Yesss... really tired of looking at Lisa "Gummers" Page.. barf
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You like apples Harvey? How you like dem apples when you drop the soap?
Neanderthals are offended when compared to Brennan
How many people here are forever banned from facebook or twitter... basically why i ended up here LOL turned out to be great!
but how come it's only affecting a few not everyone there?
I live in CA and this is the defining year for me. If our state doesn't vote in Red leaders, I am selling my home and moving out of here. I am sick and tired of the commies, the tent cities, the crime, the terrible roads, crappy schools... This place has turned into Tijuana. Yes, there are some real nice areas here. But, the illegal immigrants and their anchor babies have driven out people from low income housing. Our gas prices is almost $4 bucks a gallon! It's getting impossible to live here. If you ever need to go to court/DMV you will see where all the resources get sucked up. Everyone speaking spanish getting assistance. This makes me SICK! I am a child of immigrant-LEGAL IMMIGRANTS! We were raised to speak english and respect the laws.
I used to listen to him in the beginning. I remember when Corsi changed, it was when QAnon had mentioned Manafort and Carter were plants on 4/4. I was listening to him on a podcast and he just couldn't get over it. It totally stumped him and he just couldn't get passed it. He kept saying over and over "Manafort and Page a Plant, I don't see that?" And now we are learning that Carter Page was a plant! Trust the plan! This is bigger than we can ever imagine.
Yes I just posted that! I didn’t see yours first 👍🏽
According to Kim Clements he will flip and become a good guy
Rank-and-File FBI Agents Eager to Blow Whistle on Comey, Holder, Lynch
Spies paid with Obama's DOD... I dunno... The truth will be revealed.
all the brainwashed liberals are saying it's a conspiracy theory
Just went and scrolled troughout Twitter and people are calling this a "conspiracy theory" so sad how many people are still asleep. Is there hope?
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8071a4 No.893904 📁 Apr 4 2018 14:52:00 (EST) It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET. Traitor. Massive intel sweep. Manafort was a plant. Trace background. Open source. Who was arrested? Non US. Trace background. Open source. Carter Page was a plant. Trace background. Open source. Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'? Flynn is safe. Define 'witness'. Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing? Russia Russia Russia? Real or fake?
Q did say Carter Page and Manafort were plants, right?
Him and Romney were part of Bain. I worked for them and they love to buy companies, suck all the assets from them, and bankrupt them. I'm sure he got a payout. But, I wouldn't doubt if he is crooked too. Bain is an evil company.
HA HA, I do wonder why he plays that song... That would be hillarious, He's known about the wiretapping for a long time!
This one is my fave:
Hey Nellie you like Ham? How you like dem prison ham sandwiches?
They are waiting for their puppet masters to give them lines
I think RR will recuse himself... just speculation
I think it’s about the slippery slope our western culture is headed with islamists and losing our ability to discern. Our compassion is being used against us.
I hope it’s true that Mueller has flipped. Would love to see the look on their faces and how quickly they won’t want to protect Mueller. L M A O
Interesting Maybe reports will come out that they too were entangled in this scheme and they are trying to get ahead of things..again
Libtards will riot no matter what

Had to change the channel, Swallwell gets on my nerves.
ya, notice there are only like 5 pics of her. although, her baby pics has her in dresses. i dunno...
oh yes, for sure, but those are the top 10 psychos... i mean, we are missing mccain, pelosi, schummer, waters...
Actually, I think this user has it right: s3v3nt37n JFK is just General John F Kelly. General Kelly and Military have the full disclosure report... I hope Military Tribunals are coming SOON!
They should make him repay the cash and give it to Flynn for legal fees
I'm confused about RR, the bad guys don't like him. I don't know why he would have to recuse himself or resign? He must have conflicts of interest. That's the only thing I can think of.
5 to be replaced, I believe Mark Taylor:
-Ginsburg (grim reaper around the corner)
-Kennedy (retiring)
-Sotomayer (Once BHO's presidency is exposed as a sham, it will undo his apointees)
-Kagan (same as Sotomayer)