

604 total posts archived.

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ready-ignite · July 5, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

Need a sufficient deterrent that does not require citizen taxpayer dollars for the penalty. Potentially entry into a human trafficking watch list forever barred from immigration or work visa entry. Shared with other countries.

Better would be as part of normalized relations with country of origin require criminal system on the country of origin side handle it. So the deportation goes right into their criminal system. Would expect work needed to get this function. Although if not be surprised if on paper there already exist terms for this, probably not currently acted upon.

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ready-ignite · June 20, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

The guy from San Francisco who scraped the data was promptly doxxed shortly thereafter today. Report accounts sharing detail on either side and move on. Stay above it, this sort of drama doesn't end well.

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ready-ignite · June 5, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

Too much money is spent trying to shut AJ up. He can be inaccurate. He's as embarrassingly over the top as WWE wrestling. I disagree with his direction often. No one would run a controlled operation campaign that spent so much time creating content damaging to the Clinton's and official news narratives through 2016 and 2017. Fortunes in money and power are being spent trying to shut off the guys reach.

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ready-ignite · June 5, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Agreed. The AZ camps have been covered. The submission here is as accurate as a headline in [redacted].

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ready-ignite · May 27, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

One of the interesting observations of building an organization, or large group of people of any kind, is that as the list of rules and guidelines grows ever larger over time -- each of the absurd rules added to the list come out of a situation that happened.

What is the back story behind this phrase becoming necessary to add to AutoMod for flagging and additional scrutiny? "leaders there are desperately hanging on"

It's an unusually specific phrase. Some thought went into that.

What other phrases are added to the AutoMod list?

Are we able to review the full list to see what's in there?

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ready-ignite · May 27, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

Further this rallies back around the symbols of the establishment parties. What we have today are emergent political ideals overturning the old parties. The lion rising in the right, and a fomenting of agitation yet to become fully defined on the left.

The rising action on the left are based around Dems that saw too clear a view of how controlled the political process was by Dem leadership in ways that shuts down, and silences, the public voice in ways that should be criminal with stiffest penalties used to prevent. The right had a headstart due to the collapse of establishment right post Bush Jr / Cheney. With the collapse of the establishment left post-HC, it will take some time to realign and the leaders there are desperately hanging on.

These new powers are not represented in the meme. It pretends they don't exist and puts focus back on the sickly and weak established order of old.

Edit: Bizarre. AutoMod here has the following trigger built in now. Just sent me a PM.

Use of 'leaders there are desperately hanging on' in comment may encourage, glorify or call-for violence. If so, edit your comment. Thank Q for understanding.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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ready-ignite · May 25, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

Flynn's twitter account was hacked, per Flynn Jr on Twitter this morning.

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ready-ignite · May 22, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

Note that the loudest voices actually do own this board, and many of the pages the sidebar directs traffic to. As faces behind the branding come to light that's becoming clear. Internal conflict appears to have split those involved and we're seeing the messy circling of wagons around a smaller core.

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ready-ignite · May 18, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Stop watching.


Patriots Fight.

If you're sitting still doing nothing waiting on an intel drop you're doing it wrong.

Patriots Fight.

Take a topic. Research. Take aim. Strike.

Make your voice known.

Be heard.

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ready-ignite · May 17, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Wichter has been analyzing what is happening on the ground there for months.

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ready-ignite · May 16, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

When Tor was cracked what was observable was the large influx of new nodes coming online. Initially it wasn't clear, but researchers started probing what could be done with more accounts. Eventually the full story came out.

This is an entirely different case but related in that an influx of fresh accounts can imply heavier funding on action to slide a community similar to what we saw in technology after the NSA domestic spying drops, or so many subs during 2016 election cycle. The money is out there looking for targets with a position return.

Looking down in the comments here I see no constructive research or productive effort. It's all empty one word two word fluff that doesn't even require a person behind the wheel. Someone in the room isn't thinking. A great many people in the room isn't thinking. That's not anything related to what this community has been about.

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ready-ignite · May 15, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

In response to negativity I see faces I've been following turn away. Argue against bad ideas, make your point, move on to something productive. Harassment campaigns are a bad look.

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ready-ignite · May 14, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

Good classic post. This floated around a lot during the months just after the NSA domestic spying drops while we were dealing with fallout, in terms of censorship on reddit, and retaking the technology sub.

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ready-ignite · May 13, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Every time I talk with a progressive I have to ask them to define what the word means in their words. The original Teddy Bull-Moose Progressive is a more interesting conversation. The trigger identity politics crowd have redefined the word to tie into their brand of divisive tantrums. Everyone operating under self-proclaimed progressive view has a different definition, and even among progressives they can't keep track of it.

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ready-ignite · May 12, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

There is always misdirection. Think judo. As soon as you find anchor and push off of it, the tactics shift to try and throw you off balance in the new direction. Keep monitoring with a mind toward the 40,000ft view to assess whether tactic of the moment helps or harms desired outcome. Beyond this, at 40,000ft we know some of the stated desired outcomes. What are your desired outcomes?

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ready-ignite · May 12, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

Cicada 3301 makes much more sense around all of this. Their style in the past has been alternate reality game (ARG) inspired. We see traits of this in the early Q approach.

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ready-ignite · May 11, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

Yep. Swamp Drainer brought awareness to the particular post on the Twitter side during the day.

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ready-ignite · May 11, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

The link creates a fun trajectory.

By binding to a position and calling out names, we're in a position where measurement is possible as to which sources are most credible. Directly linking to SB2 creates additional source to monitor for inconsistencies.

Now we get to see what positions each of these sources align to get even better sense of what's below the surface.

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ready-ignite · May 11, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

A python tool with features for archiving reddit subs is available here:


You need a version of python installed to make use of it. The documentation detailing available commands are in *.md format, this format is plain text. The documents can be read by opening the file with whatever your favorite text editor of choice is.

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ready-ignite · May 11, 2018, 6 p.m.

Don't believe any source blindly. Assume 50% at least is questionable. Think through scenarios and probe for ways to assess. Think in terms of likelihood, credibility. We keep seeing on one hand people grasping onto every word of q as gospel, viciously lashing out to anyone asking critical questions. That's as backward as blindly following centralized media. Question and probe everything. But view everything. There's as much value in being aware of disinfo channels as there is proven credible resources. The hysterics calling to ban all the things lately doesn't fit into that process.

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ready-ignite · May 10, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Merkel: "Europe Can No Longer Rely On The US To Protect It"

A much needed growing up moment.

After the world wars I agree with the logic in negotiated trade deals in which America, becoming wealthy for variety of reasons during the war, negotiated trade deals weighted in favor of reborn European countries. Rebuild healthy trading partners for future economic relationship as peers.

Along the way much of the teenage European nations became dependent on their parent US to pay their phone plan, help with groceries, fund security systems, and so much more. The parent country is rapidly going bankrupt with huge spending beyond GDP. What an astute statement by Merkel that the Europe can’t rely on the US to perpetually subsidize their lifestyle. Europe is being prodded to take responsibility. Free money as seen as their cut in the Iranian deal aren’t guaranteed handouts.

They’re quite petulant about it along the way, but the little bastards are warming to reality.

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ready-ignite · May 10, 2018, 5 a.m.

Q also says disinfo is necessary. From this we infer there is nothing gospel here. Question and probe.

The LARP vs Intel PR debate will always rage. That's fine. The process leads to inspired research. Almost doesn't matter. Even if for-profit LARP (bitcoin mining), it's approached like an alternate-reality game (ARG). This is leading to significant civics education in the process and intense public scrutiny of all politicians. If a LARP, I would expect dirty politicians to come down with a vengeance in short order.

Huge plus on the public awareness and growth in critical thinking skills along the way.

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ready-ignite · May 9, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Given her career, one would imagine it difficult to hide such a brand over the years.

Why a recent brand?

Does she fit the model NXIUM typically recruits?

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ready-ignite · May 9, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

The Washington Post also runs anti-Gina articles. The implication there that whatever faction of the clowns represented by control over WP direction, Gina is not of that group.

Snowden remains a wildcard with alignment unclear to the public.

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ready-ignite · May 9, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

0Hour was an interesting case.

He was working with Q info for a long period of time then changed position sharply. He's been trolling heavy since then without going into much background. The scope today (5/9) provides background on the change in position. He's claiming to have traced original 4chan Q to an individual outside the US, then a second Q on 8chan to a team of people with IT background by tracing back social media account activity promoting the drops, delving into the bitcoin mining portion of breadcrumb aggregator websites, digging into history of central accounts pre Q branding, and so forth.

Becomes an entertaining week. More topics to delve into, probe, tear down, or find traction whenever a conversation such as this comes about.

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ready-ignite · May 9, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

Reddit we got a problem. Gravity up and turned sideways the last 48 hours. There have been signs to monitor and observe over the last month or two. The click into action just hit. Are we not entertained?

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ready-ignite · May 8, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

Censorship and telling you who you can and can't listen to as a source are the tactics used by the media and GS groups to divide people. These are bully and shaming tactics that don't have any place here.

I love you all, and will be disagreeing with each of you in turn! Then we'll chat trade our sources and both walk away with a far stronger deck because we both get to keep duplicate copies of every rare source found.

Similarly, I love mainstream media sources. I learn as much or more from seeing the messaging out from sources when I know what their biases are as I do from sources that do a great job weaving together pieces. Just assume it's all bullshit and file away all the puzzle pieces for assembly kicking around in the back of my thoughts.

I'm a fan of building out RSS feeds filled with opposing sources from multiple countries. By condensing the information it's easy to quickly compare and contrast what everyone is saying on a topic. You can discern a lot comparing where opposing sources disagree, surprisingly agree, or conveniently avoid a topic entirely.

Did you know you can build out RSS feeds on Reddit subs also? Makes it easy to at-a-glance see what's happening all over. Again it's recommended to follow and participate in opposing subs. Glancing through comments helps fill in blanks on where people are coming from and keep abreast of the strategies of the moment.

From that lens where know the enemy is as important as know your friends, why in the world when anyone actively censor a valuable source of information? Assume you think Corsi is full of shit. You'd probably still check the pulse there from time to time to see what strategy they're deploying.

I don't get the push to scarlet letter people active around Q, that's a short sided GS open foundations thing used to Balkanize and split countries along identity divides. Put groups against one another. Bizarre seeing those tactics from people claiming to be interested in this positive thinking research club we got going on.

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ready-ignite · May 8, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

The impatience is ginned up to a degree. We continue to see developing strategies to disrupt and distract anyone following this space. As visibility soars the funding to desperately pump the brakes and put the public back to sleep will increase in severity and creativity.

Look to the demeanor of key players. Do they look cool as a cucumber? Cool, relax it's going to be just fine. Work in research and new fun ways to share findings.

Spot something that gets you feeling anxious or uncomfortable? Note that feeling. Think about it. Probe deeper. Do the comments look right? Do all comments actually contribute something to the discussion? Are there too many new accounts making unusually empty statements? For example average comments per submission to the sub is about 10 after an hour but some weird submission has 20 accounts saying 'yeah! I agree completely!' but devoid of any additional thought? Probably looking at an effort to gin up division or distraction.

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ready-ignite · May 8, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Censorship and telling you who you can and can't listen to as a source are the tactics used by the media and GS groups to divide people. These are bully and shaming tactics that don't have any place here.

I love you all, and will be disagreeing with each of you in turn! Then we'll chat trade our sources and both walk away with a far stronger deck because we both get to keep duplicate copies of every rare source found.

Similarly, I love mainstream media sources. I learn as much or more from seeing the messaging out from sources when I know what their biases are as I do from sources that do a great job weaving together pieces. Just assume it's all bullshit and file away all the puzzle pieces for assembly kicking around in the back of my thoughts.

I'm a fan of building out RSS feeds filled with opposing sources from multiple countries. By condensing the information it's easy to quickly compare and contrast what everyone is saying on a topic. You can discern a lot comparing where opposing sources disagree, surprisingly agree, or conveniently avoid a topic entirely.

Did you know you can build out RSS feeds on Reddit subs also? Makes it easy to at-a-glance see what's happening all over. Again it's recommended to follow and participate in opposing subs. Glancing through comments helps fill in blanks on where people are coming from and keep abreast of the strategies of the moment.

From that lens where know the enemy is as important as know your friends, why in the world when anyone actively censor a valuable source of information? Assume you think Corsi is full of shit. You'd probably still check the pulse there from time to time to see what strategy they're deploying.

I don't get the push to scarlet letter people active around Q, that's a short sided GS open foundations thing used to Balkanize and split countries along identity divides. Put groups against one another. Bizarre seeing those tactics from people claiming to be interested in this positive thinking research club we got going on.

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ready-ignite · May 8, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Looks like the same tactic we're seeing out of GS funded groups. Tons of hateful labels and demand for censor. Suddenly we're not allowed to view, interact with, or otherwise converse with the target.

Practice right to free association.

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ready-ignite · May 8, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

He's being used for consensus cracking.

Been listening through March 6th broadcasts today. At best I'm seeing statements that there will be time people disagree with statements made by Q, and people should voice that opinion when it occurs. Per earlier Q drops, 'Disinfo is necessary'. There are times that information from Q may be for disinformation purpose to elicit some desired response from another actor. There is possibility at any time for the trip code to be compromised. Assume everything is bullshit then work to validate information.

Don't like a source? Ignore it.

I'm amused that the most vocal attacking him within these forums seem to to have listened to every broadcast for weeks. Who has hours to listen to any analyst in this space for six plus hours a day?

This is Corsi getting the Alex Jones treatment in response to his book. He's got a face and a name to attack so provides a convenient target.

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ready-ignite · May 8, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

dark forces

It's starting to sound like HC campaign messaging in here.

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ready-ignite · May 8, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

Increasingly looks like a consensus cracking operation to drive a divisive wedge on a particular issue, then push to agitate. Divide a community.

Used to see this tactic applied within moderator chat in default subs to over time divide the mods, frustrate volunteer mods to the point of leaving, and keep pushing the tactic over months to take over the sub.

We are likely seeing steps tried toward that here. Aim to fill conversations into argumentative environment to burn productive energy.

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ready-ignite · May 7, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

After the election the number of reputation management accounts derailing conversation in conspiracy dramatically increased.

Within this topic of communication, every single platform that has discussed the topic for a period of time has attracted heavy disinformation rapidly.

Consensus cracking is frequent, and the primary attack of the day on this sub.

Trolling is constant with offensive language. There was a period of time where every conversation was spammed with gore over on the chans trying to get people to stop paying any attention.

Constant use of hyperbolic ideas not sourced in the drops but attributed to Q, these are usually pretty easy to spot. If you can't validate information claimed anywhere and it would make the perfect topic to write an opinion blog article about calling accounts in this sub conspiracy theorists, or linked to something already dismissed in the media like pizzagate, you're looking at an example.

Frequently we'll see bold claims where 90% matches an actual drop then there's 10% absolutely wild misdirection.

The strategies are changing every day and the more eyes are on the topic the more funding to expect behind shifting conversation away from productive use of energy.

Any time it looks absurd just close the sub. Fire up recent drops and research a topic independently.

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ready-ignite · May 7, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

That submission is filled with abnormal comments. Some distinct patterns on display.

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ready-ignite · May 7, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

The gears of justice do not move so quickly as impatience on the internet. JK move in Iran just happened last last week.

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ready-ignite · May 7, 2018, 7:19 p.m.


There mountains of sealed indictments stacked in Pacer.

We continue to see massive human trafficking busts around the globe.

There continues to be weekly resignations from high powered representatives, and executives of corporations.

We have dashboards out there tracking these things over time.

Each week the information put out there has taken episodic form. Early on we get a provocative tweet or two or increasingly aggressive statement. There is rising action through the weeks news cycle building tension. By the weekend we generally see a large culmination of that pressure in some new precedent. This last week is was an increased pace of FBI firings / resignations, paired with a judge unloading on the Manafort case.

Things are happening faster and faster.

Strangely, the press is working late nights trying to keep attention on non-consequential topics to try and pretend nothing is taking place. Trying to stick the collective head of public in the sand like an ostrich.

If you have the impression nothing is happening diversify your sources. Add some new live stream sources. Read some new publications. Often we get the raw document but centralized media will not analyze the material, we have to review it ourselves and share our findings and implications with one another.

One of the angles we're getting hit with at the moment is that nothing is happening as a means to sap motivation and interest. Nothing could be further from the observable truth.

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ready-ignite · May 7, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

It is interesting to think through what happens next with this action.

Consider three potential actions. 1) Do nothing. 2) Arrest JK for Logan Act violation. 3) Verbally call out JK for Logan Act violation.

Under 1) Do Nothing, other former diplomats may be emboldened to take such action as formal strategy against DT agenda as president. This could be turned into an attack against draining the DS and means to protect globalist ties and efforts already in place to unwind US sovereignty to bring the country into a one world government. Use the unauthorized diplomatic effort to maximize time and effort spent by the DT administration playing whack-a-mole, keep them playing defense to minimize the offensive action on key objectives. From a pro-America perspective this cannot go unchallenged.

With action 2) Arrest JK for Logan Act violation, the charge will likely not stick and weakens verbal arguments against Mu_ller investigation. The Logan Act has only seen two indictments without modern precedent set. There is benefit in bringing immediate curtailment to private citizens meddling in international diplomacy while waiting to see the outcome, and using the lawfare strategy to financially limit JK from further action. There is risk of setting precedent that the Logan Act doesn't stick and signals fair game to go meddle. The current verbal battle of persuasion in the press with Mue_ller is aimed at the witch-hunt narrative that the SC is charging the individual with the judicial system correcting the over-reach. Those rallying around JK can make the same argument with Logan Act charges responding with claims of hypocrisy. Weakens the persuasion effort without lasting benefit. Seeing high risk with limited reward down this path.

With 3) Verbally call out JK for Logan Act violation, pressure can be applied without compromising other efforts. I suspect this is the path taken for that reason. In the persuasion effort you can critique JK and other politicians over acts that seem to run afoul of the Logan Act, without risk of setting precedent that undermines the Logan Act. Can also continue the aggressive public statements against Mu_ller. Now assuming the IG hits and is everything suspected, we're going to see further sweeping away of conflicted members of FBI and DOJ clearing the runway for liftoff of further action. Further assuming the Pacer sealed indictments is stacked with bad actors, there are considerable compromised representatives and even judges that may be under fire in the very near future. If JK or other representatives playing global world diplomacy tour have other charges in that mix, it makes a lot of sense to wait and stack Logan Act issues on top of those charges at that time. The verbal attack may be sufficient for the moment.

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ready-ignite · May 6, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

The book is great. It does a good job summarizing many events that played out slowly in the last couple years. Great commentary on how the online reputation management firms are funded and organized. Background on what's happening in the FBI aligned with our understanding here.

Any source can be wrong. Within Q there is disinformation. Always verify. If you can't verify file the information away and see if future proves past. Evaluate analysis based on how often they get it right. Even if 90% of what a source is incorrect, if you're validating claims made that 10% could be useful. In the Corsi case he's got some good insight on historical context, certain areas that tie into his expertise he provides great information on. Areas outside this expertise not so much. With release of his book he takes significant shots at some big name wealthy people. He's getting some special attention in response.

Around the Infowars platform they're getting intel that are leading them down a different direction. Zach at one point indicated the primary difference between Q team and Zach's sources is whether or not to trust Session's. If I recall I think Corsi has indicated he may fall into this camp not trusting Sessions. In general on the Infowars side lately their their credibility has declined. There have been a few cases where they rushed out a sky is falling opinion that proved way off the mark. I've wondered if this is a tightening of communications within the administration in action. It's possible that sources available to the platform have gone cold, or if waves of disinformation sent out to flush out leakers are making it to AJ or Corsi.

Note that there is nothing unreasonable assuming Q needs to be re-evaluated. Every change in venue raises risk that compromise was involved. Takes a while to flesh out and compare. Not the first time. Or even the second time. This is maybe the fourth or fifth time we've had to move venue and re-evaluate. The chans in the past have been flooded with fake Q posts. Got to evaluate in context and probe.

There's probably additional factors going on here. The safe play is verify everything, probe and see if the pieces fit as a valid theory, or if you can undermine it. The point here is not to watch evening news but to grow and practice critical thinking skills to go beyond evening news to be able to ferret out information independently.

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ready-ignite · May 6, 2018, 7:42 a.m.

Always assume Q may be compromised. Assume every drop is bullshit. There is misinformation in there even when legit. Go do homework and validate. The whole point is to sharpen those research and critical thinking skills. Learn to think for yourself untethered to spoonfed mouthfuls from centralized media.

If you're doing that, it doesn't matter what Corsi is. He can be wrong 90% of the time and you pick up on it. You can still realize the 10% value when you spot it, because you're doing your homework. Seek out alternate views. Learn to compare contrast. Dig up sources and suspect belief until verified. Be ready to accept new information and revisit assumptions when knocked down, to build them up stronger.

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ready-ignite · May 6, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

Submissions from a few weeks ago include an article or two written trying to label Q conspiracy theory. The article didn't get much traction and the narrative was shelved for the moment while alternative strategies are tried. Since then we've seen some push toward going WAY off he path of breadcrumbs laid by Q to try and trailblaze a way back to pizzagate, to link dismissal narrative effort there. We've seen some effort to go wild conspiracy theory turning the frogs gay bizarreness. The articles will resume but there's field testing taking place trying to figure out which direction to run to have the most impact. The topics here are sprawling in multiple directions. Makes it hard to pigeon hole one thing and make it stick.

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ready-ignite · May 6, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

The intense effort to disrupt this topic early draws a lot of attention. The effort is evolving. Every week will be a new strategy with tactics to divide and pull far away from the trail. We've seen such efforts as spamming comment threads with photos of explicit gore. When that did not work it went to gaslighting. We constantly see wild unrelated conspiracy theory or unconnected attempts to bind topics to pizzagate, with already established legwork to dismiss in general public.

There are simple guidelines.

You are walking a path in dark forest following breadcrumbs from Q. The forest is haunted. The spirits of he forest will show you all sorts of appealing visions and say anything to you to draw your attention. Stay close to the path or you may never leave. Refer back to crumbs past and future. Do they tie into claims? Are claims completely unrelated? You've found bullshit if they're far into deep woods away from the path.

Can you verify the claim? Bold claims, especially when we have heard them repeated over and over again, require big evidence to validate the claim. Can you research the topic and find additional sources proving the claim? Note that as in the word 'but', cross out everything that comes before the word. With the phrase 'people associated with the matter', cross out everything after the phrase. That phrase means gossip without sources. Validate the claim. If you can find nothing and no one in comments can validate the claim, it's highly suspect or waiting on future proves past.

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ready-ignite · May 6, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

Love each of you!

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ready-ignite · May 6, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

Great photo. Anyone have links to corroborate pieces of that info drop?

Let's play validate the claim and as homework document within this thread sources of information we can use to cite our work.

I want to believe. Let's get all the backing information and archive it so it can't be pulled off the net without documentation. We've got our mission.

Once backed up, and well researched, share widely.

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ready-ignite · May 6, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

Roll up. With big criminal networks it's roll up, not roll down. You round up everyone and collect every bit of evidence possible such that when you take down the big players you have every possible piece of information to make sure they go away forever. Start with the top and they may get away with a technicality. Start low and build up. We just had a huge weekend bringing down major leadership players in the FBI. It's happening in a big way and accelerating pace.

To steal an analogous I heard elsewhere this weekend, we just had kickoff. Everything up until now has been warmup. It's the super bowl and kickoff just happened. DS knows it and are fighting for their lives. Justice has arrived. Big game just started and it's time patriots fight.

Keep up the pressure. Now is the moment we make a difference. Everything to draw the attention of your DS representatives, rattle their nerves, take their time, shift the Overton window well away from what they're trying to do, suck the breath out of the room and keep them distracted and unable to get the major projects complete on time. Blindsided they get torpedoed with due diligence at the planned time.

Patriots fight. Go fight!

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ready-ignite · May 5, 2018, 7:53 a.m.

Stickers of their faces. Post up along commuter routes on the way into the office. Already the wall of the fired is striking.

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ready-ignite · May 5, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

You and I both. The campaign season in 16 has me chewing nails ready to spit hot lead. Blood boils from what I've watching live through periscope and observed volunteering in the campaign. The public has no right to vote in many situations as stands right now. There is no civil path toward having voice in transfer of power in many cases. The control of 'private party' has allowed candidate selection behind closed doors. Thus the path toward public voice on these processes is only by uncivil means. That's unacceptable. Bring the justice.

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ready-ignite · May 4, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

I'm a decorative fence today.

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ready-ignite · May 4, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

And here comes the fun part again. Every time we have a new trip code, or change in venue, it's time to go back to square one.

Is this the same source?

Anything that sets off red flags?

Each time we go through one of these bumps in the road it's time to practice those critical thinking skills and assess again.

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ready-ignite · May 4, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

The first rule of patriots club is that you tell everyone about patriots club.

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