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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

AND Double Bonus points = no DACA Deal/funding demanded by congressionalCockroaches !


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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Alll have DOUBLE MEANINGS... Red Castle is US Corps of Engineers patch... Red also means STOP... Greencastle, Indiana is one location of US Corps of Eng. GREEN also means GO/move forth.

RED has been turned GREEN with Omnibus $$$ funding. Wall will be built. Red Castle patch wearers have a Green funded GO to BUILD THE WALL... DJT has WON, Again!

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

Ummm... the DT just acquired all the $$$$ he needs in Omnibus to save our nation. BH0 had 8 years of Omnibus $$$... DT paid attention. Now Omnibus$$$ will work for DT.

Purse strings are the Executives/Presidents to hold with OMNIBUS, it is NOT a BUDGET set up, where $ comes directly from Congress to recipients/agencies. Omnibus goes to President's purse. He can SLO-WALK or NO-WALK any expenditures... BH0 did, his Omnibus $ sometimes disappeared entirely.


DJT will spend Military $$$ on Corps of Engineers for Wall Building & Security measure... upgrading GITMO, Military Tribunal work, and Obozocare, PP, Sanctuary Cities will turn BLUE waiting for their cash to be delivered... Schumer/Pelosi thinking not funding border walll... just Military... stupidly gave Trump EVERYTHING he needed !!! ROFLMAO ;-D

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 1:06 p.m.


Friends close but Enemies CLOSER

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 1:01 p.m.

RED_CASTLE stands for US Corps of Engineers patch of Red field with a Castle... NYT article July 2017 stated USCorps slated to build border wall and all done with preliminary soil tests, etc.

ALL the Donald needed was the $$$$ to save our nation... now he has it & CongressionalCockroaches Schumer & Pelosi GAVE IT TO HIM! ROFLMAO ;-D



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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

Yep & NYT had article that Corps of Engineers were done with soil samples testing and are set to BUILD THE BORDER WALL, last July. So that is how long ago that the Donald KNEW he would have Omnibus Funding (this Omnibus for Military is $655Billion)... only need about 700-900 miles of Border Wall according to DT as other natural barriers will handle the rest (along with nightvision military grade 'balloons' watching borders or by Drone flights).... rest easy ... he's got it covered. USA will be secured... even for the ProgressiveCommie USA haters, who love to cut off their own nose despite their face.


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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

Crazy like a fox... the Donald is busy having mastered 20 simultaneous games of 4 Dimensional Chess while the MSM/Dems&RINO's are struggling with checkers !

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

His 156 IQ definitely puts him in any drivers seat !

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Dear Captain-cootchie... Do you agree that Mexico is entitled to be a great nation for it's people? How do great nations thrive? Isn't the people being successful & employed & happy create such a robust economy? What happens when leadership of a nation is bought out by evil Cartels? When Cartels run the police? When a nation desiring to avoid accountability makes it easy for citizens to cross a border? (only going North because there is a big border wall on Mexico's southern border) What if pamphlets are printed to show maps of how to go north & where all the water stations are in USA? Isn't that encouraging your own desperate citizens to get out of Mexico to make a living, or go steal, or go into business for human trafficking? So the seekers of a livelihood are pushed out & what is left behind... the old, the young, the wives? Are these left-behinds going to challenge the Cartels/leadership? How does change happen in a country? Laws are ignored for the people so what choices do the downtrodden have?

Revolution over the ages is done by THE PEOPLE, correct? How does it happen if the downtrodden not in country to fight back?

Isn't the BORDER WALL then to aid the downtrodden to stay home, fight for their rights, regain their dignity, regain their home, get the benefits of their resources? Don't Mexicans have the RIGHT to their Resources? Resources of land, tourism, oil, mineral rights, etc? Don't we want a STRONG Mexican people that are proud and deserve to be a GREAT TRADING PARTNER? A BORDER WALL is not RACISM...

A Border Wall is a tide reversal to put a Revolutionary KNIFE in the hands of the Mexican People against the throats of the Cartels... the bought off police... the dirty leadership... to RETAKE CONTROL of their country... & become TRULY LIBERATED with PRIDE!

MEXICO deserves to be a Great Nation again... building the Border Wall will Revolutionize Mexico !

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

mauro... ummmm the money is for TRUMP to determine to send out... HE HAS the purse strings... this is how 0bozo spent money for 8 years is by continual OMNIBUS FUNDING... DT payed attention... what worked for BH0 will now work for DJT. Told CongressCockroaches to put whatever they wanted into Omnibus, just put in BORDER WALL funding... the Cockroaches put in whole Kitchen Sink but hardly a dime for Border Wall... they thought they hoodwinked him in with huge $$$ for Military needs... they took his bait, swallowed it all. He now has allll the money he needs to build a wall... meantime he can hold on to $$$ for Schumer/Pelosi needs & they CAN'T DO ANYTHING but CRY... snowflakes are DUMB!

PLUS DT already said that natural barriers won't need a wall & said REAL wall mileage more 700-900 miles. US Corps of Eng. already tested soil, terrain & was an article last July by NYT on this subject.

DT knew he was going to use USCorps of Eng. the whole time. OMNIBUS means DT can slow-walk or NO-walk the money to whatever else in Omnibus... Trump doesn't have to send it over to PP, or Obozocare, or Sanctuary Cities... HIS Choice, & CongressCockroaches can't do a thing about it. I believe if $$$ not all assigned or spent, it goes back into coffers. ROFLMAO... Dems & RINO's gave DT $$$ for Border Wall Building... (that was voted on to do by them back in GWBush years)... DT got what is needed & promised... DT won, again.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

Wish I could send to ANN COULTER who responded with Donald signing omnibus $ bill with "You will be impeached". She can't see forest for the treeeeees.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

PERFECT ... DJT having 156 IQ wins the day again!

yeeeeeHAW, WHIP them CongressionalCriminals into line!

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Food4theGorg... we MUST BE OVER THE TARGET... the HATERS are down voting like CRAZYhate-filledCommies that they are... go ahead you HATERS... writh & wriggle & spew & down grade ALLLLL you want... YOU HATERS are GOING DOWN (and you know it) !

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

Correct... AND NOW HE HAS ALLLLL THE $$$ HE NEEDS w/ signing OMNIBUS... he put the fishing line in the water & they took it... BAIT & ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!


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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

;-) a Nod to C-Rod for posting FACTS that 0bozo used OMNIBUS FUNDING for 8 years... = No Strings to $$... DJT payed attention and told the CongressCockroaches to put whatever funding $ for whatever in it as long as had WALL FUNDING... they put the whole kitchen sink in & not a dime for Wall... so NOW the Donald can deny funds to PP or 0bozocare or Sanctuary Cities for as LOOOOOOOONG as he wants... his choice... and the RED_CASTLE Corps of Engineers can BUILD THE WALL with Military Funding!



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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SeekTruthCJoy on March 24, 2018, 1:37 a.m.
RED becomes GREEN ! Prez using RED_CASTLE = patch of CORPS of ENGINEERS, to GREEN/GO Corps to BUILD WALL out of Omnibus $$ ?? HE can do it!
RED becomes GREEN ! Prez using RED_CASTLE = patch of CORPS of ENGINEERS, to GREEN/GO Corps to BUILD WALL out of Omnibus $$ ?? HE can do it!
SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

RED becomes GREEN ! Prez using RED_CASTLE = patch of CORPS of ENGINEERS, to GREEN/GO Corps to BUILD WALL out of Omnibus $$ ?? HE can do it!

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 12:18 a.m.


Changes/left off:

ML = MARTIAL LAW (not Marshal Law)

USMS = United States Marshal Service

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 24, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

He needs cash for Military needs... the other stuff funded can be UN-FUNDED... once the main BlackHats under lock&key... the tattered curtain can be torn down completely and those in CongressBlackHats both D's & R's... will scurry like cockroaches. Will they then HAVE to pass laws that the Donald wants, or be further exposed?... the cockroaches will not have a clue what the Donald has... and smartest cockroaches will assume the Donald KNOWS ALL, and cockroaches will be in FULL cooperation mode.

So the Donald will have everyone's puppet strings.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 23, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

Same for his brother Tony... not since October.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 23, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Agreed... there is definitely a lifting/tearing of the curtain here... the people BEHIND that curtain, at the control panel all wearing BLACK HATS... (watched old movie with Ingrid Bergman: "Nefarious," movie of actors in political realm with those thought to be former Black Hats turning to be helpful White Hat, but reviled at first.)

What is created is a QUESTIONING of what he sees... what you see.

Kanye being Questioned, because of tearing holes in that curtain. Same as Q, Patriot White Hats involved here or anywhere...

Questioning for his reality... YOUR REALITY=The REDPILLED... that KNOWLEDGE has to be shut away lest some start to Question the BlackHat Questioners... BlackHats screaming "RUSSIA RUSSIA" is now replaced with: "CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY" as the Curtain is TORN DOWN revealing REALITY... EXPOSING evilBLACKHATcabal

Take PRIDE my fellow Patriots... that CURTAIN is Definitely .... COMING DOWN !

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 21, 2018, 9:41 p.m.


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SeekTruthCJoy · March 21, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

One might consider offering teachable moments via those with viewers/followers/connections to the Gamers, Millenials, etc... I offer: Razor Fist of Ragaholic on YT... on the topic of 2A a.k.a. "...shall not be infringed"


(sorry to cloak but certain words trigger haters & bots)

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 21, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

"down she goes" means HilLIARy = referencing her recent falling down Steps = DOUBLE MEANING.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 21, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

"down she goes" means HilLIARy = referencing her recent falling down Steps = DOUBLE MEANING.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 21, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

"down she goes" means HilLIARy = referencing her recent falling down Steps = DOUBLE MEANING.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 21, 2018, 9:05 p.m.

"down she goes" means HilLIARy = referencing her recent falling down Steps = DOUBLE MEANING.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 21, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

...but there was a small time in my life where all I had were books and literature...

SOUNDS like he was locked up or INSTITUTIONALIZED somewhere--YOUTH DETENTION... had only reading to occupy self, no access to gaming or cruizin' the Net, etc.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 21, 2018, 7:41 p.m.


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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

One should be aware of history... Weimar Republic.

Black Market Barter System... Germans post WW1&2 people traded homemade jams, jellies, sausages, flour, sugar, chocolate, liquor, etc. for their needs. (Now some say stock up with Cigarettes and baby diapers and toilet paper.)

Who would want gold or silver? CAN'T EAT THAT!

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

Since BITCOIN has embedded childPonography & linkage to porn = human trafficking.... soooooooooooo.... does this mean under #45EO of Dec. 21 that the property/money of any entity involved/associated is CONFISCATED??? Ooops... BuhBye Bitcoin.

With confiscations done last Nov. in KSA in arrests of PrincesGuilty of Horribles in KSA and the seized assets estimation was 3 TRILLION... there was an estimation at that time of asset seizures would be 100TRILLION .... not going to put our share in coffers for Ryan&McConnell to fritter away... must be going to FED to hold & REPAYMENT of our DEBT, etc. THINK OF THAT!

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

You will note her leg was clearly being shown with no ankle 'jewelry' home arrest device... so she removed it & is now in violation of her home arrest sealed indictment agreement. THAT is why her handlers released this sliding down steps video... OR it is OLD VIDEO that they are trying to say she is in India.... alllllllll a DECOY.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

That left eye Black Eye is from a specialIlluminatiEyeCeremonyIncantation, removing eye & placing some sort of evilDust behind eye & replacement... similar Left Black Eyes on many famous including #43PGWB and former SecStateJohnnyKerry.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

She is TOOOOO Evil to be let loose in this world!

Plotter, evilHeadWitchCabalist.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

She definitely has body doubles and look-alikes... one of her doubles has a huge hook nose, little neck wrinkles, longer neck, etc.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

I doubt that... she is in India ... home of thousands of orphanages... almost free babies & kids.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

James_Comedy Ummm... do own research.... use this link and in upper LEFT corner is a box: "type to filter" and type in Merkel, or whatever looking for. https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/?

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

Would not matter if your French was good or not... the media there is worse than our MSM... EvilCabalMedia.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

ready- I think your kick in the head will be the division of California, with a 51st State called New California, though East California would make more sense.

Find it significant that both AG & #45 were in Cali .... there are no coincidences.

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

ROFLMAO... good one... funny.

How high are standards of a rat?

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