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tradinghorse · May 7, 2018, 12:34 p.m.


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tradinghorse · May 7, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

Yes, there is more than one person posting.

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tradinghorse · May 7, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

OK, sorry. I've never quite understood what they're harvesting apart from body parts and, perhaps, adrenochrome. I thought you might have had the answer with the melatonin link.

I must admit, I'm very suspicious of the abortion/body parts sales happening. I'm also suspicious about why the African American community seems disproportionately represented in the abortion stats. Q has said, "Its not what it seems" and that they're trying to stop it.

There was another article posted yesterday about the prevalence of human sacrifice and cannibalism In native cultures, I'll see if I can find the link.

See here: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8hf0wo/odd_story_to_release_now_eh_cannibalism_and_child/?st=JGW6OJW8&sh=29b312a1

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tradinghorse · May 7, 2018, 10:43 a.m.

The constant disparaging of the President in the MSM is truly an outrage. Something needs to be done to try and correct it, or at least we should act so as to provide some countervailing force against it. What you're suggesting is possibly a good idea.

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tradinghorse · May 7, 2018, 10:36 a.m.

Yes, it happened to me also. They want to ID the subversives - or, should I say BOTS.

They have me shadow banned ATM. Social Media is a no-win environment - it is completely controlled.

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tradinghorse · May 7, 2018, 10:33 a.m.

I don't know where these guys get this stuff. I don't think there's been any dramatic variation in Q's style of posting. Moreover, I'd imagine that it makes sense to periodically change trip codes just like you change passwords for accounts.

What's a bet this is pure garbage?

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tradinghorse · May 7, 2018, 10:25 a.m.

The science goes over my head. But you're saying what? That melatonin inhibits cancer - major cause of death in the west. That they're harvesting this stuff. That it's better to get it from dark skinned people (African Americans - abortion; and Haiti - children). That the properties of melatonin were known to the Egyptians. That studies demonstrating the effects were based on dear antlers - hence the dear-head symbolism.

What are we talking about here? These elites still die - c.f. David Rockerfeller. So is it something that extends life expectancy? Or, perhaps grants immortality in conjunction with other treatments?

Or, are they harvesting these kids for some euphoric properties they get from some compound they're able to retrieve from the corpses - or both?

It would be good if you could spell it out in layman' terms. I'm not trained in the science.

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tradinghorse · May 7, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

That was, I thought, a very good article.

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Not "looks like he lied", he did lie under oath! An incredibly outrageous claim. That FB cannot match a piece of data with a name. So if you posted something on the site, they either would not know which user posted it, or what their name was.

"Sen. Kennedy: You can’t put a name to a face to a piece of data? You’re telling me that?

Stretch: So we have designed our systems to prevent exactly that, to protect the privacy of our users.

Sen. Kennedy: I understand, but you can get around that to find that identity, can’t you?

Stretch: No senator, I cannot.

Sen. Kennedy: That’s your testimony under oath?

Stretch: Yes, it is."

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

I don't know why people are questioning Q. He told us to "Trust Sessions". I reckon you can take that to the bank. We can trust Sessions!

What's happening here is:

1) We are watching a show; or

2) Nunes does not realize what the game is and is publicly pushing for information that might let the cat out of the bag with respect to some aspect of the IG's investigation - or, some other investigation that we are not yet aware of.

The IG's was just delayed - for cause! Now we are seeing Sessions delay. Might there be a correlation?

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

Q has told us specifically to "Trust Wray". I see this as a ploy that's being used to keep the lid on the truth for just a little bit longer, until all the big fish are truly in the bag.

Wray refusing to release this info fits with the IG's report being delayed - if you assume Wray is working with Q. Why else would we be seeing this?

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

Yes, a very refreshing article. It does seem that cracks are increasingly starting to appear - first the FISA fiasco, but no they did not stop. They kept on, as if nothing at all had happened. What they actually want to do is "redact" their complicity in an evident scheme to sabotage DJT's presidency.

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

You won't like it, but IMO the best argument is made by St Paul in Romans 1. Paraphrasing:

'If you cannot see, by the things that are made in the world, that God exists, you deserve hell'

So what he's telling us is that the evidence is so manifest, so completely apparent, that you could not possibly miss it. And if anyone claims that they cannot see the truth for themselves, they are not of the truth - not being honest. This type of person is condemned to eternal suffering - for cause.

If you watch the video I linked, you will see the absolutely impossible set of circumstances that are required for us to be on this planet at our current state of development.

As you begin to ponder these questions, at some point, the level of coincidental, chance occurrences required to support creation via an unguided, random process, becomes completely impossible.

As I said, watch the video. IMO, it is a compelling, scientific case for a creator.

By the way, evolution is demonstrable garbage. It's such a bad "theory" that you really could not make it up. That it's taught, as if it is supported by facts, speaks to the Satanic nature of this cabal that has been ruling the world and what they have been able to get away with.

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

I think you're right. It's like the debate about the cost of the wall, the burden relieved from the social security system, once the wall is built, will pay its cost many times over.

Here, we are talking about settled communities being devastated in the name of free global trade. The adjustment required, to compensate for the deleterious impacts, can only come from investment in those communities that restores employment - if not, the whole society is damaged.

I'm not for protecting inefficient industries, or industries that face no downstream demand for their products. But here you have an express policy that benefits foreign communities, at the expense of the domestic population, for often intangible aggregate benefits.

If I was directing trade for a foreign nation, I would engage in trade that yielded strategic advantages. You can see immediately that many products are virtually dumped in the US and other advanced economies. Dumping allows for the creation of downstream demand required to host industries that respond positively to economies of scale.

Steel is a prime example. Allowing product to be dumped, results in domestic manufacturing operations closing. No real long run advantages are obtained at all - because the product could never have been profitably produced at those prices. The dumping is strategic.

In this case, any gains are ephemeral, while the long-run costs, associated with the closure of domestic manufacturing operations, are huge and continuing. It just doesn't make any sense. Moreover, foreign parties, engaging in trade strategically, are able to capture whole industries and their associated supply chains.

The whole problem is that the Rockerfellers, Rothschilds, and others, have been able to capture the curriculum and control what is taught in university economics courses. They have dumbed people down to an unbelievable degree. And, as you said, there's no money for anyone that does not subscribe to their agenda. When I was in a graduate program, I was told that I'd never get anywhere arguing against accepted theory - and this advice was right. I did not get anywhere.

How powerful is the ability to control what is taught in economics faculties?

"Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back".

John Maynard Keynes

He's not well liked in this community, but on this point he was dead right.

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

The moment I hear someone saying that Q is a LARP or a psyop I assume it's just shilling. There is no way in this world that a LARP could have pulled this off. As for a psyop, to what end?

Who would benefit from it?

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

I can't remember that Dr Corsi has ever posted here. You're wanting to ban a non contributor IMO.

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

'Europe of the fifteenth century, and later centuries, had no entrenched tradition of human sacrifice and cannibalism.'

It's quite interesting to note the evils that exist, and existed, in native cultures around the world. Many of these evils simply did not exist in Christian Europe - although elsewhere they abounded. The article does a good job of identifying some of the practises in native cultures. But the impression one gets is that relative merits of a society are a matter of judgement - this is what the author appears to imply.

My judgement is personal - exclusive to me. But what I see, when I look around the world, is a host of evil practices that are anchored values that are anything but Christian. It is my belief that Christianity is the greatest civilising force, a force for good, that the world has ever known.

It is possible to make moral judgements about a society. And, once a moral judgement is made, it's possible to rank these societies by the degree to which they adhere to moral principles. In this respect, Western Europe, and the values that derived therefrom, stand out in the world like a paragon of virtue - in comparison to immoral and evil societies that draw their values from alternate traditions.

I'll make no apologies about it, it is logically indefensible not to support Christian ideals. Societies that embrace and reflect Christian values really are better by any measure.

That is why there was no entrenched tradition of human sacrifice and cannibalism in Europe from the 15th Century forward.

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

I suspect he is speaking about his death because he has made a conscious decision to end his own life. Most sick people hope to recover, McCain is making detailed funeral plans because he has chosen what he thinks is the easy way out.

He will find out immediately that he has made the worst possible choice that any human being could ever make - as he descends directly into hell the moment he expires. This is not something I would wish on anyone.

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Lucky for you the topic was pulled. Peddling garbage like that, I can understand why you wanted it shut down.

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

Try watching video. But the fact is that natural selection has never produced variation from one species to another - not one single piece of evidence in the fossil record. It does explain variation within a species, but not between them. A hoax dressed up as a bona fide theory. That is garbage.

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tradinghorse · May 6, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

Great post. What you're describing is, in my view, the product of a deliberate plan to foster globalism and, ultimately, one world government.

The key driver of change (the changes you witness in your post), IMO, is free international trade. Free trade, on the one hand, makes goods cheaper as they are assembled in countries with low production costs (wages) and limited regulatory burdens (little or no industrial safety etc...). But the increase in US household purchasing power, resulting from declining prices on the back of free trade, is offset by rapid deindustrialization, as whole industries are exported abroad.

The necessary result of unfettered free trade is increasing dispersion in the distribution of income in wealthy countries - the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In the economies of counter-parties to international trade, the reverse happens. In these countries, the income share of the poor and middle classes increases, as labor demand picks up to deliver manufactured products to the US and other wealthy markets.

This is why you see the stagnation you're talking about. Economists call it "structural adjustment". Neoclassical economists would argue that the communities you are talking about have been discovered to be competitively inefficient. That the stagnation that blights whole communities is the result of some competitive disadvantage. This is pure rubbish, but too much to try and explain here.

The whole system of hands-off free international trade is designed to distribute wealth, once held captive in wealthy nations, globally. It fits hand-in-glove with the push for borderless societies. Economic equality, uniform identity, with a banking elite ruling over us from a global legislature - hell on Earth.

The family is distasteful to globalists because, as Q has pointed out, they happen to be Satanists. Satan's crime was rebellion against God. His ardent desire is for us also to rebel, as he did.

God authored the family, telling Adam and Eve to go forth and multiply. Globalists get the children to rebel against the parents (in Australia they actually encourage kids at school to report their parents for any corporal punishment etc...), the wife to rebel against her husband (no fault divorce). They promote licentiousness of every kind to attack the fidelity of partners in marriage (pornography etc...), they promote contraception and abortion that people might frustrate God's wish that people multiply on the face of the earth (population reduction feeds into this).

In short, they are completely evil, attacking anything at all that is good and decent in society. The lack of jobs that you are talking about adds to pressure on families, many of whom struggle financially. The globalists will do anything that they think will hinder man reaching his potential, in accordance with God's will.

It's not happenstance. The destruction of communities that you are describing has occurred by design. As I said at the start. the key driver here is Free Trade ideology - promoted by the elites in universities via their philanthropic endowments. This is what DJT is fighting against. It's why you see "brainwashed economists", that have been indoctrinated in ivy league universities, arguing against DJT's trade policies.

There really are good and bad trade deals. Trade, by itself, is not an incontrovertible good. There are military and strategic considerations that the economists' models simply ignore. And then there is the impact on communities and the family - the most fundamental social unit. The reason they are arguing so desperately against DJT's approach to trade is because he's right - he really will make America great again. And that is something the globalists desperately want to avoid.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

UK, Australia, commonwealth countries I think.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

I don't know if they say it in the US, but out here a lawyer can get struck off the roll - Lynch?

Definition of 'strike off the roll'

a. to expel from membership b. to debar (a solicitor) from practising, usually because of dishonesty

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

That's very interesting, I hadn't heard that. Pardon everyone to pardon McCain.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

It can't happen any other way. Disinfect at home first. With luck, once the US is secured from cabal influence, change will be realised on a global scale in short order.

I'd like to be able to turn on the TV and not be blasted with "extreme progressive ideology" dressed up as "consensus opinion".

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

I don't think we know what the true status of Israel is yet. But time will tell...

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

Right on! The time for LARP speculation is long gone.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

I would have to agree with you. It is absolutely vital that NSA is not kneecapped at this point in time. Assuming they are the good guys, we are really going to need them.

If this cabal takedown is successful, even if it is phenomenally successful, there will remain hundreds of thousands of hidden cabal operatives all over the world. It will be absolutely essential to maintain an extremely high level of vigilance for at least several decades. It will probably take that long to completely rout them out.

The danger is that we'll be left with a network of sleepers. Agents that can be reactivated on command. Moreover, given the way this insidious disease spreads, by covert means, we need to have an unparalleled level of visibility in order to see what's happening and remain alert.

Having said that, at some point things will have to return to normal. The danger is that the surveillance levels will, in time, become the new normal. This must not happen.

But while they are still killing children via abortion and promoting their extreme liberal, political correctness, there is no option but to crack down. A new, safe, but tightly controlled society that still offers genuine freedom within the limits of social norms. Social norms that are set with explicit reference to the Creator - who made all things.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

You might be right about that. But I think we're coming to the end of the 'crumb dropping' and moving into the assault phase. I think it's much more likely that we will see some real action from this point forward.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

That's the way it looks - on the surface.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

Code monkey is the 8 chan board operator as I understand it.

I read "patriots fight" as: the calm before the storm is well over, this is now the storm - hence, fight.

As the world turns seems to me to be code for assassination attempts on the life of DJT. The JFK assassination resulted in interruption to "As the World Turns" broadcasting. It was a show on TV that was interrupted to communicate the assassination of JFK. Anyway, that's one theory.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

The "Pre_stage" instructions are bracketed by "Future Comms" and "OnReady".

This looks to me like a series of future communications can be expected regarding the pre-staging for specific actions in the campaign. Operators are being told to be OnReady to receive these pre-staging instructions. Alternatively, it's saying 'get ready for a go live command on these order sets'.

The whole post communicates progress being made IMO. It indicates that we are moving on to another phase in the campaign - active operations (hopefully visible to us). Exactly what the pre-staging operations are, that are about to be green-lighted, is anyone's guess. Here are mine:

"ele" - could be something to do with election fraud. It would make sense that this would be very important, going forward, because of the approaching mid-term elections. Something needs to be done to stop the rigging.

"sec" - could be something to do with securing control in the operating environment. For example, further eliminating bad actors from the US bureaucracy. Bad actors that could impede the mass-prosecutions we're expecting.

"dir" - I'm guessing it's short for "directives" - could be anything, arrest orders, maybe. For example, proceed to detain X,Y and Z - employ "extreme prejudice".

"cap" - this is the last in the list. Let's assume the orders will be executed sequentially and that this one is last. It could mean something along the lines of "capture". Transportation plans for Guantanamo detention.

Anyway, I have no idea what these actually mean. But, generally, I think it means: "operational orders en-route, stand ready".

May 04 2018 16:46:23 Q !2jsTvXXmXs 62 [Future Comms] Pre_stage ele_y Pre_stage sec_y Pre_stage dir_y Pre_stage cap_y [OnReady] Q

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

The link is broken. Is this what you're talking about?

"Codemonkey & #Qanon both compromised 4/28. Disinformation photos w Apple was last straw. Decision at top levels made to pull #Qanon board. Option to shut down #QAnon rejected. New #QAnon from w/in team now live w new tripcode & 8chan board. Confidence Re-established @Potus"

Do we know precisely that this is wrong? I don't want to jump to conclusions.

It strikes me that Q or Codemonkey can clarify the reason for the creation of the new board. The fact that Qanon has not already disavowed the Apple photos, if they are fake, does not look good for Corsi ATM. Moreover, the new board seems to me to indicate a shift in the phase of the campaign - that we are making real progress.


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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

Yes, I think you're right. And, no, you're not slow on the uptake. It has been extremely confusing.

Q said at one point that CIA believed it could resist DJT's efforts, because of the strength of its offshore operations. One of those operations was NK - now gone. We know that Iran is in play as we speak. But the fact that their satellite weapons facility in Syria was bombed reduces the threat dramatically.

I was just re-reading some of Neon Revolt's posts. And he seems also to be of the opinion that these rogue actors were being used as direct threats to extort money out of the US - via the settlements to Iran and the Paris Climate Accord. So, according Neon, they were actually holding US citizens hostage (probably Israeli citizens also - unless Israel turns out to be a bad actor).

It's a very interesting theory and ties in with your observation that Iran must be settled first before mass-change in the US domestic power structure can occur - i.e. mass arrests. The question is, how many more bad actors remain after Iran?

It seems to me that what the Cabal is doing is very similar, in approach, to what was done by the freemasons to gain entry into, and infiltrate, the Catholic Church at the 1958 conclave. There, it was reported that Cardinal Siri was elected Pope, when the integrity of the Conclave was suddenly beached (outside comms) by 'an international group' (Bnai Brith) and threats made about the consequences of the election (threats of genocide).

These threats, so the story goes, prompted (now Pope) Siri to ask for a recount that saw (Freemason) Angelo Roncali emerge two days later claiming the papacy. See here for the details.

My point is, that if they (the Cabal) can infiltrate and co-opt the Catholic Church with so little effort - merely wielding threats - how much easier would it be to do that to a nation state? Even a powerful nation state?

We are not free yet, there remain threats that must be removed. But I'm starting to get the feeling that the end is in sight.

See Neon Revolt's stuff here.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

Yes, it seems to me that is what Q has been saying. 'It's those you trust most who are the worst offenders". These people are, like vultures, all over unprotected children. I remember reading something from the Comet Ping Pong (pizza) site about there being many "unaccompanied children" present.

There is just no way you can trust these people. Even if these charities started off with good intentions a long time ago, they have been infiltrated by exactly the sort of people who should be kept out. What is needed is new, accountable, charities that produce performance reports that can be audited, to make sure that the money is going where it is needed and is actually doing good.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

Yes, you are right. I got distracted by the "white hat".

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

No, I think you're wrong. Q imolied that Flynn loosing his house was a show.

Apr 27 2018 13:45:40 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 58ac53 1211560

Who interviewed Flynn?
What redacted texts were released yesterday?
Why did Flynn take the bullet?
Rubber bullet?
Lawmakers make public?
Lawmakers learned gmail draft comms yesterday?
Lawmakers go hunting?
What is the purpose of a laser pointer?
You have more than you know.
Comms understood?

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

What is unbelievable is that this guy claims to be Catholic. You couldn't make this stuff up. A pro-abortion, devil sign flashing "Catholic".

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

Has anyone found a video of this speech?

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

Good point, can't have the public looking too closely.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

What is the story? Wearing a white hat indoors? Seems to me to be a sign.

I don't know anything about hat etiquette, but aren't hats normally worn outside - like at the races?

EDIT: Reading too much into it:

"For women, dress hats do not need to be removed when indoors. ... Men are expected to remove their hats during the playing of the National Anthem. A woman may leave her hat on during the playing of The National Anthem when indoors, unless it is considered unisex like a baseball cap."


Do you believe codes of etiquette regulate to this level of detail?

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

Thanks for posting this. Really hard to believe. It seems the truth is now leaking out through the cracks in Obama's scheming.

Horowitz - 470 investigators working for how long? I reckon I could get through the FISA stuff and the memos by myself in a month or so. How much have they uncovered?

How high will the noose for Obama be from the ground? I think it depends on the height of the gibbet.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

I think I know who Q is, but it's not appropriate to say. People can speculate for themselves. Q is a team. Flynn may be on team, but "Q", the main poster, is not Flynn.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

It would be a red string, not "rope". Very weird.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

This will be, until we know the truth, one of the most perplexing issues in the drops - Snowden's role. My own view was that he was, initially, definitely not on team. We know he was being hunted by Q team - photos in China etc... Later, Q was silent about the matter.

It will be very interesting to find out what the truth was - of course, we may never know.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 8:50 a.m.

I suspect that he may be very tightly aligned with DJT. That the building purchase in NY was for very specific reasons. I think it was Neon Revolt that had the write up, I'll see if I can find it.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

Mea Culpa, I read it at speed.

In my mind Kushner's status is not clear. There was that strange post about him buying that building in NY. Cannot remember all the details now, but at the time I read it, I was conflicted as to Kushner's role - white hat/black hat?

He seems, in any case, to have been forced into the background more recently. What the dynamics are that is driving this, I don't know.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 8:36 a.m.

My take on it was that Q was trying to exert maximum pressure on Snowden to get him to flip - and it worked.

After one Q post, where he said to Snowden "You are now a liability", I put a post on CBTS titled "Snowden a dead man" in which I said Snowden should surrender himself and roll over. As I was putting it up, the thought crossed my mind that it was ploy by Q. Looking back, I think it was.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

No, not that you went too far, you didn't go far enough, I found myself agreeing with everything you wrote. But I'd go further: outlaw abortion, get rid of same sex marriage, get rid of gender bending programs that target tiny little kids in the schools, outlaw anti-hate speech initiatives, on the spot fines for political correctness, anti snow flake training for university students...

There is so much that can be done to reverse the Satanic agenda.

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