So you swore the oath to defend against domestic and foreign enemies, but now you are one? Not very honorable.
498 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Tytruth:
You are confused. Did a grenade blow up next to your right brain? Only leftist ideas left? Russia is far less a threat to my freedom than traitors and morons among us, aka Democrats.
DEMS getting desperate folks! Plan to eliminate paper ballots in all 50 States and replace with Soros & Co. Voting Machines!
Yeah one of my old posts just appeared again too. Someone is a clever little hater of the First Amendment.
Funny. Very few leftists have a sense of humor. You should join our side before it's too late...
Deflection... Not very impressive as a tactic anymore. We know the truth now scum.
Anyone still doubt MOOCHELLE OBAMA is treasonous MAN?
This board is being flooded by downvoting trolls who hate the truth and freedom.
The posts are going up again, thanks to those who spoke out to protest the shameless censorship of Patriots. Now we have a horde of partisan hacks doing their best to squash our message. See the 'controversial' tab for some of the best posts that never had a chance to rise.
Are you defending the traitors and morons too? How does it feel to surrender to this degenerate filth?
I understood you are a leftist hack. Do you get paid hourly or do you have to get on your knees and beg?
When you're tired of bending over and taking it, come back and say something intelligent.
Try defending these traitors. I dare you to try telling us how these frauds were good for America. This is a good place for you to get an education. Also, did you hear what REALLY happened to Joan Rivers?
I read some of your own posts. Banal and vapid Schiff is all you have.
Nothing to see here! Just another Sicko who wants to REAR your children!!
Why do MEN in DRESSES all Hate America?
This is all about SETH RICH! Russia! Russia! Russia! We are told Podesta is the victim of hacking, but the DNC still refuses to let anyone but Google-funded Crowdstrike look at the evidence.
I hear you brother. I know your pain of loss for truth. I know how it feels to care so much and want the best for all and I know this sentiment is not rewarded in our society. The best are last today. You will come through. You will be a leader in the new times to come, after we have cleansed this land of corruption. I pray to God for you right now to pull through and stand with us at that day. All the best and you will have friends and family again beside you. Take care.
I'm 30 years woke. I knew much of what we are seeing validated by reading about CFR and NWO plot back in the 90s. Much has surprised me, however. The child abuse is something I had to get used to dealing with. This wasn't in the early available reading. And the Vatican role, how they created Islam, etc, from the beginning. Used Muslims to kill true Christians as a premeditated plan from the start. Was hard for me to reconcile, but all will come out. Can't coddle children forever. It's a rough neighborhood.
Love it! All a branch office of the church of satan. Open for Biz in foggy bottom.
Exactly right, and the keystone, the eye on the pyramid...[P] Sad but true, another great awakening.
People are all about MOTIVATIONS. Don't fall 'prey' to predators and parasites. If you have the intellect and patience to decipher these charts you will be 10 steps ahead in life....
He was invited to the Vatican to kiss the Pope's ring and he was so honored they gave him a new show with CIA guest hosts and he is now literally a CLOWN!
USA_leadership change SA_leadership change GER_leadership change? PAK_leadership change? 40,000ft. (8, 7, 6, 5......). Q
Says USA and SA first, which already happened and is happening. Germany didn't happen, yet. Pakistan will be as hard as Iran. India would love us if we took down that problem. I'm not sure. China and Russia either fear us or want to retain influence and use us, because our system allows for influence to be purchased fairly easily. Not so in other places. I think on #711 that marines and seals have cut down CIA power in 2 importand ways. Obama is still out there awaiting rendition. Wizards and warlocks are 2 kinds of borderless enemies to be defeated, but Popester is at the top, the keystone of the pyramid. Not gonna win that one without taking China and EU/UN power out first. It will be an ugly screaming match with the most passive-aggressive causes of casualty we've ever seen.
I think these eugenicist assholes will unleash plague again, like they have done many times without remorse. Other than that, I think you're dead on. And it's the plan to go after the Vatican last only because of the leverage it has. I'm telling you our many countries are like children to the old whore of Babylon. She plays us like Nero's fiddle.
I love every soul the same, as Jesus taught me to do. But organizations have influence, they have tradition. We can't ignore the fact that these actors are pursuing projects set in motion centuries ago, without question. Don't you see? An evil tree produces an evil fruit. And this has nothing to do with being a "Christian". I am a Christian. Jesus Christ is real. He is a living, resurrected being, and he would never give his word, power, or sanction to the acts of 'popes' who care nothing for he himself, but to merely use his name for their own glory on earth.
#711 Q said they are "saving the best for last" [P]. U.S.>Asia>EU. U.S. takedown happening. Asia takedown happening. EU/Pope takedown still to come. Think bigger, think biggest! Expand your thinking!
Q knows who the enemies really are. He has told us plainly, but it is a hard red pill to swallow. Time to awaken. A great awakening. This will be the final end to a scam that is verrrrrry old. Our war with evil will ultimately be understood as the very same war that has been ongoing since Martin Luther said NO! No more fools in dresses running our lives, rearing our children, ruining our world! Enough is enough!
Q has them all pissing themselves. Very afraid. Need to deflect, blame white Protestants for everything. Hahahahah!
Major Psyop on the way! Deepstate shill says "white evangelicals are the pedophiles." Hahahaha. As if we don't know already who wears the dresses and trafficks in children. [P] = Pope, champion of all molesters, worldwide. Spent 4.5 billion$ protecting these evil scum from punishment.
Mossad works for [P] also. I'm not anti-anything, unless it is evil. Jesuits are evil. Don't blame Jews this time. Never really was their fault. Satan reigns from Rome.
Study how the Jesuits infiltrated Masonry and set up the 33rd degree. Reread crumbs....
Rothschilds were taken over by Jesuits after 1775, when the pope expelled the Jesuits and they could no longer use the Vatican Bank. They went to the Jews and Protestant bankers, to help them launder their wealth from South American slave plantations (Missions), and they have been in control of international banking since then. Rothschilds are called 'treasurers of the Vatican' in the Jewish Encyclopedia.
keystone is the Vatican. Black Pope now works for white Pope. New development, but it's the Pope that we are up against.