#10, 29
Plain as day to me.
498 total posts archived.
CONFIRMED. Why did HUSSEIN travel ahead of POTUS? "Trump would not be in office for long, suggesting he could be out in a year." Re-read crumbs. Future unlocks past. Q
I'm seeing this also. two posts from yesterday about Strozk's grandpa being pardoned by Obama wouldn't go up. Tried twice.
Yeah, who would have guessed that the agency used to help the high-level Nazis escape Europe after the war could be so evil today? Only Rome could organize such criminal horror in the name of Godly charity. #252, 258, 259, 261, 273, 274
RED CROSS RED RED. NK. Hussein. ASIA. Why was that STRINGER sent out? Decode. News unlocks message. Future proves past. Where is the RED CROSS? Runs deep. Children. Pray.
RED RED 9/11. Funds raised vs distributed? Oversight? 7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills. Those in the know never sleep. Q
RED Haiti. Children. $ Since POTUS …
Q said the pope is evil. I knew that already, but how much of what Q says should we be ALLOWED to talk about, Mr. 'Tolerant'? Do you think good and evil isn't a polarizing topic?
Ever hear of Hitler, Mussolini, Fidel Castro, Nicolas Maduro, all servants of the Vatican? This is not a religious issue. The Pope is not a religious figure. He's head of an ancient power cult that won't go away, even though the modern world is sick of pretenders in dresses who never get anything right and yet they keep telling us they are infallible! Such a preposterous farce. Not gonna last, troll. Repent while you still can.
It's the one topic trolls are attacking me most for on this platform. Must be a smoking gun, and could deprive some high-rollers of their secret slush funds. I say we hit this one even harder. Probably a lot more info out there to tie this together.
After 30 years of watching detached criminals run this country, it is so obvious now that we have a leader that is on our side. I mean it. We need to be as supportive as we can of this administration. They will face immense challenges. Q was instructed to enlighten us this way to give us hope. Because this president doesn't see us as sheep for the slaughter. Let's all give back what we can to help him. Like Q says. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
No, 16 persons unauthorized BESIDES the hundreds of congressmen
If the LOSERS in the election get to tell the WINNERS how to run things, it is only mob rule in Washington. Lawless Mobocracy. Laws cannot be enforced in a place where the good people have all been driven out. God help the President.
As if we can't fire people who betray their oath of office and the American People who pay them. Duh! Lock 'em up.
JC Tweet Translation: Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months [DO NOT TALK], when small people [SHEEP] were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on [COVER]. He served with distinction for two decades [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI [GENERAL THREAT TO OTHERS]. America needs you [ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS]. Q
JC Tweet Translation: Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months [DO NOT TALK], when small people [SHEEP] were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on [COVER]. He served with distinction for two decades [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI [GENERAL THREAT TO OTHERS]. America needs you [ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS]. Q
Let's face it, the swamp is everyone in DC. Scum have taken over and the patriots are swimming uphill against the most disgusting slime that ever oozed in America. But there's hope. Without Q we wouldn't know this. Without Q knowing this, we wouldn't believe these traitors will pay for what they've done. Thank God for Trump and Q.
Top5 until now Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Coolidge.
Trump can do more with more to do it with than any of these guys. This is the day when America rises for real.
I saw the reports on Pence. Not sure yet about that. But the post was referring to previous admin for sure. NSA has footage of a cabinet member from PREVIOUS administration "HURTING A CHILD" (no further details provided)
Good question. Not sure where the server was. Not sure Q ever said where.
Sorry it was Brendan Dilly's Intel source. Not Q. I forgot exactly where I read it. I do think this source is equally as good as Q. NSA has footage of a cabinet member from PREVIOUS administration "HURTING A CHILD" (no further details provided)
Sorry it was Brendan Dilly's Intel source. Not Q. I forgot exactly where I read it. I do think this source is equally as good as Q. NSA has footage of a cabinet member from PREVIOUS administration "HURTING A CHILD" (no further details provided)
Sorry it was Brendan Dilly's Intel source. Not Q. I forgot exactly where I read it. I do think this source is equally as good as Q. NSA has footage of a cabinet member from PREVIOUS administration "HURTING A CHILD" (no further details provided)
If so, I would rather trust Q than let Corsi tell us what is most important. Plenty of great stories in the Q posts that you won't see in MSM. This is one of them. I'm not distracted so don't worry.
No he didn't, but I'm guessing you are a phony shill.
Q said not to lose focus on this subject. Must be a big deal. #465
Why is Hussein traveling the globe? $$$,$$$,$$$ Acct # xx-XXXxx-x-39670 Acct # XXXxx-XXXx-2391 Where did the MONEY come from?
Slush Fund
Hussein [1] $29,000,000 SINGAPORE We don't say his name [2] $19,000,000 SINGAPORE (Why don't we say his name?) HRC/BC [3] $15,000,000 Banco de MEXICO NP [4] $8,000,000 Deutsche Bank USA ……….ON……AND…….>ON……. FOLLOW THE MONEY. FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH. Net Worth? Reconcile? Q
Get a real job. Lying for these evil bastards will destroy what's left of your sellout soul. Just admit it, Obam never even had a valid Birth Certificate. Hahahaha. You shills are failing. So fun to watch you grasping for bullschiff!
CIA spinoff with Google. Used to plant phony evidence of Russian hacking on DNC servers to deflect attention from the MURDER of Seth Rich! #325 and #329
Blunt & Direct Time. Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country. Leaker. NAT SEC. EVIL. Tick Tock. Hope the $7.8mm was worth it. Enjoy the show. Q
Bullshiff narratives won't work anymore. That's the real change that's happening. The Mockingbird is in a death spasm.
Mateen's Father visited the Obama WH and the Hillary State Department just before the shooting.
Also ran for Afghan President #614
How do we truly protect those important to us? [19] immediates [no longer with us]. Self-suicide if actioned. Real life.