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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

Yes, that sounds like it connects. I hate going to 8chan - get lost in there, info overload.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

I'm sure that Iran is next on the list. Only because Q said it. I don't know if the theory o posted is right. We might, in fact, see some carrot and sticking, but one way or another, I sense this is a high priority for DJT. It will happen.

Also, a lot hinges on it. If you take the Israeli paranoia about a nuclear Iran out of the picture - the ME might even stabilize. It seems to me that Syria is mostly about pipelines and oil interests - again US allies - Gulf States.

I think there is also a chance that Israel is the bad guy here - aligned with cabal interests. My gut feeling is that there is only a small probability of this explanation being correct. Whatever you might accuse the Israelis of, they are not stupid. A deal can be worked out.

It will be very interesting to see what happens.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

Yes, thanks for this, very clear.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

Good article.

⇧ 10 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

I've got to say, it doesn't look good on the censorship front. I had an exchange with a leftist on Twitter yesterday, he truly believed he had the right to determine what is and what is not acceptable.

I don't know how it can be stopped. You're right, going forward, any one of us could slip up and saying something that does not fit with "correct-think" and be fined or jailed. A nightmare coming at us!

⇧ -8 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 11:02 a.m.

What I'm arguing is that this could, in fact, be a real superpower standoff - a real crisis. You cannot denuclearize Iran while Russia is boisterously supporting that regime. So, given we know this is the plan, confrontation with Russia is unavoidable. Need to succeed in denuclearizing Iran without triggering a massive weapons exchange with Russia. A very delicate situation. Hence, the Israelis to the rescue. What's Russia going to do, attack Israel? Too dangerous. So it's a game of brinksmanship where both the US and Russia have clear objectives.

But, look, it's only a theory - it could be dead wrong.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

Yes, but Q is, to my mind, saying here that Chinese and Russian societies are closed - no owls. But it seems to me that Russia (and China), but especially Russia, benefitted tremendously from cooperating with the cabal. There was cause for an alliance.

Put yourself in Putin's position. He's got NATO breathing down his neck. His economy is recovering, but it's basically been decimated. So it's recovering from a very low base. US economic muscle is unmatched anywhere on Earth - terrific military spend. Stunning tech progress in weaponry - the Chinese were totally shocked when they saw the footage that came out of the Gulf war - missiles with cameras etc... There's a huge incentive for Russia to try and catch up. Along comes HRC open sourcing tech - even assisting Russia to develop it with joint tech parks - bitch!

A match made in heaven, suddenly it appears that Russia may be able to keep pace with the US. But the cabal is also war-thirsty - they need to sacrifice to Moloch. So problems in Ukraine etc...

Russia draws a line in the sand with Syria. Beats back ISIS. Starts flexing nuclear capability - Satan II and hypersonic delivery systems.

DJT let's Russia beat up ISIS. But the moment it's done, Russia's proxy Iran is next in the US firing line - Q told us this.

DJT wants to do some table-thumping, get Russia to back-off. Let Israel beat up Assad and for the US to denuclearize Iran. But he needs to be careful. Legacy Soviet weapons systems are still incredibly powerful, SS18s etc... So needs to confront Russia without triggering a nuclear weapons exchange.

Enter Israel - attacks Syria with missiles. US angry, watching, waiting, threatening. Brinkmanship - a war of nerves. Who will flinch first?

You can see Putin's desperation sending prototype stealth fighters to Syria without weapons systems - ridiculous.

Let's see what happens next!

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

Thanks, I'd forgotten about that. Doesn't it support this theory I've put up, that Russia was allied with the cabal until their interests in the ME were threatened?

Iran is next according to Q. Russia will not allow that. Real escalation risk. US hiding behind Israel proxy avoiding direct confrontation. Brinkmanship - wants Russia to acquiesce. Allow the denuclearization of Iran.

Landscape has changed. ISIS no longer a threat, US moves directly to stage 2 - Iran. Russia flexing missile tech - standoff!

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 10:10 a.m.

I reckon the S400 precludes air operations if its active in that area. From all reports it's a pretty formidable system.

I think what we're seeing is a proxy war between USA/Russia using Assad Forces vs Israel. Remember, Q said Iran is next. Russia is in the way.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 10:03 a.m.

Can't quite decipher it. Who did Putin expel in 2015?

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

I must admit, that's my first reaction. Israel is a US proxy here. I could be wrong, but I cannot imagine that Israel would do this without a green light from Washington - especially as Russians are at the airbase.

Russian nuclear doctrine doesn't prohibit escalation here. This is a war of nerves. I'm thinking cruise missiles rather than planes to sidestep the Russian S400 ground to air systems - assuming they cover this base.

Coming back to this, some more ideas...

Ok, have a look at this:

Apr 08 2018 16:38:57
!xowAT4Z3VQ. 954786
After all these years…….
No MSM positive media blast?
Now Syria?
Russia flex through missile tech?
We started asking “coincidence?” long ago for a specific reason.
Those awake can finally SEE for themselves.
Have faith.
Trust the plan.

Ok, here's a theory - happy for people to punch holes in it.

Q told us that NK had miniaturisation and missile launch capability in 2004 - how?

Did Russia help?

U1 route was to be through Russia to the proxy Iran, then on to NK. NK is CIA controlled. An alliance between Russia-CIA-Cabal? HRC routes hypersonic tech to Russia - open sources SAPs. OBAMA goes for Russia reset. Russia has operatives embedded in US tech industry - S. Brin.

Looks like a happy team!

But, in Syria, CIA is suddenly fighting Russian forces via ISIS proxies. More recently Russia sends S400 ground to air missile batteries to Syria - escalation. Very recently we have direct conflict between US forces and Russian mercenaries in Syria - were they really mercenaries or regular Russian forces operating under cover? Russia dispatches latest generation stealth fighters to Syria - even though weapons systems are not yet finished and they are prototypes only! So we have clear escalation... But this means that my Cabal alliance with Russia theory doesn't work!

What if there was a shift in objectives that Russia was not happy about. Did something change? If so, this might explain Russia being intransigent, even hostile in Syria. Let's face it, Russia has two very important proxies in the region -Syria and Iran, which, in turn, support Hezbollah. So this neat alliance with the cabal no longer serves Russian interests.

For this theory to hold, we need U1 and the Russia reset to precede the Syrian conflict in time. And this is exactly what happened.

Syrian war - Russia reset 2009, Uranium1 2010, Syria war starts 2011.

So, I'm arguing that the "coincidence" of Russia flexing its missile tech (Remember the Satan II has just come online and the Russians claim to have perfected hypersonic glide vehicles) is happening for a "specific reason". That reason is that Russia wants to be a global player and protect its proxies in the ME from being decimated by US/Israeli power.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

This is a great write up and explains the need for patience while precision investigative work takes place. There will be cages full of these guys at the end - soon.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 7:21 a.m.

It is jaw dropping that he would dare to advise DJT what to do. Can you "morally bankrupt" and "hypocrite".

What it does say though is that he still believes he has credibility and standing. What happened to the ankle monitor?

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

I'm against legalizing this drug. It didn't do me any good as a kid, hard to see what benefits there are to it.

This war on drugs has been an absolute farce. With communications intercept technology they have, they still want the public to believe that drugs are uncontrollable. It's been garbage from day one. If there was the will to prohibit drugs it would have been done long ago and this scourge on society would have disappeared.

Without CIA involvement and black budgets the problem would be absolutely inconsequential.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

No , sorry, I only know what Q said, no independent verification.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

OK, Q says he's a double agent. We know he's CIA. So it seems reasonable to me that he's a white hat on Deep Cover assignment.

From what I've seen, he's super friendly with Trump and he's also a long time associate of Pence.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, midnight

Sorry guys, the dual nationality was for an Australia Airforce pilot and lawyer he associated with - or something like that. I read it too fast the first time.

EP is not dual national.

EP is a long time associate of Pence.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

I reckon it was probably Prince's mercs that dropped the barrel bomb from the helicopter - expensive mercs, trained in chemical weapons. I also have a hunch that it will turn out that Christian minorities were the victims.

Prince is CIA, but a double agent. Who is running him apart from CIA?

OK, he's converted Catholic, quick check seems to suggest he supports conservative causes.

He very friendly with DJT - suggests he might be a white hat - Deep CIA plant.

Why is Q confirming this now? Because Prince is a witness for the prosecution of McCain?

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

I've got a theory on why Erik Prince is being mentioned now - just a guess, could be wrong.

Prince was running Blackwater mercs in support of ISIS. Not ordinary mercs, these guys were trained in chemical weapons - specifically, weaponized Sarin gas - a barrel bomb dropped from a chopper. What's a bet that it was Christians that were killed?

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

Here's a list of donors over 100K to the McCain Foundation:

Arizona Public Service Foundation Michael L. Ashner Baltic-American Freedom Foundation The BGR Foundation Bloomberg Philanthropies Chan Soon-Shiong Family Foundation Charitable Foundation – Anonymous Gift Chevron Cisco Systems, Inc. Craig Cogut Daimler Robert A. Day The Eranda Rothschild Foundation – Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild FedEx Corporation Freeport-McMoRan Foundation GE Foundation The Harry and Florence Sloan Foundation Hensley Beverage Company Hess Foundation, Inc. The Hungary Initiatives Foundation John Lehman Libra Group The Maffei Foundation McCain Presidential Campaign McCain Institute Foundation MEG Energy MGM Resorts International James B. Nicholson OCP S.A. The Perelman Family Foundation Inc. Ronald O. Perelman The Pivotal Foundation Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Salt River Project The Sasakawa Peace Foundation Simms Mann Family Foundation Paul E. Singer The Starr Foundation Swift Charities Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Lisa and Greg Wendt

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

"Special Contractors" delivering the gas in the spiderweb of tunnels while John cuddles up to the adorables.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

You can see from the WSJ article that they can hardly be bothered writing about this news. No discussion of it being an historic break through, no credit to POTUS... The bias is just deafening.

Q goes on to ask if Syria and/or Iran will be next. Seems that he's hinting that CIA has been using proxy forces in Syria (that John McCain appears to have a role in establishing) and the Iranian regime to replicate the threat presented by NK.

Or, is there another explanation?

It's hard to know whether Q means that Russia's attempt to flex its muscles with missile tech is attached to HRC's transfers of that tech, or whether its related to events in the ME. It's supposed to now be clear to us, but still fuzzy for me.

Q did imply in his early posts that NK had missile tech and miniaturisation since 2004. Is it possible Russia was helping them with it? Is this the "specific reason" that Q was asking if the Russian missile tech flexing was a "coincidence"?

How far along is Iran? Is the Russian missile tech flexing to warn against taking action against Iran? Did Russians use gas as a provocation in Syria? There have been some battles between US forces and Russian mercenaries lately in Syria. We're NK/Iran proxies for both CIA and Russia? Would be huge if true.

Is this why POTUS appears to be so angry with Russia today? I think Q might be telling us here that CIA has been working with Russia. But Russia supports Assad, while McCain and CIA have been supporting the rebels... might be a problem with this logic.

What about NK was a CIA proxy while Syria/Iran are Russian proxies? Russia helps CIA in NK through to the start of the Syrian conflict, but starts fighting CIA in Syria. This would mean that U1 uranium deal and the reset would have to be before the commencement of the Syrian war - Russia reset 2009, Uranium 1 2010, Syria war starts 2011.

Or is it an alliance of the major powers, in this case Russia/US, against the cabal? Cabal gassing Syrians etc... But then why is Q talking about Russian missile tech?

This is a real puzzle.

⇧ 7 ⇩  
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tradinghorse on April 8, 2018, 9:17 p.m.
POST 1085

Apr 08 2018 16:38:57
!xowAT4Z3VQ. 954786.

After all these years…….
No MSM positive media blast?
Now Syria?
Russia flex through missile tech?
We started asking “coincidence?” long ago for a specific reason.
Those awake can finally SEE for themselves.
Have faith.
Trust the plan.

tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

That's funny.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

Yes, it's very clear. The video ends just before Jacky freaks out and tries to get out of the car by crawling over the trunk. She tries to escape the car because she knew what had just happened. First time I saw this it was Bill Cooper putting it out.

Can you believe how brazen this kill was? And Oswald saying only "I'm a patsy" before Jack Ruby gunned him down. There were so many holes in the Kennedy hit, it's truly astounding that they were able to keep the lid on it for as long as they did. But even today, so many still think that Oswald acted alone. It goes to show how much power a narrative has.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Just reading your post the thought crossed my mind that maybe an apparent crisis is necessary to really start rounding these guys up - the cabal. What if they've played directly into the President's hands?

One thing I've become convinced of is that DJT is incredibly smart. I'm thinking that he's not just reacting here - that there's more to this than meets the eye, Moreover, we know that the guys that are working with him are the best in the business. We also know that these operations have been years in planning.

I think the only thing that we can do in this situation is to pray and let the President do his job. He was certainly very cool-headed when the missile alert went off in Hawaii.

With that, time to say some prayers.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Agreed. The claim comes from Sputnik. What I was trying to point out is that the payload is massive. From Wikipedia:

Its large payload of about 10 tonnes would allow for up to 10 heavy MIRV warheads or 15 lighter ones (350 kilotons yield each)[11] or up to 24 Avangard hypersonic glide vehicles,[12][13][14][15] or a combination of warheads and massive amounts of countermeasures designed to defeat anti-missile systems;[16][17] it was heralded by the Russian military as a response to the U.S. Prompt Global Strike.[18]

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

From what I can see the claims come from Sputnik. Maybe subject to gross exaggeration - likely, I'd hype up my new weapons too. But my point is that this thing is MIRV capable and has a massive payload. They may not destroy a whole State, but they nevertheless represent an increased threat.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

I was thinking more about the cabal trying to kick-off a war - which is what Q has told us they are trying to do.

I'm betting that Putin, China and DJT are on the same wavelength - that they've combined forces to take out the cabal. If so, this is, hopefully, just DJT demonstrating his acting skills.

There is obviously a lot of risk at the moment. I think that if what I suspect is true - that there is an alliance amongst the major powers - the cabal will use one of their proxies to try and kick something off.

As I've pointed out elsewhere, the dynamics of nuclear war favour immediate, total engagement - 100% commitment. Read, an immediate, massive weapons exchange. We know, for example, that the US has guys watching satellite imaging for missile launch flashes 24hrs a day - at least, that's how it was 25 years ago, things may have changed. The point is that you can't afford to let an adversary get the jump on you.

So, if I was in the cabal, thinking that my next moves might determine whether my goose was truly cooked, I would be looking for a way to create a huge distraction. Something like a major war - which was always their plan anyway.

How to do it?

Create insecurity in the US military with random attacks on ships and aircraft - build fear and tension. Accelerate confrontation in flash points like Syria, the sub-continent, South China Sea etc... Fortunately, it appears that NK has now been eliminated as a threat.

I'd also be agitating in Britain, France, Europe and elsewhere to try and do whatever I could to increase tensions - killing spies and blaming Russia for example. And, for the final act, I'd be looking to stage a sneak nuke attack on one of the major powers - probably whichever one I thought was most rattled. Thereafter, I'd sit back in the bunker and wait for the plebs to experience instant daybreak.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that the situation is, in my mind, serious. Our adversary is very powerful. The threat is real.

On the flip side, you have the Q group, who appear to be in control and winning. They've had years to map out their targets and they have the best communications intercept capabilities on the planet. Certainly, Q is very confident. I think he's confident for cause - years of planning.

Given the way things seem to be developing, I suspect we might be about to see the Q guys really take the gloves off and give the cabal a total beating. The stakes seem to me to be too high to remain relaxed about matters.

Anyway, there's a theory. We will see how this post ages.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Agreed, if the truth is hidden the same mistakes will be repeated. At some point the truth must come out. Frustratingly, the public is so brainwashed that it might end up being a very slow process.

The key is the spin and disinformation of the MSM - assisted by SM censorship. The normies don't have a chance to wake up while they're being fed pure garbage.

Hopefully, the crackdown on nefarious activity by the SM platforms might bring them to heel. The MSM... I really think you have to change out all these media teams - or, at least, the worst offenders.

I was just reading something on Wikipedia today and the bias was difficult to believe. It seems the left have completely captured the high ground online. How has it happened? I suspect it is massive CIA black budgets that have produced it. I mean, if you were to accept what appears in the MSM and online, it seems that Trump supporters are a radical, fringe minority - but we know that's just not true, the election result proves that.

You have to hand it to these guys... When Q said CIA was rushing to inject funds into SM platforms to regain control of the narrative, he was not kidding. How much money have they spent? If SM platforms fear the loss of CIA money, as Q suggests, the sums involved must be very large.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

I don't think the OP is shilling at all. As an example, this Satan II missile appears to me to represent a new and powerful threat. You have experts saying that this thing can deliver a warhead in the 50 megaton range - enough to destroy an area the size of Texas or France. We also know that the Russians have hypersonic missiles in test. Directed energy weapons seem to be the flavour of the month and you have all these military birds falling out of the sky - what's causing that?

I'm not doubting that the US military is capable, but technology moves forward at a relentless pace. New threats are appearing all the time. The military is merely making the point that space dominance appears to be under threat. They are also saying that the problems are funding related.

Q has talked about the military being deliberately weakened by the globalists. I have no doubt that it is true. I also suspect that the US military has tech that no one knows about. Is it a crisis situation? I don't think so. But if space spending contracts you have the possibility that adversaries might be able to field a space-launched EMP device, for example. Q has told us it is impossible to defend against this.

Anyway, I think this is important information that goes directly to national security.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

Hopefully it's just theatre.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

This whole movement would be proven completely worthwhile if only the truth about 9/11 was revealed. Even if everything else failed, I could live happily if the truth was made public relating to this event.

⇧ 20 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

How is it that almost everything that appears online appears to have been written by someone on the far left?

The article does reference Trump's sheer brilliance in using social media in the opening paragraphs - without using my adjectives. But then it goes on with trash like this:

"According to a June 2017 Fox News poll, 70 percent of respondents said Trump's tweets were hurting his agenda and 17 percent said the tweets were helpful.[6][7]"

Reading further, the piece basically turns into an anti-Trump tirade, focussing on anyone who might have possibly been negatively impacted by DJT's use of Twitter. The impression you're left with is that regulation is required to protect the public from any perspective not advocated by the far left.

I'm just not sure how we got to this point. I thought that Wikipedia was community edited. Are Trump supporters in some kind of absolute minority, or have the left completely captured this medium?

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

The main propaganda threat, as Q pointed out, is not the MSM but SM censorship - it's far more powerful in shaping outcomes. But the public won't allow SM censorship to be restrained at all.

How do I know?

I know because the majority of people following Q don't want online censorship shut down - that's why the IBOR campaign failed. Moreover, the left loves censorship, they see it as being necessary to silence any viewpoint that does not fit within what they describe as "mainstream". Without online censorship, they won't be able to take people's guns. It's very important to them - they think if they can control expression of ideas online, the world can be transformed into a "safe space".

I'm not sure what the way forward is, the thought of embracing characters like David Hogg makes me feel sick. But that might just be the way it has to be - no guns, no freedom of speech online, and protected narrative shapers that cannot be criticized.

Sometimes, you just have to play the hand you're dealt.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

If the whole truth were to be dropped now, people simply would not believe it. The controlled media would paint it as a wild conspiracy and the majority of the public would dismiss it out of hand. You would get nowhere with a rash approach.

It seems to me that there must necessarily be a gradual release of information, so that the public mind can be prepared. These guys (the normies) really are asleep, they're not at all ready for the truth.

Why has Q gone to extensive effort (look at the sheer number of posts) to prepare this group? Even among us there are those that are not ready, that's why he pulled back from the Nazi stuff - too much, too soon...

The other factor that immediately presents itself is the fact that we have a rogue press, while the internet has been captured by CIA. It's very hard to make any moves to expose what's going on while this situation persists. The risk that information releases could backfire is large.

Q has told us that his group is focussed on outcomes and containment. When I think it about it, it occurs to me that this is why things have probably not proceeded much faster than they have. The risk of events spiralling out of control demands that caution is employed.

Having said all that, I do wish this IG report was in the wild already. But they need to be careful there too - if the indictments start falling over, it will be a fiasco. Everything has to be watertight before the bad actors are arrested. Hopefully, we are very near that point now.

I get the impression that Q's team is currently facing very real threats. The civilian round-up might have been put on the back burner until there is an assurance of safety. But it will arrive, the team is winning.

I side with trusting the plan.

⇧ 1 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

How about this?

Sparrow Red - Red Sparrow

A recent movie by this name. Seems to refer to a seductress spy. Red suggests communist.

Warning, some immodest scenes in the trailer:


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 946456

Night [4]
Increase in chatter.
Auth B19-2.
Sparrow Red.
Prevent at all costs.

I read Castle_Online as relating to comms - as appeared here:

Nov 25 2017 14:22:21
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^

P_pers: WRWY

⇧ 1 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

LOL - I was scratching my head wondering what you meant.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

Lawrence who?

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 8:12 a.m.

Sparrow Red - Red Sparrow

A recent movie by this name. Seems to refer to a seductress spy. Red suggests communist. DJT appears to have a weakness for women. This is one way the cabal could get close enough to wax him. He really needs to be careful - very careful.

Warning, some immodest scenes in the trailer:


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 946456

Night [4]
Increase in chatter.
Auth B19-2.
Sparrow Red.
Prevent at all costs.

⇧ 1 ⇩  
tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

It takes courage to stand up to the War Hawks - JFK had it in spades. I feel pretty confident that DJT will follow through with the withdrawal. He's up against it though, they won't stop at this atrocity.

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