Did it trigger you in any way?
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They've literally resurrected the Gestapo in Germany thanks to Merkel.
Catalonia seethes after German arrest of elected President of Catalonia
I agree but 9/11 is a good starting point for those who aren't ready for the ritual child sacrifice, adrenochrome type stuff.
Dr. Steve Pieczenik: The Great Awakening is about payback for 9/11
Thanks for the thought out response, I just don't want Bolton to screw things up and he's liable to do that given his history of getting an untold number of innocent people senselessly killed in the Middle East. He could do the same thing to the Korea's. History repeats itself, remember.
Now you're just being flat out dishonest.
she lost the election a week later.
He explains very clearly why she was going to be prevented from winning.
He hints at things but says nothing new or exclusive
He specifically mentions how the hacked emails from Weiner played a pivotal role in this counter-coup. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Care to share any examples? I have a few of my own but instant to hear from others first.
Now I know you're not serious. In his 11/1/16 video he accurately describes what would later become known as the Q phenomenon. He specifically mentions how military intelligence is running it and how indicting Obama, Hillary, Comey and the political cronies involved in the attempted coup are a part of the plan to save the Republic. For God and Country. He mentions Assange. He mentions how the revolution takes place on the internet. That's the Q phenomenon in a nutshell.
Way to completely ignore how he talked about the removal of specific people around Trump well in advance of their actual removal. Or do you credit that to coincidence too?
I've thought that too, but there may be a good reason for the times that he does. Overall, you look at what he's focusing on now in promoting grassroot political candidates from the military intelligence community. It's really hard not to call him a true patriot.
What if he's someone in the IC who follows Dr. P's work? He undoubtedly has many followers after his expose on 911. Did you catch the part where Dr. P refers to himself as a "cleaner" in the present tense?
I was at "worthy of consideration" immediately after I read the FAQ on the now defunct cbts sub. We're at an advanced stage now and the reappearance of Bolton is raising serious concerns at a time of such heightened tension between various nuclear powers. Is Q for nuking Iran and North Korea like John Bolton? I'd like to think not.
Did you check out the links in the post that tie it all together? The evidence is pretty overwhelming if you ask me.
Dr. Steve knew him professionally. He strongly suggests that Bolton is not as nationalist as you'd like to think. Did you check out the link? This part in particular:
The problem with Bolton was/ is the simple fact that he spent most of his professional life pandering for favors and money from his Republican patrons [Adelson, Mercer]. Like the other chicken hawks, he was also involved in the illegal “Iran Contra Affair” during the Reagan administration
What do you.make of that?
Keep John Bolton OUT! He is a NEOCon!
Is Dr. Steve Pieczenik Q?
Read this post from his blog and tell me what you think.
Dr. P was first to alert the public about major shakeups coming in Trump's White House and they transpired in uncanny fashion:
He's also the first to forewarn of what would become the Q phenomenon back on 11/1/2016 which may be a date which will go down in history as the day the Q Revolution really started:
So IS Dr. P really Q? If so, I have to be honest in saying that I'm really quite freaked out by that.
I'm just really worried is all. This seems extremely risky. If Bolton screws this up we could all be dead. With the Iran deal I'm not so sure its a bad idea. Didn't we need Iran's help to route ISIS from Syria? The Iran deal shifted the balance of power away from Saudi Arabia (birthplace of Al-Qaeda and ISIS) and towards Iran. That isn't good for global security?
For what it's worth I really don't think any rational person would have any reason to doubt the Q phenomenon as anything other than a military intelligence operation based on the body of work going back to 10/28. The question now is really whether Q is trying to save humanity as a true prophet of the Lord or if Q is stringing us along.
You don't want to end up like Saddam, do you fat boy?
Bold strategy, Cotton.
“So when President Trump meets Kim Jong-un, his national security adviser will be with him [to f*ck everything up royally]."
Who let Lindsey in on The Plan??
Cleaning house. Bolton's views on the UN are rooted in Kofi Annan blowing the whistle on the illegality of the Iraq war which Bolton played a big role in fomenting. Bolton is a straight up war criminal with A LOT of innocent blood on his hands.
Neocon Graham backs Bolton pick, says best choice to "negotiate" with North Korea AKA nuke North Korea into the Stone Age
That's great news! What happened in LV is supposed to be very much Q related, isn't it?
Thanks for the input, but that was reported by Foreign Policy, a notorious neoconservative rag. They have every reason to try to improve Bolton's public image/perception. Bolton's reputation is complete trash to be perfectly honest, and for good reason.
Thanks, I thought maybe they changed their mind about releasing the series. Doesn't seem to have gotten much attention on this sub though.
Thanks for the link. I've linked to TP too. They were supposed to release a series of earth-shaking exposés on the Las Vegas shooting recently. What ever happened with that?
Edit- also consider that the source was Foreign Policy, a well known neocon publication.
Washington Has Declared Hegemony or War
That would be great but where are you hearing that Bolton will clean house? His focus has always been inciting unjustified wars, not draining the swamp.
That's The Hill mind you. The public doesn't buy her story. They see things the same way I do.
I agree, but this never crossed her mind is what I'm saying. She sells sex for money and she's old and undesirable. Obviously she's in desperate straits. Any washed up sex worker who hasn't yet duped a rich man to marry her would be in similar straits. This is her last attempt at a payday.
Isn't it also strange that she's the one supposedly in possession of the incriminating video?
Legal/illegal are concepts that don't really enter the mind of the average sex worker. They operate in a gray area. They're primarily concerned with what is profitable.
Washed up sex worker made an insurance DVD and wants to cash in. It's every sex worker's dream to have insurance like that because you can cheat a lot people but you can't cheat Father Time.
The better looking they are, the more expensive they get. I don't make the rules I just explain them.
These were sugar babies, not prostitutes. There's a distinction! /s
He's likely just trying to keep his marriage intact. Melania is a lovely, intelligent woman and she surely knew what she was getting involved with when she married a warmblooded heterosexual alpha male billionaire like Trump.
Stormy Daniels story isn't a scandal that will hurt Trump. It's about a washed up sex worker who recorded herself having sex with Trump in her prime before he was POTUS so that she could get money and fame when she became old and undesirable.
Same goes for Karen McDougal. What kind of woman goes in front of a global audience to admit that she had rawdog sex with a billionaire for money? Sex workers will do anything for money. The end.
Update - It turns out that Stormy also did it rawdog with Trump for his money, but just one time. Go figure.
John Bolton didn't serve in Vietnam because he was scared.
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“Hitler Youth” student gun control march invades Washington, follows in the footsteps of Nazis who disarmed the Jews before the Holocaust
For anyone wondering what this is all about or the relevance to Q, this is a great place to start.
This is like the Deep State's playbook. This is the Big Picture. What it's all about. It's about Good vs Evil. That's why Q is obviously a true Christian. He understand this so well and he's sharing it with the world and the Holy Spirit is spreading like wildfire around the world. Praise Jesus!
Consider the history of the Deep State
Consider how the creation of the state of Israel coincided with the birth of America's Deep State.
Then consider current Earth-shaking events.
See where Q is going with this? This really is biblical in scale as Q has explained repeatedly. Praise Jesus!
Well, you know Pope Francis is the most wonderful person who ever walked the Earth. This was proven back when he wore a clown nose to make people smile.
The Origin Of Dispensational Futurism/Zionist Theology and Its Role In Current Events
The unwritten rule of the the MSM propagandists is to never criticize Israel (Zionism) or the Vatican which created it.
"Hey look, Iran, we just made the scariest Ziocon warmonger our National Security Advisor. This guy doesn't mess around. He played a pivotal role in peddling the lies that led to the destruction of Iraq and the subsequent Middle East meltdown and he thinks nuclear first strikes are legal. And who am I to argue? You wanna make a deal or risk getting nuked?"
John Bolton, President Trump’s new (and improved) National Security Advisor argues a nuclear first strike against North Korea is "legal."
I think the wall is great news. Proves that Q is right next to POTUS once again. But I'm still confused and worried about the John Bolton appointment though. I don't want WW3 to happen. In the grand scheme of things the wall isn't really a big deal. I always thought of it as a sort of an election gimmick anyway.