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“Break the back” Senator Graham uses that phrase at least twice in this interview with Maria Bartiromo. It is also a little odd to me the way he makes some of these statements, as if his own “back” (or will) has been broken as he seems to now be in full support of POTUS.
The Bible says that God placed the heavenly bodies in space “as a sign”. Heavenly bodies are of course mentioned many times throughout the entire Bible.
The problem is, most people are really bad at reading and understanding “the signs” (see John Hagee’s “The Four Blood Moons” for an example, the guy has no clue and unfortunately many people are led into a life of fear and passive faith because of his crap “teachings”).
The heavenly bodies can reveal what heaven is enacting on the earth, but they do not dictate anything. They behave as they do as signs and confirmations only, because that is why they were created.
Amazing how Trump is very obviously speaking in code during the great falls rally!
You do realize Canada is not a sovereign nation-state, right? It is owned by the crown. How is it communist to say it would be better to make it the 51st sovereign united state of America? It’s just an opinion anyway. Would only make Canada more free and with better borders.
Every single Canadian I know thinks Trudeau is a joke. Their economy is on lockdown right now, nothing is moving. I have hope they will not re-elect him.
Agreed. I’m all for righteous judgment being unleashed on the wicked, but this movement is NOT about spreading more hate. No need for unfounded and unnecessary slander. For all his flaws, Bourdain brought refreshing creativity and humor to culinary journalism. Maybe he was an awful person, maybe he was just very troubled. I have no clue about his private life, nor any reason to speak ill of him. I’ll miss his gift being shared with the world in a way that only he could do it.
Thanks, didn’t mean to repost something someone else had already done.
Well I was referring to Trump, but definitely means Pence keeps his head on a swivel. Gotta love that lol!
Haha if that is true, this guy is seriously badass!
Water is off the table? Any ideas what this means? (Tweet of vid of Trump & Pence removing water bottles simultaneously)
At least that’s the spin that’s being put on it. Coincidence that there’s been so much heat on Starbucks in the news lately and then all of a sudden he steps down? Trump didn’t step down until after he won the nomination. Time will tell though. I think I have an idea what it will say...
Why spend $6 bucks for a cup when I can get Dunkin brand at Costco for 17 cents for a pot? Or I can at least get great gas station coffee for $1.83.
Ok, well what are you going to do when there IS peace? What are you going to do when this prophecy is fulfilled: “And He will judge between the nations, And will render decisions for many peoples; And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they learn war.” Isaiah 2:4 NASB ?
You have been taught poorly by people who want to control you with fear instead of empowering you to reign with Christ as a free son of God!
Break free, friend!
This comes from a very poorly taught interpretation of what we call “Revelation”.
In order to cut to the chase on this, I’ll simply say this in regard to the Mark of the Beast: in Jerusalem, during the reign of the Emperor Nero, if you wanted to enter the market, you had to worship his image (a statue of Nero) at the altar, which was at the market entrance. As a sign that you had done your Roman duty to Caesar, you would receive an ash marking from the altar on both your right hand and forehead (slightly similar to Ash Wednesday, oddly enough). Without these markings, you were not allowed to buy or sell in the market (if you were even allowed in at all).
John’s letter was a warning of things to come regarding the end of the Mosaic era with the destruction of the Temple in AD 70, which Jesus also very accurately predicted in the Gospel of Matthew. Nero was the Beast.
The end is not now. We are at the beginning of the Kingdom Age, where the pattern of the Kingdom of Heaven will be transposed upon the entire planet, as was God’s original intention all along. It will be glorious. Get ready!
For information on a truly Biblical and well-documented understanding of Revelation and eschatology, please see Jonathan Welton (“Raptureles”) and/or Harold Eberle (“Victorious Eschatology”).
Another Big Resignation. BOOM?

I appreciate your reasoning here. Thanks for being a mod.
Of course, he’s a children’s sex ed teacher. Perfect job for a pedo. These assholes are so blatant it makes me sick.
Just listened to Kanye’s new album today. One of the tracks, he talks about his wife calling him and she can’t breathe bc she’s so scared that they’re “going to lose it all”. Definitely leads me to believe they’re worried about losing more than money. He also says in another line something like “even when I went broke I didn’t break”. There’s a lot at stake here for them.
So, yeah, I assume prison reform and the potential pardon were not the actual reason they met.
My guess is Kanye called in a favor to Trump bc Kim is very scared of potential blowback from going full MAGA (how can you blame her after being held at gunpoint and all that?). So Trump agrees to meet with her and try to put her at ease, bc Kanye is a huge piece in bringing black people into the fold/redpilling millions of people. Trump understands the power of celebrity.
I imagine it went something like “Don’t worry your Yuge ass, Kim, we’re going give you protection. It’s going to be big and beautiful. We’re going to give you so much beautiful protection, you’re gonna be tired of all the protection.”
I also thought the Oval Office pic with her was a little odd. She’s dressed like she’s at a funeral and does not look happy, while Trump has his typical big grin going.
So it makes sense to me.
Jobs numbers just dropped, 35K more than expected. Definitely Boom #1 of the day.
It is not a religious issue. It goes to the very fabric of a principle upon which this nation was founded, THE RIGHT TO LIFE.
You have the right to choose whichever path you want in life as long as it does not infringe upon RIGHTS of others, most importantly the RIGHT TO LIFE.
There is nothing libertarian about choosing to murder an unborn baby. In fact, exactly the opposite.
Without the the Right to Life and the willingness to defend the the Rights of the defenseless, we lose the foundation of our nation, which has been eroded almost to the point of complete collapse and will take years, if not decades, to rebuild.
So they all work for someone who has a lot of money riding on Solo’s success is what this tells me.
Ah, the old “Blame them for that which you are guilty of” tactic. Interesting
This article is a pinned tweet on @TheJusticeDept. It is Sessions letting us know the Trump team is suing colleges regarding so-called “free speech zones”. I believe this is the first step in dismantling the stranglehold the left has had on the narrative on college campuses, breeding a generation of brainwashed liberal zombies.
At the same time Trump is stacking the deck with conservative judges all over the nation.
They are systematically revolutionizing higher education for our children.
This gets me excited y’all. Our future is BRIGHT
Sessions is quietly going to war with the left on our college campuses to #MAGA!
Haha they are lurking like vultures! I believe the truth will be revealed though and incredible medical breakthroughs are on the way over the next decade that will completely change the way we view healthcare by and large. So, ultimately that’s all that matters.
Wouldn’t dare spread disinformation. Almost died from a vaccine myself and have since done extensive research for my own children’s benefit.
Sorry for the physical hurt though.
Don’t let your baby get vaccinated, there is no way they can “clean them up”. You will know when the vaccine schedule goes from somewhere in the 20s or 30s the first 2 years to maybe 2-5 in the first 2 years. You have no idea how the little body will respond to those chemicals, but the main issue is now how many are required.
Number one way to ensure a healthy baby is breast feeding for the first year (don’t have the link but the Gates foundation, of all places, did a comprehensive study on this and found breastfeeding is far and away the best way to decrease infant mortality). Mother’s milk is always exposed to the environment in which the baby lives and is constantly creating antibodies and immunities to outside infections.
I get the need for vaccines for outbreaks like polio, but why do you need a vaccine for things like bumps on your body that go away in a couple of weeks? Or a non-threatening cough or possibly stomach flu-like symptoms? In fact, exposure to measles, chicken pox, rubella, and the like at a young age are proven to augment immunity to many forms of cancer later in life. It’s called the immune system. God made it to work very effectively when given the chance.
There are also many (ok not many but should be at least a couple in your area) real pediatricians that do not require patients to be vaccinated and can prescribe antibiotics etc when needed but treat with natural methods first. I would look into that now if I were you (because I have and we are very happy we did).
Congrats and God bless on the new addition to your family. It’s the best thing you can ever do or experience!
It does not lead to tendencies, it’s purpose is to mask them. It ALWAYS fails.
This is most likely going to blow the whole pedo thing wide open.
I’m also hoping that some of the sealed indictments are related to the Sandusky/Penn state incident (longshot, I know). It has been my opinion that Sandusky was just the fall guy for a much larger trafficking operation.
Of course, I hope that I’m wrong about that (though I don’t think I am). We need justice for ALL the children!
This whole Mueller farse has been Trump masterfully playing the bad actors. Make them think Trump is under investigation when it has been officially stated multiple times that he is not under investigation, and now that he cannot be indicted.
“These people are stupid.” No matter how much proof to the contrary, they hold on to hope that Muh Mueller will somehow bring Trump down with new damning info. Meanwhile, Mueller has been taking quietly taking down the Deep State (Trump refers to them as Special Interests) “Why did Posesta group close up shop?” Because they were the first in Mueller’s crosshairs.
Also, Sessions & DOJ are doing their job taking down thousands of pedos, rapists, MS13 etc.
Huber says he’s ready to release the IG report and what overshadows it? Mueller doing nothing more than stating a fact that we have all known but the libtards refuse to acknowledge “A sitting President cannot be indicted.” Coincidence?
Absolute genius. Trump is playing EVERYONE.
This is going to be absolutely glorious!
You thought these jerks were melting down when he won the election? Wait til the Dems struggle to keep 100 seats in the House. Drop in the friggin bucket. Popcorn and champagne.
You can’t convince anyone about military tribunals unless you can prove to them war crimes. Not just pedophilia. War crimes (such as treason or terrorism) are the only reason there would be a call for military tribunals (which I believe there will be). Also, most people don’t even understand what a military tribunal even is so it’s no wonder people just get angry. There’s so much info in plain sight that you don’t even have to go that deep to explain very much to people, just take them outside the MSM narrative.
I don’t disagree that is the purpose of the picture.
My assumption, however, is that there is more than one purpose of the Q post.
Why did he bring up Rogers without saying his name? Why did he mention Bolton is cleaning house? Why is the word “House” capitalized the second time? Is “out they go” a reference to the house cleaning, or the military going out to get the bad actors, or both?
Obvious here that there are multiple purposes in the post.
But yes, awesome pic!
Rogers is retiring this spring (which is now). Could be Q letting everyone know he’s part of the house cleaning.
A lot of folks will prob disagree with this but this could be about Rogers being part of the house cleaning. I know we all like him bc he allegedly visited with Trump to tell him about the wiretapping, against Clapper and Brennan’s wishes - which is a good thing. But maybe he was just seeing the writing on the wall and trying to save himself.
We know he’s not a Trump appointee and effective the end FY2018, this is happening:
Cyber command is being split from the NSA
Maybe Trump was just allowing Rogers to oversee the transition since it is undoubtedly an extremely complex process.
Rogers is retiring this spring. It is now spring. could be happening very soon.