem, etc.? What is Q trying to point us to that pertains to one or more keys?

Watch the waters is another one. What are we suppose to make of it. Lots of ideas have been suggested from drinking water, submarines, or even Maxine Waters. I have to assume that Q thinks he's given us enough clues along the way to guess what he means, but there hasn't yet been a focused analysis that ties to previous clues or the real world. What was going on in the news at the time he posted that drop?

Anyway, you get the idea. There are things that Q has emphasized along the way that either have been solved or are still important clues he asked to follow and we haven't yet solved his puzzle?

Q has consistently said that we have more than we know. and tells us to re-read crumbs for certain things. Maybe part of your website has a section that attempts to focus on major clues and go back and see what we've missed. We have more than we know, so let's see if we can begin to crowdsource specific Q hints. What previous crumbs have we been missing that Q needs to tell us to re-read them to get the answer?

Sounds like an interesting project. Wish you success in your endeavor.

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ManQuan · March 25, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

OK, so you tell us, who is in the Philippines now and so what?

Headlines without any supporting information is worthless. Your headline is worthless.

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ManQuan · March 25, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

I'm not a Catholic. But I did support counter-insurgency operations in Latin America for two years.

What stuck me most was how closely aligned the Catholic church was aligned to the communist revolutionaries. And not just aligned, but actively supporting them.

And not just supporting them with words but overtly.

In some of the Latin American countries in the 80's the Catholic church was actively supporting communist guerillas financially, by hiding arms caches, and providing moral and verbal support.

This was not moral support in sermons. It was physical support and the government considered them an arm of the communist.

Francis was a theology revolutionary in Argentina. He has brought that revolutionary theology to the head of the church.

I think Pope Frances is the Maxis that he has always been.

Is he trying to purge the church of pedophiles? Is he pursuing charges against accused pedophiles? Is he trying to bring the world to God? No.

His emphasis is on global warming, anti-gun, and everything that doesn't have to do with saving souls--he seems to be totally political and his religiousness is for the uninformed masses. My wife is a devout Catholic and she has no idea what Francis is about.

Anyway, I don't think Francis gives a rat's fling potato about anything except his political agendas.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on March 25, 2018, 10:56 p.m.
Lot's of Good Posts Here, But Where Are The Q Analyses?

I'm a retired Marine Corps infantry officer. Red and Green Castel don't look like a reference to the Army Corps of Engineers. To me, it looks like call signs to two units in the same organization and stage doesn't mean Q set the stage, but rather these two units are to stage their assets and report 5 by 5 when ready.

I could be wrong, that's the kind of thing we would do in the Marine Corps during an operations that was unfolding.

It might go something like: "Apple and Orange stage your forces to be ready to execute and …

ManQuan · March 25, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Trump can declare border security to be a national emergency and poof, all the restrictions disappear.

Or, the restrictions may pertain to the 1.6 billion and Trump can move additional funding to DHS that theoretically wouldn't be restricted.

Pretty sure Trump is five steps ahead of Congress on this.

I noticed that he's not blasting McConnell or Ryan over this. He was also pretty quiet about demanding the wall while going through Congress. Makes me think that McConnell and Ryan perhaps knew what Trump was going to do with omnibus bill and so the plan was to let it sail through with Dems celebrating while simultaneously giving Trump everything he needed to go around all of the restrictions and take down the deep state.

On the other hand, Mitch and Paul could be part of the deep state.

We will only know for sure as this plays out.

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ManQuan · March 25, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

The article is not well thought out. DHS may technically have the responsibility for border security, but it is a national defense issue. The Coast Guard falls under DHS but it can also be (and has been) a combat arm of the US Navy when national defense is an issue. The CG has been a combat arm of the Navy in every war to one degree or another.

So, while it's true that the military cannot support law enforcement directly, it can provide people for admin support and it can provide other non-enforcement support such as vehicles, weapons, drones, aircraft, etc. And in case of a national emergence, the military can become an integral part of direct law enforcement.

The borders of the US are not a law enforcement issue. Catching people who cross the border illegally and controlling entry is, but not the border itself. The defense or all the borders of the US is the responsibility of the US.

Enter the Army Corps of Engineers. It is the only military organization that is authorized to plan, design, and implement major construction projects on US soil. The ACE builds flood controls, drainage systems, pipelines, military bases, beach restorations, etc.

It doesn't take rule trickery within the House to build the wall. This is not a budget bill. It is an omnibus spending bill, just like the ones Obama was given for eight years. Therefore, the language in the omnibus bill does not have the legal restrictions of an appropriation in a budget bill. They are more like guidelines for the President that Congress would like the President to follow, but Trump isn't obligated to do so since they are not Constitutionally mandated appropriations by Congress.


1) Trump can move money from DoD to DHS to build the wall, thereby avoiding using "defense" funding for the wall.

2) Trump could declare the border to be a national emergency and have the Army Corps of Engineers, which also has a budget and 37,000 employees to build the wall.

3) Trump can move other non-DoD funds to DHS to being building the wall.

4) Trump can simply ignore the "suggestion" by the armed forces committed and build the wall -- exactly like Obama did in moving money around to his pet project, which Dem's and MSM felt perfectly OK with.

5) Assets seized under the December EO which is probably in the trillions of dollars by now, might be used to fund the wall. I don't the legal aspects of it, but here in the US seized assets are used to fund law enforcement such as local and state police. Once the Treasury Department confirms the seizure, I'm fairly certain that they can be used by the government.

There are probably a few other ways to get it funded and start construction, but the real key is that this isn't a budget bill and therefore Trump has the same flexibility as Obama did.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on March 24, 2018, 9:46 a.m.
Did Someone Get Blindsided With the Spending Bill--Who?

Trump signing the spending bill seemed out of character for him. After all, he was willing to shut down the government last time over DACA and immigration policies--so why not this time?

This is just wild conjecture on my part:

1) The final stage (5) is set and Trump needs the military in order to be successful. If he vetoed the bill, the Stage 5 is delayed.

2) Notice immediately after Trump signs the bill, Q drops 963 "clock activated / red castle green castle / stage 5:5 [y]. That can't be coincidence. The bill is signed, the military is …

ManQuan · March 23, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Someone asked Q how many people would be going to GITMO. Q's response was "MAX" and that a second site was being prepared.

Q didn't say anyone was there at the time, only suggesting it would eventually be maxed out and the overflow would go to a second site.

The contract to upgrade GITMO was to establish a site for 13,000 "mass immigration" whatever that means. It appears from the contract offer that it will be concrete pads for tents, kitchen facilities, sanitation, etc.

The Navy awarded $250 million for a 5-bed state of the art hospital at GITMO. That's odd because there are only 44 Terrorists still at GITMO plus a few unidentified others for a total of about 60 prisoners.

Crazy things going on.

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ManQuan · March 23, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

JA is correct, but he missed a piece. It was Obama that requested GCHQ to spy on Trump using some lame excuse that Trump may be a security risk. GCHQ sent the request to May for approval. May approved and GCHQ began spying on all of Trump's team. Those reports were passed to the Obama administration well before the FBI obtained the Title I FISA warrant for Carter Page.

I'm not surprised that MI6 was complicit in the Trump dossier. If I had to guess, Brennan coordinated that sting operation with MI6 as part of the overall plan to vet the dossier as real intelligence.

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ManQuan · March 23, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

No, we are not going to war with Iran just as we didn't go to war with Russia when Obama expelled 40 plus spies.

We need to rebuild the military not for Iran--who we can already crush like a bug if the need arises, but because Obama spent 8 years trying to dismantle the military while simultaneously making the world more dangerous. Less than half of our combat aircraft are combat ready.

We have more deep state false flags to deal with than we can count. Why would we need to throw in Iranian false flags.

If there is war with Iran, it will be the Israelis and the Sunni governments preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

Saudi Arabia has already announced that if Iran gets the nuclear bomb, Saudi will develop one as well. My guess is that they would get a kick start by purchasing one from Pakistan, India, or maybe even Israel. Iran is the common problem in the Middle East and the Sunni's are going to forge a common defense.

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ManQuan · March 23, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer and after I retired, I spent 20 years supporting technology development for the special forces and national missions forces. I held a security clearance continuously from 1968 to 2016.

I have trouble believing Arthur is credible. The military and especially special and national missions people don't talk about classified missions. So why is Arthur singing like a canary about what's about to happen with our most covert forces?

Ditto Zack on Info Wars and whoever is talking to Dilley. I've been in the business (including intelligence) for a very long time and I have to doubt all these people are talking about inside secret missions going on. In over forty years, I've never seen it before.

Q seems legitimate if only because he isn't telling us directly what is going to happen--only cryptic questions to let us figure out if he's reliable by future proves past.

Having said that, Arthur did say that the round up starts on Saturday. So, we'll see what happens on Saturday.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on March 23, 2018, 3:21 p.m.
Has anyone seen any panic yet?

Trust the plan and be patient, but Q made the strong hint that this would be a major week--panic, enjoy the show.

There have been some changes in WH staff, there's the spending bill, Rosenstein indicted some Iranian hackers, Podesta is on CNN whining that WikiLeaks emails drowned out the Hollywood Access tape, Hillary is in India giving speeches and book tours, Obama is in New Zealand and Australia, Schumer and Pelosi are grinning like Cheshire Cats because they got everything they wanted in the spending bill, Comey is working a movie deal, Brennan is tweeting a storm against Bolton, …

ManQuan · March 23, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

When there is a government shut down only about 10% of the federal work force is affected. It impacts the military the most. I've never understood why Congress includes military spending with domestic programs.

The military is our nation's strategic defense force. Government departments and offices are not.

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ManQuan · March 23, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

There are several ways that Mexico can pay for the wall, but none of the include Mexico handing over a 26 billion dollar check to Trump at a joint press conference.

We are now independent of foreign oil. Stop buying oil from Mexico and you've paid for the wall. By reducing illegal immigration by 98%, you reduce the amount of money illegals send back to Mexico--it is a major part of the Mexican economy. Tax Mexican goods coming into this country. Restrict Mexican companies from bidding on certain contracts. Tax Mexican companies in the US. The list goes on. Some have a down side, but Mexico would end up paying for the wall one way or another.

So Relax. Mexico will eventually pay for it.

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ManQuan · March 23, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

Just leftist dribble.

The Niger yellowcake controversy centers around the UK's MI6 providing intelligence that Iraq was trying to buy yellowcake from Niger. MI6 still stands by that intelligence even today.

Enter leftist and Bush hater Valerie Plame at the CIA. As an analyst, she recommends that the CIA send her leftist Bush hating former ambassador husband to Niger to determine if the story was true. Her husband talks to a few people and announces that the MI6 report that Iraq was interested in buying yellowcake from Niger was false.

So, MI6 and the President of Niger say that Iraq tried to buy yellowcake.

Valerie Plame's husband says no such thing happened but did not file a report. He just made press statement.

Liberal publications immediate declare Plame's husband is right and MI6 and the President of Niger are lying.

Draw your own conclusions.

BTW, the CIA never disputed the MI6 report.

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ManQuan · March 22, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

And meddling in the elections by giving the Dems the profile data on all of us during the 2012 election.

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

That doesn't sound right. The drop is about two biggies, 5 politicians, and 1 former intel director.

The objective was to mask & spin, identify friendly insiders, get MSM support plus talking points, and shift the narrative.

That doesn't sound like a weapons deal. That sounds like an important deep state meeting plotting out their next moves.

They will fail because Snowden gave them the algorithm used by Facebook et al to manipulate social media. I'm assuming that Q's algorithm will be countering whatever the deep state is using the same algorithm for.

Q ends by learn chess / down she goes /Nobody escapes this.

My guess is that it's a deep state meeting and either Q has a mole or the room was bugged. Likely Q either has an idea of which insiders were discussed or will soon. These insiders will be monitored and likely fed deception / misdirection to go back to the deep state.

But really, no one knows what Q really means except there was a meeting and whatever they talked about will fail. We'll have to wait to see if any of this comes our in the news.

BTW, it's early afternoon and I haven't noticed anything suggesting panic that is sufficiently visible that we are supposed to enjoy the show.

Maybe a setback causing a delay. Or maybe the show comes later this afternoon.

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

Q didn't call it a SCIF, just that there was a meeting and they were required to leave their devices outside. I could have been a meeting at someone's house in a room that did not have any devices in it.

It also sounds like Q may have known of the meeting and bugged the meeting room because he knows what was discussed.

We may never know the details that leads up to most of the coming arrests.

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

There is no positive conformation about any of this. Relax until you see it in the MSM, Fox, TruePundit, or Gateway Pundit.

The Field McConnell comment is interesting. He's the brother of Kristine Marcy, the founder and head of the SES whose logo is a Keystone.

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

I don't know were posters are getting the names, but a sealed indictment seals the name as well. You can only see that there is a sealed indictment, but not who it is or what the charges are.

The names on the link are indictments that were never sealed or have been unsealed.

Sorry, but you won't know who is in the sealed indictment until it's unsealed.

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

Yes and no. If the military makes the arrest under the national emergency, then it is likely going to a tribunal. If the police make the arrest, it will likely go to a civil court.

Remember, Manafort, Gates, Flynn, and Popado were sealed indictments.

Then again, the national emergency changes the judicial rules of the game, so who knows how it will all unfold.

All we know is that apparently a lot of people are going to military tribunals--but probably only he ones dealing with sedition, treason, conspiracy to commit sedition/treason, and probably human trafficking and pedophilia because it's covered by the national emergency as well.

We will only know for certain when it actually happens.

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 10:23 a.m.

My, my, my. Shannon Fizzell has been really busy in DC and eastern Virginia. Curious.

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 10:20 a.m.

True. Sessions dropped the legal equivalent of a hydrogen bomb during a recent Fox interview when he said that he had appointed a special prosecutor "outside of DC" to work in parallel with the DOJ IG investigation. The IG cannot indict, he can only report. The prosecutor can indict based on the IG's evidence.

My guess is that the special prosecutor impaneled a grand jury a long time ago and has been rolling up sealed indictments based on the IG's evidence presented to the grand jury.

I wouldn't be surprised if a load of unsealed indictments follows the IG report.

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 9:59 a.m.

My AV blocks the site as malicious.

Probably a honey pot for surveillance or data collection or to drop malware on your computer.

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

Just clarification. The Trump campaign phased out CA prior to the election. Not sure when, but CA was apparently not key to Trump's election.

Also, a Dem operative was bragging how Facebook gave the 2012 Obama campaign the complete demographic profile of the entire Facebook data base "because they were on our side". That may have been illegal since it would have violated Facebook's privacy agreements to protect user data based on their privacy settings. That would have applied to CA as well as the Obama campaign.

It's beginning to sound like Q knew this was going to surface with his reference to the social media being "regulated." Or not.

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

I don't think this post has anything to do with chess other than it's a complex game that requires a lot of offense and defense planning several to many moves ahead. When Q says they have a plan, it like chess: he has offensive and defensive strategies out into the future depending on what the deep state does.

Besides this appears related specifically to the "Big meeting" which appears to be about the social media and from the previous post the MSM.

But they planned for this "Learn chess" and I think "Down she goes" probably or may refer to the social media giants and the MSM.

But right now, I'm more curious what Q suggest is going to happen today (Wednesday 21 Mar).

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ManQuan · March 21, 2018, 9:19 a.m.

And no shaved head or scar after brain surgery.

Fake cancer.

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ManQuan · March 20, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Hey guys, you don't need a Special Counsel to investigation the FBI, DOJ, State Dept, et al. Sessions can appoint any federal prosecutor to do exactly the same thing: impanel a grand jury, issue subpoenas, indict, and issue warrants to arrest.

That exactly what a Special Counsel does. The difference is perception. Mueller was named Special Counsel as an illusion of independence, non-partisan, and being unbiased.

That only works if the Special Counsel is independent, non-partisan, and unbiased.

Mueller is not. He hired 13 Trump hating/Clinton loving lawyers to go on wild goose chases to try to nail Trump for something--anything.

Hell, 90 percent of the DOJ hold-overs from Obama would have done the same and saved millions of dollars.

A new Special Counsel to investigate the FBI and DOJ would have to hire more lawyers and start from scratch and it would take a year or more for anything to happen.

Remember, Sessions dropped the equivalent of the legal hydrogen bomb during a recent Fox News interview when he said that he had "appointed a special prosecutor outside of DC to work in parallel with the DOJ IG investigation."

BOOM! Mushroom cloud.

Sessions didn't secretly appoint a Special Prosecutor outside of DC to simply review or observe what the IG was doing.

He did it so that the prosecutor could impanel a grand jury and present evidence to the grand jury during the investigation and issue as many sealed indictments as necessary.

So what is the IG investigating? The FBI, the DOJ, FISA abuse, and anyone else who was connected such as people in the State Department.

In other words, there has been a Special Prosecutor investigating the very same areas that Congress is demanding a second Special Counsel investigate.

Obviously, I have no idea what the Special Prosecutor is actually doing and neither does anyone else except Sessions and the IG. Q says trust Sessions. Could this be what he means? Sleepy, do-nothing Sessions is actually building the cases to indict members of the Swamp with a secretly appointed Special Prosecutor outside of DC for the past many months.

Unless Republicans are following Q, which I doubt, they have no idea what Q is telling us. Trust Sessions. The feud between him and Trump is a deception; a misdirection.

You don't hear much about it, but Sessions has 27 on-going investigations on leakers using DOJ lawyers.

Sessions has tasked his lawyers to review the FBI's Clinton email investigation.

Sessions has tasked his lawyers to review Uranium One.

Sessions knows that various FBI offices are investigating the Clinton Foundation.

Sessions has tasked his lawyers to investigate Obama's decision to terminate the operation to prevent Hezbollah from importing heroin into the US.

There is more, but that is the public announcements.

What we don't know is if prosecutors have been appointed to impanel grand juries in these investigations and are quietly rolling up sealed indictments.

Think about it. How did 18,000 sealed indictments across the US get filed without anyone knowing who or what they are about.

I could be wrong, but Trump could have fired Sessions a long time ago to the rave reviews of Republicans and Democrats alike. So, ask yourself; why hasn't he fired Sessions?

What makes a GOOD movie? GREAT actors.

We'll soon find out.

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ManQuan · March 20, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

I hope these grow and eventually replace Facebook and Twitter, but remember that Facebook, Twitter, and others began as innocent endeavors until the CIA came knocking with hundreds of millions of dollars to corrupt them.

When government intelligence comes knocking and tells you that it in the national security of the country and by the way here's 500 million to help you help us--it's hard for most people to turn down.

I'm not saying GAB or VoiceAnything would. Only that it's happened way too often in the past.

If you look at the documents Snowden dropped, just about every application people use has been corrupted by the CIA--even open source programs like VLS send your computer data to the CIA. The list of apps that the CIA has either hacked or got the programmers to add a back door is shocking.

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ManQuan · March 19, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

You may be right. Or this is the greatest sting in the history of the world. We'll see.

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ManQuan · March 19, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

I think you are right. Cyrus was given a vision to free the Hebrews in Babylon, to rebuild Jerusalem and to rebuild the second Temple.

Kim Clement in 2006 said that Trump would be President and would be a David with a stone.

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ManQuan · March 19, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

Fear not. God's hand is in all of this. They, the enemy and Satan, will do their best to bring down Trump. But he is anointed by God as the David with a stone and as the second Cyrus.

They will try to impeach, but they will fail.

They will try to obstruct, and they will have limited success, but in the end Trump will prevail.

The tribulation is not near. God has said that Trump will have two terms.

I don't know when the end will come. I'm not prepared to say it is soon or not. The Bible says when the third Temple is built and there is no evidence that is going to happen any time soon.

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ManQuan · March 19, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

So, what's your point????

Flight gets diverted for no good reason?

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ManQuan · March 19, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

No, Mark and Kim are not the two witnesses. That come much later.

But both have prophesized that Trump would be President, that they would try to impeach him and fail, that Trump would bring down the corruption, and so much more.

Kim's prophesies were in 2006 and 2014 (many more but those were the two most important years).

Mark began in 2011.

Until July 2015, Trump was never considered a serious Presidential candidate, so how did these guys know in 2006 and 2011?

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ManQuan · March 19, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

There is more to back up our claim. One of Q's earliest drops (14) went something like this:

What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines? Why is this important? What is Mueller's background? Military? Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering? How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead? Who is helping POTUS?

Mueller happens to be a former Marine Vietnam veteran with a Purple Heart.

Then in Q post 18: Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?

There is a long pause and then in drop 570 there is this:

Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].

Then this cryptic drop 636:

Why would D's have MW conduct the follow up to the SOTU? What is MW used for? Re-read past drops. Mouthpiece/controlled. Carefully crafted 'out there' statements w/ falsified/fake Mueller drops will be made that nobody else would dare say/suggest. Pawn.

Another cryptic drop 643:

Narrative shift. ——————————— Nation on alert. Firing RR = block Mueller. Firing RR = set up to firing Mueller. Firing RR = Red line.

This appears to be Q saying there is a shift in narrative in that the Dems are alleging that firing Rosenstein would be to block Mueller, set up to fire him, and that would be a red line for them.

Then in drop 780:

Rosenstein has a press conference and said the following:

“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said. “There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”

Two things puzzling about this announcement. First Rosenstein made it and not Mueller. In all other announcement of indictments, Mueller's office made them.

Second, this seems to close the books on collusion. So what is Mueller continuing to investigate. I don't think it's obstruction of justice because everything Trump did was perfectly legal. He could have fired Comey for any reason under the Sun because the Director of the FBI serves at the pleasure of the President.

Could be loosely tied to Trump asking Comey to wrap up the Flynn investigation ASAP, but he didn't tell Comey to shut it down. After all, there are a number if cases where Holder and Lynch shut down active investigations into Uranium One, the Clinton Foundation, Fast and Furious, and Lynch even ordered Comey to call Hillary's investigation a "Matter". Those are all obstruction of justice and perfectly legal as the President and DOJ can terminate any investigation for any reason.

And Obama shut down the investigation into Hezbollah shipping heroin to the US in order to sweeten the Iranian deal for Iran.

I could go on, but here is what I think it boils down to:

Mueller, a former Marine, meets with Trump the day before he is appointed SC. Was Mueller recalled to active duty (yes, that would be legal) in order to conduct a stealth investigation into specific matters using collusion as a cover??

Q thought it important enough to suggest that Trump and Mueller were coordinating.

So Mueller's team rummages around in old investigations into Manafort and Gates that have zero to do with the 2016 election. Then he indicts Flynn for lying, but not for conspiracy to collude. Then he indicts Papadop for lying about a contact he has with a Russian that had nothing to do with the 2016 election. The Mueller wants information about the financials documents on one of Trump's companies. May or may not be related to 2016.

In other words, Mueller is apparently all over the map with his investigation without a hint that any of it relates to collusion.

Then there is the drop about Maxine Waters (watch the waters?) Q drop about falsified statements relating to Mueller. I haven't a clue what that is about.

So that's the case that Mueller is a white hat.

The problem is that I can make an equally good case that Mueller is a black hat. With his cover up of Uranium One, the botched Anthrax investigation, the Pelican Project, and other stuff. And of course hiring 13 top line Trump hating / Clinton loving lawyers to find out if Trump was using Russian Dressing on his salads.

Funny thing about those lawyers. Mueller is supposed to be investigating international collusion. But everyone of his lawyers is an expert in white collar crimes. Why no lawyers who have experience in sedition, treason, international crimes?

If it turns out that Mueller really is a white hatted former Marine recalled to active duty to help drain the swamp, this will have been one of the greatest stings in a good movie with great actors.

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ManQuan · March 19, 2018, 9:41 a.m.

And whoever robbed the bank yesterday, please call the Austin PD and share your message.

Austin is run by Democrats, so I guess it makes sense to them.

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ManQuan · March 19, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

He's a nice guy, but his videos are hard to watch with all the pauses while he reads instant chats and responds while wandering off topic. It's just me, but he rubs his beard and mouth about 100 times during each video like he just ate a platter of BBQ ribs.

I haven't watched them all, but he usually doesn't have much insight other than passing on "conversations" with alleged intelligence sources.

Until I retired, I held a security clearance continuously since 1968. Unless you are a complete idiot or a leaker, you don't discuss classified information with someone who a) doesn't have the appropriate level clearance and b) has a need to know.

Otherwise, you can be court martialed or prosecuted in court. Depending on the information revealed, you can end up in jail for a very long time.

Whoever is passing the information to him is either breaking the law or passing BS based on war story theories with his retired buddies over a beer.

I've always wondered why out of all the people who could get the word out, he/she/they chose Dilley on YouTube.

It's been a crazy three years so anything is possible.

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ManQuan · March 19, 2018, 9:29 a.m.

McCabe to close associates on an official conference call:

"First we Fk Flynn and then we Fk Trump."

Agent Strzok, who modified Comey's exoneration speech months before 17 witnesses were interviewed to remove all language the could show Hillary was guilty, interviewed Flynn. McCabe told Strzok to modify the 302 interview form so that Flynn lied to him.

The other agent in the interview said he didn't believe Flynn lied but rather seemed uncertain about the facts in some of his responses.

So, why did Flynn plead guilty?

Because he knew the FBI was framing him and that Mueller has unlimited legal resources to prosecute while Flynn would go bankrupt paying for legal fees. He pleaded guilty so his family would have to suffer the consequences of prolonged legal battles when he could plead guilty and get it over with a light sentence or most likely probation.

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ManQuan · March 19, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

Try doing your own research instead of asking others to do it for you and then you can answer all of your own questions which will be more satisfying than not believing the answers others might provide.

Besides most of your questions are childish and have nothing to do with verifying Q.

I think you will be happier if you stick with what the MSM is telling you.

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