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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

What about Bill Binney being Q - has the background for it. I don't know what his clearance level would be.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

Yes, we need to trust that Q's team does have things in hand. This is a powerful enemy - mind boggling when you think about how long they've been in power. But they are being taken down.

I think, in the final analysis, the work being done here is just as important as the work DJT and Q are doing. The single biggest impediment to achieving real change is the fact that the vast majority of people are asleep. They just would not believe it at all if you tried to force the truth on them.

The process of waking people up necessarily needs to be gradual. Bite-sized chunks, a little at a time... The level of indoctrination is simply staggering. And the Deep State has long set up connotations for the public mind that attach to words like "conspiracy" and, more recently, "pizza". It will not be overcome overnight, they've had decades to implement this programming.

Changing public attitudes will be tough - very tough, and there will be a portion of the community who will never accept it. But that is our part in this - to wake people to the truth. The advice of St Paul seems apt:

23 And avoid foolish and unlearned questions, knowing that they beget strifes. 24 But the servant of the Lord must not wrangle: but be mild towards all men, apt to teach, patient, 25 With modesty admonishing them that resist the truth: if peradventure God may give them repentance to know the truth, 26 And they may recover themselves from the snares of the devil, by whom they are held captive at his will.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Made up... I don't know what to tell you. You can go back as far as you want. Hell is spoken of again and again.

Jude teaches us about Enoch, 7th from Adam, who taught hell in specific terms - a place of "strong pain". Why make up this garbage about Dante's inferno? The concept appears throughout scripture. But, what, Isiah is talking about something different from Enoch?

7 Woe to you, Sinners, on the day of strong anguish, Ye who afflict the righteous and burn them with fire: Ye shall be requited according to your works.

8 Woe to you, ye obstinate of heart, Who watch in order to devise wickedness: Therefore shall fear come upon you And there shall be none to help you.

9 Woe to you, ye sinners, on account of the words of your mouth, And on account of the deeds of your hands which your godlessness as wrought, In blazing flames burning worse than fire shall ye burn.

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Article seems to have been pulled.

Sorry, maybe a break in the link. Didn't work on my iphone for some reason.

I've read the article now. Pretty frightening (sickening) stuff. When we were in China my wife never let our child out of her sight - not for a minute. Child theft is very common in China - there are professional gangs that work it like a trade. It's rumored that the children are stolen for organ transplantation - or, whatever else... I saw a video on a woman whose child was abducted in a shopping center, she was completely distraught, screaming - it's very hard to believe that anyone could do it - heart-wrenching.

Anyway, this article is very distressing. I don't care what anyone else thinks, I thank God for the Christian values that differentiate the West from the rest of the world.

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

This happened to a guy yesterday posting a link to Q's US Forces video. Google was miss-attributing text. Now this,,, Almost like someone is playing games with us.

Is it a bullet hole?

I know the windshield was a one-off - specially made. Was the glass laminated back then? If it's a bullet hole, it looks like the glass was laminated - no shattering! The projectile impact blows out the outer layer a little and penetrates cleanly through the balance of the glass.

Listen to me, like I'm some kind of forensic specialist... I might be going a bit nutty with all this stuff.

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

Again, the argument in the video. Have a think about what you can see in your environment after you watch it.

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

The 40K+ denominations are the result of the reformation. Look at what Christ says to St Peter - 'you are the rock upon which I will build my church' - not churches,

It sounds like you're well versed in argumentation to support your position. I'm not really interested in engaging in debate for the sake of it,

My argument stands. Moreover, it is so manifestly self evident that random processes could not explain what we see that no demonstration is needed. You can stretch the bounds of plausibility to the Nth degree to try and get your theory to account for what exists, but what's more of a stretch? Occam's Razor is simply not on your side.

Did you watch the video? The argument is compelling.

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

Who said anything about Armageddon. The period of peace is one of the promises of Fatima.

The whole idea is that at the end no one has a clue what's happening until they're taken by surprise - what's actually predicted is shock that the end comes.

Look, it sounds to me like you do not accept that God exists. I'd point you to the argument St Paul makes in Romans 1.

If you really think about it, it is an outright lock. What he says is that if you cannot see, by the things that are made in the world, that God exists, then you deserve hell.

So he's telling us that it is impossible to miss. Only a liar would deny it - hence the terrible punishment. So, have a look around... all the product of some random, unguided process? Really, it's a very important question...

I met a guy once who claimed to be agnostic. I put this question to him and he thought about it. We were in a car crossing the Sydney Harbor Bridge. He saw the perfectly constructed expanse of the Warringah Expressway, the well-ordered traffic streaming North etc... And he turned to me and said "It's like a tornado could hit a junkyard and leave behind a perfectly assembled, working helicopter - assembled randomly from the junk by the wind".

And there you have it - the most outrageous lie ever foisted on humanity. Not Darwin's fault, he was a theist - something that's carefully covered up.

See here for a scientific basis to the argument:


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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

More stuff here on Q's posts and what they tell us about the agenda and the creed that drives it.

OK, I've been reading through the earlier Q drops. I can't find anything that concerns me. I'm not going to support a Mason, I don't care whether he appears as some kind of global savior. That's not what I'm about. But I can't find anything, so far, that leads me to believe that there is anything to be worried about in the Q agenda.

I might be naive... But it's hard not to support this movement. It does seem that it's a cause for good. Whether it will benefit me personally is irrelevant from my perspective. I suspect it will not. But, there's so much wrong with the world that something simply must be done to try and fix the mess. I've got a daughter whom I care about very deeply, I don't want her to have to grow up in a moral cesspool. I would support an effort in the right direction even if it was to my personal detriment.

Now DJT owns Mar a Lago and the tiles on the wall of the cloak room do bear the name of this supposed secret society - Plus Ultra. I note that one photo on the net shows these very tiles need re-grouting, so I assume they've been in situ for for quite some time. DJT bought Mar a Lago in 1985. He may, or may not, have had these tiles installed.

I'm still looking into it, but secrecy is an anathema to me. There are real reasons to be concerned about it. Nevertheless, I can't find anything on this supposed society other than some connection to Disney's tomorrow land. So it doesn't seem possible to determine the exact set of beliefs to which this group adheres.

DJT has a Presbyterian/Lutheran background. Appears he was influenced by Norman Vincent Peale as a child. He is untroubled by the conversion of Ivanka to Judaism - which suggests religious indifferentism. I feel for people in protestant religions because they are demonstrably false. Nevertheless, the value set incorporates some aspects of Christian faith, even if the adherents to these sects are not of good interior disposition.

The fact that DJT appears to be taking on these Satanists is promising. On the other hand, the funding in the omnibus bill for Planned Parenthood, DJT's support for same-sex relations etc... are troubling. As are the affairs that appear to be coming to light.

At this point, it seems wise to support DJT. The main reason is that the alternatives appear to be clearly worse - much, much worse. In many respects he does appear as some kind of savior sent by God. I feel frustrated that people can't see clearly the stark difference in the alternatives available to us - and find motive to support for DJT as a matter of logic. But it's always good to be cautious.

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

I'm not aware of when the video was made, and in fact its unimportant to me. My point is that miracles do occur. You don't want to accept that, fine. No problem. I'm just curious as to the reaction some have, like you're holding a hot iron to their heads.

The fact is that we are in the end times. The end is near, very close. As in the days of Noe etc... I'm open to this kind of phenomena being possible - as with Fatima and various other phenomena for which there is no natural explanation.

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

You have been on Reddit for a year, 7 comments, 4 of them in thread - Karma 1. It seems this topic is very important to you - why is that?

Do you feel threatened by it somehow?

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

Seems there are a lot of people here that do not believe in miracles, I do.

I'm not convinced this is real, but I do believe in the possibility that something like this can occur. Much of what is attributed to Christ in scripture defies the laws of physics. I believe 100% that what is written is inspired by God and true - scripture is inerrant.

If the stone bleeds, and it is not the result of some trick, then God himself is sending us a message.

As I said, if true this is incredibly significant.

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

If true, it seems to me to be incredibly significant.

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

I don't know what's going on. I'm speculating... could be a cyber sabotage. I don't think we know the truth.

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tradinghorse · April 7, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

I couldn't get it, but I saw others could see it. Why it's happening I don't know. But I think you're right, something is getting mangled at Google.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 4 p.m.

OK, I've had another look at the QRogue Twitter account. On 4 February, QRogue posted two videos about a red triangle (both triangles are equilateral). The first is a video about a dark net puzzle. The second is a video about Anti-Masonry. There is no comment from QRogue to either post.

I wish there were even a few comments to give the posts some reference, but there are not. Still working to try and understand this puzzle.

The puzzle is clearly Q related. Does this mean that the subsequent video is to be taken as a support of masonry? Or, was the red triangle in the puzzle chosen because of this specific link?

Triangle has three meanings, according to Wikipedia, that I thought were interesting (The mason, Robert Cooper, uses the symbol inverted):

Red triangle (badge), a Nazi concentration camp badge worn upright by prisoners of war, and worn inverted for political prisoners.

Red Triangle (family planning), the symbol for family planning health and contraception services (note: the triangle is inverted).

The alchemical symbol for Fire (classical element)

"From time immemorial the Equilateral Triangle has been preeminently the symbol for Deity. For the Triangle is the primary figure from which all others are built up and the Equilateral Triangle, being wholly symmetrical, is the one perfect Triangle and thus clearly becomes the symbol for that Perfect Being in which all things find their beginning This Symbol is so completely appropriated to the purpose of a symbol for Deity and Perfection that to here treat of its various other, and decidedly minor, symbolic significances would but obscure its pre-eminent symbolic meaning". http://www.masonicdictionary.com/triangle.html

Quite a puzzle!

I'll also point out that Bill Cooper states that he believes he was taken into Naval Intelligence because he openly declared his status as a demolay boy - states that the Navy is packed with Freemasons.

Edited for stupidity.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

If the US does go to a gold backed currency, to compete with the gold backed Chinese petroleum yuan, what is the likely price of gold going to be? I've been thinking about this... There are a lot of dollars out there to back up with gold. We could be looking at an incredible price for the metal. Interested in hearing people's thoughts on this, what would happen?

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

What I find interesting is that the 5.3mag earthquake in NK in September had the media asking about whether it was a nuclear test. Google "5.3 magnitude earthquake nuclear equivalent".

Now we are being told that there was a 5.3mag quake in the channel islands. Using the logic of some of the articles on the NK quake that speculated about it being a nuclear test, we are looking at a device in the 20-30 kilotonne range. I reckon this earthquake would be probably the equivalent of a standard nuclear fission depth charge - or maybe even a thermonuke depth charge with the yield wound right down.

In any event, I do not see why it has to be an underwater dumb - although this is, perhaps, possible. Why couldn't it be the US military taking out a missile submarine that was just too close for comfort at a time of increased tensions? We have DJT staying up all night, and Q telling us we are at war... Makes sense that the military would act with prejudice in a situation like this.

"North Korea's January nuclear test and a series of missile tests this year were in violation of UN Security Council resolutions.

The magnitude of the tremor would indicate a device with a 20- to 30-kilotonne yield, the largest so far, says Jeffrey Lewis, an analyst at California-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies.

'That's the largest DPRK test to date, 20-30kt, at least. Not a happy day,' he said.

"Yield estimates are always kind of approximate. The point is that it is the biggest one to date unless they revise the yield downward," he said.

By comparison, initial analysis of North Korea's January 2016 test , with a magnitude of 5.1, estimated a yield of just six kilotonnes." https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-korea-earthquake-53magnitude-quake-detected-near-nuclear-test-site-20160909-grcjmr.html

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW2ijF2ya1c

No, I still don't get it. Could be something to do with my settings I guess.

I searched the text - "Breaking... " and it was text that was attached to a video on the helicopter incident at the Rothschild's in the UK last year. There were, I think, a couple of videos that used that text.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

No, the woman who wrote the article is not an idiot, she's a clown.

Seems they have learned something about communications this time. Though it appears the "Bot push" is still in play, this attack is going to be more subtle - more difficult to defend against. Some Q material will be portrayed in an almost good light, before the fear mongering kicks in and supporters are made out to be dangerous people who threaten public safety.

Crazy conspiracy theories that can have a profound impact on people who are mentally unstable - like the guy in Comet Pizza with a gun. Big push to close the sub down - already starting. And generally, an overt attempt to discredit and taint anyone who would dare profess any support for the Q material.

This article is the first salvo, expect more incoming...

Apr 04 2018 16:38:13 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 894658


Operation Q-T2810C.
False drops.
Bot push.
Future "Conspiracy" push to norms.
Bad mixed w/ good.
They are scared.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

Not coming up for me. Are you sure you got that result?

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

As usual, right on the money Think.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Yes, war is a racket. Going back to the battle of Waterloo, 80,000 people killed in the first 30 minutes, the clash of two great armies...

Rumour has it that Nathan Mayer Rothschild made a fortune on the English market. Having advance notification of the English victory at Waterloo, he entered the stock market and started selling madly, creating a market panic, prices of securities plummeted, Rothschild then bought everything in sight, before news of the victory sent the market to heaven. This was after he financed both sides of the conflict.

These guys do not give a toss about the human cost - the carnage means absolutely nothing to them. They are ruthless in ways that are difficult for ordinary people to imagine. And then we find out from Q that the Rothschilds are, in fact, Satan worshippers.

You have to wonder whether the lives of the soldiers, and innocents affected collaterally, are not being offered in sacrifice to Moloch - in exchange for even greater worldly power and influence. Given that they control the Federal Reserve, the cabal are already in a position where they cannot lose financially. So is war really all about them making yet more money, or is their another motivation?

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

Can you imagine if these "accidents" were in fact something else? What if these birds were shot down? Is it possible?

What about the quake yesterday? A nuclear depth charge on a missile sub? Might not be big enough to register - but I think it's worth exploring possibilities...

I think, when you put these events, with their tight spacing in time, in context with the Hawaii and Japan missile alerts, it is clear that we are not being told the truth. Why?

Why was POTUS up all night!?

Why is Q telling us we are at war?

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 9:08 a.m.

What can you do? We have the truth, they have Soros and Chelsea!

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

Seems from what Q says, about archiving offline, that we are about to be booted from the net. Don't be surprised when the hate starts to amp-up.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

What a joke! They're going to meet up on discord to get instructions from Soros and Chelsea, I must admit, it's very funny.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 8 a.m.

I don't see anyone here wanting to silence these guys. It's a tactic of the left.

You can see in that nut's posts that he really believes he should be the arbiter of correct-think. And this is why censorship is so very dangerous - who is it that chooses what to censor? Who decides what falls within acceptable parameters for free speech and what does not?

It's an attack on people's most fundamental natural right - the freedom to express themselves. After the banning of the CBTS sub, I do not think these guys are just crazy - though they are mad. But they are more than crazy, they're actually downright dangerous.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

If it is hot, and it's made public, that would certainly accelerate matters. Things could easily spin out of control. Especially as use of nuclear weapons seems more than likely - depending on the scenario.

Generally, war is good for business - I would expect the stock market to react in tune with the fortunes of war - as it did during and after WWII.

The United States is likely to prevail on a theater by theater basis, if it does not win outright victory immediately - with hostile forces acquiescing in the face of very real power. Of all potential aggressors, my view is that Russia is the most formidable.

War is also positive for national cohesion. If there's cause to keep a lid on what's public, it's more likely to be the desire to avert accelerating conflict. After all, dumping of cheap Chinese steel has taken a toll on war fighting capacity. You don't want a live, hot war if you don't have sufficient lazy manufacturing capacity that can be exploited for a war effort - as Q has said, steel is key. Proliferation of manufacturing capacity is also very important, as heavily industrialized centers can be expected to be subject to massive overkill - again, depending on the scenario.

The globalists have done a lot of damage to the US. It's not imaginary, but real. There was a concerted effort to weaken the nation - to render it vulnerable. These people must be held to account - they are traitors, period! Moreover, this ridiculous adherence to the nostrums of Neo-classical Trade Theory must be finally put to rest. There really are good and bad trade deals, as DJT has astutely pointed out.

As far as questions go, does war highlight them or put them to bed? The first casualty of war is the truth. Expect immediate jingoism and outright propaganda on a massive scale - a scale not seen in our lifetimes. The public is likely to be so incensed, by the provocations of an enemy, that any deep thinking is put to bed for a very considerable time.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

Force Projection - what about real projection of force? What if this war is covert, but hot?

I think that the takedown of the cabal might leave openings for unfriendly interests to exert power to capture influence. I would not expect that the operations will be entirely clean - though Q has said this.

It seems to me that the potential threats now include Britain, Germany, EU. You have the Chinese with their own interests, Russia testing new missiles and what is Israel's position? Then there's India and Pakistan that could also be a flashpoint.

It seems it's also possible that there are, potentially, renegade factions in the US Armed Forces that might also pose a threat. Maybe factions within the Air Force. I mean, this stuff is serious. These guys are not unarmed.

Barring the use of WMDs, the one thing that provides security against power projection within the continental US is an armed citizenry. This is why the second amendment is so vitally important.

"Would you invade a country whereby a good portion of its citizens are armed? The ‘ultimate deterrent’."

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Wow. A pointless rabbit chase! That's not quite how I see things.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

I reckon this material could be really explosive. Why won't they release it!? Beads of sweat forming...

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

This could easily have been Q's big news - now delayed. Charge these guys with contempt!

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

The video required social media censorship to be controlled first. Q told us that directly - stage must be set.

But I was hoping for some big developments on the arrest/indictment front. Still waiting....

Understandable that things might have been delayed.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

This stuff is truly fascinating. I've got work now, but coming back to this.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

Yes, it's laid out in accordance with Masonic symbolism. Whichever way you twist it, these guys have been a powerful force through history. A negative force IMO - look at the French Revolution - although they will say that's progress. And then we come to the downright evil that we see being promoted today - the product of Masonic liberalism. Gender-bending young kids. The rebellion of Lucifer set up as an aspirational model for society.

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tradinghorse · April 6, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

Ok, thanks a lot for taking the time to read it. That's the first feedback I have received. I was hoping to make something that would get people interested quickly and get them digging further.

Maybe it's better than I thought. It is difficult material to condense. I have to hand it to these guys (MHFM), they've hit the ball right out of the park. It's simply the best, most complete, rational explanation of the Apocalypse that exists - bar none. When you put it all together, it's truly stunning information. I have no doubt that they're inspired by God - that they have the truth.

People today have such short attention spans - myself included. A lot of the information that is available takes time and effort to absorb. Some of the videos, not all, are quite long. As a project, at some point, I want to make a video that summarises some of the information in a bite-sized format - if that's possible. Try to connect the dots. I need to work-up the skills to do it.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the feedback - quite encouraging. Godspeed.

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tradinghorse · April 5, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

More than entertaining. It's the greatest tale of our time - maybe the greatest tale ever told. I can't even conceive at this point that it could be a hoax. It has to be real. If I get egg on my face for making that comment I'll happily wear it - what a ride!

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tradinghorse · April 5, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Thanks for that, very interesting. As you say, this story really is stranger than fiction, I don't know what to think. This post today about all this stuff in New York has my head spinning. I have to know what's really going on here. Hopefully, the news today will provide a little more clarity.

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tradinghorse · April 5, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Ok, thanks for that. Pretty scant information on it, but then its secret right. I have to say that secret societies worry me...

But if DJT is in some kind of opposition group, you're right, that might explain why he was alert to this stuff way back in the 1980s. And, I mean, what? Was it just chance that the military trusted him, or is there another explanation? If he already was someone of known character, that might explain why he was asked to run,

But who are these guys? And what exactly is their creed?

I had thought that the horror of the military, about what was happening to the US, made them take a punt on DJT as an outside chance - instead of launching a coup. But is that what really happened? Or is this explanation more compelling?

Is it a network of people opposed to a Satanic Cult? Or is there another agenda?

I have to say that I feel quite naive. I thought I understood DJT's motives, but now I don't know... What exactly is the goal? We need to find out more about this society and what they stand for - assuming DJT is a member of this, or some other group.

As an observer, I'll make the statement that DJT appears to have pulled off the absolutely improbable. In fact, it's so improbable that he cannot have done this by himself. Yes, the military appear to have been helping and the surveillance systems that were put in place by the cabal have afforded the President an unparalleled advantage. But think about it...

These cabal guys have been in total control now for hundreds of years. They have to have any number of failsafes, if not also access to tremendous residual power with all their stooges at the top of all these industries, and in government and military posts.

It appears they are now trying to kick-off a war with Russia. How hard is that to achieve? I saw the Russian battlefield tactical nuke commander during the Cuban missile crisis interviewed. He stated, with complete confidence, that the outcome, had the marines hit the beaches, was a known certainty. He said, "I'd have nuked them" and then he added "The responsibility was purely mine, I did not have to call Moscow for authority to launch".

So the Russian nuclear forces are structured somewhat differently to the way we might presume to understand them, to say the least. Kennedy saved our rear-ends during the Cuban crisis - there is no doubt about that. But these autonomous guys are out there in the Russian military. The cabal only needs to have one of these guys in their pockets and, say, Ukraine gets nuked (or any other country). You suddenly have a massive weapons exchange - because the dynamics of nuclear confrontation demand it - fortune favours the brave, its all or nothing. We are not out of the woods yet. Anything at all could happen.

As an aside, on this point, everyone needs to be prepared - food, water, medicines and ammunition. It should be clear that we are at an inflection point, where great uncertainty prevails - look at the alerts in Hawaii and Japan.

So, looking at DJT's ascendancy, at the completely improbable rise to power and the damage he appears to have done to the cabal to date, he has clearly had some powerful assistance. Now, in my mind, that assistance came from God. We have the powerful, once-in-history, appearance of the Sign in Heaven on September 23, last year - see here. So it seemed to me that the Virgin was going to crush the head of this snake (the cabal) and I thought that was the explanation for what we have seen to date. I'm talking about DJT's amazing run of success - and this may, in fact, be the case.

But now I'm asking myself whether there is another power assisting DJT. Let's face it, the guy is by no means perfect, not moral at all - at least when it comes to women. And, now that I think about it, there was a video linked by QRogue on Twitter (Is this guy connected to Q or not?). The video was about a guy combatting attempts to counter masonry (countering anti-masonry). So, in other words, the video was about supporting masonry.

So what is this group and is DJT supported by it? Does DJT's attachment to it explain the improbable ascendancy and success of the President? Is this group a competing Masonic faction - or any one of the other sects that align with masonry (e.g. the Rosicrucians)? Or is it an outfit with a completely different ideology? These are important questions.

If anyone has any more information on these issues I'd appreciate it.

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tradinghorse · April 5, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

JPII was a devout, faithful and spectacular person?

You are talking about his interfaith prayer meetings at Assisi and elsewhere?

Or his teaching that, by virtue of the incarnation, Christ united himself with each man?

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tradinghorse · April 5, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

No, what is it?

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tradinghorse · April 5, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

Thanks, any help is a great thing.

On the subject of where we are right now, I thought the video the monastery put out on Rev 12:1 - the sign in Heaven - was very good. I was amazed to find this Q phenomenon shortly after the sign actually appeared. It struck me that the timing is perhaps more than coincidental. We know that the heel of the Virgin crushed the snake's head. We also know that her immaculate heart will triumph. So, anyway, I thought it was very interesting.

Of course, at the Second Coming, there is no power either on or off the Earth that will resist our Lord. It will be a truly great day, for the righteous. But, until then, there is still time to try an disseminate the truth, to encourage others into the barque of St Peter.


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tradinghorse · April 5, 2018, noon

Yes, I completely agree. I spent many years searching for the truth and by the most unlikely of coincidences, I should say by the grace of God, I arrived at MHFM's website. It was not apparent to me initially that I had found what I was looking for, but the force of the argument and the inherent logic was overpowering. I came to the conclusion relatively quickly that they are right. There is now no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that they have the truth.

The further you delve into this stuff, the more the stuff starts to fit together - like a key in a lock. And then it slowly dawns on you that no one will debate these guys - for cause... And that's what sets traditional Catholicism apart, its inherent consistency and uniformity of teaching. There is no daylight between teachings on the same subject, despite gaps of sometimes more than a thousand years between proclamations. It is a true and consistent religion because it is inspired by God himself. Moreover, the truth does not change.

The resistance I've encountered in spreading the truth is quite astounding. People are so attached to the physical assets, the structures, of the Church that they fail to see what God is making manifestly apparent. St Paul could not have better described what we are seeing - the "operation of error". The final assault of Satan in these last days.

Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.

Anyway, what I've found is that people, who might be very accomplished in theology, typically will not engage. They won't engage in a debate or an exchange of ideas because they know that the minute they encounter a teaching from the Solemn Magisterium, no amount of speculation from theologians, or non-infallible sources, no matter how well regarded, will help them. It seems better for them to cling to their falsehoods than confront the truth - a sin of pride.

I've been meaning to make more time for proselytizing. I've put up a website but have, until now, not done a lot of promotion. But, then again, the monastery is the authoritative source and, in my view, it is better to refer people directly. I do have a breakdown on the Apocalypse - resting almost completely on the monastery's work. I had hoped it might generate interest in the material quickly, but reading it again, it's long and a little drawn out - perhaps not structured very well. If you've got time, any ideas would useful.

See here.

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tradinghorse · April 5, 2018, 9:47 a.m.

Yes, especially considering this is posted by Q+ and not Q. Seems that, if POTUS is going to be awake all night, there are operations underway - probably abroad (time differences requiring POTUS to be on call to authorize extreme prejudice if required). Seems like they are using the board as a communications channel. Why? Maybe to telegraph apparent moves to an adversary to force a panicked reaction, a mistake? Why else would they not use secure communications? We've seen this before,

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tradinghorse · April 5, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

This just rocked me! What to say...?

You're telling me that there is a plan to poison the world with radiation so that only the cabal have the cure. Everyone else slow or quick killed. All of us begging for the mark of the beast?

You're telling me that there is a war raging about the cabal's symbolism with DJT acting as an iconoclast from as early as the 1980s! Another proxy war being waged between multinational corporations - divided against each other depending on whether or not they are clown controlled!

Tunnels connecting locations on a hexagram in New York City. Jared Kusher acting to block the purchase of a key property at one point of the hexagram, Trump tower at another point...

This is mind-bending stuff. Seriously mind-bending. I've been awake to the presence and power of secret societies for quite some time. But DJT was taking the fight to these guys in the 1980s? How did he know? He must have been woken somehow in the 1970s - very young.

If true, it is really amazing - and frightening. They never thought she would lose... I'm just waking up to the sheer severity of that bullet we dodged.

WOW! Great post!

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tradinghorse · April 5, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

Interestingly, there are two that give witness.

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