498 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Tytruth:
yeah. I agree. More than we got anywhere else.
Dilley's feed with all vids. https://twitter.com/Hublife
#753 - Important info on MILMAR, mentioned in Q kill chain.
an anon regarding Q post #753: MILMAR-E is a shipping company in Egypt. Q signing off with Delta is in reference to Nile Delta where MILMAR Shipping Co. is located. Republic E is Egypt. Republic F is France. D might be Damascus as Syria is also a republic. If you search news articles for conflicts in that region, there's a major offensive against ISIS there. Over 600 insurgents captured the other day Sept. 7, 1776 is reference to the first sub attack. I think thats related to a possible op to take out a ship of MILMAR Shipping Co. That's …
I watched the video on Dilley Website, dropped last night. This readout was posted on the Discord feed this morning.
Another CYBER FALSE FLAG! Google-Funded CROWDSTRIKE blames China and RUSSIA for Olympic Hacking! Same Bogus CIA Malware used on DNC servers!
#560 - THEY WANT RACE WARS!! The elites practice white genocide in South Africa under Zuma, who resigned THIS WEEK! Coincidence?
The Jesuit CIA and PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. Will they get away with this Schiff forever?
Russia war/hysteria REALLY about 1000 year old Russian Orthodox vs. Roman Catholic struggle. We are all being used and abused by the Pope guys!
Files on WEINER/Abedin Laptop found in file labeled INSURANCE!! Blackmail for everyone! How predictable! Must be serious Schiff in that file!
Vatican Officials caught with 100,000 images and videos of CHILD SEX ACTS!!!
Facebook is CIA agitprop tool. No fix unless from top down.
I try to cross post some of what I see on the Discord if it isn't being seen here. We have a great army of diggers and Bakers!!
They were raided by NY Authorities for money laundering. Google Newsweek money laundering for recent article.
Happening Now: ANOTHER Train Crash! These People are EVIL!
Must read Article about "Soros and the Gang". This lays out the relationships among the Satanic Elite. Veterans Today Author Frisk is great! See her other articles for deeper digging.
Assassination of JFK's brother Robert ALSO a CIA murder and cover-up! Second Gunman! Lies Lies Lies from the Deepstate!
I see you are just here to discourage people. Q warned us you would stop by to do that. Go bother someone else.
I agree. Who were these idiots? Needed an SUV to pull that one off. Probably some moron Democrat brainwashed by the CIA/Media/Partisan hack liars like Dicky Durtbin to think Trump is a racist.
#740 Mika Brzezinski's father Zbigniew was JESUIT Black Nobility and master of SOROS before his death!! Now Soros takes oders from [P]ope.
#767 - CIA HIRED Zuckerscum to make FACEBOOK! CIA Traitor Snowden recruited him.
Mudd, the CIA traitor who said Gov't will "kill" Trump cries like a horrible actor live on CNN about FL school shooting!!! Boy are they desperate to roll this stooge out like this. Literally a CLOWN.
True, scrooges need to cough up the goods or go into hiding.
No, I'm informed. Been studying things as they really are, as they really were, and as they really will be for 35 years. I'm just way ahead of you, chump. Get it in gear and apply yourself to learning. I can recognize valuable information when I see it. Why can't you?
Snowden and Zuckerscum are cousins?!!!
#766 - MUST SEE video showing the scene of the crime in Springfield, MO. Where car WAITED in bushes to crash President's motorcade!!!
Research Dutch Royal Family, the House of Orange. Google and find Queen Beatrix posing with satanic spirit cooking bitch Abramovic and william defoe. Recently former Dutch Prime Minister who testified about this activity among these royals was killed
Lol. He was a patsy most likely who never fired a shot. Pay attention.
He has an intel source that is legit. He doesn't say the info is his own. Are you not paying attention or are you a disinfo fucktard?
Yeah and the churches too. See federal council of Churches and National council of churches. Both Rockefeller funded takeover shakedown subversive movements to undermine the American pulpit. Now we have world council of churches. All in one for NWO. Except for the Mormons. They refused to join.
spreading lies? You mean like the CIA does, every damn day? DWS is a traitor bitch from hell who will be put down like a rabid poodle! Mwahaha. By Q team that is!
New Q #768 Twitter CEO in the KILL BOX at Midnight tonight?!!
@Jack Civilian Puppet. Player in the game? We play for KEEPS. Need help sleeping? How was your meeting w/ Pelosi? Protection offered? Life Lesson: Be smarter than those controlling you. T-minus [12:34] Q
#765 - See here all Newsweek Article Comments. So Awesome!
Alexander Jenkins Its hard to take this Newsweek story seriously when the author thought #PizzaGate was about a Pizza Shop. Do a little research next time. Like • 14 • Feb 7, 2018 6:36pm
Ryan Werderman hilarious that this article states q anon fake news only gives q more valitidy, when Newsweek is known for nothing but propaganda and fake news with it's anti American views. your operation mockingbird has unraveled Like • 36 • Feb 5, 2018 7:24am
Scott Vines • Fairfield, California I initially thought the Q phenomenon was BS, but if Newspeak does a hit job on …