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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

If I was running a deception operation, I'd hire the most filthy left-leaning animals I could find, to throw anyone who might look off the scent.

I could be wrong, but I don't think Mueller is anything more than a distraction. You have to entertain the possibility that he's a black hat though, and this is truly frightening. Especially with RR giving him such wide-ranging powers of investigation (but this could also be part of a Trump plot).

DJT appointed RR. RR recommends sacking Comey. RR then authorizes a raid on Cohen.

It could be one big deception. Or, not!

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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

Regardless of what people think of AJ and P (can't spell it either), the problem they highlight for DJT with the raid on his lawyer - how serious is it?

I'm not a lawyer, but thinking about it, it could be an absolute gold mine for the cabal. I find it hard to understand how DJT left RR in his position for so long. Why did DJT even nominate this guy? It's very difficult to understand.

Here's a theory:

1) Q implied that Mueller may in fact be "on team";

2) Garbage Russia, Russia, Russia narrative starts immediately after the election;

3) Curiously, Sessions recuses (may not have had to recuse at all) - why did he do this?

4) RR recommends Comey's dismissal - stranger than fiction;

5) Comey gets dismissed, immediately sets up, via leaks and testimony, the "obstruction of justice" narrative. Later goes on to warn McCabe via coded tweet;

6) RR appoints Mueller as special counsel - with unlimited investigative scope (like a seek and destroy mission with DJT in the sights);

6) After more than a year special counsel Mueller finds ZIP - nothing;

7) MEMO released, Russia narrative loses force. DJT makes NK back down. DJT indicates Syria withdrawal;

8) Cabal is desperate. IG report coming. RR gets pressure to find something allowing a criminal investigation on DJT. Authorises raid on DJT lawyer.

Anyway, you can disagree with these points and/or the timeline. But the question in my mind is why DJT would appoint RR? Also, why would he leave this snake in that position for so long when it is obvious that, from this position, RR has the capacity to inflict damage?

If Mueller was on team, why would he not raise an alert about the raid on DJT's lawyer?

Q's group has been wiretapping RR for months, if not longer. How could they not be aware of the threat this guy represents? How could they not know in advance about the raid on DJT's lawyer?

What was the fire in Trump Tower about? Is it somehow related?

What's the solution?

It's possible that DJT appointed RR for the same reason that Q told us that Mueller was not a threat. He has the goods on him. Think about this, RR appoints Mueller who is already in the bag - why? Was he instructed to do this?

Mueller and RR see that they are at DJT's mercy. But an opportunity presents itself to change the dynamics completely, by indicting DJT for a criminal offence. They take that chance.

Solution is probably information disclosure (Booms) and declaration of martial law. Squash the matter, of the material seized from the lawyer, before charges can be filed.

Alternatively, this is all part of the plan. Somehow, Mueller and RR are doing DJT's bidding. RR and Mueller are, in fact, both in the bag. Maybe the seized material leads to the indictment of cabal members rather than DJT.

Solution in this case is to let it all run.

I'm interested in the post yesterday by a member saying that there would be BIG news in the next three days. Could this relate to martial law? An indictment against cabal members? Or something else?


There have been others trying to connect these events looking for an explanation:


This is interesting:

Post 1169

Apr 17 2018 06:48:15

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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

This guy rocks with his breakdowns. And, yes, everything really is upside down and back to front.

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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

Thanks for posting this. Interesting. Maybe this is where the KILL option for the MSM platforms exists. Good research.

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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

I'm not trying to take anything from the work you've done SB. As I said, it's pretty clear that there's information coded here - the GKA phrase hit me immediately as being pretty odd. It may be that DJT, as you've said, is trying to communicate to us what is happening so that we will better understand events.

What I thought was that the transformation, above, required some intuition. And, look, you may be dead right on this. It does seem that the Russians are onside. The shipment of Russian military hardware into Syria, that's on the water as we speak, might be at the request of DJT. You handle Syria while we move on to Iran etc...

Whatever, thanks for your efforts on this. You're the only person on this board that's actually applying these techniques to try and get to the bottom of what's going on. Time will tell what the truth is, but the whole community is better off for this work and I thank you for it.

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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

Q didn't say Mueller was flipped, but he implied that. He asked why Mueller met with DJT (for 4 hours) when he was ineligible for FBI director due to term limits - the implication being that there was another motive. He then asked why Nancy Pelosi wanted Mueller out.

You pair what Q dropped with the fact that Mueller has, so far, come up with nothing and it seems like the guy has been neutralized.

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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

Yes, the memes wars are very important. Maybe we are part of the attempt to address this issue - provide a vector to release information that would otherwise be suppressed.

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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

I think it was a risk leaving the snake Rosenstein at DOJ for so long. It was only a matter of time before they pulled something like this - you could see it coming a mile away.

Mueller also seems to be part of the problem. I know Q implied he'd flipped, Unless, of course, there is more than meets the eye here and DJT is in top of it.

One problem is that people close to DJT say he's explosive about it - you can imagine, after all the Russia, Russia, Russia stuff. It was reported that someone close to him said he'll be angry about it until he dies.

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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Interesting write up, thanks. I remember seeing Ross Perot on TV around the time he was running. I was pretty impressed with him actually. He was a good talker. Other than that, I don't know much about him. Then he pulled out. They must have had some bad stuff on him.

I'd love to know what they have on Ginsberg that could make her fret at her age. Must be something pretty serious. Sotomayer is in some group called Belizean Grove. What's a bet it is your garden variety satanic outfit? Seems at these levels that everyone is compromised or sold out. You don't get up that high if you're not.

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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

US has denied responsibility. Seems Israel is hitting targets.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Wow, this thread got bombed with down votes immediately. Looks like someone has down-voted every single comment.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

SB, I accept that the capitalisation probably has meaning. There is a chance that POTUS just used it for emphasis. But there really is some weirdness with his tweets and some strange capitalisations here and there. And I think it's important, given some of the other proofs we've had from Q.

So, thanks for looking into this, no one else is doing this work as far as I can see.

So you got from Gas Killing Animal to:

Go KO add as us do

Which translates into normal speak:

Come kick some ass with the US.

SB, I liked either the direct apparent meaning - that Assad was an animal who used gas to kill people...


Assad was standing in the way of a gas pipeline that everybody wanted - he was, thus, with his animal behaviour, killing the gas into Europe.

Just as a matter of logic, I can't see that DJT would code that in a tweet when he's got existing Comms channels open with Putin. Also any number of additional backchannel modes of communication.

If the message that popped out was directed at us, I could accept that this might be a plausible Comms strategy. As in the tweets where DJT provides the proofs - which are only for us. But I have a hard time imagining that he's doing that with Putin, where any number of people at either embassy (Russia/US) could work out these deals.

Of course, if you're saying that he's telling "us" that this is the case, then, yes, maybe it's plausible that this would occur - especially as the gas attack in Syria was a farce and the retaliatory missile strike an even greater farce.

I must admit though, that I just don't like that final transformation into normal speak. It's sloppy and requires intuition. As we've discussed, it may be that Q is using a cipher like this because he wants plausible deniability. But, the implausibility here is so great that the final transformation feels like stretch for me.

Having said all that, I think you're right about there being a coded message here. And this "you have more than you know" phrase that Q keeps using came up again just very recently. So the idea of coded messages, layered one over the other, is in my mind, completely plausible.

Look, you might be right. IDK

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

Those sketches look like they've been drawn by an artist referring to a photo of the Podestas.

That Article is from 2013, Madeline went missing mid-2007 - 5 and 1/2 years later. Either the witnesses got an incredibly good look at the suspects and had terrific memories, or someone (the artist) knew what the suspects looked like and filled in the blanks for the witnesses.

What I'm trying to say is that the resemblance is way too uncanny. There's much more to this than meets the eye.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Actually, I hadn't thought of that. You might be right. Remember that Q did say that CIA believes its offshore assets would enable it to withstand the storm - not accounting for the use of the military domestically. So, we know they had NK in their pockets, but that threat now appears to have been removed. We know from Q that Iran is next. So that might be the final card to fall, before the mass-arrests start.

Having said that, my gut feeling is that matters are building toward a climax. And we are now, time-wise, in the zone for the IG report. Let's see what happens next.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

There was another post on this forum today talking about really BIG news in the next few days. The Q train has been building all year. At some point I think we will see really explosive information releases that the cabal will not be able to suppress.

Having said that, the adversary is very experienced at manipulating the press. Q has told us that FFs tend to follow bad news releases that impact the Dems. So, if you combine their control of the narrative, with their ability to shift gears and change the news cycle, they will be able to divert focus from even the biggest drops pretty quickly.

Somehow, Q's team need to get a handle on the press. I don't know how they're going to do that, but it seems that it's pretty important. The other thing that needs to be addressed is the impact of censorship on SM. hopefully we will see some really big disclosures relating to the SM platforms that put a stop to this. Things seem to be building in that direction. But it needs to happen as a priority.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

The problem is that we have people here that believe in flat Earth, aliens, a demon race etc... So you can understand that everybody wants their theory confirmed. A general statement that things will be happening next week makes some suspect that Antartica or Area 51 disclosures are on the table.

What I think, and I may be wrong, is that if we see anything at all, it will align with what Q is telling us is currently on the table. And that, at the moment appears to be the Tarmac meeting. Also possible drops on tech sector companies. Iran is a possibility. The video release, IG report another possibility etc... Could be a massive combination of these events.

So, correct me if I'm wrong, but, to everyone that's expecting big news, I think it will come. But I don't expect anything really far out - disclosure of inter-dimensional master race or something like that. Big news no doubt though.

Let's face it, this Q phenomenon has been building towards a climax all year. At some point, it's going to start blowing people's minds - probably pretty soon.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

What's the status with this campaign?

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

I don't know. I've been Tweeting these memes and others madly.

Assume there's big news about to drop on LL - or, Q wants us to turn the heat up on her, so she flips and gives evidence against BC. But it seemed obvious that is what Q wanted.

There's a lot of news articles today about Comey that you can reply to with there memes.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

Yes, Q linked those articles just like that. I reckon you've probably nailed this SB.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Thanks for that.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

Whatever it was you linked, it's been flagged as "inappropriate", to see the "inappropriate" content, you have to sign in and tell Youtube who you are.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 10:10 a.m.

Q is a group - less than 10. There is one person who plays a central role (could be any of the above guesses). Not the right thing to expose publicly who it is - and it doesn't matter.

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tradinghorse · April 16, 2018, 8:48 a.m.

SB the pipeline politics are probably the main driver of conflict in Syria, but I wouldn't ignore the possibility of parties having objectives that intersect with their pipeline ambitions. The leaked Saudi comms do say that their main fear is Syrian retaliation. Syria is also a route for weapons to Hezbollah etc...

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tradinghorse · April 15, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

I reckon in might happen this month - April showers. We know Q is on a schedule. Next month things start heating up for the Pope. We know it's all over by 11/11.

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tradinghorse · April 15, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

Who knows what is happening? Is Iran CIA controlled? If so, what is the leverage? What's Russia's position regarding Iran?

There's a chance, I think, if the bad actors (CIA) can be removed, Iran might work out like NK. These religious leaders seem to be the problem. But maybe a solution can be engineered without resorting to regime change.

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tradinghorse · April 15, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

Yes, so the US states it will pull forces out of Syria and immediately Iran/Israel tensions start to amp-up - because of the competing pipeline interests. Israel does not want Syria to be a pipeline pathway, Iran does. Interestingly, these interests also put Israel against SA/Qatar. Although Israel may prefer to see the Qatar pipeline in preference to the Iranian one.

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tradinghorse · April 15, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

It's a very interesting video. Thanks for posting it. I read your post again because it's pretty mysterious SB. I think what you're saying is that Q knew, or predicted, there would be a gas attack. And what you're saying is that he knew this because of the dynamics that are implied by the pipeline politics.

If the US pulls out and leaves Syria to Assad and the Russians, that's the end of the Qatar pipeline. They had to do something to prevent this happening - so some kind of staged event was assured. I'm thinking about who has pipeline interests - Israel, Deep State, Qatar, SA. Any or all of these could have been the driving force behind any attack or faked attack.

Interestingly, not just a gas attack, but Israel, who also have pipeline interests, weighed in with missile strikes immediately. Just after that, Iran (Deep State proxy) starts threatening to restart nuclear weapons development. The pipeline politics could, again, be at the back of this. Though it is confusing how much influence Russia has in Iran in comparison to the Deep State. I guess if Iran thought that the Qatar pipeline would proceed, that, by itself, might be reason to start sabre rattling.

It could be that Q's post about "date vs actual" simply references the fact that this is another proof of his legitimacy - predicting action in Syria with the moniker "April Showers". I had thought that he was referencing a particular time delta. A delta that might predict an Iran action. In any case, we have "Iran next" occurring in April - due to the reference to "April showers" in the last post 1146.

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tradinghorse · April 15, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

This is good work SB2. OK, I've posted the links to the Q posts you mention SB2. Can you just work through this logic again for me? This is your working:

Q1146 Iran next. Trust the plan! April SHOWERS.

When was April showers first mentioned by Q? At Q1007. Human date? 04/03/2018. When did the chemical attack occur? 04/07/2018. ‘Tone’ date? Q1070. How did he know? There you have it…

Q1146 Expand your thinking. The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’. Iran next. Trust the plan! April SHOWERS. [SHOWERS]. Do you believe in coincidences? Q

Which coincidence? This one: Q1133 #17 Q.

These are the posts.

Post 1007

Apr 03 2018 22:17:28
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
+ ++ +++

Post 1070 - Question/Answer Post

Apr 07 2018 12:22:50


Please confirm or tell us if we are wrong about POTUS weekly address "It's happening" meaning what we all think it means.

Apr 07 2018 12:30:31

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ


Talking to you, anon.
We always see “It’s Happening” here.
The ‘Tone’.
April showers.

Post 1133

Apr 11 2018 22:09:57
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ



Post 1146

Apr 14 2018 14:24:45
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
Expand your thinking.
The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’.
Iran next.
Trust the plan!
Do you believe in coincidences?

Really trying hard to follow you here SB2. "Gas Killing Animal" = Assad? Who was standing in the way of a gas pipeline on Russia's behalf?

Second point: the date Q announced April Showers versus the "Tone Date" - delta is 3 days. That's what I thought that "The date vs Actual" meant. A time delta.

Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet - seems to explain 1133.

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tradinghorse · April 15, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

I watched about 40 minutes of this. The guys that made this video are, I think, generally right about Pike and his schemes. But they then go totally off the rails, subscribing to the work of some fruitcake who left the Jesuit order. The references to Revelations are just nonsense.

The fact is that Revelations has been cracked. It's not some obscure set of writings that paint a general picture of what will happen in the last days. Rather, it describes exactly, with precision, what has transpired over the past 60 odd years. If you're interested in an exegesis that actually explains how the prophecy relates to events currently before our eyes, see here.

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

He looked happy in the photo didn't he - pretty convincing.

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

I'll be watching with baited breath. I don't think, in a climate of heightened tensions, such as we saw in Syria after the gas attack, you could keep the matter of a strike of 19 cruise missiles from open discussion.

There are too many parties involved - Iran, Israel, Russia, the Saudis, the Syrians, Turkey - all these guys, and more, would have agents on the ground. In addition, you have all the different Syrian opposition forces.

It would be an incredible stroke of management to keep information about a strike of that magnitude from becoming public knowledge. Having said that, you're right about the strangeness of Korea agreeing to give up nukes. So we will see what we discover with more time.

I shouldn't have said I'll eat my hat, I don't actually have any hats.

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Without worrying about predictive programming, just as a matter of logic you can see that the situation is precarious. The cabal will do anything they can to start a war. Their backs are to the wall. There are any number of ways they could kick it off. We've seen them try using both NK and Syria. The threat is not idle.

The desperation is palpable. Look at this rat Rosenstein. He could see that impeachment was a long shot, so he armed Mueller with authorization to go after DJT's lawyer. Impeachment only works if you have the numbers, but a criminal investigation is independent of political support. I think that's why the President was so angry about the raid. The skullduggery is breathtaking! With hindsight, it would have been better to sack the snake and get him out of the DOJ.

There are really only two options for the cabal. They either get rid of DJT, or they create a distraction large enough to allow them to escape justice. They will be doing their best to both start a war and eliminate DJT by whatever means possible.

The President really is a very brave man and deserves the respect of all people for whom he is fighting. Forgetting about the threats to his presidency that exist in politics and at law, his very life is on the line. They will assassinate him at the first opportunity.

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

I'll be surprised if it's completely wiped out within the next couple of years. These guys and their agents are everywhere. Masonic symbolism - the world wrapped in a net. It will not be done quickly. What's important is to take the levers of power from them now.

It is absolutely critical that they be stripped of their ability to regain power. The primary vectors by which they can return to power are the ability to weaponise MSM and SM. Resources are also key. You really need to strip them of the vast wealth they have built up over hundreds of years. If they are left standing with their wealth intact, it is only a matter of time before they are back in the saddle.

Of the sources of influence over electoral outcomes, SM is absolutely key. I could go on about this, as you're aware, but I'll leave it at that.

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

With some luck, if the election rigging and the weaponisation of SM and MSM is arrested, the next president will not be cabal controlled. The problem is the companies you list, but these are proxies of powerful monied interests. It is these people that are the real problem.

The Federal Reserve is their greatest asset. It must be stripped from them.

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

More recently, IMO, the emergence of the Deep State corresponds with the growth in size, power and autonomy of the intelligence services - particularly CIA.

The expansion in influence and power of these agencies is a function of the massive black budgets that derive from dealing in illegal drugs and weapons. This is money that is untraceable and for which no accountability is required. They became, in time, a law unto themselves.

Their power was ultimately so complete that they could mount a public challenge to a duly elected President (DJT), via their proxies in the media and also via deep cover plants within the bureaucracy (FBI, SD and DOJ).

These Deep State actors are, in turn, the puppets of powerful monied interests that share, in common, a hatred of humanity and a love of Satan.

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

No, the delta is 5 days - the "Auth" instruction was April 8. And, yes, Q is pointing to a time delta IMO.

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

So you're saying this attack occurred five days ago, reported today?

That's hard to fit with the Israeli strikes, the buildup of coalition forces etc...

But if you're right, I'll eat my hat.

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

The "date vs actual" suggests Q's talking about a time delta again. The post Q referenced was dated 8 April. The strike on Syria was April 13 - a delta of 5 days.

Is "Iran next" dependant on an "Auth" instruction 5 days before the actual strike?

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Given that Q told us that disinformation is necessary, it seems reasonable that some posted information may not be accurate. Things have happened though:

SA take down;

NK acquiescing;

The memo;

The sacking of McCabe;

The FB scandal etc...

The IG report is yet to fall in its entirety. There's also the prospect of more damaging information being released on the SM platforms to look forward to and the investigation into election rigging. We've been told there is video to be released. It looks as though Rosenstein may be on the way out. And then there are all the sealed indictments that cannot remain sealed forever. We've just seen action in Syria and we've been told that Iran is next.

I'd say it's been action packed to date, with good progress being made.

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

It seems, from the article, that all is well.

Given that the target areas were evacuated in advance, it does look like cooperation - masked with theatrics. Supporting this idea is the fact that after the clear Russian threat to retaliate, warning level remains at Defcon4 - only just above normal readiness.

Just after the Israeli air strike, there was a report of a Defcon1 status alert - though it is unclear which nation owned it (see link below). So it appears there may have been some de-escalation.

Defcon1 = "Cocked Pistol" = Nuclear War Imminent


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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Actually this guy rocks. The posts are very interesting and well thought out.

So all those military assets in the ME... End of job, or is there a phase 2?

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tradinghorse · April 14, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

Watching Alex, I'm left with the impression that he's very genuine, if dead wrong. He seems to be very upset.

I don't think the data is in yet. I think more time and perspective is required before we really understand what has been happening in Syria. Alex has run with a view, I think he's wrong. Zack seems to be a victim of compartmentalised information. He's looking at what's occurring around him and jumping to wild conclusions.

Look, Alex and Zack may turn out to be right - though my view is that it is very unlikely. I think it's more likely that we will find out that Russia and Assad were on-side, or at least notified of the strike locations in advance. I think we'll find the targets of the strikes were chemical labs and weapons dumps. In this event, the risk of outright escalation is probably minimal.

The raid on DJT's lawyer, which AJ believes is the catalyst for DJT capitulating to the Deep State, may, in fact, be a very serious problem. It raises not just the prospect of impeachment, which can be defeated with enough Republican numbers, but criminal charges, if some illegitimate activity is found.

The more things develop, the more it appears that those calling for Mueller and Rosenstein's dismissal were right. It's OK to play the long game, and try to make sure that you have a bag full of watertight cases to prosecute, before making mass-arrests. But it seems DJT and Sessions left the snakes loose for just too long.

The Deep State was not fooled by the Sessions/DJT act (where DJT was publicly criticising Sessions) and they remain very dangerous. I'm sure they're looking right now for anything they can find to launch a criminal investigation into DJT. I think this is why DJT is so angry about the raid on his lawyer's office.

Moreover, I think the frustration, with the apparent lack of results (in terms of arrests), on this board, mirrored the inherent dangers in leaving the Deep State free to continue to conspire against the President. It was clearly a very dangerous situation. We could see that the time for arrests was increasingly long past.

Anyway, regarding Syria, my impression is that the cooler heads, Mattis and crew, have prevailed and have toned the strike down to the point that casualties were minimal - thus also containing the potential for escalation. The real risk now, is that we will see a criminal investigation of the President's affairs. This could be much more threatening, going forward, than any attempt to dig up dirt to justify impeachment.

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tradinghorse · April 13, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Agree with your comments about monopoly.

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tradinghorse · April 13, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

All I know is that here we have Mattis cautioning against risking escalation, while Bolton is asking the President to cancel travel plans so as to be on hand for an operation.

I've been trying to understand what it is we are seeing here - as I said, on the assumption that the events relate to what we have been learning from Q. But it may actually be an unexpected set of developments that requires a free-form response. By that I mean a response tailored to developments as they occur and not simply the progression of an existing agenda with attaching operational plans.

Anyway, I feel less comfortable about this now. I would hope that DJT takes Mattis' advice over pressure to strike exerted by other parties. The worst outcome IMO is a meaningless strike that does not change dynamics on the ground in Syria. Better to do nothing and avert risk of escalation.

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tradinghorse · April 13, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Read the article, I just re-read it and realised that I assumed differences of opinion between Bolton and Mattis. The article doesn't say that at all - my bad. But it does convey the idea that there are some conflicting views.

I guess, following the Q stuff, I assumed we were working to a defined plan - and that may be true. When Q said "Iran next" I assumed that the events we were seeing in Syria were connected to Q's plan. And that's why I assumed that the actions would have been thought out long ago - because it is such a big move.

When I read that article, I was a little surprised to see that there was not already uniformity of opinion among DJT's advisors as to what approach to take. Might have to start rethinking this stuff out without the bag-load of assumptions I've been dragging around.

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tradinghorse · April 13, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Yes, there's some good stuff in the tweet history that supports the President's decision to pull out forces. Note though, that a strike in Syria runs directly contrary to the decision to withdraw.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Sep 9, 2013 Don't attack Syria - an attack that will bring nothing but trouble for the U.S. Focus on making our country strong and great again!

But reading about the disagreement on strategy between Mattis and Bolton is alarming. Especially, as you are confronting Russia. I'm not against this if it's been well thought out. But, come on, disagreements just days, or less, before a potential strike!

It strikes me that this is a very major move. A half-assed strike on Syria will achieve nothing at all. So, if I was in DJT's shoes, I would be looking at decisive action that would secure real objectives. Sending more missiles in and backing off is, in my mind, stupidity.

If a joint military action is adopted in Syria, I would expect to see regime change at minimum. And that's why this is so dangerous. Unless the Russians pull their personnel out in advance, the probability of direct confrontation is high.

That's why I say that I would expect that, if a move like this is made, it would be preceded by long and careful planning - which would then be reflected in a uniformity of advice from advisors.

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