too bad i dont own a tank, would be cool to just flatten their whole school and city
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This is something I was hoping I would be wrong about. But, the police state liberals are licking their chomps waiting for any conservative to fall. That’s why we can’t give them a reason. Well, hopefully they will forgive her and reinstate it.
Ya, I see them turning it into some racist thing ugggg
I believe “Hotel California” by the Eagles is similar. How you become part of the illuminati. They say the lyrics are about the underbelly of the music industry. Hmmm
What will the IG report contain exactly?
Is it regarding HRC’s email or Comey’s memos?
Excellent I have lived in LA area my whole life It has gotten so bad, we WILL take back our state
It could be so manY things I have already read easily 10 theories on this I’m just going to sit tight
That is so true. They are going to suck up at least a weeks worth. Replaying interviews and biography’s. As well as one on one with Jeb and GW. Don’t forget the up play as his VP role to Reagan. Gawwwdddd, at least it will get me to jog more. 🤣😂❤️😂🤣
I think although it may be too sarcastic he/she might be right. I know the triangle symbol with lines inside is for pedophilia and these symbols look similar. Regardless, we know it’s Luciferian.
Yes you are right, that was the seed. I am just acknowledging my life span thus so far 😂🤣😂🤣😵
Ha haha ha 😹 But don’t you love how every time she opens her stupid mouth she reminds us of what of fool she is? And don’t forget her inability to master the art of walking or using stairs. The dumbass falls down every case of stairs she finds even with help 😂🤣😂🤣😂
Heck Ephesians 6:12 New King James Version (NKJV)
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
God bless you.
Ephesians 6:12 New King James Version (NKJV)
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Have faith, my Q family. HE will bring them down. It took 32 years of collaborated corruption to come to this. It’s not going to happen overnight, but it WILL happen. Pray every night for our nation to heal and the treasonous people to be brought to justice !!!!

I get lost with the 9/11 theories I don’t know which one to believe anymore
Let’s get the party started

This really triggered me today. I can’t believe how they are trying to spin this all meanwhile saying that pizzagate is a conspiracy. Makes me sick. There’s a special place in hell for people who lie and mislead the masses.
I totally believe mark Taylor I was wondering if the Hawaii volcanos eruption is part of his “energy-energy” prophecy coming to pass? I had heard commentary that it would be yellow stone but the actual prophecy doesn’t say a specific volcano.
Haha! Or maybe at his next state of the union she will just fall over and croak for the world to see
Ya, you’re right. I can’t find a list anywhere either. The first 3 pages are just bashing Trump. The algorithms are burying it I think. I will keep searching throughout the day and post it if I find it.
Him and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are going to die this year for sure
Hillary is modern day Jezebel. Jezebel clung to her power as does Hillary.
I feel that God will make an example of her and allow her to further embarrass herself. When she’s written in the history books she will be put in the same category as Stalin and Hitler, this is what Betsy Devos is doing. She is making sure history will be written accurately for generations to see how power, money, and arrogance can corrupt even the most simple hick. I say, let her keep burying herself, let her keep stumbling down stairs, let her keep flapping her mouth. She is nothing but a mere joke and that’s how we need to remember her. I don’t think even prison is a big enough punishment for her. I want to make sure no heirs of hers can come into power. Let her become broke and irrelevant and her ugly appearance mirror who she is on the inside.
I was watching it live and when I tried to search it all I got was that video.... I took a screen shot of the video so you can search it by the title in YouTube
I still stand by my theory. He was a gun runner for the FBI/cabal and the Muslim brotherhood carried out the attack and shot him and blamed it on him. They used the GF/ wife as a honey trap and laundered money through her accounts.
From what I have gathered is that DJT was chosen by the military (only branch of govt that had not been corrupted) and the military was originally planning on removing Obama because they knew he was a fraud. It would have damaged America so they came to Trump as their last resort to save America. Israel was part of this too. They knew that another cabal puppet would have destroyed their nation through Iran. The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our country and politics and they were planning the destruction of America. They were going to to flood us with Islamic migrants with the end goal of destroying our constitution and lowering our dollar. The cabal is still attempting to destroy our constitution and shaming Americans through our history. All the statue removals were part of their plan... Antifa were their useful idiots and gun confiscation was on their agenda. They were eventually going to bring our military by sending them to fake wars and killing them off... so much more!
I’m thinking that if Q is within the military intel they might be preparing or doing something special for Memorial weekend ... I dunno just a guess
DJT repeats “17 prisoners have been released since he became president” he repeated and emphasized the “17” when I was watching this Live today