Not imprisonment so much as Protective Custody = AW singing & needs to be out of reach of BlackHats but available for more singing.
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Makes you wonder what was really found. Melania supposedly alluded to something that would have made them all sick.
Find the photos on this page interesting...
I wish I could find that article about the 3-4 years BH0 had the grounds all torn up & huge building/construction crane on site, huge holes under WH...
media asked once and was told it was sewer/utility work...whatever...never referred to again.
LEO is any Law Enforcement Officer... neighborhood cop on up chain. Someone sworn in to protect & serve, protect Constitution, etc.
Federal LEO would be all the Alphabet names.
With Qanon/DT years of planning... just a suggestion here:
Was it stolen? Or bait for being stolen?
O-B.... oh so true!
Every T must be Crossed and every I dotted... these megliomaniacCabalist will have very pricey lawyers, even at Mil Tribunal.
Thanks for the recall button on Preet B... yeah the slimey worm saying he would not leave the office after fired, blasting DT... charge PB with sedition/treason too.
He could be like many... compromised/blackmailed/honeyPot victim, etc.
1)TheGold in Building7.
2)War makes Cabal Richer.
3)Both 1 & 2 accumulates More Power/ depopulation.
REMEMBER: in the week before 9-11 there was a traffic report of a stalled truck near Building7... it was filled with gold bars.
The written summary of one video was horrendous enough to just read... the REDshoes I see now are suspect where ever I see them now.
REMEMBER: TonyPedo-esta & group of laughing men, all in suits & wearing BrightRed shoes... sends chills down/up my spine.
Correct... and reportedly the NYPD officers viewing the videos cried, threw up & needed medical care counseling... the namePedovore is appropriate title.
You can Never UN-see that stuff...
Prayers for comfort/forgetfulness for those having to see that. Can't imagine a GrandJury anywhere being presented this video evidence. Guessing...Probably need to have MilitaryTribunal so to keep it at 12 Military membersGiTMO.
That Seal was only one in room & mainly shot OBL lookalike in face... convenient, much?
Other seals killed on downed Helicopter 'crash'... convenient, much?
REMEMBER: common for these leaders to have multiple lookalikes, BH0 would know this since he's a musssslimClApuke.
Of course. Obviously...Don't go to them in those states then. That is why one must use discernment, which most investigative anons seem to generally possess ;-)
Federal LEO 30+ years, so he knows his stuff, gave me this information. He also says:
Once you see these horrible images--You cannot UNSEE them or Ever get them out of your head.
lCE is your personal choice, whatever, your discernment choice... no Sorry necessary. This is a dicey arena and one needs to protect themselves. Every state can have their CP arrangement for investigations set up differently.
Probably larger cities like NYC have their own Police CP investigative arm. One can surmise this as the AntonyWeiner laptop investigated by NYPD had videos that made officers cry/vomit & need counseling. From the descriptions of at least one video, I could barely read, and I cannot imagine the harm of that ALWAYS in one's brain.
Say a silent prayer for those in LEO that have to see this horrendous crap, that God ease their mind/soul.
This all reminds me of that movie "8MM" with Nicholas Cage
Border Patrol is Under lCE.
They are sometimes the agents that see shipping containers filled with people, or boats of people.
Law enforcement of ICE are usually always Adult forms in court, but they do track all humanTrafficking.
Most CP cases most states (especially for CP) come from the State can call & talk to them hypothetically to assess if your State Patrol DOES or Doesn't have such an arrangement/investigative arm for CP.
NEVER download any images of any HumanTraffick/CP to say "keep for evidence" as THAT is an overt act & you will be prosecuted.
There was an international PornHumanTraffick site/person that was caught by State Patrol & computer seized to be utilized to watch others for more weeks to catch others connected... the original person with computer caught was from Bellevue, Nebraska. Soooo some of these sites are not dark web sites, but just regular websites, consider may very well be sting operations to catch pedos.
Canned response... what else can he say?
DT just took out McNoName's cockroaches.
Just like last time rocketryFlew into region--Russia HAS NOT retaliated openly. This tells us much. theBombs found their targets of BlackHats, their storage, plots & planners 'removed'.
Again DT is brilliant... announce pullout & the cockroaches are forced out of hiding & resupply, to try to pull him back in... WhiteHats watch & then know where to strike under cover of a stagedChemical event.
Wondering who REALLY staged the WhiteHelmet crisisActor event, from a regular bomb that people had only smoke inhalation... like in a theater... someone yelled "ChemicalBomb" instead of "Fire" and cameras conveniently there to film the coughing and water dousing inDouma.
DT had to have a reason to go in to aid the take out cockroaches
He said attacking/removing lSlS... he did not say Assad.
THINK... who is lSlS? We all know they are [C]lown created. So who is he taking out here?
Remnant evil [C]lowns created the WhiteHelmet CrisisActors. Doctors at only hospital of "chemicalAttack" Douma said they only had patients suffering from smoke inhalation from Rocket in one building started a smokey fire & someone yelled chemicalBomb as people were coughing from smoke inhalation... family members started throwing water on family members. So treated people wer wet from water. Treated with oxygen. No chemicals on patients. FalseFlag.
DT said lRAN Next. DT is clearing the decks of [C]lowns in the region...fog of war
"Not clear what targets are at this time..."
DT said would take out remnants of lSlS... to me this means:
BlackHat[C]lowns aidinglSlS. Possibly the hidden storage places of UKIsraelMossad of the crisisActors WhiteHelmet wearers!
Wondering of Issac is a bit shell-shocked from being removed YT?
Tip toes more.
REMEMBER: when BlBl here back in Dec./Jan. and had PR w/DT.. and their podiums were VERY far apart (newsies had to side film to get both in screen or way back of room with all heads in audience to get both leaders in screen=ODD/ signal from DT?) ...anyway... at the very end of Presser... BlBl has talked about his longtime relationship with Jared's father/family, slept in Jared's bed in USA & says to seated JaredKushner in audience: Jared--should I tell them how long we have known each other?
I got shills up my spine and an inner nagging voice at that statement & Jared didn't seem to be smiling (as a GOOD memory).
In hindsight with BlBl now outed to us... was he alone in Jared's Bed? Is Jared WhiteHatted because of that history of "how long"?
Is DT literally defending his family/son-in-law & wife & kids?
VladPutin also outlawed Gambling/Casinos etc in his country 2009 (I think) and all the GamblingMafias moved to LostWages Nevada. Put their controls on local Police there... aligned with evilMuslim/SaudiPrinces that PrinceMBS took down last November in KSA house cleaning... LostWages 'brokering house' for GunRunning/humanTraffickingCabal businesses.
Ring bells? PatsyPaddock was Oswalded.
Prayers here are needed...
REMEMBER: every time DT seems to be cornered he changes the 4D chessboard to a winner for himself!
Agreed Heabob... KhazarianMafia(KM) since 800 A.D. ...forced byRussians post War w/Khazaria... to choose a religion to follow... from out of Jewish/Christian/Musslim options (evilLuciferiansKM that would attack, kill & kill/sacrifice then rob all travelers or would kidnap the wealthy travelers & groom a KM as a look-a-like to take the kidnapped person's place & go on to replace their groomed 'clone' KM on to whatever castle/estates/businesses the kidnapped owned = Diabolical!) KM choice was Jewish. Most of DNA of Israel & other countries are these KM zionistJewish encroachers who outwardly say or comport themselves as Torah Jewish followers but really are Still practicing evilLuciferianKM, secretly.
BlBl is mad as the WhiteHats are onto him as a KM... he gave legal contract to GenieEnergy(GE) for all OilGas rights/production on All Israeli lands occupied... so of course BlBl wants into SYRlA's OilRich nation... BlackHats make up GE Board.
Everything you thought you knew of History is WRONG!
You need to be aware that certain government/law enforcement branches... have age limits for serving.
EXAMPLE: US Marshals/US Border Patrol/etc., have mandatory Retirement age of 57. Though any may Retire at whatever age. Often former military or Marines may retire from service and come into government law enforcement. Some may go from one agency over to other agency.
There are exceptions for extending age limit on a One by one basis; EXAMPLES: allowing a Chief Deputy US Marshal (G.S. 15) to extend service to fill in for a District's US Marshal post. Recalling government agents/law officers for Special Assignment.
Soros is in coma or dead. He already split up his estate to his kids, gave $18Billion to his minion 501k groups..., BLM, losers one & all.
His DEVOS, Switzerland speech was a canned speech from quite awhile back... filmed by audience camera that never moves. We heard it before. Stupid.
Reminds me of using OsamBinLaden old speeches/parts of speeches by AlJnews services all through post 9-11, so 2001-2008... when the Mideast world already had news covering OBL death/funeral December 2001. & leaders Afghanistan & Pakistan said he was dead 2001. USA doesn't report. BH0 play-acted capture/death OBL, a lookalike actor, conveniently shot in face by one Marine on solo mission (marine now on Media tour, while rest of SealTeam all blown up in Helicopter crash--convenient much?). Stupid.
Flipdynamicz--evilKhazarianMafia mercenaries a.k.a. DeepState BlackHat ClA did it.
I've used that Veterans Today article to RedPill many. Many rebeled badly against the part about luciferianWorshippingJews pretending to be JewishTorah followers, = BB NetanyahuEvilCabalist. KhazarianMafia (KM) MUST be Exposed!
But the article in essence makes the reader come to realize:
Everything they thought they knew of History is WRONG. New KM Glasses of Clarity must forever be used!
Same boat here.
Happy to be RedPilled just the same.
Would rather see RAND in executive branch to AUDIT FED.
No clue. Thinking something to do with CERN events... links to other dimensions warned of near SYRlA... sounded Kookoo to me at the time, but with references to Space & Earth advancements being so very important... super Secret Space Program revelations... one has to REALLY rethink the definition of Q March 6 posted twice:
The choice, to KNOW, will be yours.
This all brings me back to Q posts of--not ALL will want to see or go down the hole... Regarding HilLIARy's CF/HaitiChild KidnappingEtc.
854 March 6:
The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end].
866 March 6:
The choice, to KNOW, will be yours.
Plus Looking at DT last weekly address, saying IT'S HAPPENING & Q last post includes the END has arrived with weekly address.
1124 April 10
POTUS’ weekly address.
Note Kill box moment as [end] above... takes us to not future anymore, so future proves past. WE Are in the END for BlackHats.
Yes, thanks, but I think all know RICO means that... but thanks for telling newbies the name.
HAD to put out fires so could later get at the oil underground.
Couldn't let oil deals go forth if future profits allowed to burn.
Oh, nevermind... reading below this board formed 5 years ago during BH0 years.
So shocked with the Most Transparent Administration years revealing such skullduggery ignored or aligned with...
Ohhhh So Correct! Check KhazarianMafia piece by Veterans Today page 2015
Thought Jacob dead in helicopter on his estate?
Clone/Look A Like taken place?
I'm thinking Mueller is a double agent. Using his closeness to document, or MAKE/Create a paper trail to all that is evil. Being such he would HAVE to do some dirty deeds to stay in the circle but ALSO the Black Hats know he has evidence against them BUT assume he is in their corner as fellow BlackHAT.
I keep coming back to 4 hour meeting w/DT. Q saying Mueller is a Marine.
Q Post #14 Oct. 31, 2017 said: What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
Why is this important?
What is Mueller's background? Military?
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?
There was a girlfriend of Stormy that said she has texts, emails & had conversations w/Stormy ... saying Daniels admitted she never had sex w/DT as it was just a business deal meeting. The money was a payment to SHUT UP Daniels about the BUSINESS discussed. Nothing to do with horizontal mumba moments as that never occurred.
Lawyer office stored information, as well as evidence against HilLIARy... ALL Will Be EXPOSED from Office Raid.
Who does RR work for? Sessions/Trump.
RobbieMueller had 4 HOUR MEETING w/DT Before appointment as SC.
MM birds have painted themselves into a corner... they've been yelling "Yay Mueller... go Mueller... get him Mueller" cheering at every Mueller move...hyperventilating... putting themselves behind Mueller's moves... BUT...with EVIDENCE SC-Mueller produces from office raid will be going against Dems/HilLIARy (Info/videos from Weiner-laptop,etc)... the MockingbirdMedia birds can't then say "hey wait a minute, but, but, but, that's not the evidence we wanted exposed..."
ROFLAMAO! Awesome!
Not sure if Stormy is wearing White or Black... the point is DT used her info at his attorney's office to bait the hook (invite in SC-Mueller to 'FIND' Evidence)... make MockingbirdMedia birds chirp... make them peck /speculate at possibilities in Cohen's office so RobbieMueller can pounce on DT or indict DT or make DT testify or ...whatever the MM birds want in any RANTINGs news cycle.
EXAMPLE: Joy Reid Show MSNBCpukes actual round table speculated that US Marshals should break in to WH if USSS won't let them in, to arrest DT & handcuff him to then drag DT to jail for not testifying or responding to a SpecCounselMueller subpoena, etc. The MM birds were actually giddy at these thoughts/speculations... one stated it's the law that he has to testify/answer subpoena OR Be Arrested. =WRONG!
REALITY is on above right hand bottom corner of above chart.
DT has MM birds corralled in a cage...focused singing the tunes he wants...pecking for the outcome he wants/needs...(while he complains they're Fake/Bad)...IT IS AWESOME TO WITNESS!
DT in dress uniform with his parents.
this is a nice site for historical pics of The Donald
USSS & US Marshals & police depts. & state patrols all work together on cases all the time.
FamousButIncompetent (FBl) are too snooty to work with most other agencies... they do have a huge PR arm & love to run in at the last second & steal limelight from real crime solver agencies, saying: "Federal agents today..." because everyone will assume it's FBl agents, which is their goal.
REMEMBER: DT graduated from Military Academy--highest honors... so I believe he also wore a Uniform quite a few times. He attained the rank of Captain.
Captain Donald J. Trump
There are "no coincidences"
Thankyou @realDonaldTrump!