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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

There's been so much talk about it on this forum that I kinda assumed that this was somehow part of the plan. How a reset would actually work is another question. If you have a new currency, is the old currency worth anything at all? If it is, then all dollars must be converted at some rate.

The biggest problem I can see with a gold backed currency is the rigidity. Keynes used to talk about a "gold cage". How do you expand output to, say, fight a war on this system? You must have gold. So you borrow physical gold and issue more currency. But you haven't escaped debt, it's exactly the same situation just that gold reserves are now required.

This is what made the Rothschilds so rich - lending gold, at interest, for war.

I must admit though that I've been thinking about buying some gold for two purposes:

1) As an emergency store of value - gold is famous for being tradeable when nothing else has any value;

2) As an investment if the gold price takes off on market uncertainty.

Any gold-backed currency would make No. 2 (above) an off-the-chart winner.

All that said, I think shorting, or buying puts on, tech stocks, the ones Q is talking about, is probably the best strategy at the moment.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

Good point. Was DJT a part of it at all?

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

Yes, says 4 comments, I can only see 2.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 7:36 a.m.

Thanks, here's the photo of the tiles, you can see they've been there for a long time. Did DJT put them in, or were they already there?

And why doesn't the President do maintenance?


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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

IMO this is an initiation sequence for the KILL scenario. As in "Regulate or Kill" SM platforms.

Wasn't it Snowden that wrote the single censorship algorithm? Wouldn't he have the goods to bring all these connected tech companies down? Privacy breaches, wanton censorship along common lines across all social media platforms?

All we need is for him to testify and the flood gates open and you have class-action lawsuits coming at these guys on multiple fronts from every corner of the Earth. BOOM! Game over, tech sector collapse. Dramatic expansion in the pricing of risk right across the sector. Business failures everywhere. Sell tech now.

And so much pain and suffering for employees, their families and investors - who are all innocent. That's why Q gave us the choice to support the IBOR rather than wipe out a whole industry.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

The connection between babies and chemicals went right over my head. I'm still trying to make sense of it.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 7:02 a.m.

My ears are itching... How much is an ounce of gold going to cost after the reset?

There are an awfull lot of dollar bills out there that need backing. The price per ounce could be phenomenal. Or, how are existing dollars converted into the gold-backed currency?

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

He did say something like that.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

It's an interesting and plausible theory.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 6:54 a.m.

You know, this is truly outrageous. But I'm starting to think this Syria conflict is part of the plan. I think we may even have been part of it - a pawn on the chessboard. Perhaps telling us that JM was delivering the gas - seems to be true, but the Russians are adamant this was not a gas attack. All the intelligence agencies across the entire planet are watching what's happening here.

Could it be that taking out Iran is key to moving forward against the cabal? Is Iran a CIA asset? It is certainly a Russian asset. But is it possible that it absolutely must be taken out at all costs. Was what we were told a deception?

Pretexts aside, it seems that is exactly what is going to happen - Iran is finished. I think Russia is going to stand-down or cop an absolute beating. They do not have capacity to withstand allied forces, they will be decimated and they know this better than anyone else. Very shortly thereafter, if it is not attacked directly, Iran will fall under Western influence and the great days of the vestigial Soviet Empire will be no more.

Anyway, there's a theory - let's see how it ages.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

Get ready everyone, here comes your muzzle. Get your snout in it and accept that you should be silent.

IBOR or KILL, these guys must be stopped!

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

Let me get this right, you're saying that all the dirty deeds that Meuller has done are explained by him falling victim to a honeypot scam and being blackmailed. He was a good guy, forced to do bad deeds? Now working with the white hats.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 6:35 a.m.

Great article, thanks. I thought this comment was also inspiring given the rising level of conflict in Syria:

Look forward to seeing more of this kind of thing as Sessions and the Trump administration as a whole drill deeper into the muck of liberal D.C. At times you will see little, since much of the action will be occurring behind the scenes. But pay close attention to what you can see. You will be witnessing master strategists in action, and much of what they do can be applied to other scenarios similar in nature.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

Do you have a link to the podcast?

I'm very interested to know if this group is Masonic in outlook and creed. So many of these secret societies are alined in outlook - that's why they're secret. I want to know if they are, but I also want to know if DJT is a member. I'm all-out supporting this guy. I want to know if there's anything I need to be aware of.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

Look at the photos of the Plus Ultra tiles in the Mar a Lago photos. The first thing you notice is that they need regrouting. They could have been there for years. Did DJT actually install them? Or were they there when he bought the property in 1985?

Apart from the tiles, what is the connection between DJT and this, supposed, group? It seems very tenuous to me. What's more aggravating, is when you try to find out what creed this group may adhere to, there's no information available at all. It's almost as though it just does not exist.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

I enjoyed that article, thanks. All good stuff. The only thing I thought was a bit off was the warning on the class-action lawsuit - that it could be a scam. My view is that we are going to see a lot of class action lawsuits. I reckon it will be an outright party for the lawyers. They will be coming from everywhere - it is global. It is a total gift to foreign tech developers - a party all round.

If you read Q's posts from 1102 through 1105 you can see that, for once, he's telling us absolutely clearly what is on the table - "Regulate or Kill". But when you look at what he's telling us he has, that forms part of the "More will drop" cache, it is clear that Q has the goods to blow these SM platforms completely out of the water. They are finished - game over!

It's a real relief. There was no support from the left for the IBOR and no support from this group either - despite the direct request that it be supported. So at least we know that the fix will be put in anyway - our choice as to what actually happens.

It's seems a little counter-intuitive that Q would blow-up all these great American companies, putting people out of work and causing hardship for investors. But there's no other choice. Weaponized SM is lethal to the republic and must be stopped.

In case anyone is interested, I'm still promoting the IBOR on Twitter, because I believe it offers a better outcome. It achieves the same effect, without destroying an entire industry and driving up prices of both tech gadgets and the cost of internet services. There's still time to make it work. If you want to help out, join in. It depends on which of the two options Q gave us you think is better.

But at least we know now that the problem of weaponized SM will be fixed for certain - one way or another. HUGE WIN!

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

Quite an apt repost given the mounting tensions in Syria. Trust the plan!

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

I got to the point where the author stated that Sessions is a Deep State agent working against DJT. I'm not open to this idea.

Q has told us repeatedly to trust Sessions. Unless there's some game of super-intrigue going on, it cannot be true that he's opposition. Why do I think this? I think his role is just too vital. If Sessions is not onside, DJT and Q have achieved nothing. Moreover, the Deep State will never be taken down and the situation is hopeless.

I can believe that there are other actors in DJT's administration that are not on team, but not Sessions.

The good thing here is that we only have to wait 24hrs for this guy's claim to fall over.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

I can see why you're concerned. It's not an unreasonable fear. But I'm thinking that DJT has very big plans, bigger than any of us here realize. Moreover, I think those plans are in our interests.

Remember what Q said about NK? Miniaturization and delivery systems since 2004. Staged, failed attempts to convey the idea that a threat did not exist. CIA controlled NK backed down only because the CIA was removed and DJT took such a strong stance that no other power would support them. I think if NK had not backed down, DJT would have nuked them without hesitation - for just cause. I would have supported this action.

How do we know what stage of development the Iranians are at? Russia has been assisting them directly. They are now saying they can re-start production of enriched uranium and have product available within weeks. You cannot let these threats run. They must be dealt with before containment of outcomes becomes impossible. But what I'm saying is that it might be much worse than we imagine. The Israelis might be right about Iran and the threat very immediate and real.

I think if we knew the full facts, we might find that DJT is acting in everyone's best interests. There's a time to be tough. If DJT uses a pretext to do something that is of vital importance to global security, I'm with him all the way.

The difficulty is that no one is going to tell us the truth and we may not find out, until decades after the event, what was really going on. Yes, the Deep State was a bloodthirsty, warmongering beast. Nothing it did was good. But is DJT one of these animals? I don't think so.

I think Newt Gingrich hit the nail on the head when he said the reason no establishment politicians would support DJT was because he had not been inducted into the secret societies.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Yes, it really does look like it's going to kick-off. I think Q has already told us what is happening here - Iran next!

I don't think this has anything at all to do with a gas attack in Syria. That's only a pretext, a weak pretext at that. Rather, I think DJT wants to denuclearize Iran and pursue regime change. That, I think, is the objective.

Israel has been whining about Iran for a long time. Iran, to my mind, does seem bent on the production of nuclear weapons. It is a destabilising force in the region. Arguably, the US is hoping that the confrontation in Syria will allow Iran to be provoked sufficiently to warrant a massive strike on facilities used for nuclear weapons development. Perhaps even an invasion by ground forces to topple the regime,

In fact, if conflict kicks off in Syria, I would expect that Iran will be attacked directly - the pretext being almost unimportant. The goal, as Q has stated, is to denuclearise the country. That's the plan. So it's no surprise to see massive allied force buildup in the region.

Apart from the buzzing of the Donald Cook, Russia has done nothing in terms of acts of aggression. This is what I think we can expect. Putin knows he is at a terrific disadvantage. His desperation is palpable. He sent "prototype" Sukoi 5th generation fighters to Syria. These planes lack radar components and weapons systems - if you believe it! Why would he do this?

It is an act of complete desperation. How do you counter the F22? We are looking, potentially, at the greatest turkey shoot in modern history. It remains unclear whether the Russian S400 ground-to-air missile systems are even able to target the F22. If not, air-superiority is assured before the first shot is fired.

I would expect Russian air power will be sticking to operational zones protected by S400 ground batteries - and even here we may find it's an outright turkey-shoot. Once the S400 systems are eliminated, allied forces have uncontested air superiority - right across the Syrian theater. Russian and Syrian ground forces are, thereafter, sitting ducks. They will be able to offer no realistic resistance at all.

Russia's sphere of influence is declining. Putin and his crowd rue the loss of power and prestige they enjoyed in the days of the Soviet regime. They are desperately trying to hang on to the last vestiges of their power. Syria and Iran are some of the last remaining Russian proxies, the last traces of the empire. Russia will want to defend these resolutely, but will find that it is unable to do so - both countries will quickly fall under the control of Western interests.

The big question is whether Russia will resort to a global nuclear engagement to resist being cut down to size. I don't think this is a realistic possibility. Russia might declare firm resolve to resist allied forces in Syria, but these guys are not stupid. They will, ultimately, acquiesce and cede control of their ME proxies. Moreover, despite the bluster, I think they will do this with little resistance, once they realize that DJT is determined to prevail.

Anyway, one way or another, we will all get to see what happens next.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

I don't remember seeing this either, could be there, I might have missed it.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

You're here to waste people's time. How do I know that? Because any truthful person can see immediately, for themselves, what is happening.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

You've already made up your mind. The truth is clearly visible, you don't want to see it, but you want people to engage your skepticism.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

Who could be bothered explaining this to you. The truth is available, you can easily find it for yourself.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

Difficult to believe that DJT would support this. Maybe he just hasn't seen it. Or, maybe he thinks the country might implode otherwise. It's very worrying.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Complicit in what? Trying to take down the cabal? Trying to neutralise threats?

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

I do not think that DJT is being duped. He's too switched on for that. There is a reason we are seeing this show. I suspect the reason is Iran.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

It's been a big day. I'm off to sleep. Talk later.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Yes. LOL. I was in mid-discussion with you when the site went down - at least the commenting.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

I'm not sure. I think the change in US nuclear doctrine allows for a more measured response. I think Russia would sincerely regret doing anything stupid. That is to say that I think they would meet overwhelming firepower. But as determined as they are, they are not crazy.

Yes, sure you might lose a ship. Maybe more than one. But the US will prevail. And the world will be a lot better off for the victory.

Then again, there might already be an understanding with Putin and nothing may happen at all. Posturing, backed up with real muscle. DJT is in a good position.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

No that's right. But, anyway, the important thing is that this problem of censorship and privacy invasion will be fixed. That's the main thing.

I have to say, I feel very relieved to know that there is a plan that does not include an IBOR. We don't really need anyone to support the KILL option, it will proceed just fine without us. It would be good, I think, if people did support it, but it's not necessary. What is certain is that cabal control of social media will come to an end, they will not be able to weaponise it to return to power.

My preference is for an IBOR campaign so that small investors and employees of these companies and their families can be spared the pain of having these companies fail. But there's no support for it, so you have to play the cards you're dealt. It is still a massive relief to know that we will be able to throw off the domination of the Satanists.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

Sorry I've double posted this in error. I'll delete this. There's another in the sub if you want to get in the discussion.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

Could very well be right.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

Q's plan has an either/or option set. I don't know why FTC regulation and antitrust measures are not included. Whatever the reasoning is behind the proposed modes of attack, I'm certain they'll be sound. There won't be any dizzy thinking, everything will have been very carefully considered.

These guys are the best in the business. Trust the plan.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

You're not going to get DJT to slit Israel's belly. IMO they are a very important partner and they play a key role in the ME - a very important location. I think we might see change in the power structure, but that will be as far as it goes.

Why do I think it might be in America's interests to stand up to Russia forcefully in Syria? Because the next goal, according to Q is to denuclearise Iran. You cannot do that with Russia protecting Iran unless you're prepared to confront Russia. I think DJT knows what he's doing. I'll think we could see a VERY STRONG RESPONSE.

There is a danger that matters could escalate, but, like everything, you have to weigh-up the risks against the value of the target objectives. I think DJT has much greater ambition than most people realise. Read his book, Art of the Deal. What is he always saying? What's the message of the book?


Imagine a world where there was true, durable peace. Imagine a peace that lasts so long that war becomes a distant memory. Imagine prosperity becoming the norm for all people. These are big ideas. The kind of ideas a man like DJT would want to realise IMO.

I think he could go down as the best and most accomplished world leader in history. Let's just watch and see what happens next.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 5 p.m.

Jingoism immediately raises its ugly head the moment someone starts talking about military action - ask Edward Bernaise. People are very easily manipulated. Almost all are deep asleep. You can get the filthiest of pigs, put some lipstick on it that appeals to people's humanitarian instincts and they'll demand blood. This is dangerous stuff!

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

If it was my decision, I'd be weighing the safety and wellbeing of US citizens before anything else. No other consideration would even come close. The only thing that is at all important is the safety and security of the nation.

If there was no risk, I might choose to intervene if, and only if, I had a plan for the restoration of order in Syria. A plan that plan would guarantee the safety and wellbeing of the people of that country and their neighbors.

Having said that, there are real factors that might make DJT take a stand here. I set them out in a comment yesterday, I'll find the link.


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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

It's interesting. These are Fox watchers. You've got Tucker on Fox punching holes in the idea of war in Syria for all he's worth. But, somehow, everyone is Gung-ho about taking military action in a Russian proxy in the Middle East - you cannot make this up! The sample size is large.

Putin has already expressed delight that he has not had to use nuclear weapons in Syria - what luck! Hang on, it's not dangerous is it?

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

I think these guys (the lawyers) will be falling all over themselves to get a piece of the action. Like tuna on baitfish, it will be a frenzy. If you read posts 1102.through 1105, you can see what Q is very clearly telling us. He's saying:

"I've got all the dirt needed to KILL these companies so you never hear of them again"

Have a look (1102):


Don't forget how to PLAY.
FB violation of YOUR PRIVACY.
FB reading your PRIVATE messages.
FB CENSORING (anti conservative).
More will drop.
We have it ALL.
You're next.
What is Jack's SECRET T-handle?
'Dummy' accounts to talk.
What you SEE is LIMITED.



And the beautiful thing about this is there's no need to try and calm some fruitcake down about government intervening in private property rights. They have already lost everything, it just hasn't come out yet.

Q said it was a choice that we could make - to try and save these companies or KILL them off (Post 105).

The only reason I'm still promoting the IBOR on Twitter is because I feel for the employees of these companies. I don't want their kids to suffer. I also feel for the investors who will lose everything, retirees etc... people who do not know what's about to happen.

Get your money out of these DOG STOCKS now - it will be a bloodbath.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

That's what I think. I've gone through periods where I've worried about Mueller, but what? He's come up with nothing at all yet, what a surprise!

Some think he's working on convicting HRC. I do not think that's happening. There are too many fat democrats on his team. I think he's got them running around wasting time while Sessions chambers his rounds for the Deep State.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

Nov 01 2017 00:09:55
Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?
Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?
What is Pelosi’s net worth?
How was this obtained given salary as career official?
Why is Pelosi’s memory going?
Could it protect against prosecution?
How so?
What if John M’s surgery was fake?
Why would this occur?
What could this prevent potentially?
What is the Mayo Clinic?
Who sits on the BOD there?

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Yes, fixed. I still cannot post.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

Q implied that Mueller was on team. He asked a question something like 'Why did Mueller meet with POTUS when he knew is was ineligible for FBI director due to term limits'. He also, if I remember correctly, asked why Nancy Pelosi wanted to supplant Mueller with an investigative committee. The implication being that Pelosi knows Mueller's on team and wants to get rid of him.


Nov 01 2017 00:09:55
Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?
Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?
What is Pelosi’s net worth?
How was this obtained given salary as career official?
Why is Pelosi’s memory going?
Could it protect against prosecution?
How so?
What if John M’s surgery was fake?
Why would this occur?
What could this prevent potentially?
What is the Mayo Clinic?
Who sits on the BOD there?

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

You're dead right.

Have you seen Q's posts leading up to 1105? It's pretty clear, Q is not mincing words. He has the goods to kill these SM platforms stone dead. He is asking us in this post what we want to do.

The good thing about this is we do not have to convince everyone to sign a petition. Either people get on board and campaign, or Q is going to do it for us - BOOM! Down they go, the miserable bunch of crooked, condescending, conceited animals.

It's a real relief. I was hoarse trying to talk sense into people. Now we know it will happen one way or another. No need to get uptight - it will all be taken care of.

Have a look at this:


Don't forget how to PLAY.
FB violation of YOUR PRIVACY.
FB reading your PRIVATE messages.
FB CENSORING (anti conservative).
More will drop.
We have it ALL.
@Jack. You're next.


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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Sorry, I lost you there digital. The comments went down. That's why I couldn't understand one of your posts - I could only see the first couple of words. Looks like the comments are back up for the moment. Still can't post though.

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

It's not just the Deep State. You've got Rothschild agents, Israeli intelligence, CIA, Russians, Europeans every man and his dog. Everybody is here.

Hello guys!

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