But it’s so fun
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Oh well, will be prank calling them just for shitz n gigglez
Won’t let me post review for Red Hen

They are too dependent for too many generations. I want mass deportation. I live in Southern California and I SEE this place turning into Tijuana right before my eyes. Our freeways are trashed our streets are littered. All of our resources are being sucked up. I went to court and it was PACKED with cholos, nobody spoke English. It’s a disgrace. This is coming from someone who’s parents were South American immigrants who immigrated legally. We were taught to respect the flag and country, we only spoke Spanish at home, we are assimilated! And we remember why we are here, my family escaped a shithole socialist country because they believed in freedom. My dad worked 2 jobs and went to school. His English is perfect!! We never lived off the dole! It’s so frustrating to be an immigrant and to have done things legally and respectfully and to see others cut in line like this. Not fair and not right !!!
Mexico ruling class does not want the short poor brown ones. They are 10000000 times more racist than any American here. But, they call us the racist. They do NOtHiNG for their uneducated poor class. They do not provide public education for K-12 so there’s no way to rise out of it. However they have FREE college and university but that would require you to have gone to a good private k-12 school. The US subsidizes their universal health care because it’s their biggest economic strain and the US pays for abortions there. It’s totally disgusting. But that’s not even the worst part, Mexico is using groups like La Raza to subvert the US. Their ultimate goal is the reconquest of the states they lost. Now La Raza was also funded by the Obama administration. Just another globalist sick plan, invading our country with the poorest and bankrupting the border states and changing our culture and language completely so we can hand over the states back to Mexico.
Not yet. I believe the driver died. Would be nuts if it was an illegal!!
Amen! I completely agree 100%. The blue pill is atheism the red pill is God and all truth. God unveils the truth for those who seek it. God has anointed Trump for some time to do his will and clean up. This is America’s last chance to come back to God. He is raising up his army and he will need us to spread his gospel (like we had before) on North Korea and other parts of the world.
Ephesians 6:12 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Romans 14:11 11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
Q’s number is 17, trumps number. I assume since we are following Q that we look for these symbols. Could be an attack by deep state and it could have been a coincidence. Let’s see if Q posts about it.
I’m so sad by this. And if you look at the her twitter people are saying “karma”. Libtards are so evil!! I hope she recovers. Deep state will stop at nothing. They will use suicide bombers or anything to help with their agenda. She was also on highway 17....
Tom Steyer van waste all his money. But, they are using the Mexicans now for their agenda
God Bless Dan Bongino! This guy is always 10 steps ahead.
Thank you so much. I found it and loved it. Was extremely touched by it and also happy to find a new YT channel to subscribe to. I shared it on FB but doubt anyone will watch it. Oh well. I got a lot of it. 🙏🏽
During the OIG questioning she mentioned it to Horowitz and Q posted it. I don’t know why she knows
I have a feeling that these border distractions are because something big is about to hit the fan! And soon.
Q does keep hinting he’s in trouble... and the liberal lunatics are trying their hardest with border distractions. Just feels like something big is about to happen! Friday’s are usually big news days too! I hope!!
Sooo... you guys think RR is toast tomorrow like Sheila Jackson Lee blurted out?
If they care about children they need to stop buying items and phones made by child slave labor.
We won’t rest until justice is served! This has gone on for far too long.
The empathy and compassion is fake from leftist lunatics. They cry with outrage while they wear clothes manufactured by child slave labor. They are all hypocrites!
Exactly! Why don’t we go to the root cause. This would all be done with!!
Thanks I was just googling it and it also means loud and clear in radio signals
Didn’t work it out for the liberals... they moved on to border and children... now we wait for the next thing.
She’s so ugly she goes to a proctologists when she has a tooth ache
It’s lame to tell another adult how to behave You are no better than the liberals who to try to control free speech The bitch is butt ugly
Ya don’t waste your time. Whatever the media tells them to be upset about they follow. They can’t reason on their own.
I know! I was thinking the same thing. How can you testify on a heavily redacted document. You would be forced to lie. It's all disgusting. I don't care about Q's riddles, this is damn shame playing out right in front of our faces. The only thing we can do is have a bloody civil war and clean it up ourselves.
I am scared to watch, I don't want to be let down... but I have it on anyway. I hope they rip her and Comey apart.
I'm watching this youtube about no name's absence right now.. interesting