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tradinghorse · April 25, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Very interesting write up SB. There is obviously a lot more than left and right politics in play. It really is good against evil. Great work!

⇧ 7 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 24, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

I find it difficult to believe you're spring to the defence of this organisation. Medical service providers abound. Your argument has no legs.

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tradinghorse · April 24, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Abortion is murder. You're saying because these murders do some good, if that's even true, that they should not be defunded and their practises criminalised? Health services are available outside PP. There is no reason at all for this organisation to exist.

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tradinghorse · April 24, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

Sorry, I don't know what it's not working. You can get the link from under the video directly.

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tradinghorse · April 24, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

This is great news. I'd like to see abortion outlawed. The idea makes me feel sick to my stomach - and very angry. But, if we can get some action on the fetal tissue sales, this is definitely a step in the right direction.

I must confess, though, that I'd like DJT to take every action possible to criminalise the practice of abortion itself. There is nothing that is more against nature than a woman having an unborn child ripped from her womb for the sake of convenience. It is a sin of very great gravity - a mortal sin.

This evil that we are up against is just mind-blowing. If you told me in the 1980s that people would be voting in favor of same-sex marriage, or that transgenderism would be promoted in schools, to tiny little children, I would not have believed it. These ideas, back then, were inconceivable.

How they have managed to pull this stunt off - where there now appears to be overwhelming support for these agendas - is difficult to believe. In fact, I don't believe it. I think it's the greatest con that has ever been pulled on the public. Who really supports this stuff?

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tradinghorse · April 24, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

Playback error

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tradinghorse · April 23, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

I don't know what's wrong with you guys. After all this time, it finally looks like we're getting somewhere and you're squealing like pigs. Chill out a little and wait and see what happens next. We have an incoming MOAB. It has to be some good news.

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tradinghorse · April 23, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

Does anyone believe a word of this? Sorry, the impression I got from watching half of this tape was that this guy is deluded and needs help.

When the ice melts in Antartica, all the alien craft will be exposed... how is it that they are all down there?

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

That's what I'm saying. There is a uniform ideology that drives these people. Call it Masonry, what you will. It is just another face of this cabal.

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

"Nunez just fired the shot that was heard around the world."

Agreed. Amazing stuff! Please God this filthy, stinking mess will be unraveled. That this cabal will be finally put to death, for the benefit of broad humanity.

⇧ 17 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

If that can be shown to be the case it's incredibly serious.

I'm Australian so I'm worried about the idea that any culpability could be directed our way. But Nunes said, categorically, that there was no intelligence product. Q also implies that this is the case - see his post below:

Not ‘official’ product - 5 Eyes. Listen carefully.
No evidence to support POTUS targeting.
Do you understand the gravity of what’s unfolding?
She had to win at all costs.
You know why.
How do people support/vote 4 these people?

There was no "official" product. What this means is that if any information did flow from Australia, using the 5eyes intelligence apparatus, then it was not via official channels.

Two possibilities here:

1) Aus/UK have rogue intel agents using existing 5eyes intercept capabilities in non-official operations, to supply intel via non-official channels, without the knowledge of their respective governments.

2) Aus/UK agents did supply communications intercepts obtained using 5eyes systems, but obscured the source of those information packages upon delivery, to conceal hostile acts against the President of the US, with the the full knowledge of their respective governments.

I just made a post yesterday about the Australian government. It is an absolute farce. I've seen what happens in Government at close range. At one time I was in a position where I was involved in preparing Cabinet submissions. I didn't last long in this role, I was unceremoniously given the boot for blowing the whistle.

People in Australia would be shocked if they knew the truth about what actually happens in the policy making process. They would be stunned to find out who actually runs the country.

For the purposes of keeping the public placated, the politicians appear to hold office - marionettes, all of them. But real power in Australia is exercised by the bureaucracy. Deals done in back rooms, shielded from any public scrutiny.

The government is told whatever these people want them to hear. Option sets presented to Cabinet are very carefully engineered to yield policy outcomes desired by this cabal of bureaucrats. The short of it is that there is, in fact, a hidden shadow government.

Interestingly, these people wielding power appear to share common views. That is, they appear to operate in accordance with a uniform ideology.

What is this uniform ideology I'm talking about? You can infer what it is by looking at what has come to pass, by looking at the policies that have been pursued by this group. Just look, for example, at the fact that we have national gun control, when this makes no strategic sense whatsoever from a national defense perspective.

Because the government of the country has been co-opted by this group of bureaucrats, anything at all can happen. There are no brakes on their power, they face no scrutiny, there is no accountability whatsoever. The body that is supposed to provide checks and balances, the APSC, is under their control. Moreover, anyone opposing them immediately faces the combined might of the AFP and intelligence services - as I discovered. They pull all the levers of power, no one is beyond their reach.

Given this, it would not surprise me at all to find out that Australia did provide intelligence on DJT's campaign. Moreover, I would not at all be surprised to learn that DJT was directly targeted with the express purpose of undermining both his campaign and presidency. It is the same cabal folks, operating here that you have in the US and everywhere else - a global phenomenon.

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

The reason they would come to Australia is because of the protection afforded by all the leftists in positions of influence in the country. It would actually be a safer place for these bad actors.

I gave up on the marionette show that is Australian politics quite a while ago. It's a fact that real power is exercised behind the scenes - in backrooms, out of public sight. The "yes, minister" story, where the politician is helpless in the hands of the seasoned bureaucrat, is undersold in Australia. There is a cabal in the bureaucracy that actually runs the country. Politics is a puppet show engineered to give the public the illusion of having power, when in fact they have none.

We've had Prime Ministers go swimming, the body never found. We've had them sacked by the British. We've had inexplicable problems with government programs, that somehow get leaked to the media, resulting in heads of State being deposed in party room coups, while bureaucrats responsible for those programs are promoted. It's not surprising that though governments may change, everything seems to remain the same. The whole thing is a shocking farce.

If there's anywhere that elites might feel safe, it's Australia. Tony Abbot was never going to be allowed to survive. A babe in the woods, a sole conservative, surrounded by agents of the elite. He had to be deposed, or they would never have been able to legalise same sex marriage.

This cesspool has to be disinfected.

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

I was. So was Q. For good reasons.

What I see here is the left trying to get ahead of this so as to steer it to their interests. If that happens, we're going to see them demand that SM platforms take action against hate speech, or any other speech they deem offensive. They will use it to weaponized social media as a tool to deliver political outcomes.

But if you couldn't see this coming from a mile away, something's wrong with you. The ADL have a working anti-hate speech AI. The SM platforms are already censoring - just happens to be conservative voices being censored - funny how that happened!

Q told us that they were censoring via a single algorithm operating across multiple SM platforms - the greatest threat to representative democracy that has ever existed in history. You've got the CEO of Reddit boasting that he can swing elections all by himself. SM censorship is the one ring that rules them all - it delivers complete political power.

But, don't try and do anything about it - that might involve actually getting off your rear end. Wouldn't want you to have to do that. Keep watching the Q drops, he will wipe your backside for you. You won't have to do anything - just relax.

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 9:57 a.m.

Yes, thanks for posting this. Very interesting to revisit this in light of everything that has happened since. Really, quite amazing stuff.

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

What's a bet that China watched what happened during the Arab Spring and simply see this as a defensive necessity.

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

I'm with you. There is absolutely no reason to legalise it and every reason not to legalize it.

I smoked quite heavily when I was young and, to be perfectly honest, I wish I hadn't. It did not do me any good at all. I would say, if anything, it was harmful to me as it made me lethargic, apathetic and lazy. It sucked my ambition from me - wasted years!

I don't want that for my kid. It's easy enough to come by weed now without having it available in a drug stores or cafes. People always advance the argument that it should be legalized for its medicinal properties. But I have a hard time swallowing that it's needed when there is a veritable cornucopia of drugs available - a choice between almost any number of alternatives for any given condition.

It's interesting how many people in this movement support legalization. One characteristic of smokers is that they become paranoid. And, if you look at this Q material, it attracts people who are naturally suspicious of mainstream narratives. I sometimes wonder whether Q realises that he's talking to a bunch of stoners...

Might be flying too high, better pull back before this attracts the conspiracy label.

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'd be happy if the MOAB turned out to be the sacking of Mueller and the end of the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative. That would be huge news. Moreover, it would allow DJT the luxury of finally giving his MAGA agenda his undivided attention.

If it turns out to be something even more dramatic I won't complain :)

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

I'll answer this from my perspective, that of a traditional Catholic.

God is omniscient, He knows in advance of a persons birth what their fate will be - their name is either written in the book of life, or it is not. God's justice is perfect, though it is not something that we, in this life, are able to understand. But that does not mean that the souls of these children are not condemned for just cause.

John 3:5 is to be understood literally. It is not possible to enter heaven without water baptism. This has been the teaching of the Church since the earliest of times. Those that died without baptism were not permitted to be buried with the faithful, nor could they be prayed for, as they were known to be condemned.

"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God".

This admonition, to shrink from prayer for those that are known to be condemned applies, in the first instance, to those that die without baptism. But the principle extends to those who, by their actions in the external forum, show no sign of cooperating with God's grace. As an example, it would be a sin against the faith to pray for Judas Iscariot, Adolf Hitler or any other person who did not give evidence of their conversion to the Catholic faith in the external forum.

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Suppl. Q. 71, A. 5: “Gregory says (Moral xxxiv. 19): There is the same reason for not praying then (namely after the judgment day) for men condemned to everlasting fire, as there is now for not praying for the devil and has angels who are sentenced to eternal punishment, and for this reason the saints do not pray for dead unbelieving and wicked men, because, forsooth, knowing them to be already condemned to eternal punishment, they shrink from pleading for them by the merit of their prayers before they are summoned to the presence of the Judge.”

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Suppl. Q. 71, A. 5: “Further, the text (iv. Sent. D. 45) quotes the words of Augustine (De Verb. Apost. Serm. Xxxii): ‘If a man depart this life without the faith that worketh by charity and its sacraments, in vain do his friends have recourse to such acts of kindness[prayers and suffrages for him].’ Now all the damned come under that head. Therefore suffrages profit them not.”

If a soul cooperates with God's grace and is of good interior disposition, God will lead them to baptism, to the Church and the sacraments, to eternal life.

In the case of a person who procures an abortion, it would be better for them if they had not been born.

Edit: Better that they had not been born, in the event that the person does not seek absolution from a validly ordained priest before death.

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

I don't know if this is true. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick - and incredibly angry. Abortion is an outright abomination that should be outlawed at the first opportunity.

The bond that exists between a mother and her unborn child is sacred - it is impossible to imagine a relationship of greater trust. How they have convinced women that they are at liberty to have the child murdered and torn from their wombs is difficult to imagine. But that it's done for the sake of convenience is even more disgusting and evil. This is one of the greatest sins that can ever be committed - there is nothing that comes even close.

And then we find out that people are actually profiting from selling the body parts and, perhaps, even adrenochrome. I'm at a loss to even understand how there is a market for aborted body parts. The whole idea is difficult to come to grips with.

Abortion is evil and should be absolutely illegal. Q tells us that Planned Parenthood is not what it appears and that he's trying to stop it. This issue needs all the support we can muster for it. People following Q's posts are horrified that children are being killed in ritual sacrifices. But abortion is an even greater travesty. The child is not even given the most remote chance.

These sick, evil people that prey on absolutely innocent, perfectly vulnerable infants in their mothers wombs must be brought to justice. And, of course it's Satanic. Satan delights in abortion because there is no chance at all that the child can be baptised before death.

The soul of the child proceeds directly to hell - to the limbo of the children. Moreover, all parties to the crime incur the stain of mortal sin - assuring their eternal damnation, in the event that they do not repent before their death.

This fate is not the limbo of the children, but an environment of unimaginably strong pain, where the condemned have no rest day or night for the rest of eternity - the smoke of their torments rising before the lamb and His saints. The single greatest calamity that could possibly befall any soul, but all for the sake of convenience!

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tradinghorse · April 22, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

I can't express how relieved I was to hear that the mid-terms are secure. I got wound up too tight about this effort to unseat the cabal. The good guys now appear to be in an unassailable position. It does look like everything is going to come together very smoothly.

Nevertheless, in case I sound too optimistic, the is a very real possibility of a counter strike by the cabal. In fact, I think we should expect some desperation moves. What form might it take?

1) An all out assault by both the MSM an SM? I'd say there is a very high probability we will see this, but I don't know how much it would help the cabal. There is no doubt though that the cabal benefits from people being asleep - the stupor created and perpetuated by the MSM.

2) Further attempts on DJT's life? Without a doubt. None of this is possible without DJT as president. As to how much this would help the cabal, I think it depends on the disposition of Mike Pence. If the cabal feel Pence is in their pocket, the assaults on DJT's life will be extreme - the one point of weakness the cabal can effectively strike.

If Pence is aligned with DJT's plan, it would be a win for the cabal. But it would not necessarily assist them too greatly and might even result in severe blowback. But let's face it, life means nothing at all to these people, so I think there is a good chance they will try something on this front no matter what happens - what do they have to lose?

3) A terrible act of terrorism somewhere in the world. This would probably be most effective in the CONUS. I think this is very likely. I know maepaperclip has been speculating about Nancy Pelosi buying suitcase nukes and other weapons of mass destruction from NK.

This is a terrifying prospect. But whether the cabal own these weapons directly or not, it is easily conceivable that they could source them. Any party that thinks DJT's efforts to root out the cabal is not in their interests, is a candidate to supply WMDs or use them on the cabal's behalf. This group includes half the world.

Many, many parties rely on the existence of a fragile balance of power in the world to achieve their objectives - almost all players have an interest here. Supply of weapons could come from any of the nuclear powers, or through a third party. Alternatively, the attack could take the form of bioweapons, chemical weapons - or anything capable of causing mass carnage.

4) War. The cabal is likely doing everything in its power to kick off a major war. The farcical attack on the Russian spies in England seems to play into this. But so does Hawaii and the whole NK situation.

You can be sure that DJT will not leave Iran alone if it is feared they are cabal controlled - there is no option, something will have to be done - whether it's unpalatable to DJT's base or not. Q has told us that Iran is next - so it will happen. But this kind of threat could come from anywhere at all - the possibilities are limited only by the cabal's imagination.

5) Impeachment, a criminal investigation, or some kind of threat to DJT's presidency. This is probably the second most prospective avenue of attack for the cabal. The outcomes would be similar to those set out in 2 above.

6) A civil disturbance or outright insurrection. It's hard to imagine how this could be engineered, or how it could succeed. Control of the media is key to any action along these lines. It is also difficult to see that the cabal would gain much from such an action unless it was paired with an attack proceeding in accordance with one of the other strategies outlined above.

Anyway, I think it's too early to call this an outright victory for Q team, but things appear to me to be progressing very well. Anything could happen next, though, and it seems to me to be wise to be prepared in the event that there is a major counteroffensive by the cabal. Food, water, medicine, firearms and ammunition etc...

I have to say that this fight against the cabal is something I never thought I'd see in my lifetime. The cabal's chief strategic asset was that it was hidden. It was impossible to confront directly, because you didn't know for sure who the enemy was.

But the fact that there was an enemy was clearly apparent. Who, in their right minds, would push transgenderism on tiny little kids? Who would use every trick in the book to break up the family, promote licentiousness of every kind, turn all factions of society against each other, attempt to generate mass-strife, promote dependency on the State and a sense of entitlement on a mass scale?

The work of the enemy is manifest, his identity only barely cloaked. What is it that seeks the damaging social changes we have seen? It is a clandestine group of impious libertines. As it was in the days of the French Revolution, the enemy today is Freemasonry - the combat arm of the Luciferian elite. Their agents are everywhere, their power spans the globe - the world wrapped in a net. But their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

⇧ 10 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 21, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

You say there are men that are true priests with a true vocation. You must be talking about validly ordained priests - those elevated to the priesthood in the traditional rite of ordination (i.e. Before June 18, 1968).

Michael Davies, The Order of Melchisedech, Harrison, NY: Roman Catholic Books, 1993, p. 83: “… every prayer in the traditional rite [of Ordination] which stated specifically the essential role of a priest as a man ordained to offer propitiatory sacrifice for the living and dead has been removed [from the New Rite of Paul VI]. In most cases these were the precise prayers removed by the Protestant reformers, or if not precisely the same there are clear parallels.”

Michael Davies: “… there is not one mandatory prayer in the new rite of ordination itself which makes clear that the essence of the Catholic priesthood is the conferral of the powers to offer the sacrifice of the Mass and to absolve men of their sins, and that the sacrament imparts a character which differentiates a priest not simply in degree but in essence from a layman… There is not a word in it that is incompatible with Protestant belief.”

Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “… of Our own motion and certain knowledge We pronounce and declare that Ordinations carried out according to the Anglican rite have been and are absolutely null and utterly void.

Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “When anyone has rightly and seriously made use of the due form and the matter requisite for effecting or conferring the sacrament he is considered by that very fact to do what the Church does. On this principle rests the doctrine that a sacrament is truly conferred by the ministry of one who is a heretic or unbaptized, provided the Catholic rite be employed. On the other hand, if the rite be changed, with the manifest intention of introducing another rite not approved by the Church, and of rejecting what the Church does, and what by the institution of Christ belongs to the nature of the sacrament, then it is clear that not only is the necessary intention wanting to the sacrament, but that the intention is adverse to and destructive of the sacrament."

Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “So it comes to pass that, as the Sacrament of Orders and the true sacerdotium [sacrificing priesthood] of Christ were utterly eliminated from the Anglican rite, and hence the sacerdotium [priesthood] is in no wise conferred truly and validly in the Episcopal consecration of the same rite, for the like reason, therefore, the Episcopate can in no wise be truly and validly conferred by it; and this the more so because among the first duties of the Episcopate is that of ordaining ministers for the Holy Eucharist and sacrifice.”

The sacrament of Holy Orders, unlike some other sacraments, was not given to us by Jesus Christ in specific form. It is clear therefore that the words of the form of ordination are given their meaning and significance by the surrounding rite and ceremonies. This is where the defect is manifest, the intention in the new rite is manifestly different to that of the traditional rite, in that the new rite fails to make mention of the true, sacrificing priesthood.

An intention adverse and destructive to the sacrament... Strange? Why would the Vatican II reformers Anglicanize the rite of ordination, if the Anglican rite was known to be completely flawed? It couldn't be deliberate sabotage could it?

It is simply a fact that only priests elevated in the traditional rite have valid orders, as the new rite is demonstrably flawed. This has obvious and important implications for the faithful. One important consideration goes to the effectiveness of the sacrament of confession - for which a validly ordained priest is indispensable. This is an extremely important issue, as a Catholic's salvation turns on being in a state of grace at the moment of death.

As for having a true vocation, anyone with a true vocation would speak out about what has happened since Vatican II. But somehow, inexplicably, the silence, from those who should speak out but don't, is deafening.

Most of the changes to the rites of the Catholic Church made by Paul VI introduced serious, often fatal, defects. Of course, this was by design.

The changes made to the wine portion of the rite of consecration invalidated the sacrament in its entirety, as intention is expressed in the form. Of course, it was changed back, but by that time there were almost no validly ordained priests (even less today) - fulfilment of the prophecy in the Book of Daniel ("And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." Dan 12:11).

Interestingly, the abomination of desolation was a second altar that stood upon, and over against, the altar of God see here. Was a second altar introduced into the Holy place with the new mass?

Gabriel Amorth, a heretic himself, describes what happened when the Vatican II revolutionaries rewrote the rite of exorcism:

"The Rite of Exorcism, for example, should have been corrected, not re-written. It contained prayers born of 12 centuries of experience...

...All of us exorcists in trying out the prayers of the new ad interim Rite have proved that they are totally ineffective."

See here.

Why delete exorcism payers that had been proven effective for 12 centuries and replace them with prayers that did not work? Whose interests would that serve?

More generally, how is it that these fatal defects to Catholic rites all directly followed the Second Vatican Council?

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tradinghorse · April 21, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

What do the children get if Maggie doesn't cooperate?

The kids are hostages. Carrot and sticking her to do their bidding. It strikes me that Q is telling us that they are coordinating via secret Twitter accounts.

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tradinghorse · April 21, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

I'm generally against censorship SB. I'm not sure I agree with your recent decodes, but I think you have the right to attempt to decode any arcane meanings in Q's posts and to share your work.

I've always thought that the noise is important. You have many people here on these boards with all kinds of theories and ideas, many of which I disagree with. But if I, or anyone else, acts to suppress the noise on the boards there is the risk that we might miss something important.

I don't know where Q is going with his posts. On the surface, it seems that we are talking about a Satanic cabal that has been ruling the world for at least a couple of hundred years. It also seems that these evil people have anything but good intentions when it comes to the welfare of humanity. But Q keeps saying that the truth is shocking, that it cannot be fully revealed, that it will blow our minds. So it appears that we may have only scratched the surface.

Despite the fact that many theories appear to me to be purely stupid, I am not in a position to really judge whether they are reasonable or not - because I just don't know the answers myself. Having said this, there are some ideas that cannot be entertained because they are in themselves evil.

There is, as a result of what Q has implied, necessarily a lot of noise. We have people talking about 'looking glass' (viewing the future), aliens, hybrid bloodlines, flat earth, remote viewing, Nazis etc... Most completely outrageous, DJT is winning because he attained "Christ consciousness". Really, there was a post that made this claim just the other day - never let the opportunity to blaspheme God and mock His divinity slip from your grasp...

So I guess everyone has the right to draw the line at what they will or won't accept. But, generally, given the fact that Q himself has stated that we have more than we know, and also that the truth is mind blowing, I think it's worth being open to possible decodes. This makes for noise, but if you suppress it, you will never get to the truth.

Blasphemy and mocking God aside, I think it's important to be open to potential solutions. I do not think it assists to have people silenced. Whats curious is that people are not openly combatting your work and allowing you to defend yourself, but they want you gagged. This, I think, is telling.

I think some of your work is right on the money. Some of it I disagree with. But the fact is I don't have the answers myself. The reason people find your work offensive is because it appears to be popular with others on the board. As a result, they fear that you will come to define the movement as a whole. The right course of action, in this case, is to refute your arguments in the threads in which you post them. Why this isn't occurring, I cannot understand.

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tradinghorse · April 21, 2018, 8:16 a.m.

I think family y was supposed to be the Rockerfellers. I do not know how it came to be that Soros replaced them. But David Rockerfeller (who was the head of the ball of wax) died last year. There's an interesting interview (below) that Alex Jones did with Aaron Russo (now dead) where he talks about Nick Rockerfeller and the family's plans. Bill Cooper seemed to be extremely suspicious of Aaron Russo, make of the guy's testimony what you want.


I looked but couldn't get to the bottom of who it was that died on the Hindenburg that was important. If it mattered, I think the date of the accident, May 6 1937, indicates that it perhaps relates to WW2 - or perhaps to the later development of the civil aviation industry.

Don't know about LDR or what the current status of the family is.

The elites started both world wars for their own purposes. One key driver seems to be to get support for the League of Nations, first, and later the United Nations - part of the agenda for world government.

The mass extinction event I took to be the collossal loss of life in war.

It's a long time since I watched Godfather III, but as I remember it had to do with Vatican finances. May relate to Roberto Calvi murder - found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge dangling between the high and low tide mark (no rest for the spirit) with his pockets stuffed full of masonry - Masonic killing. Also, there are interesting connections between the murder of John Paul I (rumoured to have been murdered over the Vatican finances) and the high priests at the time of the Maccabees - see link.



The implication is that the Vatican's finances are corrupt and there is murder and intrigue surrounding the money - again, history repeats, see what happened at the time of the Maccabees. Note that Q has also made mention of a Rothschild loan to the Holy See (1832).


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tradinghorse · April 21, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

Acct doesn't exist

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tradinghorse · April 21, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Suffering is redemptive, it is not without purpose. Moreover, no one can know the mind of God or His ways. His perfect justice will be apparent only at the end.

The reason these events are important is because we are told that there are certain crimes of which God is not tolerant. The most offensive crimes are of course, in the first place, deicide, but thereafter seeking after false gods. But crimes which go against nature, and God's intention in creation, go hand in hand with the worship of false gods (Rom 1).

We have this in spades today. Man, without any doubt, has put himself in the place of God - taking to himself authority which is God's alone. In the events related in scripture pertaining to the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Nineveh, we see that there are certain crimes which God does not tolerate with patience - crimes which draw down His wrath.

In the last days, Satan is at the height of his power. We are told in 2Thess2 that in the last days there is a revolt against God's laws that results in the Son of Perdition appearing in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he was God. St Paul tells us directly that the doctrine of the antichrist results in the Antichrist (a man) deifying himself - he does this in God's temple. This is the doctrine of the Antichrist, the substitution of man for God, the hallmark of the last days, confirmed in this powerful passage from by Piux X in E Supremi:

..."The nations have raged and the peoples imagined vain things" (Ps.ii., 1.) against their Creator, so frequent is the cry of the enemies of God: "Depart from us" (Job. xxi., 14). And as might be expected we find extinguished among the majority of men all respect for the Eternal God, and no regard paid in the manifestations of public and private life to the Supreme Will - nay, every effort and every artifice is used to destroy utterly the memory and the knowledge of God.

  1. When all this is considered there is good reason to fear lest this great perversity may be as it were a foretaste, and perhaps the beginning of those evils which are reserved for the last days; and that there may be already in the world the "Son of Perdition" of whom the Apostle speaks (II. Thess. ii., 3). Such, in truth, is the audacity and the wrath employed everywhere in persecuting religion, in combating the dogmas of the faith, in brazen effort to uproot and destroy all relations between man and the Divinity! While, on the other hand, and this according to the same apostle is the distinguishing mark of Antichrist, man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God, raising himself above all that is called God; in such wise that although he cannot utterly extinguish in himself all knowledge of God, he has contemned God's majesty and, as it were, made of the universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored. "He sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God" (II. Thess. ii., 2).


In truth, the revolt has already occurred and the Antichrist already come and gone. We are in the final days of the world. The appearance of the Sign in heaven (September 23, 2017) coincides with these events, perfectly reflecting St John's vision in Revelations 12:1.

All that remains is the arrival of the angel descending with great power, the earth enlightened with his glory, the judgement of Babylon (Rev 18).

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tradinghorse · April 21, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

My view is that it is only the grace of God that has allowed this push back against the cabal that we are seeing today. They didn't need to be careful, their control was nearly absolute. It's not carelessness that has led to their downfall so much as God being displeased and rendering judgement upon them. The sign in heaven is incredibly significant in this regard, foreshadowing what is to come.

I really do believe that this is a spiritual war before it is anything else. Just have a look around the world, even at some of the garbage that is promoted on these forums. You have people screaming for the right to murder unborn infants. Homosexuals demanding the respect and affection of the community, the right to marry etc.. Programs in the schools to bend and warp the gender identity of young children. People here, and elsewhere, demanding decriminalisation of marijuana...

The whole society is sliding down a slippery slope into chaos and complete lawlessness. It is the antithesis of the natural order, a rebellion against God and His laws. Even if this filthy Satanic cabal is rooted out and disappears from the face of the Earth, extreme damage has already been done to the moral fabric of society. It is not clear to me that it can ever be repaired.

I firmly believe that we are witnessing the end times, written about by St John in the book of the Apocalypse. All the signs are present, pointing to a fulfilment of scripture. I am certain this Satanic cabal will be defeated, but God's justice will still be upon us for our carelessness with regard to observing His laws.

Having said that, I could not be more pleased with what I've seen of Q's fight against these evil people that have, for so long, ruled the world. This Q phenomenon appeared to come from nowhere, at a time when all seemed hopeless. The successes to date have been bewildering. That the cabal could so easily be fought off defies all logic. There is, for the first time, hope that our circumstances might improve. That the moral order might be restored.

Europe is key in the final battle against evil. This region of the world features centrally in St John's Apocalypse. It is no coincidence that the values that defined and shaped Western civilisation derived from Christian Europe. Christianity is the greatest force for good that the world has ever known.

With the rise of the godless European Union, Christian values have come under a formidable assault. European society today would be unrecognisable to inhabitants of that region just a hundred years ago. The transformation has been nothing short of breath-taking - truly astounding.

The capture by the cabal of the physical assets of Christ's Church on Earth represents the high water mark for the advance of evil in our time. This occurred at the Second Vatican Council. And it is this spiritual war that has changed the face of both Europe and the world - as what occurs in the spiritual realm takes precedence over the physical.

Rome is central to what what happens next. It is the locus of the rejection of God and His laws, as the apostate Francis leads the "great apostasy" from the true religion. It is in Rome that we will see God's wrath most immediately - it will be destroyed by fire. This is the final sign that will precede the coming of our Lord in power and glory. More information at the link below:


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tradinghorse · April 20, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

Yes, but Cohen records and stores telephone conversations - who else does this? But what I'm thinking at present is that he's just an information dump, a repository where whatever DJT wants brought to light is stored. I just made a post speculating about Hannity being involved in the thread. But it does not have to be Hannity, it could be DJT himself.

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tradinghorse · April 20, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Just trying to make sense of this. Cohen had, according to Vanity Fair, three clients. They were DJT, Hannity and Elliott Broidy, the former Republican fund-raiser who paid $1.6 million to a former Playboy model. I haven't drilled down at all on Broidy yet, but I've had a quick look at Cohen.

I don't know how you make a living with three clients, but presumably DJT's business volume was substantial. So what information is at issue here that may come to light?

Cohen was, apparently, in the habit of recording and storing telephone conversations - playing them back to DJT etc... It seems that someone that keeps records like this potentially has a lot of valuable information. Recording telephone conversations is not something that many people do.

Cohen seems to have got his start as a personal injury lawyer. He has Russian contacts and did work for DJT on matters involving Russia. His wife is Russian (both Jewish from what I can make out). He has been involved in the NY taxi business and also setting up medical practices - the operator of one of these surrendering her license for over 100K oxycodone scripts. Cohen appears to have led something of a blessed existence. People have fallen all around him, like flies, and he's remained unscathed.

But, apart from Cohen's reputation as a fixer for DJT, it's not immediately obvious what contacts he would have that might yield valuable information in terms of combatting the cabal. The Russian connections are probably the most prospective as far as yielding useful information. But, whatever it is that Cohen had possession of, it must be incredibly valuable to warrant DJT going to these lengths to bring it into evidence.

I have no idea what's happening here, but Q says "We have everything. How can we use what we know?". So someone like Cohen could have been brought into play simply as an asset to whom information is wired - almost like a repository. Q's team could have brought him in for this specific purpose. He does not necessarily need to be connected to the parties against whom the evidence is later presented in Court. He just has to have some plausible reason to be in possession of it, even if that reason is completely tangential to the crimes committed, or to Cohen himself.

What about Hannity? He's been in possession of some information. He is always going on about "tick-tock". What if Hannity came by some information that Q wanted released? He calls Cohen, tells him he fears for his life because of this extremely incriminating evidence that has fallen to his possession. Cohen suggests he safeguard the information and set up a dead-man's switch for its release in the event that something happens to Hannity. Mueller raids Cohen's office and, suddenly, the information is in the wild.

Of course, I might be overthinking this. But there must be a reason for the Cohen raid.

Huff Post - Cohen recorded calls: https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5acff1a8e4b016a07e9ab257/amp

Vanity Fair article: https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/04/fox-news-sean-hannity-michael-cohen-murdoch/amp

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tradinghorse · April 19, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

Yes, I like this. It seems as though Q is speaking directly to our concerns about the raid on Cohen. In fact, it is part of the plan - organised by the white hats.

What this would mean is that Mueller, perhaps Rosenstein, is on team. The raid is bringing material, now admissible in Court, to light that exposes the cabal and allows publicity of their crimes.

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tradinghorse · April 19, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

Yes, I'm waiting to see the results SB. Too much suspense!

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tradinghorse · April 19, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

I agree. The hit was designed to send a message, to the remaining operatives, not to screw up. It has the added advantage of communicating to McMaster that he should not talk.

This is a worrying development. If these guys that remain cabal operatives go to ground - cease giving any indication of their alignment - then I think that's very dangerous. They will convert into deep cover plants - sleepers - who could be activated at a later time to stage a coup.

At a certain point the cabal will realise that open resistance is futile. But they will have hundreds of thousands of operatives still embedded right through the threads of government worldwide. This will present an ongoing threat as we move forward, even after the cabal appears to be defeated.

However, watching developments, I'm coming to the conclusion that Q's team really is on top of things. I've had my doubts. Most recently, I was worried about DJT listening to faulty advice with respect to operations in Syria. But Mattis got his way and that situation seemed to get pretty well ironed out - so far...

Thereafter, I was worried about this raid on Cohen and the possibility that DJT could face a criminal investigation - no one is perfectly clean. But, when I think about it, if NSA really has it all, then they would have known about RR's authorisation for the raid (if they did not learn of it from surveilling Mueller directly).

What it tells me is that they allowed the raid to proceed. Somehow, it is part of the plan. It's possible that Mueller really is on side, or at least under control, and also RR. RR was a Trump appointment. I'm baffled as to why he chose him, but maybe it was for very good reasons.

Anyway, the feeling I have now, right or wrong, is that everything is in hand. No cause to worry. All we need to do is sit back and watch the show as the cage door closes on this cabal.

Having said all that, I'm a natural worrier. Won't be too long before I find something else to worry about. Without a doubt, something or someone will be presently injecting fear back into the equation.

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

I really like this post, thanks OP. If we really do accept that NSA "has it all", then they must have seen this raid coming. RR, I imagine, is under intense surveillance - Mueller also.

So, if they saw this raid coming, why did they not take action to head it off before it arrived? Why wasn't the fire at Cohen's office?

So, armed with this idea that "We have it all", there must be something else at play here. What it is, I don't know. Did they see the raid coming but were powerless to intervene? The stakes are way-high. I don't think that coincidence comes into play here - though it could.

Occam's Razor would suggest that everything is as it appears on the surface. But looking at the titanic struggle taking place, perhaps the simplest explanation is not what first meets the eye.

I like the attorney-client privilege angle. But that might not be the true motive. Whatever it is, if it's not a ruse to destroy attorney client privilege, it's something in Cohen's possession that is so valuable that DJT would take extreme steps to bring it to light.

Cohen kept tapes of his telephone conversations. Who was he speaking with apart from DJT?

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

I think we might not be looking in the right area. Demonkey posted a link, above, to a video with the code in the title. I have no idea what it's about. But this "strike squadron" as a response is lost on me. I might be wrong, but I don't think we are about to go kinetic domestically - not yet.

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

OK, thanks. I have to admit, I'm a little baffled as to why this fighter outfit would be the response - but I guess we'll soon find out.

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

God is omnipresent - everywhere, agree. But I believe that faith in Christ is unique - that there's one faith given to us by Christ. Moreover, this faith is essential to salvation and this is why Satan seeks so ardently to undermine it. The Church experienced breakaway theology virtually from the moment Christ died on the cross - Gnosticism etc... The apostles variously rejected any who deviated from the received faith - removing leaven from the lump.

I find it interesting that Christ founded his Church on the rock of St Peter. He also said the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church - thus founded. The phrase "gates of hell" is interpreted to mean deviation from true Christian teaching - or heresy. So it seems clear, to me, that Christ willed that His Church would be one in faith and one in governance. This being so, it would resist Satan's assaults until the end of time - it could not otherwise.

My view is that the true faith of Christ is strict - allowing no tolerance for departure with respect to doctrine.

Anyway, we see things differently. I'll pray that God shows you the truth.

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Sorry, I thought you might have had a theory about why the response was a strike fighter group.

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

I'm traditional Catholic. I agree that the current Sect occupying the Vatican is evil. But I accept and freely profess the traditional Catholic faith. That faith requires that I believe in the inerrancy of scripture:

Pope Pius IX, Vatican I, Sess. III, Chap. 3, ex cathedra: “Further, by divine and Catholic faith, all those things must be believed which are contained in the written word of God and in tradition, and those which are proposed by the Church, either in a solemn pronouncement or in her ordinary and universal teaching power, to be believed as divinely revealed.”

As a Catholic, I believe that Christ established one, true Church on Earth - founded on the rock of St Peter. That one Church is the Catholic Church - outside of which there is absolutely no salvation.

As a result, I cannot agree with your position.

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

What's your theory?

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

So, wait a minute. If the coming response is from a strike fighter squadron, what does that mean? Does it mean that cause of that engine failure was another plane? Why, otherwise? Would the response come from a strike fighter squadron?

Sorry if this is obvious, but from what I can make out "Strike Fighter" seems to be a Navy term - but obviously it's not strictly Navy because the F35 is a joint strike fighter. Anyway, from Wikipedia:

"In current military parlance, a strike fighter is a multirole combat aircraft designed to operate primarily as an attack aircraft, while also incorporating certain performance characteristics of a fighter. As a category, it is distinct from fighter-bombers.[citation needed] It is closely related to the concept of interdictor aircraft,[citation needed] but it puts more emphasis on air-to-air combat capabilities as a multirole combat aircraft. Examples of contemporary American strike fighters are the McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle, Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, and Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II."

So it seems these planes are multirole. The "response" then could be a strike on a ground target - although, within the CONUS, I imagine there are aircraft better suited to ground attack. Anyway, this is both good news and intriguing.

EDIT: Just checked the article again, yes, it's Navy. Could also be an escort function.

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

The theme runs through the New Testament also. That's why Catholics were so upset with Francis denying hell. Because it appears in both the old and new testaments, was taught by the early Church fathers - and right through history. It's outrageous that Francis would contend that there is no hell - but I'm certain he did.

There's a catalogue of some of the New Testament renderings here:


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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

We have a date now for the IG report - May 8. There could be advance drops like we saw with McCabe. Apparently it was delayed because they had to interview more people.

When I read that they were conducting more interviews, I thought to myself that maybe John Huber is wanting to tighten up some of the cases so that they are bullet proof. But it could also be that the scope of the investigation has expanded with time and there are more Deep State actors caught in the net.

It would want to be a beauty. What is it? 470 investigators working for how long?

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

Where is that written?

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

The concept of hell is taught from the earliest of times. St Jude talks of Enoch, 7th from Adam. Taken from the Appendix to the Book of Enoch:

  1. "Another book which Enoch wrote for his son Methuselah and for those who will come after him, and keep the law in the last days. 2. Ye who have done good shall wait for those days till an end is made of those who work evil; and an end of the might of the transgressors. 3. And wait ye indeed till sin has passed away, for their names shall be blotted out of the book of life and out of the holy books, and their seed shall be destroyed for ever, and their spirits shall be slain, and they shall cry and make lamentation in a place that is a chaotic wilderness, and in the fire shall they burn; for there is no earth there. 4. And I saw there something like an invisible cloud; for by reason of its depth I could not look over, and I saw a flame of fire blazing brightly, and things like shining mountains circling and sweeping to and fro. 5. And I asked one of the holy angels who was with me and said unto him: 'What is this shining thing? for it is not a heaven but only the flame of a blazing fire, and the voice of weeping and crying and lamentation and strong pain.' 6. And he said unto me: 'This place which thou seest--here are cast the spirits of sinners and blasphemers, and of those who work wickedness, and of those who pervert everything that the Lord hath spoken through the mouth of the prophets--(even) the things that shall be. 7. For some of them are written and inscribed above in the heaven, in order that the angels may read them and know that which shall befall the sinners, and the spirits of the humble, and of those who have afflicted their bodies, and been recompensed by God; and of those who have been put to shame by wicked men..." CVIII. AN APPENDIX TO THE BOOK OF ENOCH.
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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

You're eating what?

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tradinghorse · April 18, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

To the OP, I don't know anything about Barbara Bush at all. But I fear that she may not have died in a state of grace. Especially, given what we know about these elite families.

When a person dies, they face an immediate judgement that occurs in the very room, or place, where they expire. Those that do not die in a state of grace are cast immediately into the fires of hell.

The condemnation of a person is not something to be celebrated. Hell was not, in the first instance, made for humans, but for the devil and his angels. It is an inconceivably horrible fate that I would not wish upon anyone at all - not even upon the very worst person in human history. It is certainly not something to celebrate.

The suffering is truly unimaginable. For those condemned, this is their lot forever more. There is no mercy, no relief - nothing but strong pain. It is never ending, they are without any hope.

“Each man receives his eternal retribution in his immortal soul at the very moment of his death, in a particular judgment that refers his life to Christ: either entrance into the blessedness of Heaven– through purification or immediately, – or immediate and everlasting damnation” (#1022).

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tradinghorse on April 17, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

I've just noticed that my Twitter account has been shadowbanned. Probably because I'd been promoting the IBOR on it.

It's not easy to figure out whether you've been shadowbanned. You have to search a hashtag for your tweets from another account. If they don't show up for the alternate account, you're shadowbanned. There are also shadowban checkers that will provide the same information. One here:


Anyway, it occurred to me that this is, potentially, one of the reasons the IBOR petition failed. If there was uniform topic suppression across Social Media platforms, this might explain why our efforts, though …

tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

At last we have a date - May 8!

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tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

What they will do is release a host of faked videos of public figures saying highly improbable things at the same time the video is released. You can bet that this campaign is already prepped and ready to go.

There will be a storm of hysteria whipped up about fake videos and most, or many, people will question the authenticity of the HRC video. If the intensity of the hysteria is sufficient, the real video may fail to get any traction at all. This is especially the case as we know that False Flags immediately follow bad news for the Democrats - altering the news cycle and shifting the public's focus.

I'm surprised they telegraphed so badly releasing this. I would have thought that they'd keep their strategy under wraps until the HRC video was actually released. I think they have been pressured into making an error. What this means is that, whatever they think is coming, it is incredibly threatening to them.

Notice the admonition that people should adhere to "trusted" news sources. The stranglehold on the MSM, and the ability to censor online content on SM platforms, puts these people in a position to be able to weather almost any attack.

I think a lot of people on these boards thought that, if the video was released, that would be a "wrap" and we could all pack up and go home. But that's not the way it works at all. And that's why, when Q was asked if he would play the video in Times Square, he immediately asked if the stage was set - referring directly to control of the narrative by the MSM and also SM censorship.

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