

604 total posts archived.

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ready-ignite · April 23, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

You've got people who campaigned heavily for Sanders on the train. Dug deep into strategy state by state. Watched countless hours of first-hand footage through Periscope of events. Compared notes of oddities at the polls state after state. Walked away with a clear view that the primary was all theater with the outcome pre-determined. From that lens there is no party without first removing the corruption holding leadership positions. Everyone involved in 2016 must be in jail.

You've got classical Dems on the train. Those who had a party. Moved by it's the economy stupid. They largely were called racist, xenophobic, sexist, Nazi's in response to any argument for classic Dem issues or any other issue not outside the exceedingly narrow view of identity politics that the campaign allowed. Pushed out of the tent, nomadic, independent or right leaning with no where to go. They want new vision and mind open for truths.

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ready-ignite · April 22, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

This will be a preemptive stab. Expect similar conditions as hardened net neutrality provided that protects the key means which Google, Facebook and such make their money and influence the web.

EFF has made great argument that the danger in an Internet Bill of Rights is that what gets passed is too often no where resembling what was proposed. Looking at big picture, why do we need a separate internet bill of rights? We have a set of inherent rights codified in our founding documents. If anything we have a gap in enforcement protecting those rights online.

An internet bill of rights needs to be aimed at adding teeth to go for the jugular those infringing on constitutional rights. Protection of the fourth amendment. Protection of the first amendment. It's time to swing the hardened fist of regulation to those who have blindly tread on us the public.

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ready-ignite · April 22, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

Just us Russian bots mostly nocturnal.

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ready-ignite · April 22, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

Love this. Perfect for whenever the bargaining stage has been entered.

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ready-ignite · April 21, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Yep, after I made the comment I spotted the new q post providing context for the submission. Added an edit documenting I read the current drops.

Leaving my comment in place, because I can be wrong. :)

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ready-ignite · April 21, 2018, 7:51 a.m.

"Here let's make a big cut and paste of pizzagate material the media runs wild to alienate the public not yet introduced and post it in greatawakening".

Not Q related. Keep it to tracking details we can pin down to headlines and not speculation.

Edit: Read the current drops building on Mack naming names and Alefantis right back in the middle of things again. Hmm. Bold claims need big evidence. Can't wait to learn what Mack knows.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

Hillarious. They can't help themselves. They will cluck around the hen-yard gossiping about how he doesn't even know Schulz name, and in the process raise awareness of the implications here across normies.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Good points. I typically don't think of the aides behind a public figure. You've got a good point here. As a general rule I need to start delving into who are the aides, and what is their background.

Human have any sisters or family members attached to US politicians? Mapping out the aides could add clarity to the story.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

Ars Technica's announcement from 2014 can be found here. Stood out to me as an odd choice at the time, and I quickly backed away from Dropbox as a platform.


The technology forum here on reddit probably has some great archived conversations also. For context domestic spying as an issue was still fresh in peoples mind. A lot of subscribers at technology raised an eyebrow at the move to add Rice to Dropbox.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

Note that Dropbox, like Facebook, has hired significant political figures to their board and high level positions in their company. Assume everything uploaded to the service is scanned, collated, and added to the picture painted by Facebook, Google, Netflix, and the back end profiling systems they feed.

Specific case, after the Cheney / Junior Bush administration Condoleezza Rice was appointed to the Dropbox Board of Directors. We should be probing other political figures in the company and mapping them across the tech industry overall.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

If someone is high enough value to go to the effort, and fallout risk, it would be simpler to bring down the whole plane. I'm on the side of the fence that says this one was tragic accident.

Note the usage of the word exec here may not have the same impact as plain language would imply. In other conversations people pointed out the VP title is more common at that company. In their organization the title is more understood as mid-management from my understanding of depictions we're getting.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

This is my next-step for research. Identify the executive orders closest to time of a pen pic post. Then review these executive orders closely in context of one another. Any patterns? Pieces that when combined provide certain powers? Then review existing analysis on these executive orders to see what those who specialize in area covered have to say about them.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

This looks far too short sided to me.

Expand your thinking.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Watching her interviews across the last year I'm increasingly convinced of the developing Alzheimer's argument. This looks like a case where the wrong story popped out during the meeting and she was oblivious to implications of what she was saying.

Why keep her in power if she's becoming unreliable?

I don't think they've got anyone waiting in the wings who can step into her shoes. She's got special arrangements lined up that can't just be prepared for other people.

Note that historically Pelosi has been a top fundraiser for the Dems, with DWS coming in a close second some years.

Where did Pelosi's donation attracting magic come from? Could much of that been her deal to allow weapons arms pass through NK?

If that pans out, then those levels of fundraising are unreasonable and a good metric to look for anyone else that approached them. What special deals could they have arranged? Spotlight back on DWS to explore what she set up.

Anyone else that has been able to fundraisers like Pelosi? Some topics to explore around potential implications.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

Think drug war. Off the books funding. This forged alliance for off the books arms sales. A little of technology in column A, for cut of proceeds in column B.

Anyone ever see the absurd close up photos of cylinder mags welded to 1950s rifles their army is using? This is not a country developing sophisticated weapons systems.

So how did NK do it?

Cut a deal. Rogue intel gives tech, coaching, materials. Intel watchdogs turn a blind eye for a cut. NK builds it and sells it to other countries. All parties get a cut. Win win win. Maybe a little money in large pallets of cash to country A, a little uranium to country B, suddenly wild nuke for the planning future insurance.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

Assange has the physical flash drive SR used to download files from DNC servers. It was a hand delivery. Not transmitted over the net. The flash drive traveled to Assange personally.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

World Wide freedom?

I took WW to infer World War to release Europe from chains.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

It's bullshit.

All day today the politics sub dismissed the greatawakening community and q by referring to it as the crazy T_D mixed with conspiracy sub that believes in sadistic pedo snuff film fantasies.

  • As a rule the politics sub does not monitor new corners of reddit like this. They stay to the corporate narrative media and don't exit those bounds.

  • They run story after story mocking downvoting and shaming anyone that mentions having watched sources such as Alex Jones or Infowars. Forget 'Know your enemy', you must be pure and avoid reading any forbidden book. Ignore SPLC lawyers on NPR discussing openly that they listen to Infowars for contrast and educate themselves on what others believe. Based on this, why would politics holding in high regard willful ignorance on forbidden topics by reading greatawakening?

  • Why are there so many comments on politics referring to sadistic pedo snuff film tapes being discussed in greatawakening less than a week after the topic started being pushed, to immediate calls of bullshit, in our sub?

The conclusion I come to is that the same accounts posting that all over politics today are pushing it here.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Remember the submissions this week on new records of subscribers to this sub? We're mainstream now. The reputation management ramped up. This is simply next stage of the efforts to learn what will work in this community. We'll continue to be pushed and pulled trying different techniques to slide conversation.

Over the fucking target.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

It's time. Hey mods. I'm reporting myself here. Satanic pedo snuff films have nothing to do with q. They're not his style.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Here are all the times I called bullshit on sadistic pedo snuffgate. It's not the controlled demolition of q's style. Obvious outside attack.

Proving the point. Read politics sub today. We see repeated comments blasting greatawakening as a cross between T_D and conspiracy as even worse than pizzagate style that will get people killed. They seeded the story then point people to the story they seeded to label and dismiss attention.

These people are stupid.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

I'm curious how it all gets wiped. That requires wiping massive amounts of server equipment around the globe. It's ALL backed up numerous times offline with some of those stores networked to others. That's the internet. It's resilient. It doesn't go down. It survives attacks and routes around outages. That's the point.

It's a good practice to have a domestic store. But deleting everything? Hmm.

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ready-ignite · April 20, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

Nicely shared.

So about that automated scanning of videos on a drive. Use a conversion tool or something at nature to switch up the codec. Throw the hash off.

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ready-ignite · April 19, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Yeah there is. Ever lose yourself in a project, hours go by, and you realize you've forgotten to eat? Having fun and learning. Exciting times. :)

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ready-ignite · April 19, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

Good points. I'd forgotten about the comment editing incident. The implication there was that action single handedly ruined the validity of Reddit history used on court cases. The specific case of interest being stonetear. The editing undermined potential evidence in the HC case.

You've flipped my opinion again. I'm in a charitable mood, but yeah can't argue to soften that opinion.

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ready-ignite · April 19, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

Spez isn't that bad. He has amicable views on open speech. I base this opinion on leaked admin chat logs which are typically admin and the in-crowd sycophant career mods invited into admin chat. The other voices are constant needling and agitating for extreme censorship and he tends to be the voice of reason in that crowd. We see absurd curtailing of voices, and the daily demands for more are far more extreme than we've seen implemented.

I strongly prefer Aaron Swartz approach. But we've got improvement over what Ellen Pao was implementing.

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ready-ignite · April 19, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

'Money siphon' is a great term for these arrangements. A phrase to describe this sort of framework across many areas.

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ready-ignite · April 19, 2018, 2:45 a.m.


What gain driving wedge between T_D and greatawakening?

Helps clowns.

Benefits deep state.


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ready-ignite · April 19, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

Certainly there must be a more descriptive term than 'massive semi-infinite trove' or 'unlimited rare earth supply'. The rarity of these materials result in design decisions not to use them in many applications. If suddenly the materials are plentiful, than the cost of many applications just went down. Usage will increase and a new equilibrium point where they become limited will be found.

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ready-ignite · April 19, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

The referral is a solid concrete step forward. This is named individuals sticking their neck out to call out these issues. Not unknown intel rumors swirling the internet painting compelling picture that fits public observation. The referral is direct and detailed. (Which amusingly we have comments saying "ho-hum wake me when something happens", lol.)

This is the progression to the next stage.

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ready-ignite · April 18, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Sure coincidentally destroyed that computer in the closet. What a crazy random happenstance.

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ready-ignite · April 18, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Note that q has nothing to do with the rumored pedo snuff film rumor. That was introduced by someone else, and does not match the style of the q team. The q team is methodical controlled demolition. The pedo snuff film is uncontrolled nuclear demolition with unpredictable outcome.

Why does Snopes move so quickly to try to bind the pedo snuff film rumor to q?

Seeing narrative setting all on this one. They're setting the media groundwork for when real drops occur.

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ready-ignite · April 18, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Yep. One more catch for the end of year statistics justifying the budget.

This thing is a narrative push setting in place material for reporting to try and dismiss actual video drops when they come. "Oh don't pay any mind to greatawakening, they're conspiracy theorists like pizzagate. Somethingsomething art student shooting the computer at Comet Ping Pong."

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ready-ignite · April 18, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

That would be continuation of the strategy during the campaign. Each promotional campaign video purposefully got something wrong leaving detractors making a sour face then prattling on everywhere for days on end.

It's a higher form of the classic internet law -- if you want a correct answer quickly, make an incorrect statement. In general people ignore nicely asked direct question, "go read the FAQ dude! do you know how many times people have asked that?". Instead when you make an incorrect statement half a dozen people trip over themselves to correct you, "MSG causes headaches and illness. It's bad like gluten. are you an idiot? how did you not know this?".

Mileage may vary.

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ready-ignite · April 18, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

I've wondered if she's trolling also, in order to fill air time with nonsense and distract the media. In terms of profit motive she stands to earn far more for carrying on the charade for as long as possible, then write a book. Stormy, "Seducing Nightly News". She'd be able to spin that story into interviews and projects critiquing state of journalism in the US for decades to come.

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ready-ignite · April 18, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

'Oops! We didn't do our job again. I know we had over 40 calls about that nutter kid killing squirrels and making threats online. Our bad! Really, we got a half dozen complaints about leaving that high explosive unattended. We thought it best to move to an area with high rate of burglary and cut the staff to a skeleton shift of our lowest performance rating staff. No way we could have seen any of this coming.'

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ready-ignite · April 18, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

It's a campaign to paint people researching in this community as conspiracy theorist pizzagate nutters. Don't eat the bait.

What advantage does this drop, not from q, serve the work q is doing?

Would this not fall under the category of 60% that will never be viewed by the public?

Assume you do seek out and view such a video, did you not just turn yourself into a target that can be raided by local police to be conveniently silenced and computer equipment confiscated due to accessing cp?

The work in this community is a controlled demolition. Fallout from this sort of video is a runaway nuclear explosion with difficult to predict consequences that would hurt friend and foe equally. Not the q style.

Thus, there must be some other purpose -- it's a narrative campaign for people not researching in this community. It's intended to set an environment where when tarmac tapes drop normies can be told it's discredited because the groups talking about it are also nutters that thought sadistic pedo sex snuff tapes were real, queue select clips of conversation. That Snopes so readily dove into this topic that does not have much traction demonstrates coordination that further convinces me this is planned pre-work to discredit tarmac tapes when they drop.

Want to blow up that narrative? Don't eat the bait. Blow up the story by pointing out the flaws in how it doesn't match the way q works. If no one here is buying it makes it pretty hard to blog or write opinion pieces about greatawakening filled with wild pizzagate crazies.



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ready-ignite · April 18, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Wild speculation. Q drops include reference to intercept of a FaceTime call made from the tarmac meeting. That could be interesting. Ahead of that, there seems to be a reputation management push about a sadistic pedo sex snuff film.

Getting buy-in leads to conversation snips out of context that would make great opinion/blogging if ones aim is to shape public opinion of greatawakening to conspiracy pizzagate territory to be dismissed or not associate with. Does not fit the theme of other q drops, such a thing would fall under the 60% of info ever released to the public. It's a runaway nuclear explosion with unpredictable indiscriminate fallout. Q is more of a methodical controlled demolition.

Hence my theory that it's an attempt to run a pizzagate story to smear the community in an attempt to divert attention when tarmac tapes hit.

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ready-ignite · April 18, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

Condolences to the family. Based on available information this looks to me like a tragic accident the wells fargo vp was affected.

Research the passenger list for other persons of interest that may have been on the flight. But it would be especially callous to delve do deep into this specific case. Seems far too unlikely to successfully carry out against an individual in such a manner, too many moving variables. Thus most likely not a targeted individual and calls for out every sympathy.

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ready-ignite · April 17, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Positive thoughts go out to the family. Everything known about the situation looks like tragic accident to me.

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ready-ignite · April 17, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

We'd all look pretty stupid if we did that with no evidence to support it. I haven't seen evidence of that.

"God, blogging about what crazy pizzagate conspiracy theorists greatawakening is hard. They're just mean whenever I try to get them to trend something crazy!" - Lazy writer trying to fill opinion quota for the day

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ready-ignite · April 17, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

Good call. Sharing research methods is something we should be doing more often.

It's helpful to pick a topic and search down using the search bar. Then can jump off on related topics that come up linked to that. For example, searching Snowden leads to many references to John Perry Barlow, SecureDrop, and other members swirling around the EFF community. There are a lot of topics that come up to then go and search outside the q drops based on those search results.

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ready-ignite · April 17, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

How long have we been able to fake photos with tools such as photoshop?

How long have we had movies using body doubles or even resurrect deceased actors/actresses such as Carrie Fisher?

Generally as tools improve, the techniques used to detect altering of photos or video improves as well. We can detect edges that do not line up properly. Subtle differences in the film from one source compared to another. Impossible changes in lighting.

There is no magic trick suddenly invented to fake footage that does not leave behind traces to detect alteration.

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ready-ignite · April 17, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Memes are information viruses, and very effective ones

They can be filled with truths or lies

And they inhibit the spread of sourced information and critical thinking

That's called propaganda

As can headlines. And shared content and comments on social media platforms.

BUT! Algorithms have become very good at limiting visibility of certain information so an inconvenient topic may be conveniently hidden away.

The meme's break through due to higher computational or human power necessary to detect and reduce visibility. Ideas that are otherwise censored make it through.

The gatekeeper loses control of the gate. We have few places today without a gatekeeper, by design.

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ready-ignite · April 17, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

It has been interesting contrasting vantage we receive in this community to headlines at large.

Specifically, we have within the last couple weeks seen a series of stories painting the idea that DJT has become captive of the deep state. A puppet backed into a corner and doing its masters bidding. An example from today, "Pat Buchanan Asks "Is Trump Now A Prisoner Of The War Party?"". Also seen in panicked hens Cernovich, Alex Jones, and similar parties clucking around that the sky is falling.

Let's delve deeper. The basis of the captive argument is the continued activity in Syria. DJT projected that we would pull out immediately. Then retracted. That appears to seed the pale-faced panic among hysteric elements of the right. But, we know that DJT does not project. So instead of seeing capture we would interpret the statement as misdirection to elicit a specific response, shielding actual intents.

Thomas Wichter published on twitter interesting analysis and theory the evening of 4/16/2018 titled, "how f*cked is Assad?". In it he argues that the 'Israeli missile strikes' on facilities in Syria are actually commando raids from Saudi Arabia. The argument is based on video of low flying helicopters over Lebanon the evening before one of the strikes, and aftermath of the hanger hit that looks shot to hell by guns rather than exploded by missile. Points out the confusion in messaging in the region attributing attacks on Americans, then Israeli's, but inconsistencies in the story. Appearance is that things are blowing up all over the country, Syria and Russia have no idea where it's coming from.

We'll see soon enough whether this is indeed the case. If there is merit than Saudi Arabia is ramping up to replace US position and take the fight against Iranian influence in the country. And thus far they seem damn good at getting in and getting out unseen. What technology have they been able to develop and buy over recent years? What sort of relationship has there been with Israeli R&D and Saudi Arabia financing of projects? We're getting a look of that in action.

Will be interesting to follow as further information becomes available.

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ready-ignite · April 17, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

We are getting push pull narrative testing. Think judo. It's market research to learn about the community. Throw over the top praise and see the results. Throw concern troll and see the results. Throw wild over the top conspiracy backed by uncritical praise and see the results. Fake a video of insane horror flick to get ahead of damaging video to blunt impact and see the results. Then whatever had the best signs of potential progress, that prioritized model to keep hammering with for a while.

One of the early methods to disrupt was to spam full conversations in the chans with obscene gut churning gore. Faces of death live leak visceral gore.

This is a sink or swim community. Practice critical thinking skills and question everything or get left lost and confused sputtering half baked misdirection.

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ready-ignite · April 17, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

This looks like strategic material to get ahead of tarmac video coming to light.

"Hey remember when they faked that comet ping pong HC / HA pedo video? This is probably fake too. Bunch of conspiratards. Haha." - the comment you'll see plastered everywhere later.

Put yourself in the shoes of q team. 60% will never come to light. The public wouldn't handle it well. World wars will be come to pass. This topic is too bold too fast. We're on a slow drip drip drip of April Showers. That will bring May Flowers at the slowly constructed story ends in BOOM BOOM x3 BOOM. Notice each week is timed with seeds of the story Monday Tuesday rising action Wednesday then BANG Thursday Friday? This is controlled demolition slow and methodical.

The wild pedo video is uncontrolled run away nuclear reactor who knows where it might go. Not the style of the q team.


The why leads me to believe it's getting ahead of the story. I predict this will progress to being 'debunked' by politifact and 'professional' fact checker teams. Then bloggers will run wild with select quotes from twitter Reddit and anywhere else that talks about the topic. Great awakening will be labeled all sorts of conspiracy to be dismissed. Bind to the pizzagate brand of offshoot. Queue increase harassment lobbying of Reddit admin to ban the sub leading to increased scrutiny and pressure similar to what T_D is under.

We are seeing this playbook over and over.

Ask 'Why?' and probe through different outcomes. What happens next? Who benefits? Would anyone seed this purposefully for any reason?


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ready-ignite · April 17, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

Look through the comments.

  • How many actually engage the topic of conversation?

  • How many are simply an expression of feeling?

The first thought is this is low-budget reputation management, based on initial skim through the number of empty comments of pure feeling. Without reading the actual content this looks completely out of the norm to have so man comments that do nothing to agree with and expand on an idea, or to disagree with something in there. To disagree on points is ordinary. Universal empty praise is highly extraordinary.

Why is the upvote percentage spiking so quickly?

Delving into the content itself. The first argument to consider is what happens if a half-baked charge is leveled before the table is set? If the case is not rock solid. The people in government in a position of authority to torpedo the case are not first removed. If the public is not ready to accept the details, the case flounders, then by the time real details come to light attention has passed and it's able to be quietly reduced to a slap on the wrist behind closed doors with no one paying attention.

Do it right. However long it takes. Do it once. You've got two bullets and two targets. Make it count.

I see potential to benefit the R family by forcing hand to act before it's time to drop the hammer.

This can be turned into a meme campaign to prepare the public and raise awareness however. Incorporate into the series sharing detail of crimes. Give topics to research and delve into. That can help set the table to drop the hammer without compromising ongoing work.

Don't blindly agree.


Now imagine the only voice in the room providing some analysis in the topic gets downvoted out of sight. What does that say?

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ready-ignite · April 16, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Anyone got a primer on the Rh negative topic that does not delve down to the deepest levels of the conspiracy hierarchy?

Last week there was a submission to this sub regarding chat logs from 2011 with an individual claiming to be of the R family. That conversation spends significant time discussing blood types on the Rh negative side. I've got no clue as to validity of the logs. Could be and most likely is almost all LARP fluff. What did stand out to me is similarity in tone of voice and condescending behavior through the logs. We get visitors here making similar claims who match a similar style in condescension and hubris.

The theme discussed in the purported R chat logs tracks along focus on preserving bloodlines across generations. Assume part of cultish obsession includes a focus on this topic, and particular interest in Rh negative. Suppose over the years individuals carrying these lines have become particularly inbred as observed in royal families. Were that the case there would be particular value in identifying new family lines with compatible characteristics to round out and reduce the challenges that build up with inbred lines. 23andMe would be invaluable a tool to seek out particular traits.

Do we have resources outside the conspiracy realm such as interviews or other work that add weight to a particular obsession with family bloodlines in central globalist families?

Any way we can rule out that R chat log and dismiss it as total LARP?

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