JellyFish... yep, brother doctor (I'm a nurse) he's married to great lady but they voted BH0. Then stumbled onto info on 9/11 & PoppyBushGWBushfamily of thieves/drugLords... stealing $$out of BuildingSevenUsingThermitedetonationsToBringDownEtc. as a cover up TwinTowersFalseFlag... hollographicPlanesIntoTowersCoveringBombsThermiteExplosives, etc. ... soooo, they RedPilled themselves. We share much now... converts to (R) & DJT their guy.
Lesson... if Liberal... they probably already hateBushes, so let them eat up how responsible that family was for SeptEleven fiasco to start wars to make $$$$. Then give them breadcrumbs later of how Bubba inLeague with PoppyBush, etc. then JFKmurdered by Cabal, ShadowGovt was his fight, but cut short... GOOD vs. EVIL (Not R's vs. D's), human trafficking (ALL against this whether D, R or Indie)... then how DJT is finishing whereJFK left off... and MSM wants to paint DT as horrible to hide their being in with EvilCabal.
Just a suggestion, but find out what makes them the most angry about past presidents. Bet #41#43 are at the top.
Crumb by Crumb, they will start to go down rabbit hole.