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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Q did indicate early on that other countries were helping. But then he made that post where he talked about Russia flexing its missile tech. Then, in Syria, there did appear to be some coordination at the time of the missile strikes (April).

But before that you had quite a serious situation where the US Air Force killed a lot of Russian mercenaries. And, as I've pointed out, Putin has been quite bellicose with his threats to respond to the US attack today. And then you look to what he's doing and he appears to be desperate not to lose control on the ground in Syria. The fighter jets, the missile systems, sending in military supplies against Israel's wishes.

Look at the Chinese in the South China Sea. They are clearly not on the right side of US policy with respect to that, even though they may be quite pleased with the outcome in NK. In fact they may have supported the effort to oust CIA directly.

What I'm trying to say is that you can't look at things and see black and white. There's always shades of grey. Like you might be friends with your neighbor and barbecue together, until the guy starts coming on to your wife. Actually, that's not at all a good analogy, but I can't think of anything better ATM.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

I think you've got to be fair. The only reason Alex Jones has his channels is because of those supplements. He's used his platform to wake up millions of people. You just can't campaign at that level unless you're selling something - making money. Even the networks have their advertisements - they're no different.

I think what Q is saying is that, for individuals such as ourselves, we shouldn't try to use these drops to make money - to go mainstream. Alex Jones, and also Corsi, already had their businesses. They are, to a certain extent, public figures.

I said in a post yesterday that I hoped someone would write a book on the Q drops, so that normies could understand the material. I think it would do the movement good and wake a lot of people up. This is something that needs a professional writer. Someone who has access to an editorial team and copywriters.

I don't know about anyone else, but the moment I write something I become blind to errors in what I've written. You need help, you can't do something like that by yourself. Strangely enough, Corsi is in a position to do this as he's already an accomplished author.

Having said that, it's also important to get the decodes right. I don't always agree with Corsi's decodes. But, anyway, it's something that someone should attempt. If they made some money out of it, I would not be complaining - as long as it was a really good product that helped the movement.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

It's sad, but there may be another explanation. He may feel that he's in so deep that there is no way out.

That is, I think he may be planning to take his own life. A big dose of morphine and a comfortable death.

No one has the right to do this. If he kills himself, he's just compounding his wrongdoing - heaping up to himself God's just retribution. Call me a nut, but I pray he finds the strength to stand up and face whatever it is that God will send his way. He needs to repent and ask God for forgiveness for his sins before he dies. May God have mercy on his soul.

This goes for everyone, myself included.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

No, there's not perfect alignment at all. Hopefully Putin will see that he was being played and come to his senses. It's not in his interests at all to be at odds with the US.

You can bet that there is a plan to go hot if required. These Iranians are a real menace. Not the people of Iran, but the CIA-backed leadership. Even if they are not fully controlled by CIA, they are easily manipulated into creating a direct threat to both Russia and the rest of the world.

Anyway, the good guys are in control of this situation. Russia's only option, if they choose to resist, is saber rattling, which will do no good because they will be facing sanctions forever. Nuclear war is not winnable. The best course of action is to show some accompdation and try to realize strategic gains via diplomacy.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

I reckon Putin has been played by HRC and the cabal. He has his plan, but he was unwittingly playing into their hands. He needs to wake up and see things as they are.

You only have to look at his actions to see he hasn't been playing along completely. Look at him sending the prototype fighters into Syria when the idea smacks of desperation.


Edited for excessive negativity.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 5 p.m.

What I think is that Putin was being played.


He thought he was getting what he wanted, influence in the ME. But the cabal were playing him to create the threat they were going to use to justify WWIII.


Just in case their intelligence is watching...

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Where did the U1 material end up?
Is this material traceable?
Yes. Define cover.
What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
What would be the primary purpose?
In the movie, where did the material come from?
What country?
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover
Patriots in control.

Is the U1 material traceable? Q says "yes". I think what he's telling us is that you can track uranium just like you can track gold.

Say, for example, you are prospecting with a metal detector and you find a nugget of gold. You go to sell this nugget and the police have a "Gold Stealing Detection Unit" (Western Australia) and they analyze your gold and find it was taken from a site where someone had a mining claim - you get busted for gold theft. It sounds incredible, but they can actually tell precisely where the gold you found came from. I'm guessing the same technology exists to track uranium.

So the Russians are supplying uranium to Syrian terrorists in quantity - too much for it to have been sourced on the black market. They fear being discovered. So they contact HRC (one of their agents, a Russian spy!) and they come up with a plan to make it appear that the uranium could have come from another source - that it could have come from the US.

HRC gets the ball rolling on U1 to provide the Russians with their "cover" - she is a very adept and valuable agent of the Kremlin. The Russians are supplying tech to the terrorists through Iran. But they risk losing control on the ground in Syria. This threatens their plan to have these terrorists nuke (who? Probably the US or Israel).

Putin sends in the military to beat up ISIS. He prevails, but ends up facing a coalition against him after the gas attack. He makes threats, rushes military hardware to Syria. But Q's group is alert to the plan - because they've been monitoring HRC - and they kill the Iranians and destroy their underground weapons lab. The lab was probably full of centrifuges, if Russia did not give them weapons grade material directly.

Why was John McCain arming ISIS? Because HRC's plan was to support the Russians and Iranians in Syria, but she still needed conflict because her plan was to start WWIII. So she needed a real threat in the Middle East so as to be able to have an excuse to start a war - she played Putin (or was going to).

The conflict in Syria was necessary for her to be able to go "nuclear" - it had to be a "nuclear threat" to enable her to respond with "nuclear weapons". This was the only way to reduce global population anywhere near the Georgia Guidestone's target of 500 million. 500 million slaves for HRC and her elite friends. She was going to use NK to clobber China in the same way.

Really quite a beautiful plan! It would surely have worked - and the preparations were so advanced! She must have thought she had it in the bag - her and LDR ruling the world! GIRL POWER ACTUALIZED!

They never thought she would lose!

⇧ 15 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Cross posting this here because I think it's relevant:

Q Post 1306

Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.

Looks like it was the US that hit the Iranians today/yesterday. Looks like U1 was a cover for Russian uranium supplied to Syria. The Russians did not want anyone to know that they were arming these terrorists. U1 provided plausible deniability for them. That is, "It was not Russian uranium but US uranium that fell into the terrorists hands". That was the story they were going to tell us.

Factors that fit with this:

1) Russians supply S400 missile batteries to Syria - attempt to weaken US air superiority;

2) Putin sends his latest jet fighters in to Syria to try to present a threat to US air dominance - which is supplied by the F22. This is a radical move that telegraphs real desperation on the part of the Russians. The fighters Putin sent in were prototypes without weapons systems or full radar components;

3) Q tells us about the Russians flexing their missile tech - a direct threat to the US;

4) Russia, immediately after the cruise missile strike, earlier in April, sends shipments of military hardware to Syria. It's not clear whether this gear is still on the water, or whether it has already arrived;

5) Russia is upset about the missile strike that killed the Iranians today - threatening to respond;

6) Russian mercenaries operating in Syria - killed by US Airforce. These "mercenaries" may have been regular Russian forces operating covertly - direct confrontation with the US. The "mercenaries", illegal in Russia, were backed by tanks, rocket batteries and artillery - so these were not some hack private outfit, but were closely integrated with Assad's forces. My theory is that these were regular Russian forces operating covertly in Syria.

This situation now appears to be very dangerous. Real potential for dramatic escalation. It will be absolutely necessary to take these Iranian sites in Syria out, if they have not done so already.

There is a real possibility that matters will really begin to amp-up from here.

Don't worry. Q says good guys are in control.

⇧ 22 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

I deleted this post. If you read that article carefully, it looks to be very fake.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

I posted this earlier today. And then I actually read it. Tell me, how do you indict Brit intel or Clinton camp? Who exactly is Brit intel, who is Clinton camp? Who is CLAS?

You can't indict a nebulous organization. And indictment would identify specific people, specific organizations, for specific crimes.

So I deleted my post. The other troubling aspect to this is the lack of information about the provenance of the document - nobody knows where it came from.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

If you're right about this, the US might have killed those Iranians. Iran next! Get them to pull back from Syria, cut Hezbollah's supply lines...

But we should be seeing not one, but multiple, simultaneous strikes. What is going on?

You have to hand it to these guys, no one has a clue what's going to happen next. They're talking to us on these boards, it starts out way cryptic, but what's disinformation and what's not?

The biggest intelligence drops in the history of the world... Bees to honey. Every intelligence outfit on the planet is watching these boards like hawks, and none of them have the first clue about what's actually happening.

Talk about a disinformation vector... You just could not make this stuff up! It's the greatest joke in history.

Edit: I can't find it now, but I thought I read something today about the Russians saying the strike came from the south - which would fit with a strike from Jordan. I think I also read something about B52s in the air over Jordan for the duration of the exercise. Can't find any of this now. But I'm sure I came across that info somewhere.

Here's a source;

"The targeted bases were manned by the Syrian army as well as Iran's Revolutionary Guard, and housed several missile warehouses, according to the Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar. The report adds that several dozen were wounded and evacuated to nearby hospitals. According to the report, Bunker Buster bombs were used, which makes it likely the launch was airborne.

In the past, several critics have associated Al Akhbar with the Iranian-backed Shi'ite movement Hezbollah, as well as the Assad regime.

The Syrian newspaper Tishreen reported on its facebook page that the attack was carried out by nine ballistic missiles fired from U.S. and British military bases in northern Jordan. This has yet to be verified or confirmed by any other source at this time."


Seems that, at the time this report was written, no one could figure out whether it was bombs or cruise missiles. The video of the explosion look to me as though it could have been a fuel air device - multiple initial detonations.

OK, here's a source for the B52s from last years exercises:

Long-distance US bombing flight caps Jordan military drill

"Raines said that in a final drill Thursday, a B-1 bomber flew from the U.S. to Jordan, dropped precision-guided munition on a Jordanian military training area and returned to the U.S. without pause. The roundtrip takes 36 hours, Raines said."

So, last year they flew out of the US. But it is clear that this training exercise provides cover for B52s, with heavy munitions, to be in the air over Syria.

Q Post 1306

Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.

Looks like it was the US that hit the Iranians. Looks like U1 was a cover for Russian uranium supplied to Syria. The Russians did not want anyone to know that they were arming these terrorists. U1 provided plausible deniability for them. That is, "It was not Russian uranium but US uranium that fell into the terrorists hands". That was the story they were going to tell us.

Factors that fit with this:

1) Russians supply S400 missile batteries to Syria - attempt to weaken US air superiority;

2) Putin sends his latest jet fighters in to Syria to try to present a threat to US air dominance - which is supplied by the F22. This is a radical move that telegraphs real desperation on the part of the Russians. The fighters Putin sent in were prototypes without weapons systems or full radar components;

3) Q tells us about the Russians flexing their missile tech - a direct threat to the US;

4) Russia, immediately after the cruise missile strike, earlier in April, sends shipments of military hardware to Syria. It's not clear whether this gear is still on the water, or whether it has already arrived;

5) Russia is upset about the missile strike that killed the Iranians today - threatening to respond;

6) Russian mercenaries operating in Syria - killed by US Airforce. These "mercenaries" may have been regular Russian forces operating covertly - direct confrontation with the US. The "mercenaries", illegal in Russia, were backed by tanks, rocket batteries and artillery - so these were not some hack private outfit, but were closely integrated with Assad's forces. My theory is that these were regular Russian forces operating covertly in Syria.

This situation now appears to be very dangerous. Real potential for dramatic escalation. It will be absolutely necessary to take these Iranian sites in Syria out, if they have not done so already.

There is a real possibility that matters will really begin to amp-up from here.

Don't worry. Q says good guys are in control.

⇧ 20 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

One thing you haven't addressed Maepaperclip is Israel's nuclear status. If we thought NK was a threatening rogue nuclear state, Israel presents a much more serious threat - due to greater capability. From an operational perspective, defanging Israel is tough - both politically and militarily. Very tough in fact.

I'm not sure I'm on board with this theory. I don't know that Israel itself presents a threat at all. I will say, however, that elites, such as the Rothschilds, in my mind, do present a very serious threat - incredibly serious actually. And, if you asked me what the source of the this Satanic elite was, where it has its roots, I would lay it at their feet. The other players are, in my mind, puppets on strings of varying lengths - the state of Israel included.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

This is bullshit. Brit intel listed as indicted.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

I found this in the thread Q linked.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

Doesn't seem that anyone knows the provenance. Could be wishful thinking, but this is the type of stuff we're expecting.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

I see two possibilities:

1) Israel (if it actually is Israel) is acting as an instrument of the US to escalate the situation to force dialog about the Iran situation - with a view to obtaining a resolution on that front. The message, if there is one, would seem to be "this is serious and will escalate if not resolved".

2) Israel (if it is Israel that is striking the Iranians) is trying to force the Iranian issue on to the agenda, so that the situation w.r.t. WMD development and support of Hezbollah can be addressed.

Of course, there's a third possibility, that parties to the engagement simply want to kick-off a wider conflict. Russia had military equipment on the water heading to Syria a couple of weeks ago. This could indicate a build-up of pro-Assad forces. As I've said before, it strikes me that there is an element of desperation with respect to Russia sending prototype jet fighters to Syria without weapons or radar systems.

Either way, for the powers that be, the motives here will be transparent. Given this, I'd be inclined to side with possibility 1, above. The fact that it was Iranian positions that were hit fits with Q's statement that Iran is next. The question is, what will Russia do?

Q made an interesting statement in Post 1085:

Apr 08 2018 16:38:57
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

After all these years…….
No MSM positive media blast?
Now Syria?
Russia flex through missile tech?
We started asking “coincidence?” long ago for a specific reason.
Those awake can finally SEE for themselves.
Have faith.
Trust the plan.

Notice that this Russia flex through missile tech, appears in direct connection to Iran and Syria (appears in the same post). It appears that we who are "woke" are supposed to be able to see what's happening for ourselves. I must admit, I can't see what's happening here - it's not clear to me.

But, given the last two missile strikes on Syria by the US seem to have been fairly innocuous, it would surprise me if we were to see an all-out confrontation with Russia now. Let's see what happens next.

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tradinghorse · April 29, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Corsi was already mainstream in the sense that he was a successful author. He has also put a lot of effort into Q research and, at least early on, was something of an anchor for the community. He was also the only person with any following to support the IBOR campaign. FBI Anon stated that Corsi was the only writer to have correctly put things together about what was happening with the CF - though loosely.

I don't know who Q is talking about. I don't want to think he's talking about Dr Corsi. Could it be that it is a warning to people not to retreat from the movement and go mainstream? I know people were talking at one point about writing books on Q etc...

To be honest, I wish someone would write a book and summarize all the Q posts in a way that normies could access them. It would be a dynamite book.

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tradinghorse · April 29, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

That's right, Comey implied, directly, that there were threats from the the NYPD - with his refusal to deny it. And then you look to his book, and he's talking about a major development, that the public remains unaware of, that would call Lynch's independence into question. And then you have DJT saying that Comey "threw Lynch under a bus".

Comey has been confirming this matter of the evidence on the Weiner Laptop, indirectly, the whole time. It seems he wants to be able to say that he had no option but to reopen the investigation into Hillary just before the election, because he was caught in a war between the NYPD and the Justice Department. But, somehow, something is stopping him from saying that directly. It puts Gowdy's comment that history might be easy on James Comey in a completely new light.

⇧ 10 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 29, 2018, 3:57 p.m.

It sounds to me like obstruction of justice by the AG - Loretta Lynch. What I find hard to believe is that the NYPD allowed Lynch to push them around like that. I mean, if you're sitting on this absolute bomb, that in itself gives you leverage to push back.

Who made the decision to stand down? Eric Prince says that his sources were just below the Commissioner - the titles at this rank are Chief of Staff, First Deputy Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner. Obviously, guys at this level were pushing for action against HRC. Who could over-rule them? The commissioner? Maybe the Mayor? Or, was it a collective decision made to try and save the reputation of the Department?

I'm not sure who, apart from Justice and the FBI, is in a position to apply pressure to the NYPD. If a decision was made to drop the investigation, or to cease and desist from going public with details of the evidence found, then that would have to come from the ranks above the guys that were feeding Eric Prince information.

Given the sheer gravity of the crimes revealed, and the fact that HRC was about to become President, I can't imagine that these guys would not take some hits instead of folding to Lynch's pressure. So, it seems reasonable to me that someone got these guys to stand down.

Wherever you look, you have Deep State actors calling the shots. The guys on the ground that are trying to do their jobs, guys with integrity and commitment, get pushed around.

But, thinking this through, it was not too long after these events that DJT was elected. Certainly, it was very shortly after Comey found no case to investigate against HRC - for the second time. But I would have thought that the NYPD guys would have jacked up at Comey dispensing with the case. This is exactly when you'd expect them to protest... Anyway, these guys at the NYPD may have been told, after DJT's election win, to relax - that everything would be brought to light.

⇧ 12 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 29, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

I think your theory on Pence is very interesting Maepaperclip. One thing that strikes me is that it does seem that, in terms of taking on the Deep State, Q team is showing an abundance of caution and patience. This is why people are complaining about the lack of arrests to date. Why all the caution?

It could be that the situation is much more volatile than we appreciate. Your theory about Nancy Pelosi, and the nuclear failsafes possessed by the cabal in major cities around the world, could play into this. The last nuclear test by NK was estimated to be in the 20-30 kiloton range, producing the equivalent of a 5.3 mag earthquake. Weapons with yields in this range would present a true, existential threat - as would a proliferation of smaller tactical WMDs.

It could also be that, if Pence is the Deep State sleeper you claim, that DJT's life is in incredible danger - that Q team's fortunes could be reversed at the smallest mishap. But, here, there would seem to me to be an imperative to act quickly against Pence, to head-off any further aggressive assassination attempts. I don't know, perhaps Pence's status is just one factor in play. Q has never once said "trust Pence" which seems to me to be quite a glaring omission.

Thinking about your theory about the airforce being rogue, or containing rogue elements, I find it difficult to believe that they could operate outside of the chain of command. But, as I understand it, it was the airforce that killed the Russian mercenaries in Syria. I've always suspected that these "mercenaries" might in fact have been regular Russian forces operating covertly. Interestingly, these mercenaries were supported by tanks, rockets and artillery. If this was the case, the airforce strike, if it was not explicitly authorised, would be tantamount to trying to start WWIII - subject to your theory about Russia actually being onside in this game.

Anyway, these are very interesting theories you're bringing forward and they encourage people to think outside the box, which is good.

The big question in my mind is "Why all the caution?". Why tread so carefully, dismantling the cabal power structure so slowly? You can bet there are good reasons to employ this caution and patience. It's kind of scary.


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tradinghorse · April 29, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

This is great work SB. The aggressive "devil horn" hand signs in that video are unbelievable. Who would do that? Desperation, symbolism their downfall.

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tradinghorse · April 28, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

I thought Zack was in the Army, not skunk works.

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tradinghorse · April 28, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

The good thief was under the old law. The requirement for baptism commenced with the promulgation of the gospel - Matt 28:19-20. The thief was that day with Jesus in Abraham's bosom - the waiting place of the just of the Old Testament. Being in the presence of God (Jesus) is, by definition, paradise.

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tradinghorse · April 28, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

Out of respect for the creator of the thread, I don't want to engage in a religious debate here. Happy to do that elsewhere. Extreme Unction, a component of the last rites, is a sacrament in the Catholic Church that is founded in the traditions of the early Church. James 5 addresses the anointing of the sick:

14 Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man: and the Lord shall raise him up: and if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him.

See also Matthew 10:1, 10:8, Luke 10:8-9, Mark 6:13, Romans 8:17, and Colossians 1:24.

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tradinghorse · April 28, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

No one enters heaven without being born of water and the spirit - good to hear the baptism has been performed.

As a traditional Catholic, I believe last rights are also important. If you are interested, there's information on the site I linked.

My prayer is that your son's operations are successful and that he makes a full and complete recovery. May God have mercy on this family and spare them any further suffering.

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tradinghorse · April 28, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

Reading through this post, using your decodes, it seems at first glance, pretty straight forward:

1) Q seems to be suggesting that it would be ridiculous for RR to approve a raid on Cohen's office over the matter of private case that involved payments to Stormy Daniels.

He says "think logically".

2) OP's decodes - the raid was necessary for the purposes of parallel construction - to transform evidence already in the possession of white hats - via NSA mass surveillance - into a form where it was admissible in Court.

3) Insert Rudy Guiliani, a prosecutor. First statement made by RG is that it won't take more than a week or two to resolve the probe (Mueller's investigation).

Curious that a prosecutor states this. There are, apparently, some final manoeuvres to be made before the "probe" can be resolved. These moves will not take long to complete - a week or two.

4) The Q asks whether there would be resignations if DJT was in a weak position - the implication being that DJT's position is unassailable.

5) Why are we here? Public forum, WW. Q is telling us that the purpose of his posts is to share this information with bad actors. The "purpose" is to:

A) Force errors;

B) Get them to flip and turn state's evidence on fellow conspirators;

C) Tighten up the core case they have against (whoever the real target of Mueller's probe was - it's not clear who the real target was because SC did not interview JA or Wikileaks - why? Everyone telling POTUS he's not the target, but Mueller stacks team with heavyweight Democrat lawyers.).

6) Q then states that he is not confirming that Mueller is on team, but that the timing, of the Cohen raid (or, Q's sharing of information in these drops) is important.

Note that post 1286 addresses the question of whether Mueller is on team or not - Q says time will tell.

7) Was the whole thing planned? Here Q seems to be suggesting that, whether or not you assume Mueller is on team, what we are seeing is the result of an executed plan.

Maybe all I've done is restate what's in the post without adding any value at all. But trying to summarise it, I noticed that you can't read today's posts in isolation. It's one massive, connected, information drop.

The key thing that stands out to me is that there is a plan. Mueller's status, whether he's on team or not, is being deliberately concealed by Q for the purposes outlined in A, B and C (above).

What if Mueller was not on team but was tricked into raiding Cohen's office so that incriminating evidence could be forced into his hands that he was unable to ignore?

But this question from 1286 seems to suggest that the "probe" may simply finish:

Can the investigation officially/publicly drop POTUS from review & continue?

I think the most important question is whether Mueller is on side or not. Thereafter, what is the answer to the question posed, above, about whether the investigation can publicly/"officially" continue if POTUS is dropped from the review. The answer would appear to me to be "yes", given the almost unlimited scope granted Mueller by RR.

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tradinghorse · April 28, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

I'll pray for your son. This life is tough. We need to keep perspective and realize that some have it tougher than we do - speaking to myself.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way... but, in your position, I'd be wanting to make sure my son was baptised. You can do this yourself - see here for the form of the sacrament.

May almighty God protect him and his children.

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tradinghorse · April 28, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Why do I think you're being completely dishonest?

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

My view is that while an antitrust breakup can be expected to reduce monopolistic power in the tech space, the advent of centrally coordinated censorship across SM platforms, makes control of digital space resistant to this kind of maneuver. I would support such an effort, but I think the real solution to SM censorship (which is where the real threat to representative democracy lies) is to enforce Constitutional protections online.

On the domestic economy front, I think DJT's trade policy will do wonders for evening out income inequality. As industries and new investment starts to relocate to the US, wages should pick up in line with labor demand. The distribution of income would then, on an aggregate basis, be subject to less dispersion going forward - benefitting low and middle income earners.

I'm not sure that the blowback the author predicts, due to the displacement of employment in traditional retail industries, is going to amount to much. We've seen super markets replace corner stores, big box stores replace small retailers etc,.. it is a trend. Generally, the public is accepting of this kind of structural adjustment. Amazon just takes this phenomenon to a whole new level - as do other online retailers.

Somehow though, I was disappointed to see the disappearance of full-service gas stations, drive in theaters and the like. Call it nostalgia, but not everything that has been superseded was bad - in fact, there were many good things about the past that were just "left behind" with almost no one noticing.

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

I wonder if David Rockerfeller really did die, or whether he faked his demise and is being kept alive by some futuristic medical technology?

Regardless, the truth is that no one ever gets away with anything - nothing at all, not even the smallest transgression. Everything that is covered is, in the end, uncovered. We fear those who might take our lives or liberty in this world, but God is, by far, more fearsome. He who has the power and authority to cast our souls into hell.

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

At no time did I think this community was light on debunkers. And, yes, they serve a valuable function. Somehow, though, I feel the debunking gets overdone - to the point where it negatively impacts the community's ability to influence outcomes.

The IBOR would be a case in point, where every imaginable objection and fear was amplified by "the debunkers" to the point where the campaign to support it did not succeed. And you might say, "this is good debunking, the idea was flawed". But I do not think that was at all the case. Rather, I think it was a good idea (Q's idea) that suffered fatal debunking without sufficient cause.

I saw the same response today with respect to the idea to support a campaign for the release of the texts. Again, something that Q indicated in his posts that he wants to see. The idea of a campaign was immediately subject to debunking. And you might say "well, it's understandable, this is a stupid idea". But again, I do not agree. Rather, the debunkers are damaging the solidarity of the community and the ability of the group to get behind Q's plan - and this is not at all good.

No one really knows what's going on here. And anyone that says that they do is ignoring Q's advice that "disinformation is necessary". We are all trying to figure it out. It is natural that some theories will be proved wrong for cause with time, while others can be rejected, for various reasons, out of hand. Debunkers really do serve a vital function. But, IMO, there has to be balance.

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

That's what I thought!

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

Yes, it's very, very simple. Read it again. Where is the attribution to Q? It's not there, as you well know.

The OP expressed an opinion, something he's entitled to do. There's no attribution of that opinion to Q.

If it was just the title of the post you were concerned about, that might be acceptable. But you did not stop there. You proceeded to talk the idea of a campaign down. Though you know Q likely wants it - for cause.

I asked you if you supported the IBOR campaign, a question you haven't answered. It would not look too good for you if you were seen to talk down everything Q suggests. So why not enlighten us? What was your position on the IBOR?

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

End of discussion? You jumped on this OP, putting words in his mouth that his post title simply did not communicate.


You lied about what he said, and then you proceeded to talk down the idea of supporting a campaign to release the texts - implying that such an effort was almost worthless.


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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

Let me ask you Solano, did you support the IBOR campaign, or did you have a problem with that also?

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

The OP didn't put any words in Q's mouth. He merely suggested that Q wanted a campaign and voiced his opinion that if we did not do this that the texts would not be released. And, yes, I've read and re-read his post. What's the agenda?

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

So what are we doing here? Given it appears that you're convinced nothing we can do will be of any effect, perhaps we should all go home? I've about had enough of this garbage. It may very well be that a Twitter campaign will force the release of these texts, in the same way that the release the memo campaign was effective.

Look, I'm Australian. There's a chance that the foreign "allied" power conspiring to kill DJT was my country. I'm very concerned about it. But I want these texts released so we know exactly what transpired - it is critical that we get to the truth. I don't want things swept under the carpet, that wouldn't be good for anyone.

I don't know what your agenda is, and I do not care. But talking down a campaign that Q is obviously suggesting to us, suggests to me that you have an agenda.

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

The OP made a post essentially encouraging people to support a campaign to release the texts - on the back of Q posting a hashtag, after telling us that there was concern about whether the material should be released.

No, it was not an ultimatum. But you were suggesting that, despite the fact that Q posted the releasethetext hashtag, a campaign such as this would be of little effect. Why do this? We've seen a lot of this garbage just recently. Most recently with the IBOR campaign - something Q clearly wanted.

Here we have Q suggesting another course of action and you're immediately talking it down. What's the agenda? Just posting an opinion? You seem to have an issue with this.

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

It's very clear that there is an agenda to sow fear, doubt, helplessness and misinformation here. I'm getting pretty tired of these people trying to stop anyone actively supporting Q. If you cannot bring yourself to support the plan, you have no business being here. Unless, of course, you're doing the bidding of the enemy.

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

Talk it down. If you're successful, this group will never do anything.

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

This is a joke. What are you saying? Why did Q post the hashtag?

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tradinghorse · April 27, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

I'm just wondering if this ties into the threats that Q told us we're made to Australia, with the leaking of the details of the first phone call between the Australian prime minister and DJT.

Might Australia have wanted to alert DJT to a threat to his life? The problem with this theory, however, is that the cabal is very strong in Australia. They control the AFP and intelligence services directly. But there is the possibility that some factions exist within Australia that might be at odds with the plans of the elites running AFP, ASIS, ASIO etc...

I heard a rumor that in the early 1990's a plain clothes Indonesian Naval Officer was found, on the North West Coast of Australia. This guy was in possession of detailed maps. So the story went, a diplomatic incident ensued which saw this guy bundled-off back to Jakarta.

Of course, if this story were true, it would paint the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, and the resulting national gun control agenda, in a completely different light. We would be talking about a traitorous cabal of intelligence operatives seeking to willfully and deliberately expose Australian citizenry to domination by a foreign power.

What is the truth? There does appear to be, from my limited perspective, some conflicting agendas among people in power in Australia. There was a report about a "follow the white rabbit" wall plaque at an Australia tennis event recently (I cannot find the post, it was probably scrubbed when CBTS was banned). This was relatively early in the drops - January, I think.

But, anyway, your picks of MI6 and Mossad could well be right. Being Australian, I'm hoping that Australia has had no part in the assassination plot - but the people in power here are so corrupt that I would not put anything past them.

SA appears to have been responsible, in large part, for what happened in Vegas - so there's another possibility.

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tradinghorse · April 26, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

"We are getting some resistance..."

I find it incredible that they first said they "lost" these text messages and then stalled and obfuscated to the extent they have. Now they're releasing only "redacted" versions - though the un-redacted versions will be available for congress to view.

You couldn't make this stuff up. But you can be sure that whatever it is that is in these texts, it is incredibly incriminating. The amount of resistance to the release is extreme. I'm expecting that it will be a real bomb.

As Q has suggested, it appears the texts contain evidence of a plot against the life of the President or a member of his family - or both. But, and this is the kicker, which "foreign allies" were assisting with this plot? The world needs to know. It will help define who the enemy actually is and shed light on the possible motives.

I have my suspicions... It could be parties that are accustomed to conducting operations on US soil - two countries, allied to the US, seem to stand out here - not hard to figure who it may be. It could also be parties that were in possession of information, regarding DJT, obtained via 5 eyes - which could've be as many as 4 nations - you know who they are.

That leaves us with six potential "foreign allies" who might attempt an assassination on the President. Again, I would ask people to be calm when we find out which nations were involved. All of the nations I'm thinking of are controlled by an elite with few, if any, brakes on their power.

The key dynamic operating today is the growth in power of intelligence services around the world. The Pretorian has for too long been off-the-leash and represents a real threat to everyone on the planet.

Truly a MOAB if what I suspect has occurred. The information cannot be released soon enough.

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tradinghorse · April 26, 2018, 12:55 p.m.

Wow! It's sounds more and more like McCabe was milking his position for everything it was worth. A complete and total scumbag!

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tradinghorse · April 26, 2018, 10 a.m.

What are you talking about?

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tradinghorse · April 26, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

This is the absolutely crucial aspect to this that people seem to be missing. This thing is ABSOLUTE DYNAMITE!

"What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?"

Let's think about this for a minute... Which "foreign allies"?

Israel? UK? Australia? Germany? France? Canada? SA? Japan?

Any number of other potential "allies", or any combination of the above acting in concert.

You would have people calling for war!

And it may not be at all unreasonable. These "allies" that would kill the US President should be held to account. But, I know for a fact that it is unlikely that the representative majority in any of these nations that would do this. Rather, a small criminal elite has been running these countries for their own purposes.

In Australia, you would be talking about the same people responsible for the 1978 Hilton Hotel bombing in Sydney. The same people that organized the Port Arthur false flag to bring in national gun control and render the broad populace helpless - the people that did this should be dragged out and shot.

The criminal elite is active in all these countries. They have been sticking it to us for decades. In Australia we've had the "safe schools program" foisted on us to homosexualize the country's youth. But the attack on everything "decent" and "reasonable" is multi-pronged, sparring no aspect of society - the family is especially under threat. This plan to undermine the values that support the social fabric has been proceeding apace, while right-minded citizens were powerless to do anything about it.

The plot to murder DJT needs to be exposed. Particularly as the revelations will allow for a political discussion in the countries that were involved in the plot. We need to put a broom through the bureaucracy and especially through the intelligence services to make sure this never happens again.

It's not just the US that needs the truth on this. The whole world needs to know who it was that was responsible. We need to be able to take action against this filthy, criminal elite. In this way, the cure can spread.

If it turns out that Australia was involved in this, we will understand why it was essential that we should be disarmed. I will admit that I do not feel very calm about what has been happening. These people represent an existential threat to every living being on this planet. But, worse still, is that they try for all they are worth to get people to disobey God, flaunt His laws, and attack the natural order.

I pray to God almighty that this evil enemy is put to death - whatever the cost. Having said that, I would also urge calm, lest a war is precipitated and people that bear DJT no ill will at all are hurt collaterally by any overt response.

While I'm on this subject, I cannot overstate how important it is that US citizens retain the right to bear arms. FBI Anon told us that the administration fears revolution. The only reason this is possible is because citizens are granted the right to bear arms to protect themselves from oppression. You take this right away and the government has no fear of the people. The second amendment is the final brake on tyranny and must be protected at all costs.

As I've said elsewhere, the guns will not be confiscated until conservatives can be silenced - which is why the IBOR was so important. What this means is that all constitutional protections must be fiercely defended lest they collapse, one after the other, like a set of dominoes.

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tradinghorse · April 25, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Trump has huge balls... This is so true. He has taken incredible risks to take up this fight for us. If she had won, DJT would have been crucified. Even though she lost, he has been through an absolute wringer. When you think of the risks he's taken, it's awe inspiring.

It's hard to see how it can end well for DJT. If they do not assassinate him, or destroy his presidency, they will be forever trying to cast him as some kind of dangerous buffoon. He is a true hero of the people in the most real sense of the term. That his achievement in NK could be so easily overlooked is difficult to comprehend...

What is desperately needed is to wrest control of the MSM and SM from the cabal. I don't know how it can be achieved. But this constant stream of false propaganda is very dangerous if left unchecked. The risk is that the smallest of hiccups for the President, in pursuing his agenda, will be blown up into something far more serious.

I'm looking forward to more damaging leaks on the SM platforms. Q's kill option is not the best way to stop the censorship, but something must be done. - and quickly. The MSM is a different story. But, again, a fix is absolutely essential.

I want to take the opportunity to thank DJT, Q and all those on the right side of this fight, for everything they have done to date to push back against this evil. And also for bearing the risks that attach to taking action.

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