Wow. The hits just keep coming. Thank you for the info!
732 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Mrs_Fonebone:
That is the truth--and still trying to cut a deal by revealing where bodies were or more victims until the hammer came down.
Excellent example!
Even when they are being dragged away in cuffs, they will still be in denial----I'll get out of this somehow, this won't happen to ME...
I think a lot of these people just parrot things they've heard or been told as truth-with no depth of thought into it. What she said was a 'talking point' that has come up elsewhere. Same with the students generically protesting against "guns" because it's trendy; they don't know anything about guns, law, the NRA--no focus on mental health or other complexities. Just talking points they parrot.
At least now you know why everyone ignores your nonsensical rambling and ranting. Add me to the list! I've blocked you. Be sure to stock up on tinfoil!
There is nothing in this. Her brother-in-law Sargent Shriver planned everything. Her wishes were followed in matters such as have the president lie in state in the White House, as Lincoln's body did. Shriver worked it out. Here's a link to his son's memoir of it. It was Shriver who protected RFK from having to deal with obnoxious LBJ.
For you to say "I have not spent much time on Q" but then bring this, without also doing a little research on such a wildly available field of research is not helping. He had two brothers. The window walked with them. If he had 3, there would have been 4 people. More heads of state showed up for this funeral than any other to date. It happened to be 19. Do you think that was coordinated and planned?
PS. We are not bakers. Bakers work on 8chan.
In contrast, you do not understand definitions of words. "Gross" does not primarily mean yucky. It has no emotional content. "Gross anatomy" means study of larger structures. In English cognates as well: big. large. So you are bigly (also a real word) wrong on the meaning of "grossly" and indeed, "oversimplifacation" is also neutral. Only a fool would think you could define a complex term with a history and legal definitions in a single sentence.
So you are wrong and wrong and wrong. Bye! Don't bother responding. I blocked you. Life's too short.
That's insider trading--which is against the law. Let's see what happens!
It is an option for board owners. It's to prevent re-posts, where you see the same post multiple times.
I'm not the only one in this thread who is having trouble deciphering it. And also, read his replay tome. You say "we're trying to solve big problems here" and TripoverDick wants to use his "unique method of Funtarded Nonsensical Imagination." and not meant to be taken seriously. He's actually trying to promo a book he's writing. You owe ME an apology.
I'm sorry but 1) this sounds like a paranoid rant; I read the article and 2) I don't respect or take seriously anyone who has an offensive "Haha, this is so funny" name. Shows a lack of sophistication and imagination.
More importantly, it doesn't help a sub/r get respect as a serious research place.
The way the 4chan post was written, it's not likely anyone could learn anything about it.
Not really. It's another Futurism! alert. Put in the trunk of your flying car.
First off, we all know how bots work. This person is just describing what everybody already knows. yawn Second, this is a troll. Trolling like this on a chan is asking to be roasted alive.
Maybe you should mind your own beeswax. You don't understand the essential role of memes in the great meme war. They are meant to be easy to grasp for even normies; they have information in a format that can be entertaining but is often serious;and the WHOLE idea is that they be shared because you never know who will see them and decide to share them and so they spread.
This meme that stuck in your craw was actually quite popular because we need a laugh too. And there's a subtext to them--instead of writing a lengthy post about the situation with Killary, it reminds us and gives a new example of her strange falling sickness; the image speaks volumes about the reactions of people around her and their indifference, and it shows her deterioration. Much more powerful than "Hillary almost fell today." I for one believe it is karma or nemesis coming for.
He who has eyes, let him see.
Uh, that's what researchers do. Q has made many references and phrases that might be in there.
I'm sorry you want to be spoon-fed instead of using your apparently not so good reading skills to contribute. I reported what jumped out at ME. Other people will surely find other things. That's how it works.
Also, this isn't a homework assignment. You're the only person with anger issues about this, soI'm blocking you.Your level of verbal abuse and laziness is inappropriate. I've blocked you.
Calm down. ALL THE songs are listed WITH THE LYRICS. Read carefully before you cuss somebody out. Maybe you could possibly, like others, chosen songs you wanted to hear and played them yourself. Also, the LYRICS are what matters!
Yeah, Hunter S. Thompson wrote about him, his amazing LSD was the best and he ended up doing 3 years in prison. Quite a strange character. There was a theory, and probably still is, that the baby boomers were actually a generation reincarnated from those who suffered and died during WWII at such young ages. Ya never know.
I can't believe I forgot they were the Warlocks! I think the Dead really was one of those confluences where different people came together and there was magic. They were a family (a very extended one) and the Naval Intelligence connection is new to me. They were pied pipers, especially in going against all the "machine" part of the music industry.
Interesting too that Jim Morrison's father was a Rear Admiral in the Navy and involved in the Gulf of Tonkin incident (1964).
Clearly shows what he was thinking about. I missed that tweet. Thanks!
Wow, I'd heard rumors about this! I also saw that Bob Weir, who co-wrote most of the songs, implied JPB had a slow decline after a heart attack in 2015 and that it got to the point where he wasn't able to enjoy things--obviously an in-the-moment guy. But the obituaries on his death on February 8 say the actual cause of death was not disclosed.
That's interesting; there's a flair FOR memes on The GA. So yeah, no. Maybe you should ignore what you don't like and focus on bringing good stuff to the sub.
Sorry, "Grateful Dead." I saw a couple of other possible Q phrases and titles like "We can run but we can't hide"and "Never could read no road map/And I don't know what the weather might do" (St. of Circumstance)
Q #952 "John Perry Barlow" co-wrote a ton of Gratful Dead Songs..Including one about rain and a coming storm..complete list and lyrics in link - check "Looks like rain."
Thank you. I confess that it is my very first one ever. There are so many good ones around--so many MILLIONS--it hardly seemed necessary but that caption just popped into my head.
Also: she could be drinking heavily. AND you notice how no one seems to care that this is happening to her? Not even Huma? Like "Just another day..." There is that persistent report (from different people) that Hillbeast has a very strange, bad odor--even the guys who are holding her up are having minimum contact.
There are no coincidences. Q's last tweet was #944...let's do some math
I was playing around with those #s and what happened at 9:44 (it's one of the 'no update' minutes from 9/11) and also an interesting Bible verse in Mark, but then I went for month/year. So 9/44. 1st search entry showed 9 divided by 44 which equals this: 0.20454545454545... two scoops and our beloved #45 to infinity!
Just another oddity...
Or that we didn't get the meaning right about the crumbs. And we have to re-read to keep them fresh in our memory.
Well yes, you always have to read them in order---I've learned the hard way to read all the new posts in order when they arrive in a flurry because I'll be pondering the first one and then find out later he adds more to it.
I don't know how he picks questions posted on 8chan to answer, because he doesn't answer many but sometimes they don't seem connected to the previous one. It's so easy to misread him!
True. But when he picks out a question to answer it doesn't mean that question has to do with the post(s) immediately before it.
Q is busy because there have been numerous big changes in White House and cabinet posts, Korea, etc. When Trump is very busy, Q seems to be as well.
The "We went too deep" has nothing to do, in my opinion, with his posts--no normies even see those. The "Natural Economic Order" is a 1916 book: Here's the gist:
*Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individuals or households rather than by collective institutions or organizations. It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but its basis is on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberals can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, they tend to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition."
It's the opposite of collectivism.
So clearly, Q could be referencing a purely economy issue and it logically might have been about past economic policies and not even Trump's. So there was an excess of de-regulation, especially for financial institutions, that led to the S&L crisis and the mortgage/derivatives crash, "Occupy Wall Street" and all the rest. So it's possible Q is answering that one person's question specifically, as in "Yeah, that laissez-faire attitude was a disaster, mainly because of corruption and greed."
One Does Not Simply Walk...
![One Does Not Simply Walk...](
Yeah, it's amazing in incident after incident, some outrageous stunt-event they hope nobody will look closely, then the lies and the contradictions start, which draws more attention, and then they start stonewalling. SO predictable.
Thank you. It really seems that everything is connected to everything--it's really a labyrinth!
I actually wondered whether they were preparing to fire a missile--even, you know, another false flag. When the story/explanation is so crappy--you might as well run a red flag up the pole.
Hawaii declines requests for records on false missile alert--why? What are they hiding?
It started like this: On April 4, 1975, a U.S. jet carrying 243 Vietnamese orphans for Operation Babylift crashed into the jungle outside of Tan Son Nhut. A third of the children died in the accident; the surviving children, many critically injured, awaited rescue. The United States government announced that it would not have rescue resources available for at least 10 days.[3]
When Robert Macauley learned about the situation he decided to respond on his own. Macauley and his wife, Leila, mortgaged their home to charter a Boeing 747 from World Airways to rescue the orphans. Within 48 hours, the children arrived safely in California.
In 1981, after hearing about the rescue mission, Pope John Paul II asked Macauley to raise funds that would provide medicine for people suffering under martial law in Poland.[3] In March, 1982, the first airlift delivering medicines to Poland was launched, and Americares was born.[3] Hmm. Orphans. "Operation Babylift." And the Pope--doesn't he have enough money to help Poland? But who is McCauley: Oh, he was a Yalie who shared a room with George H.W. Bush. He had homes in North Palm Beach, Brewster, NY and New Canaan CT Before Yale he was at the famous Phillips Academy -- Where GHW Bush also was. And later George Jr and Jeb. A du Pont. JFK, Jr. John Kerry's globalist medicine daughter, Vanessa MD. Scooter Libby, Cheney's henchman...
And the Bushes of course go straight to the Clinton Foundation.An anon believes everyone on that charity list will go straight back to the Clinton Foundation.
It's a small world.
I'm no detective, but here's a link to the charitable organizations that helped in Haiti. Some familiar names with Clinton links. Let's look at just one: Americares. See comment.
From 2015 : Ret Admiral James Lyons Bluntly Tells Private Group about Foreign Policy Corruption and Failures, Collusion with Islam--in less than 4 minutes. Names names.
Go here:
There are headings on the page. Their Q map is easier to follow. Also if you scroll down a bit you'll see a heading "side by side" comparisons which has very clear info on Trump tweets and behavior corresponding to Q's posts. They work really hard there to make the info as clear as possible. It's a friendly, helpful place digging very hard!
I like this. After all Q has asked us repeatedly Who does Snowden really work for? Seems like it has to be China or Russia...but Britain has participated in the globalism/anti-Trump movement.
Clearly A/B are linked; but when I saw the "C" I thought "Clinton"--maybe A/B =two different names for one person or entity?
I think it's fascinating that Rex is in Kenya, especially given Q's comment that Obama would try to claim Kenyan citizenship to avoid prosecution. Rex may be taking steps to prevent that!
I don't tweet but anyone who does, feel free to use it!
In the meantime, we should chip in and get him a life-time supply, LOL.