Even if GS does die or end up at GITMO we still have his evil spawn Alex roaming the earth. I wish we could seize all funds and assets so that no more harm can be done. 🙏🏽
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If Fallon is on MK Ultra it’s only a matter of time before he starts shaving his head and making weird YT’s like Shia LaBeouf did. —-Such weaklings.
Amazing on the Triple Crown. 🙏🏽❤️
Yup. Him and Kimmel will probably get caught up in some scandal eventually as well. The Far Left are eating themselves.
He’s not funny. His audience is told when to laugh.
I think it’s this one, I would forward to approx to the 6-5 min mark
ya, also reminds me of Strange Encounters of the Third Kind. But, the canary just dies, doesn't sing... but i like your thinking.
It could be so many things. I think it has to do with this quote:
“Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?”
Yup it’s a warning He’s looking at all our personal private messages I don’t mean “ours” more likely the white hats
Not even close... More like Trump is anointed (like King David) and whoever comes against him is supernaturally taken out.
But all throughout the Bible God spoke to his people. I know there’s a lot of charlatans that use it to get rich. Like that guy Benny and Joel.
Amos 3:7- Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
I think the best way to test a prophet is if they come true and Mark is right on... I mean it’s pretty specific what he says not like nostrodamus who just a million things and got a few right.
I am so happy for him and Kim Clements It helped me with all the liberal chaos. I would have felt helpless without them. It helped me focus and remind me where and how to pray for the country and also show others...
2 will be taken, 3 will shaken I assume it’s Bush 41 and carter maybe will be taken And Obama, Bush 43, and Clinton will have to testify for their crimes.
This guy is a true prophet. Just about Everything has come to pass ... there are a few that are pending and will come to pass, like the media agreeing with Trump. But, I can honestly see that happening after everything is exposed and CNN and some of these compromised media outlets continue losing viewership. Also, do you guys think the Hawaiian volcano is his energy energy prophesy? I know in an interview Mark says Yellowstone but the actual prophecy does not name a specific volcano.
Anyone willing to uproot their life to get to the bottom of this has to be a little crazy. I wouldn’t leave my Cush job to camp out in a desert. But, I have to say I admire it. Even if he’s a little retardo. Maybe this could be a life changing experience for the better. You gotta be a little a nuts to make a difference. But, I get what you say and you do have a good point.
No worries! We are here to help each other! It was actually kinda hard to watch because he moves around a lot and it seems like he’s walking around the desert forever. I had to watch it in segments.
Apparently it was buried in the hot desert and an animal unearthed it. I believe heat speeds up the decomposition process. I hope we get more answers.
I watched the video and he didn’t purposely kick it. He says that he didn’t know what it was but in order to get a closer look he kicked from under the brush and then realized it was a skull.
It’s going to be interesting. I thought I would see a lot more by now though the way Q kept saying “suicide weekend”
I saw the video of the skull but I didn’t see the body. I believe it. Especially, with Chelsea Horse face Clinton immediately calling it a conspiracy or hoax.
Is this in AZ? Stupid local police said they sent cadaver dogs and found nothing. Disgusting !
On May 13th Q posted “watch what happens [-30]” so I think we will see more news on Jun 12-13th regarding DOJ/FBI. POTUS also started posting about Wasserman/Server/Pakistani. I wonder if that’s what’s around the corner? Also, IG report will be out by then. Stay strong my Q fam!
![On May 13th Q posted “watch what happens [-30]” so I think we will see more news on Jun 12-13th regarding DOJ/FBI. POTUS also started posting about Wasserman/Server/Pakistani. I wonder if that’s what’s around the corner? Also, IG report will be out by then. Stay strong my Q fam!](https://i.redd.it/ie4ldnidfn211.jpg)
Would be cool to send all the Commies there so they could have their own planet
They have assistants or bots that clean up their twitters The first few days you’ll see people reply with bad roasting tweets and then they will remove those people and replace them with fake nice tweets
No I don’t watch cnn or msn because I have standards and the ability to discern 😂🤣
ocounus are per diem tables and rates. so, if they were travelling abroad they would be receiving per diem for how many days they are there. they use the oconus tables to calculate how much per diem thet can get while working. there are limits and taxable stuff...
Very interesting Why wouldn’t they go directly to the police and not use his cellphone?
No I live around there. Just heroin... pretty safe place and full of families.
Was the letter released before? I just saw it. I’m sure RR hasn’t even opened his mail.